#!/bin/bash if [[ `whoami` != root ]] then echo "You must run this Apertium install script as root, or via sudo!" exit -1 fi CADENCE=release if [[ -x "$(which curl)" ]]; then GET="curl --insecure -sS" elif [[ -x "$(which wget)" ]]; then GET="wget --no-check-certificate -nv -O -" else echo "Neither curl nor wget found - need one of them!" exit -1 fi echo "Cleaning up old install, if any..." rm -fv /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/apertium* /etc/apt/preferences.d/apertium* /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apertium* echo "Determining Debian/Ubuntu codename..." P=`apt-cache policy` P="$P "`lsb_release -c`"/dummy" P="$P "`grep CODENAME /etc/lsb-release`"/dummy" DISTRO="$1" for D in sid buster bullseye bookworm bionic focal jammy kinetic mantic noble kali-rolling do if [[ $P == *$D/* ]] then DISTRO=$D echo "Found evidence of $D..." fi done if [[ $DISTRO == "kali-rolling" ]] then DISTRO=bullseye echo "Assuming kali-rolling = $DISTRO" fi if [[ -z "$DISTRO" ]] then echo "No supported Debian or Ubuntu derivative detected - bailing out..." exit -1 fi echo "Settling for $DISTRO - enabling the Apertium $CADENCE repo..." echo "Installing Apertium GnuPG key to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/apertium.gpg" $GET https://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/apertium-packaging.public.gpg >/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/apertium.gpg echo "Installing package override to /etc/apt/preferences.d/apertium.pref" $GET https://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/apertium.pref >/etc/apt/preferences.d/apertium.pref echo "Creating /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apertium.list" echo "deb http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/$CADENCE $DISTRO main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/apertium.list echo "Running apt-get update..." apt-get -qy update >/dev/null 2>&1 echo "All done - enjoy the packages! If you just want all core tools, do: sudo apt-get install apertium-all-dev"