Al Zaman American forces killed Shaikh Abdullah al Ani the preacher at the mosque in the town of Qaim near the Syrian border This killing of a respected cleric will be causing us trouble for years to come DPA Iraqi authorities announced that they had busted up 3num terrorist cells operating in Baghdad Twonum of them were being run by 2num officials of the Ministry of the Interior The MoI in Iraq is equivalent to the US FBI so this would be like having J. Edgar Hoover unwittingly employ at a high level members of the Weathermen bombers back in the 1960s The third was being run by the head of an investment firm You wonder if he was manipulating the market with his bombing targets The cells were operating in the Ghazaliyah and al Jihad districts of the capital Although the announcement was probably made to show progress in identifying and breaking up terror cells I do n't find the news that the Baathists continue to penetrate the Iraqi government very hopeful It reminds me too much of the ARVN officers who were secretly working for the other side in Vietnam Al Zaman Guerrillas killed a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party after kidnapping him in Mosul The police commander of Ninevah Province announced that bombings had declined 80num percent in Mosul whereas there had been a big jump in the number of kidnappings On Wednesday guerrillas had kidnapped a cosmetic surgeon and his wife while they were on their way home In Suwayrah Kut Province twonum car bombs were discovered before they could be detonated Kut is in southeastern Iraq and has an overwhelmingly Shiite population who are on the lookout for Baathist saboteurs and willingly turn them in This willingness is the main difference in the number of bombings in the south as opposed to the center north of the country In Baghdad Kadhim Talal Husain assistant dean at the School of Education at Mustansiriyah University was assassinated with his driver in the Salikh district Guerrillas killed an engineer Asi Ali from Tikrit They also killed Shaikh Hamid 'Akkab a clan elder of a branch of the Dulaim tribe in Tikrit His mother was also killed in the attack Twonum other Dulaim leaders have been killed in the past week and a half Guerrillas near Hawijah launched an attack that left 6num dead including 4num Iraqi soldiers Onenum of them was from the Jubur tribe and was deputy commander of the Hawijah garrison Twonum hundrednum members of the Batawi clan of the Dulaim demonstrated in Baghdad on Friday protesting the killing of their clan elder Shaikh Kadhim Sarhid and 4num of his sons by gunmen wearing Iraqi army uniforms This is a largely Sunni Arab clan and some Sunni observers have accused Shiite elements in the government of being behind the assassination it is more likely the work of Sunni Arab guerrillas punishing the Batawi leaders for cooperating with the Dec. 15num elections Al Zaman The Iraqi High Electoral Commission on Friday denied a request of the Debaathification Commission to exclude 51num individuals from running on party lists in the Dec. 15num elections on grounds of having been sufficiently involved in Baath activities to warrant their being excluded from civil office The Commission said it had no legal grounds for such an exclusion This item is a small one and easily missed But in my view it is highly significant The Debaathification Commission had been pushed by Ahmad Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress very hard and had pushed many Sunni Arabs into the arms of the guerrillas Chalabi has been increasingly marginalized within Iraq however despite his ties of clientelage with Washington and Tehran He is no longer in the dominant Shiite list the United Iraqi Alliance and wo n't have many seats in the new parliament Some 2,000num junior officers of the old Baath army have been recalled to duty in recent months something Chalabi would have blocked if he could have Now the Electoral Commission is refusing to punish people for mere past Baath Party membership The situation in Iraq is only going to get better this way If someone committed a crime against humanity prosecute the person If he or she did not then they should have all the same rights as other Iraqis Al Sharq al Awsat reports that a key eyewitness in the trial of Saddam Hussein for a 1982num massacre at Dujail has died A team from the court managed to take his deposition before he died The trial begins again Nov. 28num In Baghdad the fighting still continues in several areas mostly in Sadr city and Adhamiya Baghdadis do n't venture much out of their neighbourhoods any more you never know where you might get stuck There has been talk that the night curfew might be implemented again My neighbourhood has been surrounded by American troops for threenum days now helicopters have been circling over our heads non-stop Fedayeen are now visible on the street and they have become bolder than ever Yesterday there were tens of them putting road blocks on our street and setting up mortars they only come out in the open when Americans leave the area then they start firing mortars indiscriminately and shooting their AK 47's in the air They are setting the road blocks at the exact same positions they were during the war last year which indicates they are the same people And there is nothing we can do about it really people who are suggesting that we go out and fight them are living in dream land Even the IP and ICDC have abandoned the neighbourhood and those are trained and armed so do n't expect scared civilians to do anything except to hide inside and pray a helicopter or a tank does n't bomb them and also how are American soldiers going to distinguish the brave and valiant civilians from the Fedayeen Everyone is apprehensive there is some talk that April 9th and 10th are going to be bloody days Most people have n't gone to work the last few days although it seems that the rest of Baghdad is normal if you can define what normal is There are rumours about preparations by slum dwellers for another looting spree against banks governmental and public property similar to the one that took place last April and I have already overheard youngsters in my neighbourhood joking about it and saying things like This time we will be the first to loot we did n't get anything the last time Mosques are calling for donating blood food and medicine for Fallujah and several convoys have already headed out for Fallujah most of them returned later though What irritates me is this sudden false solidarity between Sunni and Shi'ite clerics we all know that they would be glad to get at each other s throats when they have the chance and Shia clerics were describing Fallujan insurgents as Ba'athists Saddamites Wahhabis and terrorists just a few days ago So what happened I guess it 's just the old new Arab Me against my brother me and my brother against my cousin me and my cousin against my enemy or The enemy of my enemy is my friend thing going on again Speaking of Fallujah we have only Al Jazeera to rely on for our news from there They have sent over their top reporter Ahmed Mansour to the town and he is spouting all kinds of propaganda hourly reminding me of Al Sahhaf They are targetting ambulances American snipers are shooting children and pregnant women and They are using cluster bombs against civilians is all you get to hear from him He did once make an unforgivable error when he mentioned that Fallujan militants were shooting at the Marines from the roofs of mosques and houses in Hay Al Golan but of course that is okay for Al Jazeera Someone who called himself Abu Hafs from the Ibn Al Khattab Brigades another new group was on Al Jazeera describing the enormous casualties among the Marines and he sweared that American soldiers were mutilating the bodies of dead insurgents Over 300num Iraqis are reported dead and 500num wounded in Fallujah alone Al Iraqiyah tv said that ICDC were controlling Ramadi Azzaman newspaper mentioned an announcement signed by Abdul Aziz bin Muqrin an Al Qaeda operative in Saudi Arabia on an Islamic website the voice of Jihad in which he stated that although mutilating dead bodies is not originally permitted in Islam but in this case it is allowed if Muslims use it against infidels to deter them from committing criminal actions He added that America does not understand anything except the language of force and retaliation they were kicked out of Somalia in humiliation after that soldier was dragged in Mogadishu for the whole world to see and that the day will come when the dead bodies of Americans and Jews would be dragged defiled and stepped on in the Arabian peninsula together with their agents and supporters Elena 's motorcycle tour through the region around Chernobyl has revived interest in onenum of the most serious nuclear disasters in history We all know what happened but even to this day there are many different versions and opinions on how it happened and what effect Chernobyl will have on the health of people affected by the fallout UPDATE Now you can tour Chernobyl and write your own story This is not a post about fault finding or assigning blame It is a time to learn what happened and how it may affect the future There was a soothing authoritative UNSCEAR United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation report in 2000num on the health effects of Chernobyl confirming that there was no scientific evidence of any significant radiation related health effects to most people exposed This was heavily promoted by the Australasian Radiation Protection Society in a press release titled THE MYTHS OF CHERNOBYL which contained the following Onenum of the most widespread myths of recent times is that the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in 1986num caused many thousands of extra cancer deaths in neighbouring regions and that public health has been severely affected by exposure to radiation Many people still believe that to be true even though the Ministry of Russian Federation on Civil Defence Emergencies and Elimination of Conseguences of Natural Disasters EMERCOM of Russia reported this in 1996num CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT TENnum YEARS ON In the last decade there has been a real and significant increase in childhood and to a certain extent adult carcinoma of the thyroid in contaminated regions of the former Soviet Union Wi940 which should be attributed to the Chernobyl accident until proven otherwise The prestigious IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency published an early report on Chernobyl which was based on information from Russian sources and stated that there was no significant health effects However in April 2001num the IAEA published Fifteen Years after the Chernobyl Accident Lessons learned which contradict the earlier reports Here are some excerpts The dramatic increase in radiation induced thyroid cancers in children and adolescents in Belarus Russia and Ukraine which have been observed since 1991num continues to this day a drop in the birth rate a deterioration in women 's reproductive health an increase in complications during pregnancy and birth and a deterioration in neonatal health The dynamics of change in the state of health of children affected by the Chernobyl accident in all threenum countries Belarus Russia and Ukraine in the post-accident period is characterized by persistent negative tendencies the morbidity rate is going up the number of really healthy children is dropping and disability is increasing As a parent I can well imagine how painful it must be for those families whose children are succumbing to radiation poisoning There is a lot to learn about Chernobyl Being well informed will give you certainty and that is desirable in a world of conflicting reports There are a wealth of references on Chernobyl Read some of the following links and draw your own conclusions These links present the many viewpoints that existed and still exist about the disaster called Chernobyl IAEA Report Lessons learned I would be interested in hearing what conclusions you reached and what you found that was most convincing radiation As a child in the 50's I had a lot of glandular problems and they treated it with radiation therapy primitive at best and stopped when a lesion on my neck started enlarging they said it was not CA but stopped the treatments Remember the old shoe sizing machines that was a form of radiation xray That too was stopped Do n't have to mention what radiation has done and is still doing to Hirsohima & Nagaski folks there can be no doubts about the effects of radiation in Chernobyl The Chernobyl Children 's Project offers several ways to help the children of that region Onenum of them is the Rest and Recuperation Program wherein a child can come to the US for a few weeks in the summer Even a little time spent receiving wholesome uncontaminated food good medical care etc. can add years to their lives S. and I have an acquaintance who has hosted several of these children for many years to see these little ones breaks the heart The urge to protect and gather them all in is almost overwhelming and makes me more grateful for the blessings I have Take care my friend Linda I 'm sorry to say Elena 's story has been revealed to be a fake What do the new al Qaeda videotape and audio speeches of Bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri tell us about the hopes of the remaining top leadership of the organization Because the US and Pakistan have managed to capture or kill about 2num 3s of the top 25num al Qaeda commanders the middle managers are not in close contact with al Zawahiri and Bin Laden The tape was a way to signal priorities These are 1 Assassinate or overthrow Gen. Pervez Musharraf the Pakistani military president who had made a coup in 1999num and has thrown in his lot with the United States against the Taliban and al Qaeda Musharraf has been trying to purge his officer corps of the substantial number of al Qaeda sympathizers His military intelligence has captured major figures like Abu Zubayda and Khalid Shaykh Muhammad as well as nearly 500num other al Qaeda operatives over 400num of whom the Pakistanis have turned over to the US Musharraf held elections in October of 2002num in which center right parties did well but in which nearly 20num percent of parliament seats went to the fundamentalist religious party coalition MMA MMA also captured the Northwest Frontier Province which probably shelters Bin Laden and al Zawahiri and is in a joint government of Baluchistan Province also on the Afghanistan border If al Qaeda can kill Musharraf or instigate a military coup against him by Islamist junior officers they can hope to catapult the MMA to power as political allies and hosts They would thereby gain control of a major base for terrorist operations which is also a nuclear power All this is highly unlikely as with most al Qaeda crackpot schemes But so was it unlikely that a small group of Arab mujahidin would virtually take over Afghanistan Response The US must do whatever it can to strengthen the legitimacy of the Pakistani government On the onenum hand it should pressure Musharraf to take off his uniform and run for president in a fair election and to repeal the contentious Legal Framework Order that essentially perpetuates his dictatorship On the other restrictions should be lifted on the mainstream Muslim League N and Pakistan People 's Party who can defeat the MMA in fair elections if not hogtied by the secret police On the other hand the US should strong arm India and Pakistan into a final settlement of the Kashmir issue Al Zawahiri attempted to use Musharraf 's lack of progress in helping the Muslims of that Indian state as a justification for his overthrow The Kashmir issue generates far more terrorism and even the threat of nuclear war than Iraq ever did 2 Target Israel and encourage the worst elements of the Palestinians by playing on the iron fist policies of the Sharon government Response The US has succeeded in politically isolating Hamas and started the process of cutting off its funding This terrorist organization can now only pull off far less sophisticated bombings and attacks It should continue to be defanged But Sharon 's iron fist is simply not working as a means of establishing general peace and the Bush administration will have to finally apply effective pressure on Sharon to stop his outrages in and colonization of the West Bank and Gaza Sharon 's hard line has worked in tandem with Hamas 's terrorism to ratchet up tensions further and further which spill over into the Muslim world and serve as a recruiting tool for al Qaeda in its search for agents willing to hit the United States Israel owes the United States at least this much in this crisis to cease militarily unnecessary provocations and establish genuine peace 3 Make Iraq another Afghanistan using the Republican Right 's own tactics against them Response Iraq is actually hostile territory for al Qaeda and without Iraqi sympathizers it can not succeed there By moving quickly to Iraqi sovereignty and improvement of Iraqi lives the US may be able to get Iraqis on its side so that they turn in the foreigners Certainly the Shiites already hate al Qaeda and would help likewise the Kurds The problem of mollifying the Sunnis though has to be solved to avoid giving al Qaeda an entree The Americans have to put away their free market fetishism for a while and find ways of creating jobs and pumping money into Iraqi households We need an FDR in Iraq not a Ronald Reagan Of course the sooner the US soldiers can be withdrawn in favor of less provocative local or international forces the better Getting the Spanish out of Iraq is n't nearly as good a rallying cry for al Qaeda in the Arab world as getting the Americans and British out The thing to keep in mind is that Sunni Arab nationalists and Baathists and local Sunni radicals are likely to remain far more dangerous to the US in Iraq than al Qaeda infiltrators and it would be dangerous to take one 's eyes off the former ball George W. Bush alleged Thursday that John Edwards lacks the experience necessary to be president The problem with this argument is that Bush lacked the experience necessary to be president when he ran in 2000num so this sort of cheap shot just hoists him by his own petard Let 's just remember a seminal Bush moment in 1999num Bush fails reporter 's pop quiz on international leaders November 5num 1999num Web posted at 3:29num p.m. EST 2029num GMT WASHINGTON CNN Texas Gov. George W. Bush is enduring sharp criticism for being unable to name the leaders of fournum current world hot spots but President Bill Clinton says Bush should and probably will pick up those names The front runner for the 2000num Republican presidential nomination faltered Thursday in an international affairs pop quiz posed by Andy Hiller a political reporter for WHDH TV in Boston Bush Hiller asked Bush to name the leaders of Chechnya Taiwan India and Pakistan Bush was only able to give a partial response to the query on the leader of Taiwan referring to Taiwanese President Lee Teng hui simply as Lee He could not name the others Can you name the general who is in charge of Pakistan Hiller asked inquiring about Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf who seized control of the country October 12num Wait wait is this 50num questions asked Bush Hiller replied No it 's fournum questions of fournum leaders in fournum hot spots Bush in answering the question about the leader of Pakistan also said The new Pakistani general he 's just been elected not elected this guy took over office It appears this guy is going to bring stability to the country and I think that 's good news for the subcontinent Gore released a statement Friday taking Bush to task for his comments on Pakistan 's recent coup I find it troubling that a candidate for president in our country the world 's oldest democracy would characterize the military takeover as good news Gore said Further I find it even more disturbing that he made these comments about a nation that just last year tested nuclear weapons shortly after voicing his public opposition to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty A spokesman for President Clinton also criticized Bush 's comments It is very dangerous for this country to condone the overthrow of democratically elected governments said David Leavy spokesman for the National Security Council Not only did Bush not know who General Pervez Musharraf was he seems to have confused coup making with taking office and moreover went on to suggest that the overthrow of an elected prime minister and the installation in power of the Pakistan military then the world 's strongest supporter of the Taliban would bring stability Musharraf made his coup in part because of the military 's anger over Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif 's willingness to back down from confronting India over Kashmir so that he explicitly came to power as a warmonger I ca n't tell you how ominous I found Bush 's performance in that interview I still remember him stuttering about the General unable to remember Musharraf 's name He obviously had no idea what he was talking about though he demonstrated a number of ill fated instincts He obviously liked authoritarian rule better than democracy equating dictatorship with stability And he did n't think he needed to know anything about South Asia with its nuclear giants and radical religious politics the latter a dire security threat to the US He could n't tell when things were becoming more unstable as opposed to less Musharraf went on to play nuclear brinkmanship with India in 2002num risking war twice that year Although Musharraf did turn against the Taliban after September 11num under extreme duress from the US elements of his military continued to support radical Islamism and have recently been implicated in assassination attempts on Musharraf himself This was the body that Bush proclaimed was bringing stability to the region in fall of 1999num So onenum answer to Bush 's charge about Edwards is that if it had any merit Bush should have declined to run himself Another answer is that Edwards certainly knows far more about foreign affairs now than Bush did then Indeed given how Bush has rampaged around the world alienating allies and ignoring vital conflicts with the potential to blow back on the US one might well argue that Edwards knows more now than Bush does This is what Edwards ' campaign literature said about his positions Edwards believes that the U.S. must be an active leader to help resolve conflicts from reducing tensions between India and Pakistan to the peace process in Northern Ireland Edwards is a strong supporter of Israel and believes that the U.S. has a vital role in promoting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians I do n't see Bush doing any of this From Friday 's Daily Star By Juan Cole Friday June 04num 2004num As the American public gradually wearies of the Iraq crisis some have begun worrying that the war could blow back on the US by creating the conditions for anti-American terrorism Israel however is much closer to Iraq and is likely to suffer from Iraqi instability much more acutely than will the United States Ironically among the strongest proponents of war in Iraq were Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his neoconservative supporters in the US Have they however actually weakened Israeli security The biggest threat Israel faces is not from conventional armies but from the asymmetrical tactics of Palestinian national liberation movements The derailing of the Oslo peace process by the hard line policies of Sharon and the Palestinian intifada has encouraged suicide bombings This in turn has discouraged international investment in Israel and has made it less likely that immigrants to the country will actually remain there Although Israel withdrew from Lebanese territory in May 2000num the radical Lebanese Shiite party Hizbullah has not been mollified It is estimated to have some 5,000num armed fighters and they have pursued attacks against Israeli forces to compel them to withdraw from the Shebaa Farms a sliver of Syrian territory that Israel annexed after the 1967num war Any thorough assessment of the impact of the Iraq war and its aftermath on Israel 's security environment must therefore closely examine its likely effect on the conduct of asymmetrical warfare Although it is often alleged without much evidence that Saddam Hussein gave money to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers and so encouraged asymmetrical warfare it is not clear that he actually posed a danger to Israel The Palestinians who have been willing to kill themselves to end the Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were not driven by economic considerations Saddam never did anything practical to help the Palestinians At some points as in the late 1980s he reportedly made behind the scenes overtures to the Israelis to arrive at some sort of a deal He did not allow Palestinian radicals to launch operations against Israel from Iraq By the late 1990s Iraq had no nuclear or biological weapons program and had destroyed its chemical weapons stockpiles Its ramshackle army had virtually collapsed before the American invasion in 2003num If it is hard to see how Baathist Iraq posed any real threat to Israel it is not so difficult to see a menace in the current instability The bungling of post-war Iraq by the Bush administration created a weak and failed state Armed militias many staffed by former Iraqi military men with substantial training and experience have proliferated The US chose to ally itself with such groups as the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq whose 15,000num strong Badr Corps paramilitary was trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian feeling is strong among several major Iraqi ideological groups and currents The more radical Shiites who generally follow the theocratic notions of Iran 's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini routinely chant and demonstrate against Israel They vehemently protested the Israeli assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin the leader of Hamas last March Worse for Israel the assassination drew a denunciation even from the moderate and cautious Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani who wields enormous moral authority over Iraqi Shiites These Shiite movements had been suppressed by Saddam Hussein 's regime but have now organized and armed themselves They have also reestablished their historical links with Lebanese and Iranian Shiites It is inevitable that most Iraqi Shiites will side with their Hizbullah coreligionists against Israel and it seems likely that Iraqi Shiites will get rich enough from Iraqi petroleum sales in the future that they will be in a good position to bankroll Lebanese Shiite radicals Sunni Arab fundamentalists deeply sympathize with the Palestinians and with Hamas and those in Iraq have deep historical inks with fundamentalists in Jordan and Palestine Iraqi cities such as Fallujah and Ramadi were on the truck route from Amman to Baghdad and so came under the influence of the Salafi movement which is popular in Jordan Secular Arab nationalist groups also universally sympathize with the Palestinians and those in post-Saddam Iraq are no exception Whereas Saddam Hussein 's dictatorship ensured that such populist currents were kept firmly under control they are now free to organize An Iraq in which armed fundamentalist and nationalist militias proliferate is inevitably a security worry for Israel If even a modicum of normality and security can be returned to Iraq its citizens will be able to benefit from the country 's petroleum reserves That private wealth can easily be funneled into aid for the Palestinians and for Lebanese Shiites Israel 's security interests are best served by peace with its neighbors which can only be achieved by trading land for peace with the Palestinians Ariel Sharon 's aggressive near annexation of almost half of the occupied West Bank and his indefinite postponement of any Palestinian state have created unprecedented rage and violence The anger has spread throughout the Muslim world including Iraq The promotion by the pro-Zionist right of twin occupations in the West Bank and in Iraq has profoundly weakened not strengthened Israeli security Juan Cole is a professor of modern Middle East history at the University of Michigan and author of Sacred Space and Holy War I.B. Tauris 2002num THE DAILY STAR publishes this commentary in agreement with Agence Global Tamils feel that the proposed defense agreement between India and Sri Lanka would encourage Sinhala rulers to prepare for another war abandoning the current peace process But there are strong hints in the country that a new Indo Sri Lanka defense deal could be in the making And this has already drawn protests from the Tamil National Alliance TNA which was backed by the LTTE in the April general elections held in Sri Lanka Apart from the 1,200num Indian lives lost in 1987num the Indian peacekeeping force was immensely unpopular not only in Tamil Nadu and the Jaffna peninsula but also among the Sinhalese majority who considered it a violation of their country 's sovereignty India defensive over Sri Lanka By Ranjit Devraj NEW DELHI While India is ready to enter into a defense cooperation agreement with Sri Lanka it is wary of being drawn into any military involvement in the island nation 's twonum decades old civil war that has seen violent strife between ethnic Tamils and the Sinhalese majority leaving over 60,000num dead on both sides And that explains the delay in the signing of a formal defense agreement that was at the heart of Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga 's fournum day visit to India recently According to Professor S D Muni South Asia expert at the Jawaharal Nehru University the twonum year peace talks between Colombo and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE are stalemated For that reason he said Kumaratunga 's government was keen to beef up military preparedness with Indian support The Sri Lankan government does not want to initiate a conflict but would be interested in deterring the LTTE from starting onenum And the Tigers look as if they are on the brink of launching another offensive Muni told IPS Colombo held sixnum rounds of talks with the Tigers between September 2002num and March 2003num But last April the rebels abruptly pulled out of negotiations demanding recognition first for the right to self rule before proceeding any further Kumaratunga 's India tour preceded a threenum day visit to Sri Lanka by Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen in a new bid to revive the peace talks that were supposed to follow a ceasefire that Oslo successfully brokered in February 2002num Petersen held discussions with both Kumaratunga and the reclusive LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran in the rebel stronghold of Kilinochchi without success and chief Tamil rebel negotiator Anton Balasingham and Norwegian envoy Erik Solheim held closed door talks at the international airport late Saturday in an effort to keep the salvage effort on track diplomatic sources said But they too failed Colombo too seems to be in an intractable position According to former Indian army general A S Kalkat the difficulty for Kumaratunga 's government lay in the fact that the LTTE had become a de jure power in the north and east of the island and was running every aspect of civil administration in the areas within its control A veteran of India 's military intervention in the Jaffna peninsula to help implement the 1987num Indo Sri Lanka Peace Accord which ambitiously provided for the disarming of the formidable LTTE Kalkat said the new defense deal would essentially be a reiteration of the older one minus its military commitment Kalkat who currently chairs the independent US based International Council on Conflict Resolution said despite the failure of the Indian army to disarm or even subdue the Tigers India remained the only power capable of influencing the course of the current peace talks The Norwegians mean well but their role is limited to that of honest broker and the LTTE is keenly aware that they do not have the power unlike India to underwrite any arrangement Kalkat told IPS in an interview In 1987num the Tamil Tigers reluctantly accepted the peace accord under Indian pressure Under the accord a new northeastern provincial council was formed and the Indian army was deployed as peacekeepers in the north and east However differences between India and LTTE soon surfaced and led to clashes between Tiger guerrillas and the Indian peace keeping force About 1,200num Indian soldiers were killed during this phase of the conflict India had to pull back its forces from Sri Lanka in 1989num following the election of Ranasinghe Premadasa a strong critic of Indian mediation Last June an international initiative led by Japan to persuade the LTTE to come back to the negotiating table failed despite an aid package offer of US$ 4.5num billionnum Japan 's special envoy Yasushi Akashi who called for tangible progress in the peace process before the money would be released came back from visits to Colombo and Kilinochchi in early November a frustrated man He complained about the visible lack of progress and reaching an impasse in talks with both sides The Tigers ' chief ideologue Balasingham sniffed at the proposal saying that a solution to the ethnic conflict can not be predetermined by the resolutions or declarations of donor conferences but has to be negotiated by the parties in conflict without the constraints of external forces But there are strong hints in the country that a new Indo Sri Lanka defense deal could be in the making And this has already drawn protests from the Tamil National Alliance TNA which was backed by the LTTE in the April general elections held in Sri Lanka Tamils feel that the proposed defense agreement between India and Sri Lanka would encourage Sinhala rulers to prepare for another war abandoning the current peace process TNA member of parliament P Sithamparanathan was quoted as saying in a statement She added that recent visits to the island by India 's top military brass including army chief General Nirmal Chander Vij have caused apprehension among Tamils that preparations are under way for another war in the island But Kalkat pointed out that India would be ill advised to be involved again militarily with Sri Lanka if only because it still had to consider the sentiments of 45num millionnum ethnic Tamils in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu separated from Sri Lanka 's Jaffna peninsula by the narrow Palk Straits Apart from the 1,200num Indian lives lost in 1987num the Indian peacekeeping force was immensely unpopular not only in Tamil Nadu and the Jaffna peninsula but also among the Sinhalese majority who considered it a violation of their country 's sovereignty The best option now under the present difficult circumstances is for Colombo to do its own dirty work although New Delhi can always be counted on to render good neighborly help because of the shared belief that religion ethnicity and language can not be the basis for secession In any case Kalkat puts it succinctly There can not be a military option to what is a political situation Asia Times Online 16/11/2004num Unreported by the international media the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded Over ninenum dozen temples that had served the Hindu population have been destroyed with some used as building material and others as urinals Thus far none of the many human rights busybodies across the world have bothered to even notice such a development Musharraf calls the bluff M.D. Nalapat While most U.S. secretaries of state save perhaps Dean Rusk have gobbled up credit for outcomes that they had little to do with few have been as brazen as Colin Powell Twonum years ago Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was surprised when the leader of the main Islamist alliance Maulana Fazlur Rahman visited India and issued a series of highly conciliatory statements As Pakistan 's president had been telling the United States he was forced into taking a hawkish line on India precisely by the likes of Rahman this was an embarrassment The reality is that India is no longer the enemy of choice for the people of Pakistan That distinction has now gone to the United States Realists and this even includes members of the U.S. Democratic foreign policy establishment such as Strobe Talbott who have long sought to divest India of its defensive capability against another nuclear power in Asia understand the only feasible solution for Kashmir is the acceptance of the status quo India keeps what it has while Pakistan and China which was gifted a slice of the territory threenum decades ago do likewise Simultaneously New Delhi would ensure a degree of autonomy for the state that would help cut popular support off from jihadis attempting to convert Kashmir into a second Afghanistan Bill Clinton understood this at the end of his term in office yet under Colin Powell who appears to have an affinity for generals active in politics the pendulum of U.S. policy has once again swung toward a quixotic effort to prize at least the Valley of Kashmir loose from India This Pakistan 's lobbyist in Washington Christina Rocca has been told is the minimum that the Pakistan army will accept It is also far more than what any administration in New Delhi can deliver This writer has for years regarded the best solution to the Kashmir problem as being the trifurcation of the Indian part of the state into a Hindu majority Jammu a Buddhist dominated Ladakh and the overwhelmingly Muslim Kashmir Valley with the third state given little of taxpayers ' money but substantial autonomy With luck the Kashmir Valley can attract investment from the Middle East and other locations where Muslims are dominant and become a tourist education and services haven within India The overwhelming majority of Muslims in Kashmir would be happy with such an outcome except for the tiny jihadi segment patronized by the U.S. State Department and the Pakistan Army which would like to even the score with India for their catastrophic defeat in Bangladesh in 1971num Unreported by the international media the Valley of Kashmir has seen an ethnic and cultural genocide that has resulted in the fleeing from the valley of almost all the Hindu families who have been living there since human habitation was first recorded Over ninenum dozen temples that had served the Hindu population have been destroyed with some used as building material and others as urinals Thus far none of the many human rights busybodies across the world have bothered to even notice such a development Indeed their reports are filled with tales of the atrocities of Indian troops on the innocent jihadis Despite Sept. 11num the United States still supports the Kashmir groups that back jihad as part of the price Washington is paying to keep Pervez Musharraf happy Unfortunately for them the general has decided to take seriously Colin Powell 's frequent boasts that it was on his nudging that the Indians made conciliatory gestures toward Islamabad The U.S. State Department and the misnamed think tanks that follow its lead have held numerous conferences on Kashmir and in most of them the solution that has emerged is a valley prized loose from Indian control and under its own version of Ibrahim Rugova That India is not Yugoslavia and that the foreigner led Indian National Congress can least afford to ignore Indian nationalism has not struck the conferees among whom have been several Indian scholars and analysts ready to say and endorse anything for the sake of a free trip to New York or Vienna Despite many wrinkles India remains a part democracy and merely signing on to a piece of paper that calls for an independent Kashmir does not get you into the trouble that writing an op ed piece against Sonia Gandhi or Atal Behari Vajpayee would instantly It was the business community in India that stepped in after Vajpayee indulged in an empty bout of saber rattling in 2002num pointing out that the only beneficiary of the mythical perception that war especially nuclear war was around the corner in the subcontinent was China The reason for this is that India is emerging as an alternative investment destination to China hence the favor that the generals in Islamabad do to their trusty supplier of nukes and missiles by creating a scare about war involving India when in fact the real flashpoints are the Taiwan Straits and North Korea Since then India has talked peace while always signaling that only the status quo would be acceptable as a final settlement a line of action that is followed in the case of disputes with China as well Unfortunately for those eager to indefinitely carry on with the lucrative business of conflict resolution in South Asia Pervez Musharraf has now called Colin Powell 's bluff challenging him to deliver on his frequent statements implying that the Indians jump to his commands Once the Manmohan Singh government shows that it has little appetite for suicide Musharraf will face the moment of truth accept the inevitable or once again ramp up the insurgency and spawn a fresh lot of killers that can hit not merely Mumbai and New Delhi but London and Chicago as well The onenum country that has shown that it understands the realities in South Asia is China Under President Hu Jintao Beijing has opened out to New Delhi and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao is expected to visit early next year making friends by formally accepting Sikkim as part of India and backing India as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council thus leaving Washington as the only one of the permanent fivenum that has not yet done so With Colin Powell around the U.S. has no need of an Osama bin Laden M.D. Nalapat an expert on jihad is professor of geopolitics at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education India Washington Times 28/10/2004num Ok We all know that John Kerry served in Vietnam Fournum whole months after which he took advantage of a little known little invoked regulation that allowed him to desert his band of brothers We also know how Dan Rather libeled George Bush and impugned his service in the Texas Air National Guard on a 60num Minutes IInum report based largely on forged documents During his time in the Guard George Bush flew the F 102num Delta Dagger fighter interceptor The F 102num saw service in the Vietnam theater between March 1962num and December 1969num During this time F 102num squadrons were based out of Tan Son Nhut Da Nang and Bien Hoa in Vietnam and Udorn and Don Muang in Thailand Click here for source As far as George Bush knew he and his unit could have been transferred to Vietnam In all this so called controversy has anyone considered that perhaps George Bush just wanted to fly jets And let 's remember flying supersonic fighter jets is dangerous They do n't let just anybody do it Some reporters you know the ones with journalistic ethics have actually uncovered the truth about George Bush 's service in the Texas Air National Guard For example did you know that George Bush spent considerably more time in uniform than John Kerry What follows is the text of an e-mail sent to me by a friend of mine thanks to Dave Manzano Read on to learn the facts Bush 's National Guard years Before you fall for Dems ' spin here are the facts What do you really know about George W. Bush 's time in the Air National Guard That he did n't show up for duty in Alabama That he missed a physical That his daddy got him in News coverage of the president 's years in the Guard has tended to focus on onenum brief portion of that time to the exclusion of virtually everything else So just for the record here in full is what Bush did The future president joined the Guard in May 1968num Almost immediately he began an extended period of training Sixnum weeks of basic training Fiftynum threenum weeks of flight training Twentynum onenum weeks of fighter interceptor training That was 80num weeks to begin with and there were other training periods thrown in as well It was full time work By the time it was over Bush had served nearly twonum years Not twonum years of weekends Twonum years After training Bush kept flying racking up hundreds of hours in F 102num jets As he did he accumulated points toward his National Guard service requirements At the time guardsmen were required to accumulate a minimum of 50num points to meet their yearly obligation According to records released earlier this year Bush earned 253num points in his first year May 1968num to May 1969num since he joined in May 1968num his service thereafter was measured on a May to May basis Bush earned 340num points in 1969num - 1970num In other words Bush earned enough points to satisfy the requirements for his entire sixnum year hitch in 1969num - 1970num alone acd He earned 137num points in 1970num - 1971num And he earned 112num points in 1971num - 1972num The numbers indicate that in his first fournum years Bush not only showed up he showed up a lot Did you know that That brings the story to May 1972num the time that has been the focus of so many news reports when Bush deserted according to anti-Bush filmmaker Michael Moore or went AWOL according to Terry McAuliffe chairman of the Democratic National Committee Bush asked for permission to go to Alabama to work on a Senate campaign His superior officers said OK Requests like that were n't unusual says retired Col. William Campenni who flew with Bush in 1970num and 1971num In 1972num there was an enormous glut of pilots Campenni says The Vietnam War was winding down and the Air Force was putting pilots in desk jobs In '72num or '73num if you were a pilot active or Guard and you had an obligation and wanted to get out no problem In fact you were helping them solve their problem So Bush stopped flying From May 1972num to May 1973num he earned just 56num points not much but enough to meet his requirement Then in 1973num as Bush made plans to leave the Guard and go to Harvard Business School he again started showing up frequently In June and July of 1973num he accumulated 56num points enough to meet the minimum requirement for the 1973num - 1974num year Then at his request he was given permission to go Bush received an honorable discharge after serving fivenum years fournum months and fivenum days of his original sixnum year commitment By that time however he had accumulated enough points in each year to cover sixnum years of service During his service Bush received high marks as a pilot A 1970num evaluation said Bush clearly stands out as a top notch fighter interceptor pilot and was a natural leader whom his contemporaries look to for leadership A 1971num evaluation called Bush an exceptionally fine young officer and pilot who continually flies intercept missions with the unit to increase his proficiency even further And a 1972num evaluation called Bush an exceptional fighter interceptor pilot and officer Now it is only natural that news reports questioning Bush 's service in The Boston Globe and The New York Times on CBS and in other outlets would come out now Democrats are spitting mad over attacks on John Kerry 's record by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth And as it is with Kerry it 's reasonable to look at a candidate 's entire record including his military service or lack of it Voters are perfectly able to decide whether it 's important or not in November The Kerry camp blames Bush for the Swift boat veterans ' attack but anyone who has spent much time talking to the Swifties gets the sense that they are doing it entirely for their own reasons And it should be noted in passing that Kerry has personally questioned Bush 's service while Bush has not personally questioned Kerry 's In April before the Swift boat veterans had said a word Kerry said Bush has yet to explain to America whether or not and tell the truth about whether he showed up for duty Earlier Kerry said Just because you get an honorable discharge does not in fact answer that question Now after the Swift boat episode the spotlight has returned to Bush That 's fine We should know as much as we can And perhaps someday Kerry will release more of his military records as well Byron York is a White House correspondent for National Review His column appears in The Hill each week Onenum week to elections day and the general atmosphere in the capital is eerie yet strikingly familiar I suspect the streets of Baghdad will look as if a war is looming this week There is no doubt that many Iraqis regard the date of 30num January as a day of renewed hope onenum they have been awaiting all their lives but at the same time many others are already dreading it The interim government has promised security measures that would reduce the violence on the day of elections but I fail to see how they will be able to protect all 5,000num or so balloting centres Many voting centres have already been successfully attacked or destroyed in many areas Now that the picture is clear the twonum main competing lists seem to be the United Iraqi Coalition list and Allawi 's Al Iraqiya list Ayad Allawi and other ministers running on his list have quite expectedly used their governmental positions in campaigning Onenum minister reportedly handed out 100num dollar gifts to journalists attending a press conference for Allawi a practice that brings back bad memories to many Iraqis Sheikh Naji Al Abbudi a spokesman for Sistani affirmed the claims that the Grand Ayatollah is backing the United Iraqi Coalition list Indeed Sistani 's agents all over the country have been quite active in educating Iraqi Shia on the merits of elections which has led to the assassination of at least twonum of them Al Abbudi stated that His Emminence decided to openly support the list because others obviously a reference to Allawi have been abusing official state positions and media outlets in their campaigning Again there is no official written statement from Sistani 's office confirming this allegation which I think is intentional Ahmed Al Chalabi and defense minister Hazim Al Sha'lan have been engaging in shrill public attacks over the media Chalabi describing Sha'lan as a Ba'athist and a former double agent for Saddam and the CIA while Sha'lan dismisses Chalabi as a thief and an Iranian stooge who longs for his own origins by defending Iran Onenum remark made by Sha'lan on Al Arabiya TV that he could n't say more about Chalabi because he would embarrass himself and the viewers almost made me roll on the floor It was an extremely amusing episode watching Chalabi looking smug and amused contrasted with Sha'lan all serious and barely keeping himself from swearing Fistfights please Hazim Al Sha'lan by the way is the son of the late Sheikh of Al Khaza'il in Diwaniya and has the potential to replace former information minister M.S. Al Sahaf in his nonsensical media statements which can be passed as jokes The main Kurdish coalition list PUK and KDP is barely mentioned outside the Kurdish region Even there many Kurds look and act as if they are going to grab the chance to vote them out of power I doubt that will be the outcome though Many Iraqis including conservative and religious Iraqis are surprisingly rooting for the Iraqi Communist party probably in an attempt to counter the influence of Islamists in the forthcoming National Assembly The Communist party has the largest number of registered party members in the country and can be considered as the oldest popular political party in Iraq Its support base is much larger than what it seems Several candidates were assassinated and targeted these last twonum weeks others have been forced under threats to withdraw and to follow the example of the Islamic party Sectarian tensions are at their highest since April 2004num with Sunni insurgents now openly attacking Husseiniyas and Shia mosques I had an interesting conversation with a middle aged taxi driver who used to live in Fallujah and is now at relatives in Amiriya Baghdad After asking me which tribe I belong to thus assessing my sectarian background he started hurling abuses at the Shia calling them Persians Majoos fire worshippers rabid dogs and a handful of other descriptions that I ca n't mention here He described Allawi 's face as that of a f*ed horse and he dismissed the whole government as a band of thieves and traitors I did n't argue with him but I asked him what he believed would be a viable solution to this mess He said that resistance was the only commonsense solution First driving out the Americans then fighting the Shia back into submission as in 1991num Sunni Iraqis contend that elections are impossible to hold under occupation Leaving aside the fact that this views conflicts with other historical examples in the region Sunnis have never offered an alternative choice which eventually leads one to guess that the opinion held by the Fallujan taxi driver above is precisely what they are planning to implement I had another conversation some months ago with a retired Ba'athist old timer who claimed that Ba'athists have the means to stage a third coup d'etat and return to power within 10num hours of an American withdrawal On sensing my incredulity to his statement he asserted that Ba'athist cells exist in all parts of the country and that they do have a central command even though many have formed seperate cells often under Islamic labels with their own leaderships He said that they have the training and the funding as well as the support of neighbouring and regional governments I concur that Ba'athists and former security forces are capable of immediately controlling at least 5num out of 18num governorates along with the capital if Americans are to be removed from the picture entirely But I also see that as a fatal misconception which is doing Sunnis harm because I do n't believe the US is going anywhere so soon Any government that assumes power after the elections also realises this so not even Sistani is going to call the US to withdraw its troops despite what he is saying now not until they are ensured the insurgency is out of the picture or that they have an alternative foreign power in this case Iran to back them up The only hope now is that following the elections the National Assembly would offer the hand of peace and reconciliation to the dissenting parties I would suggest going for tribal Sheikhs rather than clerics since they have the upper hand in their areas and can effectively root out any Ba'athists in their midst in return for a promise of sharing power and authority Many of these Sheikhs have been disenfranchised and abused over the last twonum years Very recently US forces in Al Anbar made a terrible blunder by accidentally killing Abdul Razaq Inad Al Gu'ud Sheikh of the Al Bu Nimr clan from the powerful Dulaym tribe Al Gu'ud had favoured elections and was in good terms with the government The Gu'ud family even accepted to be offered the seat of Al Anbar governor some months back The Al Bu Nimr in Ramadi and Al Qaim rose in arms against Saddam in the mid-nineties following the execution of Thamir Madhlum Al Dulaymi an Air Force general belonging to their tribe The revolt took twonum weeks to be suppressed by the Republican Guard Another bad step was the recent arrest of Sheikh Hassan Al Lihabi of the Lihaib tribe which is scattered between the governorates of Al Anbar Mosul and Salah Al Din Al Lihaibi was running in elections and is now said to have withdrawn following this incident I believe national reconciliation to be the only path forward to a new Iraq The Shia can not live without the Sunnis and vice versa Both have shared this country for the last 14num centuries and there is no possible way that onenum can live without the other Even partition is not a possibility there are no clear borders between the twonum Remember Luis Posada Carriles Here 's a Miami Herald interview with the relaxed terrorist and former CIA operative in a luxury condo published yesterday At first I hid a lot I thought the US government was looking for me Now I hide a lot less Because of such talk Posada has been taken into custody by Immigration officials I ca n't imagine they wanted to do this Authorities would likely have been happy answering questions about Posada 's whereabouts with an indefinite shrug As recently as last week the official line stated they had no knowledge he had entered the country But comfortable among the thugs Posada overplayed his hand and embarrassed his old patron the US government And though he 'd been a faithful servant he was not such a player that he could get away with that He should have taken a cue from another bomber some pesky dark skinned foreigners want extradited CIA operative Michael Meiring Posada should have told any inquisitive journalist at his doorstep something like Meiring told the single American reporter who bothered following his bloody trail from the Philippines that If this harms me in any way you will find my power then and you 'll find out who I am But then maybe that would n't have saved him either because Posada is not Meiring Posada can be given up but Meiring ca n't Meiring 's crimes are fresh and wave the false flag which is the War on Terror They happened in the Philippines which like Pakistan is an important and vulnerable node for the business which intelligence agencies and terrorist organizations conduct with each other Ask Terry Nichols about the Philippines The bombings implicated Muslims and exacerbated regional tensions which the Bush regime and its friends wearing the brass in the Philippine military sought to exploit Posada 's crimes on the other hand must seem like ancient history especially to a people who do n't know their history And to those who do n't even know their crimes not even that But will Posada be given up I doubt he will be extradited to Venezuela which is the only way that question could be answered with a Yes I expect it will be determined that under Strong Man Hugo Chavez Posada could not be guaranteed a fair trial The hope may be that Posada can soon be offered to a post-Chavez Allawi like puppet in Caracas Whether such an offer were accepted or declined would make no difference justice would not be served then But Posada 's nearly 80num years old and the Venezuelan people will ensure that 's a vain hope So instead Posada may be held indefinitely in comfortable custody An embarrassment to the US still just not as embarrassing as having the old killer strut about Miami gloating in his freedom Meiring is more than an embarrassment His case threatens the consensus fiction of the War on Terror So his name will remain unspoken Another connection to Philippine terror and weapons smuggling dating from the 1980s is alleged in the book Disposable Patriot by Jack Terrell Terrell a CIA asset originally recruited for the Contra effort identifies the man attempting to recruit him into the Philippine scheme as Oliver North I seem to recall the object was to smuggle explosives I 've read the book it 's a first person memoir with the ring of truth especially since so much of the wider context has confirmed the allegations of Contra drug connections that led to Terrell becoming a target for discrediting by the TWIG counterintelligence group that ran interference for the Contra effort staffed by covert ops types including Ollie North Robert Owen Vince Cannistaro and Buck Revell Peter Dale Scott includes an account of how Terrell 's whistleblowing was stifled by them in his book Cocaine Politics same ole same ole Due to the Judge in the 1983num case ruling that a CIA agent could not testify using a pseudonym therefore opening him to cross-examination by Wilson the prosecution had a problem They needed someone that could convince the jury they had been able to see all relevant documents in CIA files on Wilson Wilson was claiming that he had been working for the CIA when he sold the C 4num to Quaddaffi The prosecution was charging he was a rogue using his contacts from former service in both CIA and the Office of Naval Intelligence Wilson had been able to show that he 'd had more than 80num non-social contacts with the CIA since his retirement in 1971num leaving the prosecution 's case in turmoil Then Charles A. Briggs came to the rescue Third ranking CIA officer Briggs signed a declaration on February 3rd 1983num that on November 8th 1982num he had authorized a search of CIA records for any material that in any way pertains to Edwin P. Wilson or the various allegations concerning his activities after February 28th 1971num when he retired from the CIA The Briggs Declaration states that with onenum exception in 1972num Wilson did not work directly or indirectly for the CIA since retiring Last week Federal District Judge Lynn Hughes in Huston Texas threw out Wilson 's twonum decades old conviction Judge Hughes wrote government knowingly used false evidence against him concluding honesty comes hard to government looks like it is rearing its head again in Louisianna Former Pastor Deputy Implicated In Church Child Sex Abuse PONCHATOULA La. Sheriff 's deputies in Louisiana made a third arrest Wednesday in the ongoing investigation of a case involving allegations of sexual abuse of children and animals at a Ponchatoula La. church Austin Aaron Bernard III 36num was arrested on a charge of aggravated rape of a child under the age of 13num Police said Bernard confessed to detectives that he had sex with a young girl in November 2002num and admitted to knowing about sexual acts involving children and a dog that occurred at Hosanna Church Tangipahoa Parish sheriff 's deputy Christopher Blair Labat 24num was booked Tuesday on onenum count of aggravated rape and onenum count of crime against nature On Monday Louis Lamonica 45num the former pastor of Hosanna Church was booked with twonum counts of aggravated rape and onenum count of crime against nature after he walked in to the Livingston Parish Sheriff 's Office and said he could implicate others in a situation at the church that reportedly occurred twonum years ago We have a similar case unravelling up here in the northwest with a murder of a family and missing children taken for some purpose If I was Rummy I 'd send Posada to Iraq to blow things up there yeah things Yesterday evening the Posada story was featured in the public television news show in Germany ARD Tagesthemen The newly released papers showing him complicit in the airliner bombing were mentioned gandalf Now that 's a post I can relate to You really got me thinking I enjoy reading this blog I do n't know how others feel but I 'm definitely looking into immigration to Canada as an option The good A3l US of A ai nt what it used to be I like yuor blog Please check out my who let the dog out blog hey that 's a great blog I also have a site about los angeles online dating you can check it out los angeles online dating This is a excellent blog Keep it going This may be of interest to you I have a free online dating service It pretty much covers dating stuff I 'll be sure to come back Hey I just love your blog I also have a dating advice blog / site I mostly deals with dating advice Please come and check it out if you get the time I was searching for dog food info and found this post I agree totally Paul How Would You Like To Know How YOU Can Live In A Beautiful NEW House That Is Custom Designed To YOUR Specifications And At NO COST To You You CAN Do It And It 's Not Hard To Do IF You Know HOW Do n't Let This Pass You By Without At Least Taking A Look The Only Catch Is That You HAVE To Have An Income ABOVE $ 21,000num And You HAVE To Follow The Easy Instructions Provided To You As the implications of the Andaman Islands situation sink in Indian intelligence has inevitably come under scrutiny In recent months its fallibility has become evident The inability to foresee in advance the assassination attempt on the pro-India political leader and former Bangladeshi prime minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed last August 21num at a political rally in Dhaka and the recent coup by Nepalese King Gyanendra dismissing his government and imposing a virtual absolute monarchy are glaring examples of intelligence failure Trouble on India 's islands Ramtanu Maitra In early February India charged 34num Arakan separatists from Myanmar with hiding in the Landfall Islands part of the Andaman Islands group see end note These alleged members of the Arakan Army the military wing of the National Unity Party in Myanmar have been charged with illegal entry It is likely but not certain that they will be deported to Myanmar But the news of the Arakan rebels is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to growing concern in New Delhi over the security of the Andaman Islands Reports are circulating in the intelligence community that the Andaman Islands are not only thick with Myanmar rebels It has also become an arms depot of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam LTTE who operate almost freely in the Andaman Sea Information pointing in this direction came to light after the December 26num tsunami which took a heavy toll on the Andamans Correspondents who flocked in to cover the tsunami found they also had another story the miserable security situation surrounding the Indian navy 's Far Eastern Naval Command now being established along with India 's blue water navy Deteriorating security Security problems in the Andaman Sea are not new but they have deteriorated during the past few years in tandem with a deterioration in the security situation in Bangladesh Nepal and Bhutan and particularly in the northeastern Indian states of Manipur Nagaland and Tripura While the Indian army has become rock solid in the western front and has developed the capability of withstanding any Pakistani adventure in that sector it has become highly vulnerable in its eastern sector where its enemy is not a national army but a multitude of secessionist terrorist and drug running militants operating between Southeast Asia and northeastern India through Bangladesh The Andaman Sea is a major conduit for this traffic and the 572num large and small islands that constitute the Andaman and Nicobar group are a natural transit base The drugs and arms travel in all directions Since the Sea Tigers of the LTTE better known as the Tamil Tigers are the ones who rule the Andaman Sea they carry the arms and drugs for their own use and also to deliver to rebels in Aceh and all along the east coast of Africa It is old news that the Tamil Tigers have developed a strong network within South Africa This is not unknown to New Delhi A recent report by a journalist from Port Blair in the Andamans quoted an unnamed official saying that foreigners from Myanmar Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have permanently settled in the islands using fake Indian ration cards while citizens of Thailand China Indonesia and Malaysia have migrated temporarily to plunder the natural resources and leave Port Blair Havelock Islands Diglipur Middle Nicobar Campbell 's Bay Neil Islands and Rangott are mostly overrun by foreigners he said An official estimate issued in 2003num suggests there are 50,000num foreigners in the Andaman Islands but unofficial figures are much higher than this A large number of them are Bangladeshis who like millions of their countrymen have left their densely populated homeland to settle elsewhere As most of them have few technical skills and the Andamans have little demand for them in any case they turn to smuggling and other unlawful activities The presence of the Sea Tigers in the area with guns cash and drugs makes the situation extremely dangerous Reports from Port Blair make it evident that New Delhi gets little on the ground intelligence and the Indian Coast Guard is grossly unequipped to deal with the surge of illegal migrants to the islands Onenum unnamed naval officer was quoted saying Arms smuggling is a very profitable business in this region Considering the islands ' huge strategic importance it is amazing how lax New Delhi has been These islands sit aside the vital sea lanes of the Strait of Malacca through which 300num tankers and merchant ships pass daily bringing in oil for the Far East and Southeast Asia Intelligence lapses As the implications of the Andaman Islands situation sink in Indian intelligence has inevitably come under scrutiny In recent months its fallibility has become evident The inability to foresee in advance the assassination attempt on the pro-India political leader and former Bangladeshi prime minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed last August 21num at a political rally in Dhaka and the recent coup by Nepalese King Gyanendra dismissing his government and imposing a virtual absolute monarchy are glaring examples of intelligence failure With growing economic and military power India will be dependent on smaller nations in the region increasingly to maintain regional security Unless New Delhi does better in providing security to its own nationals against rebels secessionists drug runners and arms traffickers it will not generate much confidence in the capitals of surrounding nations In fact it would tend to encourage more organized anti-India outfits such as the Pakistani Inter- Services Intelligence ISI and outside linked Maoists to exploit these networks and weaken India 's eastern flank Indian intelligence 's lackluster performance in dealing with the LTTE is startling This formidable enemy which gave the Indian army a black eye in the mid-1980s has been operating in northeastern India and in the Andaman Sea for a long time In 2001num according to Indian army officials security forces launched a wide ranging operation in the 300num some inhabited islands neighboring Andaman and Nicobar and found huge caches of arms The arms were said to belong to the LTTE and other terrorist groups The search and destroy operation was carried out by the Indian government after repeated requests from Colombo In addition LTTE activity in the Andaman Sea is well known to local observers The biggest LTTE maritime disaster was reported in the now defunct Asiaweek in 2001num A shipment of weapons ammunition and explosives believed to have been purchased from Cambodia and worth several millionnum dollars left the port of Phuket in Thailand in early February 2001num aboard the freighter Comex Joux 3num As is LTTE standard procedure the vessel changed its name at sea to Horizon On its journey across the Bay of Bengal the freighter was tracked by the Indian navy and Orissa based spy planes of India 's Aviation Research Center it was intercepted by Indian naval vessels off Sri Lanka 's east coast LTTE arms running In 1997num the Thai navy reported the interception of a 16num meter boat after a chase off the Thai port of Ranong and the confiscation of twonum tons of weapons and ammunition Among the weapons intercepted were twonum rocket propelled grenade launchers 20num assault rifles M 79num grenade launchers and more than 10,000num rounds of ammunition Fournum persons were arrested reportedly belonging to the Manipur Revolutionary People 's Front Sixnum crew members were from the Arakan region of Myanmar The boat was heading toward Cox 's Bazar in Bangladesh Until 1995num the LTTE maintained a base at Twante an island off the coat of Myanmar west of the Andaman islands Subsequently Phuket became the LTTE 's main backup base A Sri Lanka born Tamil with a Norwegian passport was arrested by Thai authorities in 2000num for his links with the LTTE At the time of his arrest the suspect was allegedly involved in constructing a submarine in a shipyard on the island of Sirae near Phuket on the Andaman Sea coast Steady buildup The real threat to the Andaman Islands is the steady building up of ports and conduits that serve the Tamil Tigers and a host of less strong militant groups Over the past decade Bangladesh has steadily moved into a state of lawlessness A number of extremist groups under the cover of the Islamist movement have become active in drug trafficking gun running and anti-Indian activities It is widely acknowledged that the Pakistani ISI has nurtured a number of extremist Islamist groups such as the Harkat ul Jehad al Islami in the port city of Chittagong and put a number of secessionist rebels from India 's northeast in touch with this terrorist network As a result north of the Andaman Islands Bangladeshi coastal areas have become a nest of terrorists involved in the shipment of drugs and arms A pattern of arrests and seizures indicate that arms are brought by the LTTE from Laos Cambodia and Thailand into Chittagong from where they are transported northward by land to Bhutan The route from Kalikhola in Bhutan to Cox 's Bazar passes through northern Bengal Assam and Meghalaya and on into Chittagong Note India 's Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprise more than 500num islands lying 1,000num kilometers east of Sri Lanka in the Bay of Bengal Stretching 750num kilometers from end to end they reach from near the coast of Myanmar almost to Sumatra in Indonesia The Ten Degree Channel divides the Andamans which are the larger and more heavily populated northern islands from the 20num or so Nicobar Islands in the south On South Andaman the most heavily populated island is Port Blair which is the capital and the only large town in the entire archipelago Travel to the Nicobar Islands is forbidden to non-Indians and they are also not allowed in some parts of South Andaman Island Ramtanu Maitra writes for a number of international journals and is a regular contributor to the Washington based EIR and the New Delhi based Indian Defense Review He also writes for Aakrosh India 's defense tied quarterly journal Karzai also has to deal with the stepped up rivalry between India and Pakistan in Afghanistan Islamabad accuses New Delhi of using its consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad to train Balochi insurgents who are active in Pakistani Balochistan Pakistani officials claim there are as many as 42num RAW agents based in Kandahar and another 12num in Jalalabad There have no business being there unless they are undermining Pakistan says a Pakistani official Both India and Afghanistan deny the claim Should Pakistan show us any evidence of an Indian hand using Afghan soil to work against our neighbours we will take it very seriously says Amrullah Saleh the head of Afghanistan 's National Security Directorate Karzai Musharraf new regional equations KABUL For the past 25num years landlocked Afghanistan has suffered from constant interference from its neighbours Pakistan Iran and the Central Asian Republics and regional powers Russia and India The neighbours are still interfering but there are signs that rather than undermining Afghanistan 's stability they may now be trying to strengthen it The elections should be a reassurance to all our neighbours that a stable Afghanistan a peaceful Afghanistan is good for all Nobody should feel a looser in Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai told Pakistan 's English daily The Nation All the regional countries have publicly backed the Karzai government and supported the electoral process but serious undercurrents remain as they all have their favourite contenders in Afghanistan Since September 11num Pakistan has been repeatedly accused by Afghan and Western leaders of harbouring Taliban extremists who had pledged to disrupt the elections but at the highest level the US has avoided criticising President Pervaiz Musharraf on the grounds that he is helping the US catch Al Qaeda elements inside Pakistan That changed on September 22num when President George W. Bush Musharraf and Karzai held a threenum way meeting in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly The meeting was pushed together by the CIA and the US Defence Department who were desperately anxious to secure a peaceful election in Afghanistan and the non-interference of alleged Pakistani backed Taliban Western and Afghan diplomats intimately involved with the meeting said Bush pushed Musharraf hard on reigning in the Taliban so the elections could take place peacefully Where are Mullah Omar Mullah Usmani and Gulbuddin Hikmetar Bush is reported to have asked a flustered Musharraf All threenum are extremist Taliban or their allies and known to be living in Pakistan Mullah Omar is leader of the Taliban Usmani is the former corps commander of Kandahar under the Taliban regime and now a commander of Taliban forces while Hikmetyar heads the extremist Hizb e Islami It was the first time that Bush totally focused on the Taliban threat rather than Al Qaeda with the Pakistanis says a Western diplomat Bush was very well briefed before the meeting the diplomat said An Afghan official at the meeting added The Americans now realise that the Taliban are a bigger threat to our security than Al Qaeda Karzai was clearly pleased at the results President Musharraf promised to help us and cooperate with us on curbing terrorist activity by the Taliban says Karzai The next day an angry Musharraf categorically said that Pakistan would not send Pakistani troops to Iraq a clear snub to the Americans Until then he had said Pakistan 's options were open However Pakistani officials insist that the decision was unconnected to the tripartite meeting US and NATO military officers in Kabul say it is too early to say whether Bush 's tough message was instrumental in persuading Musharraf and the ISI to pressure the Taliban to restrain from disrupting the elections However there were visible signs of a crackdown on the Pakistan side Pakistan now has a large force deployed in Baluchistan which was not there before says Lt. General David Barno There is much better tactical cooperation between our forces on both sides of the border but the movement of Taliban still goes on both ways he adds Also several days before the elections Pakistan closed the border crossing point at Chaman in Baluchistan which is a key entry point for the Taliban into Afghanistan However US military officers say regular army officers many of them Pashtun leading units of the Frontier Corps who are on the border remain deeply sympathetic to the Taliban and the mullahs of the JUI At the same time the US remains oblivious of the serious problems and political fallout which the army is facing in its operations in Waziristan Not only is the army facing serious political fallout growing anti-Americanism and anti-army feeling in the tribal areas but it is also taking heavy casualties between 400num - 500num Pakistani soldiers have been killed in the region since March Musharraf has always maintained that the US has never provided actionable intelligence about Taliban leaders hiding in Baluchistan That too may change US and Afghan intelligence will shortly be presenting the ISI with a list of Taliban extremists and their suspected whereabouts Moreover there are now major covert attempts under way to try and bring back to Kabul leading Taliban commanders who have been living quietly in Pakistan and have taken no part in the Taliban insurgency With the Taliban failure to disrupt the Afghan elections the militants are even more isolated from the mainstream Taliban who want to return home Until now Pakistan has not facilitated such a return and clearly it can not happen until there is both a pull from Kabul and a push from Islamabad With President Karzai certain to win the elections and the demotion of key former Northern Alliance figures such as General Fahim and warlord Ismail Khan there is now little reason for moderate Taliban leaders to fear reprisals from former Northern Alliance figures if they return home Their removal should also provide increased motivation for Pakistan to help the return of moderate Taliban Afghan officials welcomed the appointment on October 3num of Lt. General Ashfaq Kiyani as the new ISI chief Kayani is well known and liked in Kabul as during the last year he led the Pakistani delegation in the tripartite military meetings with the Afghan and US military on issues related to border issues Karzai also has to deal with the stepped up rivalry between India and Pakistan in Afghanistan Islamabad accuses New Delhi of using its consulates in Kandahar and Jalalabad to train Balochi insurgents who are active in Pakistani Balochistan Pakistani officials claim there are as many as 42num RAW agents based in Kandahar and another 12num in Jalalabad There have no business being there unless they are undermining Pakistan says a Pakistani official Both India and Afghanistan deny the claim Should Pakistan show us any evidence of an Indian hand using Afghan soil to work against our neighbours we will take it very seriously says Amrullah Saleh the head of Afghanistan 's National Security Directorate Karzai categorically said that he has assured Musharraf repeatedly that any adverse action against Pakistan taken by Indian diplomats inside Afghanistan would be acted upon swiftly Senior US diplomats and military officials have warned India also In a major regional shift reflecting the newly strengthened position of Karzai Iran Russia and India which have traditionally backed the Tajik dominated former Northern Alliance made strenuous efforts to convince presidential candidate Younis Qanooni to strike a deal with Karzai before the elections and not to oppose Karzai Iran in particular feared that Qanooni would loose and then be politically isolated from the mainstream Qanooni refused to accept the Iranian advice as his fellow Panjsheri Tajiks urged him to stand against Karzai However since the elections Iranian influence has proved critical in convincing the Hazara Shia candidate Mohammed Mohaqeq to accept the results of the elections and later convincing Qanooni to do the same With the US military presence posing a threat on their borders in both Iraq and Afghanistan Iran 's moderate leadership is keen to help stabilise Karzai so that the US presence in Afghanistan is reduced However powerful hardliners in Tehran may be trying to undermine that strategy and a new issue is likely to deepen the rift with the moderates Iranian officials are deeply concerned about the US occupation of Shindand a massive Soviet era airbase just 30num kilometres from Iran 's border The enhanced US presence in western Afghanistan was only made possible after the ousting of Ismail Khan the warlord and Governor of Herat province last month who was a close ally of Iranian hardliners Iranian officials say they made no objections to Khan 's ouster because they want to strengthen Karzai 's campaign against warlords At a time of heightened tensions between Tehran and Washington over Iran 's nuclear weapons program and calls by neo-conservatives in Washington that a second Bush term should deal with Iran aggressively the Iranians fear that Shindand could be used as a listening post spying facility and even a launching pad for any future US actions against Iran Afghan officials say the Americans have moved over 100num Special Forces and helicopters to Shindand However General Barno insists the US presence poses no threat to Iran We have a very small number of forces in Shindand with a few helicopters says Barno Nevertheless this places Karzai in a difficult and sensitive situation because he has to maintain excellent relations with both the US and Iran Afghanistan has had the benefit of cooperation from both the US and Iran So far what they have done together has been good for us and that 's how we would like to keep it says Karzai Nobody can claim that the interference of Afghanistan 's neighbours is over but the elections will do much to strengthen Karzai and deal more firmly with neighbours ' interference In the post election scenario it is becoming abundantly clear that the Taliban do not have the support of the Afghan people nor the Afghan Pashtuns In a highly significant move Afghan Pashtun tribes along the Pakistan border warned the Taliban in Quetta and Chaman that if they try and disrupt the elections they would be resisted Many Taliban living in Afghanistan voted for President Karzai It is now abundantly clear that with the rapidly changing face of Afghanistan the demise of key Northern Alliance figures and the fluid political situation in Afghanistan Pakistan should reconsider its policy of giving unlimited sanctuary to Taliban extremists living on Pakistani soil Pakistan Link 16/10/2004num The debate that a handful of Texas multi-millionnaires close to the Bush family have cleverly manufactured over John Kerry 's war record is absurd in every way The charges that they have put some vets up to making against Kerry are false and can be demonstrated by the historical record to be false Most of those making the charges have even flip flopped contradicting themselves Or they were n't eyewitnesses and are just lying But to address the substance of this Big Lie is to risk falling into its logic The true absurdity of the entire situation is easily appreciated when we consider that George W. Bush never showed any bravery at all at any point in his life He has never lived in a war zone If some of John Kerry 's wounds were superficial Bush received no wounds And a piece of shrapnel in the forearm that caused only a minor wound would have killed had it hit an eye and gone into the brain the shrapnel being in your body demonstrates you were in mortal danger and did n't absent yourself from it That is the logic of the medal Kerry saved a man 's life while under fire Bush did no such thing What was Bush doing with his youth He was drinking He was drinking like a fish every night into the wee hours For decades He gave no service to anyone risked nothing and did not even slack off efficiently The history of alcoholism and possibly other drug use is a key issue because it not only speaks to Bush 's character as an addictive personality but may tell us something about his erratic and alarming actions as president His explosive temper probably provoked the disastrous siege of Fallujah last spring killing 600num Iraqis most of them women and children in revenge for the deaths of 4num civilian mercenaries onenum of them a South African Newsweek reported that Bush commanded his cabinet Let heads roll That temper is only onenum problem Bush has a sadistic streak He clearly enjoyed as governor watching executions His delight in killing people became a campaign issue in 2000num when he seemed in onenum debate to enjoy the prospect of executing wrong doers a little too much He has clearly gone on enjoying killing people on a large scale in Iraq Drug abuse can affect the ability of the person to feel deep emotions like empathy Twonum decades of pickling his nervous system in various highly toxic substances have left Bush damaged goods Even for those who later abstain visual spatial abilities abstraction problem solving and short term memory are the slowest to recover That he managed to get on the wagon though with that pretzel incident you wonder how firmly is laudable But he suffers the severe effects of the aftermath and we are all suffering along with him now since he is the most powerful man in the world We all know by now that Bush did not even do his full service with the Texas Air National Guard absenting himself to work on the Alabama senate campaign of Winton Red Blount Whether he was actually AWOL during this stint is unclear But it is clear that not only did Bush slack off on his National Guard service but he slacked off from his campaign work This little noted interview with Blount 's nephew Murph Archibald which appeared on National Public Radio 's All Things Considered on March 30num 2004num gives a devastating insight into what it was like to have to suffer through Bush in that period All Things Considered 8:00num PM ET NPR March 30num 2004num Tuesday This campaign season there have been questions about whether George W. Bush fulfilled his obligations to the National Guard as a young lieutenant in the early 1970s For weeks reporters scoured Alabama in search of pilots or anyone who might have remembered seeing Mr. Bush at the time he was serving in the National Guard there There is onenum place in Alabama where Mr. Bush was present nearly every day the headquarters in Montgomery of US Senate candidate Winton Red Blount President Bush has always said that working for Blount was the reason he transferred to the Alabama Air National Guard NPR 's Wade Goodwyn has this report about Mr. Bush 's time on that campaign WADE GOODWYN reporting In 1972num Baba Groom was a smart funny young woman smack dab in the middle of an exciting US Senate campaign Groom was Republican Red Blount 's scheduler and in that job she was the hub in the campaign wheel Ask her about the handsome young man from Texas and she remembers him 32num years later like it was yesterday Ms. BABA GROOM Former Campaign Worker He would wear khaki trousers and some old jacket He was always ready to go out on the road On the phone you could hear his accent It was a Texas accent But he just melded with everybody GOODWYN The candidate Mr. Bush was working for Red Blount had gotten rich in Alabama in the construction business Prominent Southern Republicans were something of a rare breed in those days Blount 's support of the party led him to be appointed Richard Nixon 's postmaster general In Washington Blount became friends and tennis partners with Mr. Bush 's father then Congressman Bush That was how 26num year old Lieutenant Bush came to Montgomery at his father 's urging It was Mr. Bush 's job to organize the Republican county chairpersons in the 67num Alabama counties Back in 1972num in the Deep South many rural counties did n't have much in the way of official Republican Party apparatus But throughout Alabama there were Republicans and Democrats who wanted to help Red Blount It was the young Texan 's job to find out what each county leader needed in the way of campaign supplies and get those supplies to them Groom says this job helped Mr. Bush understand how even in a statewide Senate campaign politics are local Murph Archibald is Red Blount 's nephew by marriage and in 1972num he was coming off a 15num month tour in Vietnam in the infantry Archibald says that in a campaign full of dedicated workers Mr. Bush was not onenum of them Mr. MURPH ARCHIBALD Nephew of Red Blount Well I was coming in early in the morning and leaving in mid-evenings Ordinarily George would come in around noon he would ordinarily leave around 5:30num or 6:00num in the evening GOODWYN Archibald says that twonum months before the election in September of '72num Red Blount 's campaign manager came to him and asked that he quietly take over Mr. Bush 's job because the campaign materials were not getting out to the counties Mr. ARCHIBALD George certainly did n't seem to have any concerns about my taking over this work with the campaign workers there My overall impression was that he did n't seem as interested in the campaign as the other people who were working at the state headquarters GOODWYN Murph Archibald says that at first he did n't know that Mr. Bush was serving in the Air National Guard After he found out from somebody else Archibald attempted to talk to Mr. Bush about it The president was a lieutenant and Archibald had been a lieutenant too he figured they had something to talk about Mr. ARCHIBALD George did n't have any interest at all in talking about the military In fact when I broached the subject with him he simply changed the subject He was n't unpleasant about it but he just changed the subject and would n't talk about it GOODWYN Far from Texas and Washington DC Mr. Bush enjoyed his freedom He dated a beautiful young woman working on the campaign He went out in the evenings and had a good time In fact he left the house he rented in such disrepair with damage to the walls and a chandelier destroyed that the Montgomery family who owned it still grumble about the unpaid repair bill Archibald says Mr. Bush would come into the office and in a friendly way offer up stories about the drinking he 'd done the night before kind of as a conversation starter Mr. ARCHIBALD People have different ways of starting the days in any office They 're going to talk about their kids they 're going to talk about football they 're going to talk about the weather And this was simply his opening gambit he would start talking about that he had been out late the night before drinking GOODWYN Archibald says the frequency with which Mr. Bush discussed the subject was off putting to him Mr. ARCHIBALD I mean at that time I was 28num George would have been 25num or 26num And I thought it was really unusual that someone in their mid-20s would initiate conversations particularly in the context of something as serious as a US senatorial campaign by talking about their drinking the night before I thought it unusual and frankly inappropriate GOODWYN According to Archibald Mr. Bush would also sometimes tell stories about his days at Yale in New Haven and how whenever he got pulled over for erratic driving he was let go after the officers discovered he was the grandson of a Connecticut US senator Archibald a middle class Alabama boy who by the way is now a registered Democrat did n't like that story Mr. ARCHIBALD He told us whenever he was stopped as soon as the law enforcement found out that he was the grandson of Prescott Bush they would let him go And he would always laugh about that Goodwyn dutifully notes that Baba Groom did n't remember George telling drunk stories But that means nothing since they were n't the sort of things guys like Bush told the girls He was trying to buddy with Archibald and impress him Again decades of this sort of behavior do not leave a person untouched Our world is in crisis and our Republic is in danger It should not be left in the hands of a man who spent his life like this When the cities are on fire with the burning flesh of men Just remember that death is not the end And you search in vain to find just onenum law abiding citizen Just remember that death is not the end Bob Dylan Afraid I do n't have time today to discuss these but some stories need attention From Wednesday 's Mirror the headline Have 200,000num AK47s Fallen Into the Hands of Iraq Terrorists also see this thread on the RI discussion board Some 200,000num guns the US sent to Iraqi security forces may have been smuggled to terrorists it was feared yesterday The 99num tonne cache of AK47s was to have been secretly flown out from a US base in Bosnia But the fournum planeloads of arms have vanished Orders for the deal to go ahead were given by the US Department of Defense But the work was contracted out via a complex web of private arms traders And the Moldovan airline used to transport the shipment was blasted by the UN in 2003num for smuggling arms to Liberia human rights group Amnesty has discovered It follows a separate probe claiming that thousands of guns meant for Iraq 's police and army instead went to al Qaeda Amnesty chief spokesman Mike Blakemore said It 's unbelievable that no one can account for 200,000num assault rifles If these weapons have gone missing it 's a terrifying prospect American defence chiefs hired a US firm to take the guns from the 90s Bosnian war to Iraq But air traffic controllers in Baghdad have no record of the flights which supposedly took off between July 2004num and July 2005num A coalition forces spokesman confirmed they had not received any weapons from Bosnia and added they were not aware of any purchases for Iraq from Bosnia Nato and US officials have already voiced fears that Bosnian arms sold by US British and Swiss firms are being passed to insurgents A NATO spokesman said There 's no tracking mechanism to ensure they do n't fall into the wrong hands There are concerns that some may have been siphoned off This year a newspaper claimed twonum UK firms were involved in a deal in which thousands of guns for Iraqi forces were re-routed to al Qaeda The Moldovan airline is Aerocom and yes it 's onenum of Victor Bout 's It 's always a bang your head against the wall moment reading again the play the incompetence theory receives even from some of the Administration 's harshest mainstream critics But then even to talk of an administration may be misdirection at this point given how little representative government means in the United States these days and how much of national security has been privatized into a global gangland of drugs and guns Like the tens of billions of dollars that have been lost in Iraq planeloads of arms do n't just vanish not when the Pentagon contracts the work to an international criminal of Bout 's untouchable stature But Bout 's name is n't likely to be mentioned in whatever coverage this story receives before it sinks like so many others beneath the media 's frothing triviality Meanwhile a decision 's been reached in the trial of Toledo priest Gerald Robinson And it 's guilty The Rev. Gerald Robinson appeared stony faced as the jury 's guilty verdict was read and he blinked repeatedly and glanced at his lawyers before being led away in handcuffs ... The crime occurred in the sacristy adjoining the hospital chapel in downtown Toledo on the Saturday before Easter in 1980num Investigators said the nun Margaret Ann Pahl 71num was strangled and then stabbed with ninenum wounds on her chest forming the shape of an inverted cross a well recognized Satanic symbol An altar cloth was draped over her half naked body which was posed as if she had been sexually assaulted It was about how he could humiliate her the most prosecutor Dean Mandros said in closing arguments He left a message for everyone to see maybe to God himself After the sentencing onenum of Robinson 's tearful supporters turned to Claudia Vercellotti a local leader of the Survivors Network for Those Abused by Priests SNAP who had helped reopen the case and told her I hope you rot in hell From SNAP 's statement on the Robinson conviction More than ever police and prosecutors have the tools and the will to go after horrific crimes even when the defendants are seemingly powerful individuals or institutions When victims and witnesses stay silent nothing changes When victims and witnesses speak up at least sometimes a child is protected the truth is exposed and justice is done The murder weapon Robinson 's letter opener Finally from an email a follow up on the reopening of the investigation into the Atlanta Child Murders Dekalb County Police Chief Louis Graham the man who reopened the investigations last year is mysteriously stepping down And of all the people who the county is getting to find a replacement is none other than Lee Brown the original supervisor of the Atlanta PD who was in office during the murders and the subsequent investigation SNAP is right in part Police and prosecutors have the tools The will is another matter Some do individually But institutionally That 's still the domain of those who do n't lots of important stories out there today jeff thank god and a few good souls for that conviction Have you sent this to congress yet talk about law enforcement not having the will CRACKDOWN ON POLYGAMY GROUP Small polygamous groups have existed in the southwestern US under the watchful yet fairly benign eye of authorities ever since a sect known as the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints FLDS separated itself from mainstream Mormonism in 1890num ... Now FLDS leader Warren Jeffs has been added to the FBI 's list of Tennum Most Wanted Fugitives a move that caps law enforcement 's dramatic change of approach toward the polygamous group in recent years because of the impact that the group 's practices law enforcement officials say are having on the most vulnerable within the sect particularly children and women When the FLDS under Mr. Jeffs and his father before him grew to some 10,000num followers in several southwestern communities with estimated assets of $ 110num millionnum when it became clear that government officials school authorities and police in those communities had become intertwined with the sect when ex-members increasingly reported child and sexual abuse charges mainly involving underage girls forced to marry older men and when the sect began to use secluded compounds state and federal authorities started to crack down more vigorously ... Specifically Jeffs is charged in Utah and Arizona with sexual assault of underage girls and with arranging spiritual marriages for girls and older men At weekend press conferences in Salt Lake City and Phoenix FBI and state officials said Jeffs is considered armed and dangerous and may be traveling with armed bodyguards In the past he has talked in apocalyptic terms about a violent end to the world according to former members ... As with Christian Identity and other hate related philosophies tied to the Aryan Nations and the neo-Nazi Creativity Movement Jeffs has preached racism as well The black race is the people through which the devil has always been able to bring evil unto the earth Jeffs has said as cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center 's Intelligence Report An editorial in the church owned Deseret Morning News in Salt Lake City earlier this year acknowledged that the state 's history a conservative belief in free choice and an unwillingness to stir up a hornet 's nest in the national media have likely all contributed to the kid glove approach lawmakers and law enforcement officers have taken when dealing with polygamous communities Maybe I 'm missing something here but how exactly does one Loose 200,000num AK47's There 's no tracking mechanism in place Never mind No need to worry I 'm sure this kind of thing goes on all the time We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming just go here it s simply amazing The Raw Story i count like 14num explosive headlines Then of course there is the evidence the jury did not hear about in the Robinson case Funny how some things are squirelled away by well meaning prosecutors Maybe because they hint at a larger conspiracy / network of abusers / satanic underground I read of a case not long ago when some people were trying to get a polygamous judge taken off the bench for not obeying state law Of course law enforcement has dragged it's feet when members are taking part in the activity themselves Personally I do n't give a damn what adults do to onenum another as long as there is no abuse invovled It is the marrying off of young girls to older men often close relatives that enfurates me Also these cults have multimillions yet the women and kids live in poverty so the leaders can live the high life In the Warren Jeffs cult he reassigns wives if the husband displeases him or to reward the new husband Husbands marry mothers and teen daughters at the same time a rare form of retardation is showing up in that group more than anywhere else in the world It is genetic and the child needs to get the gene from both parents to turn into a vegetable instead of a thinking child The doctor begs them to stop intermarrying but they say they have to keep the blood pure look up fumarase deficiency for more info Also look up the kingston family Onenum member actually was convicted of beating his teen daughter unconcious when she ran away from marriage to her father 's own brother no one was charged for forced marriage only the beating So we lost some weapon It 's a good thing too We would n't want those terrorists to run out of shit to shoot at us Then the war might stop & all those juicy profits would just evaporate What 's a few dead soldiers in comparison to keeping all those defense contractors awash in all that tax cash They really are milking the incompetence angle though are n't they Just another big Iraq whoopsie daisy huh Christ you 'd think America would get a bit tired of these guys treating her like she was populated with nothing but gullible idiots I suppose that it 's damn lucky for the GOP that she is populated with gullible idiots US outsourcing special ops intelligence to Iraq terror group intelligence officials say The Pentagon is bypassing official US intelligence channels and turning to a dangerous and unruly cast of characters in order to create strife in Iran in preparation for any possible attack former and current intelligence officials say A country deserves the leaders it has my friends And MEK the Iranian not Iraqi terror group in question is itself unquestionably a cult As the leaders like to boast the Mujahedeen is a family affair We have threenum generations of martyrs grandmothers mothers daughters Most of the girls I was meeting had grown up in Mujahedeen schools in Ashraf where they lived separated from their parents Family visits were allowed on Thursday nights and Fridays When Iraq invaded Kuwait many of these girls were transported to Jordan and then smuggled to various countries Germany France Canada Denmark England the United States where they were raised by guardians who were usually Mujahedeen supporters When they were 18num or 19num many of them decided to come back to Iraq and fill the ranks of the youngest Mujahedeen generation Though decided is probably not the right word since from the day they were born these girls and boys were not taught to think for themselves but to blindly follow their leaders Every morning and night the kids beginning as young as 1num and 2num had to stand before a poster of Massoud and Maryam salute them and shout praises to them Nadereh Afshari a former Mujahedeen deep believer told me Afshari who was posted in Germany and was responsible for receiving Mujahedeen children during the gulf war said that when the German government tried to absorb Mujahedeen children into their education system the Mujahedeen refused Many of the children were sent to Mujahedeen schools particularly in France The Rajavis Afshari went on to say saw these kids as the next generation 's soldiers They wanted to brainwash them and control them Which may explain the pattern to their stories a journey to self empowerment and the enlightenment of self sacrifice inspired by the light and wisdom of Maryam and Massoud Link One has to wonder whether the bright fellows in our government and military who set up the deals with these people do n't know what they are do n't care or know perfectly well Jeff cited you on the topic of that priest conviction Umm Question Mark Jimmy Plant Blogshares is a fantasy blogosphere trading game with pretend money That 's all I know I 've had nothing to do with it Bush successfully makes Satan look good in comparison Or something like that Another generation of heavy metal has taken over and sorry it ai n't just about strippers and dope Okay it 's partly about strippers and dope And we 'll get around to that But more and more as metal evolves into a huge international music that belongs to everyone it has gotten to be something weirder It 's become a guardian of morality not church morality real morality Praise be Given the void in responsible behavior among governments police educational establishments and religions the task of guiding our youth down the path of righteousness has fallen to Satan Hmmmmmm The people who carry out these underground arms / drugs / sex trafficking deals are trauma based mind controlled slaves The Moldovan airline is Aerocom and yes it 's onenum of Victor Bout 's The wikipedia entry for Aerocom is just a stub waiting for someone to put some information into it So put some information in there You know nature hates a void :) Richard i agree Hmmmmmm How are chants of death and suicide morality What about Manson 's tees bearing the message Kill your parents And were the Columbine killers acting out this real morality when they indescriminately murdered their classmates They were death metal brainwashed fans literally fulfilling the death metal paradigm er morality not church morality no that is phoney love thy neighbor hell no kill thy neighbor now that is REAL MORALITY So hmmmm indeed I detect the hissing lisp of the lying serpent in this article The deathly inversion of truth ala satanism I think the jury 's still out on exactly who did the brainwashing when in regard to the Columbine killers Perhaps we should look at the death metal phenomenon less as an invitation to violence than as a couter-cultural response to the over hypocrisy of a large percentage of the Church Morality crowd which gives a lot of lip service to loving thy neighbor but does n't apply that love very far beyond their own congregation The last I checked the Satanists have a long way to go to catch up with the death and destruction dealt out by self proclaimed though false Christians Irony is dead Long live Irony That 's it I 'm firing my editor Well it 's not as simple and clear cut as all that We 're entering into some interesting and perhaps previously unexplored socio-political spiritual territory here that may require further examination and serious introspection The Kevin Coogan publication posted on the previous thread might serve as a good launching point for further discussion The following quote is from that Coogan article Imaginary evil is romantic and varied real evil is gloomy monotonous barren boring Imaginary good is boring real good is always new marvelous intoxicating Simone Weil Starroute I would n't wonder too hard The answer is likely D all of the above due to this being a complex reality we live in But to me without question they often know perfectly well Here is a thought When the appartently cognitively functional take actions that seem senseless and incompetent it is a most certain sign that they have ulterior or hidden motives They trust you and me to be befuddled by their actions while they do as they wilt To not buying the BS & here I am thinking that I really must be getting old Since the article was specifically about death metal I guess the author missed this little tidbit or we just have waaaaaaaaaaaaay different definitions of morality Onenum man 's relentless search for his missing son led him to uncover onenum of the most shocking crimes in post-war Italy a tale of satanism and violence that has gripped the country for more than a year In January 1998num Fabio Tollis and Chiara Marino both just 16num disappeared They had been drinking at a pub called the Midnight the centre of the heavy metal scene in Milan and they never came home The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together But their parents refused to accept this Michele Tollis Fabio 's father began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio 's friends Fabio and his friends were into the most extreme forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal music obsessed with images of murder and satanism and the role of this music is central to the story No one can contradict me when I say that heavy metal and satanism are closely linked Michele Tollis It emerged that Chiara the girl who disappeared with Fabio had a collection of satanic literature and paraphernalia in her bedroom During this search Michele Tollis became convinced that satanism had something to do with his son 's disappearance No one can contradict me when I say that heavy metal and satanism are closely linked They 're inseparable he says Yeah I think Jeff wrote on onenum of his posts here in the past several months To hell with death I wholly agree and would expand that statement to include To hell with death metal The freaky thing here is that these bozos are seriously claiming the moral high ground Talk about a beat your head against the wall moment And for Smartwolf above think about the inversion principle being employed They are doing it deliberately Do you really think GWB and neocons in general are representative of true followers of Jesus of Nazareth I know ignorant question Then why call them or any other phonies Christians even if they themselves claim the appellation They are merely imposters Everything they claim is a lie and this above all So why even credit their claims This only serves their purposes They want to be identified as Christians and I fully suspect that for some of them the motivation behind their subterfuge is more than mere political advantage and has a lot more to do with the black magician 's practice of the inversion principle We need to be more rigorous about how we perceive these people See them as they are not for what they claim to be the most extreme forms of heavy metal music death metal and black metal music obsessed with images of murder and satanism and the role of this music is central to the story Almost all of the avant guard art movements of the early 20th Century except for Italian Futurism were labeled degenerate by the National Socialists Adolf Hitler even held an exhibition of degenerate art in 1937num while curating a parallel show of Aryan art across the street The German Expressionist movement was destroyed as a result Here 's a quick overview of the Entartete Kunst Degenerate Art exhibit of 1937num Ironically or perhaps not the notion of the degenerate and degenerate art was appropriated by the Nazis and its origins can be traced back to Jewish intellectual Max Nordau and a 1892num book he authored called Degeneration Nordau was also the co founder of the World Zionist Organization When the apparently cognitively functional take actions that seem senseless and incompetent it is a most certain sign that they have ulterior or hidden motives They trust you and me to be befuddled by their actions while they do as they wilt A question Are the adherent of Crowleyan Thelema and others of similar ilk appropriating or appropriating from the appropriators to redirect energy Does this reappropriation lead to or originate from the same place Seems as if there is a clear distinction being made between the imaginary Whore of Babalon and the actually Whore of Babylon which is this global system Is the distinction accurate and valid Does the distinction actually exist This is where the socio political aspect of this conundrum comes into play Confused Good so enemy what 's your point Why do n't you state it My point is that these are all just questions and I am undecided as to the answers Here 's another interesting example John Balance from Coil Do n't wish to use Wikipedia again it 's just easier than spending time looking up more obscure and detailed information,3604,1371372,00.html Balance died in 2004num after a fall He blended belief systems such as Shamanism Christianity Buddhism Paganism Hermeticism and Gnosticism and imbued Coil 's vast output with a magickal current designed to have a functionally transcendent effect on listeners Not 200,000num guns the numbers do nt work 5num kg per gun 200,000num guns means 1000num tonnes impossible for 4num containers If the load was 99num tonnes there were probably less than 20,000num E@tG Maybe if you formulate your questions a little more specifically it will help you in acquiring the answers I am therefore I think :) Reporting from the town where Susan Polk 's trial is going on I went across the bay last night to attend a farmer 's market and music event Lo and behold the Mormons were there with a booth Twonum young men delivering information about the Mormon genealogy program Just give your email and / or phone number to these guys and they 'll track down your family I was amazed at the spiel they delivered Kindly young men but utterly programmed and brain dead I resisted asking any questions that would have required either of them to think It would have been too painful to watch Has anyone read the letter purportedly from Ahmadinejad to George Bush I do n't know if this has been verified But succintly making point after succint point the text of the letter stands on its own merit regardless I like to imagine the thought processes going on in W 's head if he were to actually read the letter but it is hard to picture him actually reading this letter As I read the letter I considered the vast contrast between mind and morality of whoever wrote it vs. that of the mind of the man who once said Bring it on America your condition is dire dark and deep Of the metal music farce Ministry has definately made in road into Loose Change Alex Jones territory with their new record Rio Grande Blood Important Kos Diary about bush 's response to the gathering storm of scandals Executive Orders very creepy very scary They have been accumulating for years and basically give the president to sieze the government whenever he feels like it But who would do a thing like that hey wait a minute == Why did Bush revoke Executive Order 13011num today by exmearden Fri May 12num 2006num at 08:27:46num PM PDT In scanning the site today I noticed the following Executive Order Executive Order Amendments to Executive Orders 11030num 13279num 13339num 13381num and 13389num and Revocation of Executive Order 13011num I ca n't believe there are no serious metal fans who frequent RI I 'm wary of jumping into this fray without backup that 's for damn sure :) I 'm a regular poster but for some reason blogger wo n't let me in today but sign me TroubleFunk Tronicus Simply the questions permeate the entire Western Mystery Tradition and perhaps Eastern as well as they relate to the confluence of politics and spirituality For example is the system of Crowleyan Thelema a failed alchemical process Or was it supposed to initially be a process of alchemical appropriation Similarly is invoking ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses a reaffirmation of an oppressive and hierarchical system In my opinion people can no longer afford to partition out and compartmentalize personal spiritual and political systems The high weirdness and more hardcore political factions must perhaps integrate and arrive at a synthesis In regards to death metal the problem is once again a question of education history and the vacuous lack of perspective in American culture Shall we censor the works of poet Charles Baudelaire as well Baudelaire was perhaps onenum of the first death metal artists Tronicus if you 're still checking this thread A bit of a knee jerk reaction from me there and I apologize for my over-generalizations My real problem is with literalist fundamentalists of any religion True believers are dangerous animals I just get hung up on Christians as they 're the dominant form where I come from Also I 'm quite clear on the fact that those in power now and in general most anyone at the top of a pyrimidal power structure tend to use the dominant religion as a cloak to hide their true motivations and as a tool to control the masses It boggles the mind that ANYONE can take at face value Bush 's claims to be a christian yet many seem to do just that I seem to remember something about by their works shall ye know them I do get my hackles up a bit when people haul out the old Rock N Roll made them do it argument Whie I do n't subscribe to the notion that the things we watch or listen to have no effect on our behavior which I think is patently rediculous it does bother me when people single out a specific group of people to pin the blame on Sub-cultures as the lable implies do not develope in a vacuum Again I think the problem is people who sink to far into their own egos and begin to take their personal metaphors a bit too literaly These people are dangerous wether they 're head banging to Canibal Corpse or humming along to Onward Christian Soldiers The mixing of religion and militarism is a whole other topic I have nothing but respect for people who adhear to non-violence forgiveness and charity but it 's important to remember that Christians or Smartwolves do not have a monopoly on that particular lifestyle Peace The fact that the US government and media are having a hissy fit over Venezuela wanting to buy guns and then 200,000num of the guns Chavez wants to buy go missing on their way to Iraq is definitely sus I guess those guns will be located enroute to Venezuela or found in storage there by onenum of the US 's local stooges and they then have a pretext to ramp the spin up a notch or twonum Thanks again to my friend Nick Keck for passing this along via e-mail It is the text of a speech given by an Arab gentleman before the advisory board of a large multi-nation corporation It 's a long but very worthwhile read A View from the Eye of the Storm Talk delivered by Haim Harari at a meeting of the International Advisory Board of a large multi-national corporation April 2004num As you know I usually provide the scientific and technological entertainment in our meetings but on this occasion our Chairman suggested that I present my own personal view on events in the part of the world from which I come I have never been and I will never be a Government official and I have no privileged information My perspective is entirely based on what I see on what I read and on the fact that my family has lived in this region for almost 200num years You may regard my views as those of the proverbial taxi driver which you are supposed to question when you visit a country I could have shared with you some fascinating facts and some personal thoughts about the Israeli Arab conflict However I will touch upon it only in passing I prefer to devote most of my remarks to the broader picture of the region and its place in world events I refer to the entire area between Pakistan and Morocco which is predominantly Arab predominantly Moslem but includes many non-Arab and also significant non-Moslem minorities Why do I put aside Israel and its own immediate neighborhood Because Israel and any problems related to it in spite of what you might read or hear in the world media is not the central issue and has never been the central issue in the upheaval in the region Yes there is a 100num year old Israeli Arab conflict but it is not where the main show is The millions who died in the Iran Iraq war had nothing to do with Israel The mass murder happening right now in Sudan where the Arab Moslem regime is massacring its black Christian citizens has nothing to do with Israel The frequent reports from Algeria about the murders of hundreds of civilians in onenum village or another by other Algerians have nothing to do with Israel Saddam Hussein did not invade Kuwait endanger Saudi Arabia and butcher his own people because of Israel Egypt did not use poison gas against Yemen in the 60's because of Israel Assad the Father did not kill tens of thousands of his own citizens in onenum week in El Hamma in Syria because of Israel The Taliban control of Afghanistan and the civil war there had nothing to do with Israel The Libyan blowing up of the Pan Am flight had nothing to do with Israel and I could go on and on and on The root of the trouble is that this entire Moslem region is totally dysfunctional by any standard of the word and would have been so even if Israel had joined the Arab league and an independent Palestine had existed for 100num years The 22num member countries of the Arab league from Mauritania to the Gulf States have a total population of 300num millions larger than the US and almost as large as the EU before its expansion They have a land area larger than either the US or all of Europe These 22num countries with all their oil and natural resources have a combined GDP smaller than that of Netherlands plus Belgium and equal to half of the GDP of California alone Within this meager GDP the gaps between rich and poor are beyond belief and too many of the rich made their money not by succeeding in business but by being corrupt rulers The social status of women is far below what it was in the Western World 150num years ago Human rights are below any reasonable standard in spite of the grotesque fact that Libya was elected Chair of the UN Human Rights commission According to a report prepared by a committee of Arab intellectuals and published under the auspices of the U.N. the number of books translated by the entire Arab world is much smaller than what little Greece alone translates The total number of scientific publications of 300num millionnum Arabs is less than that of 6num millionnum Israelis Birth rates in the region are very high increasing the poverty the social gaps and the cultural decline And all of this is happening in a region which only 30num years ago was believed to be the next wealthy part of the world and in a Moslem area which developed at some point in history onenum of the most advanced cultures in the world It is fair to say that this creates an unprecedented breeding ground for cruel dictators terror networks fanaticism incitement suicide murders and general decline It is also a fact that almost everybody in the region blames this situation on the United States on Israel on Western Civilization on Judaism and Christianity on anyone and anything except themselves A word about the millions of decent honest good people who are either devout Moslems or are not very religious but grew up in Moslem families They are double victims of an outside world which now develops Islamophobia and of their own environment which breaks their heart by being totally dysfunctional The problem is that the vast silent majority of these Moslems are not part of the terror and the incitement but they also do not stand up against it They become accomplices by omission and this applies to political leaders intellectuals business people and many others Many of them can certainly tell right from wrong but are afraid to express their views The events of the last few years have amplified fournum issues which have always existed but have never been as rampant as in the present upheaval in the region A few more years may pass before everybody acknowledges that it is a World War but we are already well into it These are the fournum main pillars of the current World Conflict or perhaps we should already refer to it as the undeclared World War III 1 The first element is the suicide murder Suicide murders are not a new invention but they have been made popular if I may use this expression only lately Even after September 11num it seems that most of the Western World does not yet understand this weapon It is a very potent psychological weapon Its real direct impact is relatively minor The total number of casualties from hundreds of suicide murders within Israel in the last threenum years is much smaller than those due to car accidents September 11num was quantitatively much less lethal than many earthquakes More people die from AIDS in onenum day in Africa than all the Russians who died in the hands of Chechnya based Moslem suicide murderers since that conflict started Saddam killed every month more people than all those who died from suicide murders since the Coalition occupation of Iraq So what is all the fuss about suicide killings It creates headlines It is spectacular It is frightening It is a very cruel death with bodies dismembered and horrible severe lifelong injuries to many of the wounded It is always shown on television in great detail Onenum such murder with the help of hysterical media coverage can destroy the tourism industry of a country for quite a while as it did in Bali and in Turkey But the real fear comes from the undisputed fact that no defense and no preventive measures can succeed against a determined suicide murderer This has not yet penetrated the thinking of the Western World The U.S. and Europe are constantly improving their defense against the last murder not the next onenum We may arrange for the best airport security in the world But if you want to murder by suicide you do not have to board a plane in order to explode yourself and kill many people Who could stop a suicide murder in the midst of the crowded line waiting to be checked by the airport metal detector How about the lines to the check in counters in a busy travel period Put a metal detector in front of every train station in Spain and the terrorists will get the buses Protect the buses and they will explode in movie theaters concert halls supermarkets shopping malls schools and hospitals Put guards in front of every concert hall and there will always be a line of people to be checked by the guards and this line will be the target not to speak of killing the guards themselves You can somewhat reduce your vulnerability by preventive and defensive measures and by strict border controls but not eliminate it and definitely not win the war in a defensive way And it is a war What is behind the suicide murders Money is money and power and cold blooded murderous incitement nothing else It has nothing to do with true fanatic religious beliefs No Moslem preacher has ever blown himself up No son of an Arab politician or religious leader has ever blown himself up No relative of anyone influential has done it Would n't you expect some of the religious leaders to do it themselves or to talk their sons into doing it if this is truly a supreme act of religious fervor Are n't they interested in the benefits of going to Heaven Instead they send outcast women naive children retarded people and young incited hotheads They promise them the delights mostly sexual of the next world and pay their families handsomely after the supreme act is performed and enough innocent people are dead Suicide murders also have nothing to do with poverty and despair The poorest region in the world by far is Africa It never happens there There are numerous desperate people in the world in different cultures countries and continents Desperation does not provide anyone with explosives reconnaissance and transportation There was certainly more despair in Saddam 's Iraq than in Paul Bremmer 's Iraq and no one exploded himself A suicide murder is simply a horrible vicious weapon of cruel inhuman cynical well funded terrorists with no regard to human life including the life of their fellow countrymen but with very high regard to their own affluent well being and their hunger for power The only way to fight this new popular weapon is identical to the only way in which you fight organized crime or pirates on the high seas the offensive way Like in the case of organized crime it is crucial that the forces on the offensive be united and it is crucial to reach the top of the crime pyramid You can not eliminate organized crime by arresting the little drug dealer on the street corner You must go after the head of the Family If part of the public supports it others tolerate it many are afraid of it and some try to explain it away by poverty or by a miserable childhood organized crime will thrive and so will terrorism The United States understands this now after September 11num Russia is beginning to understand it Turkey understands it well I am very much afraid that most of Europe still does not understand it Unfortunately it seems that Europe will understand it only after suicide murders arrive in Europe in a big way In my humble opinion this will definitely happen The Spanish trains and the Istanbul bombings are only the beginning The unity of the Civilized World in fighting this horror is absolutely indispensable Until Europe wakes up this unity will not be achieved 2 The second ingredient is words more precisely lies Words can be lethal They kill people It is often said that politicians diplomats and perhaps also lawyers and business people must sometimes lie as part of their professional life But the norms of politics and diplomacy are childish in comparison with the level of incitement and total absolute deliberate fabrications which have reached new heights in the region we are talking about An incredible number of people in the Arab world believe that September 11num never happened or was an American provocation or even better a Jewish plot You all remember the Iraqi Minister of Information Mr. Mouhamad Said al Sahaf and his press conferences when the US forces were already inside Baghdad Disinformation at time of war is an accepted tactic But to stand day after day and to make such preposterous statements known to everybody to be lies without even being ridiculed in your own milieu can only happen in this region Mr. Sahaf eventually became a popular icon as a court jester but this did not stop some allegedly respectable newspapers from giving him equal time It also does not prevent the Western press from giving credence every day even now to similar liars After all if you want to be an anti-Semite there are subtle ways of doing it You do not have to claim that the holocaust never happened and that the Jewish temple in Jerusalem never existed But millions of Moslems are told by their leaders that this is the case When these same leaders make other statements the Western media report them as if they could be true It is a daily occurrence that the same people who finance arm and dispatch suicide murderers condemn the act in English in front of western TV cameras talking to a world audience which even partly believes them It is a daily routine to hear the same leader making opposite statements in Arabic to his people and in English to the rest of the world Incitement by Arab TV accompanied by horror pictures of mutilated bodies has become a powerful weapon of those who lie distort and want to destroy everything Little children are raised on deep hatred and on admiration of so called martyrs and the Western World does not notice it because its own TV sets are mostly tuned to soap operas and game shows I recommend to you even though most of you do not understand Arabic to watch Al Jazeera from time to time You will not believe your own eyes But words also work in other ways more subtle A demonstration in Berlin carrying banners supporting Saddam 's regime and featuring threenum year old babies dressed as suicide murderers is defined by the press and by political leaders as a peace demonstration You may support or oppose the Iraq war but to refer to fans of Saddam Arafat or Bin Laden as peace activists is a bit too much A woman walks into an Israeli restaurant in mid-day eats observes families with old people and children eating their lunch in the adjacent tables and pays the bill She then blows herself up killing 20num people including many children with heads and arms rolling around in the restaurant She is called martyr by several Arab leaders and activist by the European press Dignitaries condemn the act but visit her bereaved family and the money flows There is a new game in town The actual murderer is called the military wing the one who pays him equips him and sends him is now called the political wing and the head of the operation is called the spiritual leader There are numerous other examples of such Orwellian nomenclature used every day not only by terror chiefs but also by Western media These words are much more dangerous than many people realize They provide an emotional infrastructure for atrocities It was Joseph Goebbels who said that if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it He is now being outperformed by his successors 3 The third aspect is money Huge amounts of money which could have solved many social problems in this dysfunctional part of the world are channeled into threenum concentric spheres supporting death and murder In the inner circle are the terrorists themselves The money funds their travel explosives hideouts and permanent search for soft vulnerable targets The inner circles are primarily financed by terrorist states like Iran and Syria until recently also by Iraq and Libya and earlier also by some of the Communist regimes These states as well as the Palestinian Authority are the safe havens of the wholesale murder vendors They are surrounded by a second wider circle of direct supporters planners commanders preachers all of whom make a living usually a very comfortable living by serving as terror infrastructure Finally we find the third circle of so called religious educational and welfare organizations which actually do some good feed the hungry and provide some schooling but brainwash a new generation with hatred lies and ignorance This circle operates mostly through mosques madrasas and other religious establishments but also through inciting electronic and printed media It is this circle that makes sure that women remain inferior that democracy is unthinkable and that exposure to the outside world is minimal It is also that circle that leads the way in blaming everybody outside the Moslem world for the miseries of the region The outer circle is largely financed by Saudi Arabia but also by donations from certain Moslem communities in the United States and Europe and to a smaller extent by donations of European Governments to various NGO's and by certain United Nations organizations whose goals may be noble but they are infested and exploited by agents of the outer circle The Saudi regime of course will be the next victim of major terror when the inner circle will explode into the outer circle The Saudis are beginning to understand it but they fight the inner circles while still financing the infrastructure at the outer circle Figuratively speaking this outer circle is the guardian which makes sure that the people look and listen inwards to the inner circle of terror and incitement rather than to the world outside Some parts of this same outer circle actually operate as a result of fear from or blackmail by the inner circles The horrifying added factor is the high birth rate Half of the population of the Arab world is under the age of 20num the most receptive age to incitement guaranteeing twonum more generations of blind hatred Some of the leaders of these various circles live very comfortably on their loot You meet their children in the best private schools in Europe not in the training camps of suicide murderers The Jihad soldiers join packaged death tours to Iraq and other hotspots while some of their leaders ski in Switzerland Mrs. Arafat who lives in Paris with her daughter receives tens of thousands of dollars per month from the allegedly bankrupt Palestinian Authority while a typical local ringleader of the Al Aksa brigade reporting to Arafat receives only a cash payment of a couple of hundrednum dollars for performing murders at the retail level 4 The fourth element of the current world conflict is the total breaking of all laws The civilized world believes in democracy the rule of law including international law human rights free speech and free press among other liberties There are naive old fashioned habits such as respecting religious sites and symbols not using ambulances and hospitals for acts of war avoiding the mutilation of dead bodies and not using children as human shields or human bombs Never in history not even in the Nazi period was there such total disregard of all of the above as we observe now Every student of political science debates how you prevent an anti-democratic force from winning a democratic election and abolishing democracy Other aspects of a civilized society must also have limitations Can a policeman open fire on someone trying to kill him Can a government listen to phone conversations of terrorists and drug dealers Does free speech protect you when you shout fire in a crowded theater Should there be death penalty for deliberate multiple murders These are the old fashioned dilemmas But now we have an entire new set Do you raid a mosque which serves as a terrorist ammunition storage Do you return fire if you are attacked from a hospital Do you storm a church taken over by terrorists who took the priests hostages Do you search every ambulance after a few suicide murderers use ambulances to reach their targets Do you strip every woman because onenum pretended to be pregnant and carried a suicide bomb on her belly Do you shoot back at someone trying to kill you standing deliberately behind a group of children Do you raid terrorist headquarters hidden in a mental hospital Do you shoot an arch-murderer who deliberately moves from onenum location to another always surrounded by children All of these happen daily in Iraq and in the Palestinian areas What do you do Well you do not want to face the dilemma But it can not be avoided Suppose for the sake of discussion that someone would openly stay in a well known address in Teheran hosted by the Iranian Government and financed by it executing onenum atrocity after another in Spain or in France killing hundreds of innocent people accepting responsibility for the crimes promising in public TV interviews to do more of the same while the Government of Iran issues public condemnations of his acts but continues to host him invite him to official functions and treat him as a great dignitary I leave it to you as homework to figure out what Spain or France would have done in such a situation The problem is that the civilized world is still having illusions about the rule of law in a totally lawless environment It is trying to play ice hockey by sending a ballerina ice skater into the ring or to knock out a heavyweight boxer by a chess player In the same way that no country has a law against cannibals eating its prime minister because such an act is unthinkable international law does not address killers shooting from hospitals mosques and ambulances while being protected by their Government or society International law does not know how to handle someone who sends children to throw stones stands behind them and shoots with immunity and can not be arrested because he is sheltered by a Government International law does not know how to deal with a leader of murderers who is royally and comfortably hosted by a country which pretends to condemn his acts or just claims to be too weak to arrest him The amazing thing is that all of these crooks demand protection under international law and define all those who attack them as war criminals with some Western media repeating the allegations The good news is that all of this is temporary because the evolution of international law has always adapted itself to reality The punishment for suicide murder should be death or arrest before the murder not during and not after After every world war the rules of international law have changed and the same will happen after the present one But during the twilight zone a lot of harm can be done The picture I described here is not pretty What can we do about it In the short run only fight and win In the long run only educate the next generation and open it to the world The inner circles can and must be destroyed by force The outer circle can not be eliminated by force Here we need financial starvation of the organizing elite more power to women more education counter-propaganda boycott whenever feasible and access to Western media internet and the international scene Above all we need a total absolute unity and determination of the civilized world against all threenum circles of evil Allow me for a moment to depart from my alleged role as a taxi driver and return to science When you have a malignant tumor you may remove the tumor itself surgically You may also starve it by preventing new blood from reaching it from other parts of the body thereby preventing new supplies from expanding the tumor If you want to be sure it is best to do both But before you fight and win by force or otherwise you have to realize that you are in a war and this may take Europe a few more years In order to win it is necessary to first eliminate the terrorist regimes so that no Government in the world will serve as a safe haven for these people I do not want to comment here on whether the American led attack on Iraq was justified from the point of view of weapons of mass destruction or any other pre-war argument but I can look at the post-war map of Western Asia Now that Afghanistan Iraq and Libya are out twonum and a half terrorist states remain Iran Syria and Lebanon the latter being a Syrian colony Perhaps Sudan should be added to the list As a result of the conquest of Afghanistan and Iraq both Iran and Syria are now totally surrounded by territories unfriendly to them Iran is encircled by Afghanistan by the Gulf States Iraq and the Moslem republics of the former Soviet Union Syria is surrounded by Turkey Iraq Jordan and Israel This is a significant strategic change and it applies strong pressure on the terrorist countries It is not surprising that Iran is so active in trying to incite a Shiite uprising in Iraq I do not know if the American plan was actually to encircle both Iran and Syria but that is the resulting situation In my humble opinion the number onenum danger to the world today is Iran and its regime It definitely has ambitions to rule vast areas and to expand in all directions It has an ideology which claims supremacy over Western culture It is ruthless It has proven that it can execute elaborate terrorist acts without leaving too many traces using Iranian Embassies It is clearly trying to develop nuclear weapons Its so called moderates and conservatives play their own virtuoso version of the good cop versus bad cop game Iran sponsors Syrian terrorism it is certainly behind much of the action in Iraq it is fully funding the Hezbollah and through it the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad it performed acts of terror at least in Europe and in South America and probably also in Uzbekistan and Saudi Arabia and it truly leads a multi-national terror consortium which includes as minor players Syria Lebanon and certain Shiite elements in Iraq Nevertheless most European countries still trade with Iran try to appease it and refuse to read the clear signals In order to win the war it is also necessary to dry the financial resources of the terror conglomerate It is pointless to try to understand the subtle differences between the Sunni terror of Al Qaeda and Hamas and the Shiite terror of Hezbollah Sadr and other Iranian inspired enterprises When it serves their business needs all of them collaborate beautifully It is crucial to stop Saudi and other financial support of the outer circle which is the fertile breeding ground of terror It is important to monitor all donations from the Western World to Islamic organizations to monitor the finances of international relief organizations and to react with forceful economic measures to any small sign of financial aid to any of the threenum circles of terrorism It is also important to act decisively against the campaign of lies and fabrications and to monitor those Western media who collaborate with it out of naivety financial interests or ignorance Above all never surrender to terror No one will ever know whether the recent elections in Spain would have yielded a different result if not for the train bombings a few days earlier But it really does not matter What matters is that the terrorists believe that they caused the result and that they won by driving Spain out of Iraq The Spanish story will surely end up being extremely costly to other European countries including France who is now expelling inciting preachers and forbidding veils and including others who sent troops to Iraq In the long run Spain itself will pay even more Is the solution a democratic Arab world If by democracy we mean free elections but also free press free speech a functioning judicial system civil liberties equality to women free international travel exposure to international media and ideas laws against racial incitement and against defamation and avoidance of lawless behavior regarding hospitals places of worship and children then yes democracy is the solution If democracy is just free elections it is likely that the most fanatic regime will be elected the one whose incitement and fabrications are the most inflammatory We have seen it already in Algeria and to a certain extent in Turkey It will happen again if the ground is not prepared very carefully On the other hand a certain transition democracy as in Jordan may be a better temporary solution paving the way for the real thing perhaps in the same way that an immediate sudden democracy did not work in Russia and would not have worked in China I have no doubt that the civilized world will prevail But the longer it takes us to understand the new landscape of this war the more costly and painful the victory will be Europe more than any other region is the key Its understandable recoil from wars following the horrors of World War II may cost thousands of additional innocent lives before the tide will turn Zawahiri was associated with a faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad known as the Vanguards of Conquest Zawahiri and the Vanguards of Conquest were seeking to recreate Mohammed 's taking of mecca by a small band through violent attacks on Egyptian leaders By 1998num Zawahiri had determined that the Egyptian Islamic Jihad should focus on its struggle against the United States and hold off on further attacks against the Egyptian regime A key question is how they acquired the anthrax strain first isolated by the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab in 1980num According to senior counter terrorism officials both here and abroad among the supporters of these militant islamists were people who blended into society and were available to act when another part of the network requested it Al Qaeda Anthrax and Ayman Means Motive Modus Operandi and Opportunity Homeland Security In early June 2003num a Central Intelligence Agency CIA report publicly disclosed that the reason for Mohammed Atta 's and Zacarias Moussaoui 's inquiries into cropdusters was for the contemplated use in dispersing biological agents such as anthrax An early September 2003num Newsweek article included a rumor by a Taliban source that at a meeting in April 2003num Bin Laden was planning an unbelievable biological attack the plans for which had suffered a setback upon the arrest of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed KSM He had been captured the previous month in Rawalpindi Pakistan In November 2003num a report by a UN Panel of experts concluded that Al Qaeda is determined to use chemical and biological weapons and is restrained only by technical difficulties In a statement issued June 16num 2004num the 9/11 Commission Staff concluded that Al Qaeda had an ambitious biological weapons program and was making advances in its ability to produce anthrax prior to September 11num According to Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet al Qaeda 's ability to conduct an anthrax attack is onenum of the most immediate threats the United States is likely to face On August 9num 2004num it was announced that in the Spring of 2001num a man named El Shukrijumah also known as Jafar the Pilot who was part of a second wave had been casing New York City helicopters Photographs from a seized computer disc included the controls and the locks on the door between the passengers and pilot In a bulletin the FBI noted that the surveillance might relate to a plot to disperse a chemical or biological weapon The CIA reportedly has been quietly building a case that the anthrax mailings were an international plot This is old news It 's just no longer bureaucratically impolite to openly contest the FBI 's former theory about a lone American scientist Many people have argued that a US based Al Qaeda operative is behind the earlier Fall 2001num anthrax mailings in the US and that the mailings served as a threat and warning Princeton islamist scholar Bernard Lewis has explained that while islamists may disagree about whether killing innocents is sanctioned by the laws of jihad extremists like Zawahiri agree that notice must be given before biochemical weapons are used The Prophet 's guidance says Michael Scheuer an al Qaeda analyst who recently retired from the CIA and once headed its Bin Laden unit was always Before you attack someone warn them very clearly The anthrax mailings followed the pattern of letters they sent in January 1997num to newspaper branches in Washington D.C. and New York City as well as symbolic targets The letter bombs were sent in connection with the detention of the blind sheik Abdel Rahman and those responsible for the earlier World Trade Center bombing in 1993num Handwritten notes and files on a laptop seized upon the capture of KSM Al Qaeda 's # 3num included a feasible anthrax production plan using a spray dryer and addressed the recruitment of necessary expertise What your morning paper did not tell you however was that the CIA seized a similar disc from Ayman Zawahiri 's right hand Ahmed Salama Mabruk 5num years earlier The computer disk was confiscated from him during his arrest by the CIA in Azerbaijan and handed over to the Egyptian authorities Mabruk at the time was the head of Jihad 's military operations There is a risk that observers underestimate the time that Al Qaeda has had to make progress in such recruitment and research and development Some may still think that even in the final stages of the 9/11num plot Zacarias Moussaoui was going to fly a 5th plane into the Capitol or White House Others argue that he was to be part of a second wave of airliners directed to targets on the West Coast There is an e-mail by Moussaoui however dated July 31num 2001num indicating that he sought to take a crop dusting course that was to last up to 6num months In March 2003num Mohammed reportedly said that Moussaoui was not going to be part of 9/11num but was to be part of a second wave Although Ramzi Binalshibh provided him $ 14,000num in July accused September 11num conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui told his trial judge that he had an al Qaeda mission that would have come after the terrorist attacks KSM explained that Moussaoui 's inquiries about crop dusters may have been related to the anthrax work being done by US trained biochemist and Al Qaeda operative Malaysian Yazid Sufaat Zacarias Moussaoui never the sharpest tool in the shed and thought by his superiors to be unreliable has told the judge at his trial in a filing that he wants anthrax for Jew sympathizer only Al Qaeda 's regional operative Hambali who was at a key January 2000num meeting and supervised Sufaat has been captured Hambali reportedly is cooperating to some degree KSM and Hambali sent al Hindi al Britani along with Jafar the Pilot to case NYC targets for a second wave It was as part of that surveillance in early 2001num that Jafar the Pilot studied tourist helicopters in the NYC area Sufaat according to both KSM and Hambali did not have the virulent US Army Ames strain that would be used That would require someone who had access to the strain But if experience is any guide nothing would stand in the way of Dr. Ayman Zawahiri 's decade long quest to weaponize and use anthrax against US targets that was described by onenum confidante to an Egyptian newspaper reporter The islamist had been released from Egyptian prison and had known Zawahiri well for many years Emails from Zawahiri to Atef in the Spring of 1999num indicate that Ayman was a close student of the USAMRIID anthrax program He believed that the koran instructed that a jihadist should use the weapons used by the crusader What we know is that he 's always said it was a religious obligation to have the same weapons as their enemies former CIA OBL unit counter terrorism chief Michael Scheuer has said The Wall Street Journal reported that a computer used by Zawahiri contains a June 1999num memo that said the program should seek cover and talent in educational institutions which it said were more beneficial to us and allow easy access to specialists which will greatly benefit us in the first stage God willing Zawahiri was associated with a faction of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad known as the Vanguards of Conquest Zawahiri and the Vanguards of Conquest were seeking to recreate Mohammed 's taking of mecca by a small band through violent attacks on Egyptian leaders By 1998num Zawahiri had determined that the Egyptian Islamic Jihad should focus on its struggle against the United States and hold off on further attacks against the Egyptian regime A key question is how they acquired the anthrax strain first isolated by the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Lab in 1980num According to senior counter terrorism officials both here and abroad among the supporters of these militant islamists were people who blended into society and were available to act when another part of the network requested it A few days before Christmas 2003num after a renewed audiotape threat by Zawahiri of attacks to include in the US homeland the threat level was raised to orange or high After the alert condition had long since returned to yellow Zawahiri in late February issued another audiotape He urged the President that brigades and brigades would be coming under the banner of jihad carrying death and seeking paradise Zawahiri said that the US should expect another 9/11num on US soil According to some reports Zawahiri is thought by intelligence to be somewhere near the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan At onenum time some thought he had been spotted in Iran Wherever he is authorities need to focus on the traceable connection between him and those he or Atef recruited In October 2001num did the FBI profilers know of the draft message Khalid Mohammed had on the seized laptop from 1995num that was signed Khalid Sheik Bojinka The letter threatened to use biochemical weapons if the blind sheik was not released Khalid Mohammed 's involvement dates back to Bojinka as does Hambali 's Use of biochemical weapons as blackmail and threatened retaliation for such detentions was an alternative scenario in the Bojinka planning In May 2004num Patrick Hughes Lieutenant General Retired Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis Homeland Security Department testified before the 9/11 Commission He explained that interrogations and other evidence revealed that Al Qaeda wanted to strike the US with a nonconventional weapon most notably anthrax The same week the WTC head testified that while they had not received any briefing on the use of planes they had taken steps to prepare for an attack using anthrax based on intelligence that had been received Al Qaeda has had anthrax the raw seed product in its unweaponized form since at least 1997num when it was purchased by Bin Laden through the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Moro Front or MILF Zawahiri Al Qaeda 's # 2num is head of Al Qaeda 's biochemical program The CIA has known of Zawahiri 's plans to use anthrax for a half decade The confidante and right hand man of Dr. Ayman Zawahiri admitted that Zawahiri succeeded in obtaining anthrax and intended to use it against US targets Another senior Al Qaeda member a shura or policy making council member no less was working for the Egyptian intelligence services and he confirmed the report in a sworn lengthy confession Even Zawahiri 's attorney in 1999num said that Bin Laden and Zawahiri were likely to resort to the biological and chemical agents they possessed given the extradition pressure senior Al Qaeda leaders faced A recently released islamist who had been a close associate of Zawahiri said that Zawahiri spent a decade and had made 15num separate attempts to recruit the necessary expertise to weaponize anthrax in Russia and the Middle East The US Army recipe was not used and obtaining the unprocessed Ames strain of anthrax used does not warrant the weight given it by some press accounts There was lax control over the distribution of the Ames strain that was used especially in light of the fact that transfers were not even required to be recorded prior to 1997num Significantly the individual who isolated it nearly a quarter century ago now retired upon being contacted does not even report that he necessarily sent the only copy of the strain to Ft. Detrick Senator Patrick Leahy at a Congressional hearing in the Spring of 2002num noted that the FBI had collected the Ames strain from 20num sources In Fall 2004num MSNBC relying on an unnamed FBI spokesperson reports that the FBI has narrowed the pool of labs known to have had Ames that was a match from 16num to 4num but can not rule out that it was made overseas Al Qaeda 's anthrax production plans on Khalid Mohammed 's computer did not evidence knowledge of advanced techniques in the most efficient biological weapons At least according to the public comments by bioweaponeer experts William Patrick and Kenneth Alibek under the optimal method there is no electrostatic charge In the case of the anthrax used in the mailings there was an electrostatic charge Although there was a dominance of single spores and a trillionnum spore concentration there were clumps as large as 40num - 100num microns Spores must be no bigger than 5num microns to be inhalable Many point to the trillionnum spore concentration as extraordinary It is far simpler however to achieve a trillionnum spore concentration in the production of a few grams than in industrial processing typical of a state sponsored lab The trillionnum spore issue was at the heart of a lot of mistaken theories of the matter concluding that state sponsorship was necessarily indicated The reported finding at Dugway undermines the argument of both the bomb Iraq crowd and the liberals focused on Dr. Steve Hatfill who object to US biodefense research because they view it as being useful for offensive purposes USDA employee Johnelle Bryant first told us in sensational detail of Atta 's inquiries about purchasing and retrofitting a cropduster Khalid Mohammed then told interrogators that Zacarias Moussaoui 's inquiries about crop dusting may have related to Yazid Sufaat 's anthrax manufacturing plans Although the details of the documents on Mohammed 's computer may or may not point to possible difficulties in aerial dispersal they are fully consistent with the product used in the anthrax mailings Al Qaeda had both the means and opportunity US trained Malaysian biochemist Yazid Sufaat met with 9/11num plotters and twonum hijackers in January 2000num Sufaat was a member of Al Qaeda and a member of Jemaah Islamiah JI JI has ties with the Moro Front Sufaat used his company called Green Laboratory Medicine to buy items useful to Al Qaeda Green symbolizes Islam and Prophet Mohammed 's holy war Zacarias Moussaoui who had a crop dusting manual when he was arrested stayed at Sufaat 's condominium in 2000num when he was trying to arrange for flight lessons in Malaysia Yazid Sufaat provided Moussaoui with a letter indicating that he was a marketing representative for Infocus Technologies and allegedly provided him $ 35,000num The crop dusters were to be part of a second wave After 9/11num Yazid Sufaat traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan to work for the Taliban Medical Brigade and to continue his work with anthrax As described in US News a former reporter from the Kabul Times actually may have met Sufaat without realizing it while traveling near Kabul in October 2001num perceiving him as Filipino The fellow was carrying papers from Zawahiri and bragging about his ability to manipulate anthrax Sufaat was arrested in December 2001num upon his return to Malaysia Newsweek reported that a second wave involving biological attacks had been thwarted upon the arrest of Al Qaeda members who had been intended to provide logistical support Various doctors both foreign and American are associated with Al Qaeda leaders or operatives to include the doctors Abdul Qadoos Khan a bacteriologist from Rawalpindi and Aafia Siddiqui PhD from Karachi Microbiologist Abdul Qadoos Khan was charged along with his son Ahmed for harboring the fugitives As of March 28num 2003num he was in a hospital for a cardiac problem and had been granted pre-arrest bail Yet all you read about at the time was the arrest of the son Ahmed Abdul Qadoos who receives a stipend from the UN for being officially low IQ due to lead poisoning It was Khalid Mohammed who told authorities about Aafia Siddiqui who has a PhD from Brandeis in neurology The Pakistani press reported that she was nabbed in Karachi after being spotted at the airport in late March or early April 2003num If mistaken how did those reports first come about Understandably Amerithrax is a confidential investigation The Pakistan ISI and CIA rarely grant press interviews in connection with an ongoing manhunt The CIA did not even allow the FBI access to KSM for 10num days after his arrest As agent Van Harp then head of the Amerithrax investigation said the information coming from Khalid Mohammed is classified with the authorities releasing only certain limited information While it 's not easy to separate fact from fiction Attorney General Ashcroft and Director Mueller have publicly confirmed Aafia is still being sought They would know Her mother Ismat last saw Aafia and her grandchildren before they left in a minicab at the end of March Aafia was on her way with her children to visit and uncle and a friend in Islamabad According to the Pakistan reports Aafia Siddiqui was detained after being spotted at Karachi International airport after she was followed to a relative 's house Karachi is in the south The reports say she is suspected of having been a member of Al Qaeda 's Chemical Wire Group The family 's lawyer advises me that Aafia did not have enough money to pay for airfare tickets for herself and the kids and called Ismat from the train station That was the last Ismat heard from her Aafia never reached the uncle 's house Perhaps something got lost in the translation but the phrase Chemical Wire Group has appeared in all the english Pakistan and India papers The family 's attorney advises me that Aafia had no knowledge of chemicals and that would not appear to be her training There still is a very hot pursuit of the Atta level Floridian Adnan El Shukrijumah who Siddiqui is thought to have known and been assisting His nickname is Jafar the Pilot A senior DOJ official reports that Adnan has experience as a commercial pilot He is said by onenum FBI agent to be very very very dangerous He allegedly was at onenum or more meetings in the Summer of 2001num in Pakistan at which KSM and Sufaat were present He may have been seen in Hamilton Canada along with Egyptian al Maati who apparently also has received pilot training The United States truly no longer has time for faulty analysis or politically based preconceptions In early June 2003num a CIA report concluded that the reason for Atta 's and Zacarias Moussaoui 's inquiries into cropdusters was in fact for the contemplated use in dispersing biological agents such as anthrax It has long been known Osama Bin Laden was interested in using cropdusters to disperse biological agents since the testimony of millennium bomber Ahmed Ressam The hijacker Ahmed Alhaznawi appears to have contracted cutaneous anthrax in Afghanistan It is reasonable to credit his statement that he got the lesion after bumping into a suitcase he was carrying at a camp in Afghanistan The lesion is further evidence of Al Qaeda 's anthrax production program at Kandahar The present evidence relating to Atta 's alleged travel to Prague does not warrant a conclusion that Al Qaeda obtained the Ames strain from Iraq Iraq however remains a possible source of the Ames Former Russian bioweaponeer Ken Alibek has said that a key Russian scientist assisted Iraq and that Russia had the Ames strain His conclusion may have been based on the fake mobile biolab plans foisted upon the US by the Chalabi associate Curveball which Alibek divined to be identical to Russian mobile lab design Zawahiri did travel to Baghdad in 1998num with an entourage to attend the birthday party of Saddam 's son The papers found at headquarters of the Mukhabarat Iraq 's secret police show that an entourage from Al Qaeda group was sent to the Iraqi capital in March 1998num from Sudan According to at least some reports Bin Laden rejected the suggestion of a closer alliance preferring to pursue his own concept of jihad Twonum top Iraqi scientists code named Charlie and Alpha are helping the coalition to learn more about Iraqi 's anthrax program according to Dr. David Kay head of the Iraq survey group in charge of the hunt for WMD He has said that the Iraqis made surprising innovations in the milling and drying processes needed to weaponize anthrax The media coverage has been seriously confused on the issue of motive and the reason Senators Daschle and Leahy would have been targeted tending to simplistically view them as liberals Zawahiri likely targeted Senators Daschle and Leahy to receive anthrax letters in addition to various media outlets because of the appropriations made pursuant to the Leahy Law to military and security forces That money has prevented the militant islamists from achieving their goals Al Qaeda members and sympathizers feel that the FBI 's involvement in countries like Egypt Saudi Arabia Pakistan Indonesia and the Philippines interferes with the sovereignty of those countries According to a post she made on the internet Aafia Siddiqui expressed the same sentiment in connection with US appropriations sought in exchange for the extradition of WTC 1993num plotter Ramzi Yousef from Pakistan Senator Leahy was Chairman of both the Judiciary Committee overseeing the FBI and Appropriations Subcommittee in charge of foreign aid to these countries In late September 2001num it was announced that the President was seeking a blanket waiver that would lift all restrictions on aid to military and security units in connection with pursuing the militant islamists This extradition and imprisonment of Al Qaeda leaders along with US support for Israel and the Mubarak government in Egypt remains foremost in the mind of Dr. Zawahiri At the height of the development of his biological weapons program his brother was extradited pursuant to a death sentence in the Albanian returnees case now he faces retrial It 's hard to keep up with the stories about billionnum dollar appropriations debt forgiveness and loan guarantees to countries like Egypt and Israel and now even Pakistan Those appropriations pale in comparison to the many tens of billions in appropriations relating to the invasion of Iraq Al Qaeda had a motive in mind In his Fall 2001num book titled Knights under the Banner of the Prophet Zawahiri argued that the secular press was telling lies about the militant islamists to include the suggestion that the militant islamists were somehow the creation of the United States in connection with expelling the Russians from Afghanistan Zawahiri argued instead that they have been active since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in Egypt because of the Camp David Accord and the resulting peace treaty between Egypt and Israel The anthrax letters were sent on the date of the Camp David Accord and then the date Anwar Sadat was assassinated as if to underscore the point to anyone paying attention Most of the talking heads on television however knew only that Daschle and Leahy were liberal democrats and did not know anything of Al Qaeda beyond what they read in the US newspapers The FBI 's profile includes a US based supporter of the militant islamists Attorney General Ashcroft explained that an either or approach is not useful The media has tended to overlook the fact that when the FBI uses the word domestic the word includes a US based highly educated supporter of the militant islamists There is an emerging consensus that anthrax was contained in a letter to AMI the publisher of the National Enquirer in a goofy love letter to Jennifer Lopez enclosing a Star of David and proposing marriage A report by the Center for Disease Control of interviews with AMI employees as well as detailed interviews by author Leonard Cole supports the conclusion that there were not onenum but twonum such mailings containing anthrax The letters were to different AMI publications onenum to the National Enquirer and another to The Sun News assistant Bobby Bender recalls the letter containing the items to have been addressed to The Sun This tactic of letters is not merely the modus operandi of these militant islamists inspired by Zawahiri it is their signature The islamists sent letter bombs in January 1997num to newspaper offices in New York City and Washington D.C. They were sent in connection with the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center and the imprisonment of the blind sheik Sheik Abdel Rahman The former leader of the Egyptian Al Gamaa al Islamiya Islamic Group he was also a spiritual leader of Al Qaeda The letter bombs were sent in connection with the treatment of the Egyptian islamists imprisoned for the earlier attack on the WTC and a related plot The purpose of the letter bombs which resulted in minimal casualty was to send a message There initially was an outstanding $ 2num millionnum reward under the rewards for justice program the reward now is up to $ 5num millionnum There was no claim of responsibility There was no explanation Once onenum had been received the next ten mailed on twonum separate dates were easily collected Sound familiar Twonum bombs were also sent to Leavenworth where a key WTC 1993num defendant was imprisoned addressed to Parole Officer The position does not exist Abdel Rahman 's son was captured in Quetta Pakistan in mid-February 2003num That arrest in turn led to the dramatic capture of Khalid Mohammed Al Qaeda 's # 3num Mohammed allegedly was hiding in the home of the Pakistani bacteriologist Dr. Abdul Qadoos Khan Along with Zawahiri Abdel Rahman and his twonum sons have had considerable influence over Bin Laden He reportedly treated them like sons Although while in jail in the early 1980s Zawahiri caused considerable tension by challenging the blind sheik 's ability to lead a coalition of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Egyptian Islamic Group Zawahiri and OBL are Rahman 's friends The imprisoned WTC 1993num plotter Yousef was KSM 's nephew Thus the leaders in charge of Al Qaeda 's anthrax production program had a close connection to those imprisoned in connection with the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center According to the controversial Feith memo which summarized purported intelligence showing an Iraqi / Al Qaeda connection Osama Bin Laden had asked Iraqi intelligence for technical assistance in sending letter bombs a half year before the Al Hayat letters were sent Just because Al Qaeda likes its truck bombs and the like to be effective does not mean they do not see the value in a deadly missive As Brian Jenkins once said terrorism is theater A sender purporting to be islamist sent cyanide in both early 2002num and early 2003num in New Zealand and ingredients of nerve gas in Belgium in 2003num There 's even a chapter titled Poisonous Letter in the Al Qaeda manual The Federal Eagle stamp used in the anthrax mailings was a blue green It was widely published among the militant islamists that martyrs go to paradise in the hearts of green birds In the very interview in which they admitted 9/11num and described the codes used for the fournum targets for the planes the masterminds admitted to the Jenny code the code for representing the date 9/11num and used the symbolism of the Green Birds Osama Bin Laden later invoked the symbolism in his video The 19 Martyrs A FAQ on the Azzam Publications website explained that In the Hearts of Green Birds refers to what is inside The mailer 's use of Greendale School as the return address for the letters to the Senators is also revealing A May 2001num letter that Zawahiri sent to Egyptian Islamic Jihad members abroad establish that Zawahiri used school as a code word for the Egyptian militant islamists in his correspondence Green symbolizes Islam and was the Prophet Mohammed 's color By Greendale School the anthrax perp was being cute just as Yazid Sufaat was being cute in naming his lab Green Laboratory Medicine Dale means river valley Greendale likely refers to green river valley i.e. Cairo 's Egyptian Islamic Jihad or the Islamic Group The sender probably is announcing that he is of either Egyptian Islamic Jihad Egyptian Islamic Group or Jihad al Qaeda which is actually the full name of the group after the merger of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al Qaeda At the Darunta complex where jihadis trained recruits would wear green uniforms except for Friday when they were washed In a Hadith the Messenger of Allah explains that the souls of the martyrs are in the hearts of green birds that fly wherever they please in the Paradise As to opportunity though seldom reported there is a wealth of open source information about possible Al Qaeda or Egyptian Islamic Jihad or Egyptian Islamic Group in the United States and Canada The public information mostly relates to those suspected sleepers who have been detained or who are at large and are being sought Zawahiri 's mission in the United States in 1995num was to do spadework for terrorism not fundraising for charitable causes He traveled under an alias and was accompanied by a former US Army sergeant named Ali Mohammed What mosques exactly did they visit and who did they meet Whatever your political persuasion the FBI and CIA deserve our support We are after all in this together First the nature of such an investigation is that we lack sufficient information to second guess or even know what the FBI is doing Media reports are a poor approximation of reality because of the lack of good sources Second hindsight is 20num 20num Third with the new age Efrem Zimbalist Jr. in charge of the investigation it is not likely we could do better in striking the appropriate balance between due process and national security Finally the Hatfill theory seems to have been exhausted or at least lost public favor The Hatfill theory accusing Dr. Stephen Hatfill was always highly dubious The suspicion was founded on many false premises and there was no reliable publicly known evidence indicating his guilt The FBI 's fixation on Hatfill at least as rumored by some reporters may have stemmed from a warning by onenum Senator that careers hung in the balance Leahy 's chief of staff apparently started with the strong predisposition that some right winger was involved because twonum liberal democrats had been targeted The Hatfill theory to include ongoing interviews and ongoing 7num 24num surveillance by 8num surveillance specialists is now the subject of pending civil rights and libel claims of uncertain merit A suit against the New York Times and columnist Nicholas Kristof was dismissed in late November 2004num The judge had agreed to delay the civil rights matter from proceeding until at least October 2004num The judge frustrated by the apparent lack of progress encouraged that the parties reach a negotiated compromise that would permit some limited discovery to proceed and the judge has directed that the government to file an Answer to the Complaint The Hatfill Theory ironically might best be understood as an Al Qaeda theory with a coincidental Malaysian connection adding to the other circumstances Given the regrettable leaks that he was under suspicion it is only fair that the FBI leak with equal enthusiasm the fact that Dr. Hatfill has now been dropped as a suspect if and when that proves to be the case A search of Dr. Ken Berry 's residences likely will prove just about the last gasp of a biodefense insider theory Senior officials have been quoted in the press as saying that the searches were for the purpose of excluding him as much as including him Maureen Andre is going to look over the list of curves needed for the global assets August Board meeting onenum more time before I forward it to you He will make sure that we do not request FX and inflation CPI PPI etc. curves when only onenum of the curves will actually be used in the valuation process and to determine which inflation index is needed Typically we receive both FX and inflation from you but both curves may not always be used I hope that we can give you some time savings by eliminating any nonessential requests For now this is the list of countries for which we will probably need the FX and or inflation curves I will send the specifics per Andre later today India Philippines Bolivia Jamaica Guatemala Venezuela Columbia Puerto Rico CPI only I need historical inflation data as well Panama Brazil we have current data already China we have current data already Euro inflation only I am not certain about the needs for the London Underwriting IV group but will request the information from them if you have not done so already Thanks Cindy David and Cindy Please send us the list of the curves that you will need to revalue our international assets for the August Board meeting Thanks Maureen Philip I have to decline the invitation with regrets I have too many commitments right now Vince Kaminski Dear Vince Just a quick message to follow up on the email that I sent you recently inviting you to speak at our forthcoming congress Risk 2001num Australia which is taking place in Sydney on 20num & 21num August 2001num Have you had an opportunity to consider the invitation yet We are aiming to have the programme printed next week so I would really need to know as soon as possible if you would be available to speak at this year 's congress I am working from our Hong Kong office for this week only Tel +852num 2545num 2710num and I can be contacted by phone there or by email Kind regards Philip Philip Annesley Conference Producer Risk Waters Group +44num 20num 7484num 9866num +44num 20num 7484num 9800num Beth has made our reservations for the Round Table Friday night 5/18num at Sullivan 's Steak House for 6:30num See you all there this is ling overdue Paula Paula Thanks a lot Will you drive on that day Vince Beth has made our reservations for the Round Table Friday night 5/18num at Sullivan 's Steak House for 6:30num See you all there this is ling overdue Paula FYI Vince Anne Mike will call you regarding Sarah Vince As I mentioned in my voice mail Mike Roberts going to hire Sara Woody a recent MBA grad from Rice into his group However when we were talking about this position Mike compared Sara to Elena Elena 's title is admin coordinator and I know that Sara should not have this title and honestly do not think that Elena should also Admin coordinator's do primarily administrative work I suggest that you compare Elena and Sarah 's duties / level to other Sr. Spec. in your group such as Kenneth Parkhill and Sevil to determine if they are equivalent or if their scope of responsibilities and experience is not as broad If the latter is the case we could place both Sara and Elena in a specialist job group the salary range is 33num - 66num Knum Please advise Thanks Anne Clayton Thanks a lot I appreciate all your help Vince Vince Good news Martin 's box is working wonderfully I 'll have everything transferred to it and give him the keys by Friday This was another nice deal for Enron We save $ 21,000num in real money this way the cash refund Sun is giving Enron for our other server using a box that was n't being used by anyone I 'm happy about this Clayton Iris Congratulations Anne please include this info in Iris ' file Vince Michael Thanks for putting the paperwork together I would have interest in meeting if you can present unique investment opportunities that I do n't have access to now Most of my contact with financial advisors in the past has consisted of them suggesting a mutual fund telling me to invest in Home Depot Sun and Coke or trying to pass off their banks ' biased research reports as something valuable The above services provide no value to me personally If you can present opportunities such as access to private equity or hedge funds or other ideas with strong growth potential and low correlation to the S@P I 'd listen John John We 'll get the paperwork together and sent to you for naked options At some point I 'd like to talk about the diversification strategy in more detail perhaps over dinner or a quick meeting after the markets close Michael Gapinski Account Vice President Emery Financial Group PaineWebber Inc. 713-654-0365num 800-553-3119num x365 Fax 713-654-1281num Cell 281-435-0295num Michael Appreciate the idea However with my natural long I 'm not looking to really trade around the position I believe ENE will continue to be range bound but in case it is not I do n't want to forgo 50num % of my option premium I have price targets of where I would like to lighten up exposure to ENE and will use calls to implement the stategy To that regards I noticed I was not approved to sell naked calls I would like that ability in order to hedge some exposure I have of unexercised vested options Please look into that for me John John I was looking at the recent pullback in ENE and thinking it might be an opportunity to buy back the calls you sold Of course you would then be in a position to sell calls again if the stock makes a bounce I 'm not sure that ENE @ 75num is the place but maybe @ 73num Call me if you 're interested Michael Gapinski Account Vice President Emery Financial Group PaineWebber Inc. 713-654-0365num 800-553-3119num x365 Fax 713-654-1281num Cell 281-435-0295num Notice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions Please do not transmit orders and or instructions regarding your PaineWebber account s by e-mail Orders and or instructions transmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and PaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and or instructions Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality PaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all e-mail communications sent and or received by its employees Notice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions Please do not transmit orders and or instructions regarding your PaineWebber account s by e-mail Orders and or instructions transmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and PaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and or instructions Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality PaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all e-mail communications sent and or received by its employees Notice Regarding Entry of Orders and Instructions Please do not transmit orders and or instructions regarding your PaineWebber account s by e-mail Orders and or instructions transmitted by e-mail will not be accepted by PaineWebber and PaineWebber will not be responsible for carrying out such orders and or instructions Notice Regarding Privacy and Confidentiality PaineWebber reserves the right to monitor and review the content of all e-mail communications sent and or received by its employees Who cares Please note that effective immediately my email address has changed to He just rescheduled to Wednesday How about dinner on Wednesday after that Your buddy Beau invited me How about prior to that or after that on Tuesday not really already have plans on thursday are you going to the NYMEX candidate cocktail hour Tuesday oh god is there an agenda Would dinner Thursday work instead not really already have plans on thursday are you going to the NYMEX candidate cocktail hour Tuesday oh god is there an agenda Wednesday does n't work for me How about Tuesday's at 3:30num Houston time i completely agree I would like to have a meeting once a week for 1num - 2num hours with all 6num of us just to make sure we are moving forward and to get an update and anything and everything My only concern is that we take the boys away from their overwhelming task What do you guys think John OK I will have to move my weekly meeting to Tuesday Monday's starting next week at 4num Wednesday does n't work for me How about Tuesday's at 3:30num Houston time i completely agree I would like to have a meeting once a week for 1num - 2num hours with all 6num of us just to make sure we are moving forward and to get an update and anything and everything My only concern is that we take the boys away from their overwhelming task What do you guys think John Not yet Did you happen to sign your employment agreement Please respond to request below Thanks John Lavorato has requested the attached report He is concerned about the allocation amongst categories in particular Real Time Traders If you would please review the entire list and let me know if you are in agreement with the presentation by tomorrow evening if possible I 'm at x if you have any questions Thanks I understand all of those comparisons however the reality is if we lose Dean which we will if we do n't pay 65num knum + 10num knum we will end up hiring a replacement at 75num - 80num k This is pretty easy math for me I know it seems like a stretch but the market for hourly traders is very strong right now I would like to get this done ASAP Thanks I am reviewing the request for an employment agreement renewal on Mark Dean Laurent Juan communicated some numbers to me and when reviewing this request would like to ask you to consider the following Current Salary $ 47,500num Job Group Specialist YE PRC Rating Satisfactory Original Proposition Base Salary 65num k 1num Year Agreement $ 5,000num signing Revised Proposal Base Salary 55num knum 1num Year agreement $ 5,000num signing Business Case If we offered Dean 55num knum or 60num knum it would still constitute a over a $ 10,000num increase approximately 25num % and taking into consideration he was rated as satisfactory at the specialist level Also the top of the salary range for a specialist is 66num k It would still give him room to progress in the current job group should he not be promoted Secondly he will still out price performers that you have in the same job group that are excellent and strong performers respectively eg. Paul Thomas Jason Choate Todd DeCook and Peter Makkai Salary Listing in Job Group Maria Valdes superior $ 62,500num Paul Thomas excellent $ 55,008num Jason Choate excellent $ 60,008num Todd DeCook strong $ 42,008num Peter Makkai strong $ 47,500num Let me know your thoughts then I will run it by Oxley Are we going to attend Transmission Expansion and Systems in Transition Conference Feb. 5num - 8num 2002num Miami Florida OVERVIEW This conference will examine the business and regulatory challenges to U.S. electric systems in transition in effectively expanding transmission capacity to meet new demands in the larger and more competitive regional markets emerging under FERC 's RTO initiatives The conference will review the parameters of these challenges and possible solutions to them It will examine technology options and new business models for transmission expansion It will analyze emerging proposals for effective transmission planning and pricing including market based pricing alternatives to FERC 's traditional pricing methods The conference will also discuss what it will take in legislative action and regulatory initiative to achieve an efficient regime for ensuring that the nation has a reliable grid and regional trading system The brochure for the Conference and associated Workshops can be obtained by clicking on the link below Electricity Market Design Conference March 25num - 26num 2002num Atlanta Georgia I need to check something in 969num 's 2000num tax return Who has the 2000num tax return file for 969num Essie Sonya City 07/30/2001num 05:17num PM Embedded Picture Device Independent Bitmap I think that this is for you since I do n't know any of these people WHO Enron WHAT Happy Hour for John Suarez WHEN Today at 5num pm WHERE The Front Porch 217num Gray St. 713num 571-9571num WHY Today is John 's last day at EBS This is NOT an Enron sponsored event How do you feel about taking on another company Essie and Leon have proposed xferring Co. 1691num to your world see below Do you concur Please let me know Monday morning Regards Vicsandra If you have not already made these decisions Essie 's guidance should be helpful Patty Lee Corporate Tax x35172 EB 1774num Please see my comments in red below Essie Essie Can you recommend where these companies each fit within the new organization If possible can you also give an indication of the rank 1num through 5num Thanks Patty I have a few entities that may need to change groups or be assigned to a group 18T EI Indonesia Operations LLC This entity is not in TIS SAP nor Hyperion The 2000num tax return has no income assets or liabilities There is a corporate data sheet for this company but this entity seems to have been inactive since it 's creation 86M Enron Net Works LLC Despite the name this entity appears to be a MTM company Per September financials this company has about $ 3num Mnum of MTM and about $ 8num Knum of expenses nothing else The next 5num companies were my responsibility while in EBS and did not get assigned during the reorg 80Y Enron Broadband Acquisition Inc This entity was created in 2000num for the acquistion of WarpSpeed Communications now Enron WarpSpeed Services Inc. 83N and then dissolved upon completion of merger Company is around with a small amount of assets and liabilities but no I/S items 83N is my responsibility I think this entity should stay with 83N So I suggest it be assigned to Leon It should be 4num easy 1579num EBS Network Co. Division of 17H This one should possibly be assigned to Networks & Services group Not currently on our list of companies I think this could go to either Holding Administrative Companies Same as 17H or Network & Services Leon 4num easy 1691num EPI EBS Europe Set up last month to centralize merchant asset activities Broke out the activities of 1179num A similar entity 1179num was assigned to Commodity and Trade Todd Richards and Mary Fischer so this one should be assigned to them as well 4num easy 1307num EBIC Apache LLC Rolls up to Cherokee Finance VOF a CFC Cherokee Finance VOF is assigned to North America Glen Walloch and Kevin Walker Maybe this one should also go to them as the only tax which may have to be provided would be foreign tax 4num easy 1689num EPI EBS Ventures LLC Set up last month to centralize merchant asset activities Broke out the activities of 1307num Same as 1307num It should be assigned to North America Glen Walloch and Kevin Walker 4num easy Let me know if you have any questions Leon Branom Senior Tax Analyst Networks and Services 713num 345-8702num office No problem about moving Company 1691num over I see that it is a 4num so that will be no problem How do you feel about taking on another company Essie and Leon have proposed xferring Co. 1691num to your world see below Do you concur Please let me know Monday morning Regards Vicsandra If you have not already made these decisions Essie 's guidance should be helpful Patty Lee Corporate Tax x35172 EB 1774num Please see my comments in red below Essie Essie Can you recommend where these companies each fit within the new organization If possible can you also give an indication of the rank 1num through 5num Thanks Patty Virginia Hello I was originally inquiring about purchasing a Cross or Signac impressionist lithograph I found them and purchased both from a gallery in London William Weston They should be delivered this week They are beautiful and will add a lot to our collection By the way the Lichtenstein is up and hanging in our formal living room and it is magnificent I have also purchased an Appel in the last month I am interested in several artists Actually a lot I will be looking for onenum or more of the following My concept is that over time I would like to own onenum of all the following artists and they are all depending when I find something that we really like I listed all of our sometimes mine vs. my wife 's favorites and priorities They are kind of in rank order but as I stated if I find the piece that I like we will purchase it I want signed and numbered I realize that some were not signed by the artist but it is an important fact in my buying decision I also realize that some may not have done any works on paper or they are outrageously expensive For example I would like to know if Rothko or Kline did any work on paper At least that is what I am thinking now Bonnard colorful only Lautrec Suerat any works on paper I do n't know that he did any Other impressionist or post impressionist lithos Braque Moore Arp Rouault Modrian Rothko Kline Motherwell By the way I am interested in re-looking at a Picasso although we have 2num that your gallery had a couple of years ago It was a cubist piece from the 1920s and I believe you called the technique a push wa pronunciation Vs an attempt at the proper spelling It was for sale in a couple of galleries in SF and was about $ 20,000num Is there 1num available Also I am still thinking about the Matisse we discussed before but as you can see I have a lot of other artists I am interested in and it may remain on the back burner because we already have onenum Thanks mike Huskers drool over Sooners Ken Rice@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 01/19/2001num 09:14num AM Huskers rule Sooners drool Mike McConnell@ECT 01/19/01num 07:55num AM Thanks for the note Sooners rule We 'll find time when things settle down m Ken Rice@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 01/19/2001num 07:24num AM Mike I see that we are scheduled to have lunch today I may have to postpone again I 'll let you know later this morning I am out all weekend and we have to have the final comments on the Analyst Presentation in by sunday night so I may be working over lunch Actually I think we are in pretty good shape so I will probably be doing lunch but just do n't be too mad if I have to cancel Ken PS Your brother told me he went to 3num bowl games when I found out that twonum of them were the bowl and that one in Shreveport I ca n't remember the name of it I realized he is a very very sick college football fan Jeff here is the intial draft Please leave as a word document and make any changes and additions that you think necessary I have n't even changed the wording after I first put it down Mike Mark I thought you would enjoy the comment about you m Ken Rice@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 01/19/2001num 07:24num AM Mike I see that we are scheduled to have lunch today I may have to postpone again I 'll let you know later this morning I am out all weekend and we have to have the final comments on the Analyst Presentation in by sunday night so I may be working over lunch Actually I think we are in pretty good shape so I will probably be doing lunch but just do n't be too mad if I have to cancel Ken PS Your brother told me he went to 3num bowl games when I found out that twonum of them were the bowl and that one in Shreveport I ca n't remember the name of it I realized he is a very very sick college football fan I will put this on our calendars Too bad you wo n't make the Compaq thing but maybe next year San Antonio wow what a let down from the other cities That will be a nice time of year though I can recommend some good restaurants since I took Ric there last year for his birthday We stayed at the Menger and had a great time Kay Mann@ENRON 09/20/2000num 04:18num PM This Friday Michael goes for a visit at St. Francis which may be his new school so far so good I 'll be in around 1000num Most Fridays I 'm going to TRY to pick Michael up since I 'm away so much which means leaving by 445num or so October 4num ENA orientation in the am October 19num / 20num Neil is out of town so I have to pick Michael up from school leave at 430num October 26num / 27num hope to be vacation time Neil has a meeting in San Antonio usually it is in Miami San Francisco Phoenix not so great this year It is the officer 's meeting for Enterprise and spouses are invited This means we wo n't be in town for the Compaq thing Figures of course Thanks for asking I 'm watching for some good vacation days also fyi review comment I have a couple of questions so I can wrap up the LOI We refer to licensed Fuel Cell Energy equipment Do we intend to reference a particular manufacturer or should this be more generic Do we want to attach a draft of the Development Agreement and condition the final deal on agreeing to terms substantially the same as what 's in the draft I have a concern that the Enron optionality bug could bite us on the backside with that one Do we expect to have ONEnum EPC contract or several I 'm looking for the confidentiality agreement which may be in Bart 's files have n't checked closely yet If anyone has it handy it could speed things up for me Thanks Kay Forget the ONEnum or more contract questions I see we expect to have separate contracts for each project I have a couple of questions so I can wrap up the LOI We refer to licensed Fuel Cell Energy equipment Do we intend to reference a particular manufacturer or should this be more generic Do we want to attach a draft of the Development Agreement and condition the final deal on agreeing to terms substantially the same as what 's in the draft I have a concern that the Enron optionality bug could bite us on the backside with that one Do we expect to have ONEnum EPC contract or several I 'm looking for the confidentiality agreement which may be in Bart 's files have n't checked closely yet If anyone has it handy it could speed things up for me Thanks Kay On the issue of the contracts the draft says that the $ 170num mnum is paid when the EPC contract is signed Are we expecting that the portion attributable to each project will be paid as the individual EPC contracts are signed Thanks Kay 1 The pricing that we have given CRRA is specific to FuelCell Energy and would not be meaningful without listing the manufacturer i.e. ONSI would be a lot more money Hence I think that we have to reference the manufacturer 2 The attachment of the Development Agreement is a Jeff question In order to mark any 2000num income we will need to get CRRA to execute the Development Agreement in 2000num In my opinion we should show CRRA a copy of the LOI with the assumption that the Development Agreement is attached I would actually send them the draft Development Agreement a couple days after the LOI Based on how CRRA reacts I would make an ultimate determination if the agreement needs to be attached to the LOI 3 I expect at least onenum EPC contract per project We do n't want to condition the acceptance of onenum project on the performance of another project Performance tests will either be performed on a project basis or a unit by unit basis in a given project Remarkably clear explanation Sent by Ben Jacoby@ECT FYI see below Mom 's birthday is tommorow What are we going to get her Chris That is some good stuff I hear you are coming our way soon Look forward to drinking a few beers Chris Michael McDermott on 06/01/2000num 06:00:56num AM Yo Mama `s so fat Your mama is so fat When she hauls ass she has to make twonum trips When she dances she makes the band skip When she was diagnosed with the flesh eating disease the doctor gave her 13num years to live She puts mayonnaise on aspirin <- clearly the winner Her cereal bowl came with a lifeguard When she goes to the zoo the elephants throw her peanuts Her high school graduation picture was an aerial photograph Her driver `s license says Picture continued on other side She has to iron her pants on the driveway The back of her neck looks like a pack of hot dogs Yo mama `s so fat all the restaurants in town have signs that say Maximum Occupancy 240num Patrons OR Yo Mama Yo mama `s so fat when she ran away they had to use all fournum sides of the milk carton Yo mama `s so fat instead of Levis 501num jeans she wears Levi`s 1002`s Yo mama `s so fat when she gets in an elevator it HAS to go down Yo mama `s so fat she was born with a silver shovel in her mouth Yo mama `s so fat she `s got smaller fat women orbiting around her Yo mama `s so fat she could sell shade You will have to wait and see :-) Done Expect a call from Paul tonight Chris What are some good interview questions Poll your co-workers cd I told Paul that you called him yesterday so abruptly because you did n't want to waste his time while you got tests done for arthritis I told him I told you to call him back and at least hear what he has to say He said they are looking for people and based on what I told him an interview was a formality Chris Is that Microwave that you gave Dan really expensive All the guys at work are saying I should n't bother having it fixed I should just buy a new one Chris Jai Hawker 974-6721num I wo n't forget about the $ Do I need to cross reference the deals in my model to the deals in the system or did you already do that Chris Kathy Do n't take that deal out until I look at it I think it is mine but I forgot to write it in the blue FX book I only wrote it in my red book Thanx Chris Just a reminder to send me a currency report Thanx Chris Paul called me today He will be in Calgary in a couple of weeks and will interview you then Chris You should reply ASAP Do n't make Peters and Co. wait Chris I did n't get a chance to talk to Paul today Give him a call tommorow Chris Will you please run a June NX3 NX1 for our book Paul How about meeting at 11:30num or 12num I am in the office so give me a call CD 3-1663num The deed is done Chris Find attached resume and cover letter Hopefully he did n't spel anyting incorrectly Dan is really smart and a hard worker I think he would be a good fit Give me a call Tuesday afternoon to discuss gone to Kelowna golfing for the weekend Cheers Chris I have n't had a chance to send it yet Paul is out of the office today so I have n't had a chance to talk to him I 'll send it as soon as you resond wether I should or not Chris Are you guys still looking for an analyst Should I send the resume to Dawn or you directly Chris Enron Canada Corp. Suite 1100num 70num York Street Toronto Ontario M5J 1S9 416-865-3700num Paul DeVries Director 416-865-3703num Jan Wilson Manager 416-865-3704num Attached is a forecast for the rest of the summer for the X NWP and PGT We should try to have a conference call with the west desk to discuss as soon as we can Chris See you there CD Sushi tonight Ryan Watt says high Chris I will be able to attend Chris Mike Jordan 26/09/2000num 14:14num Fernley / Sally Off and on with Jackie Gentle 's help I have pulled together a onenum page communication note on our fundamental operating standards itself a onenum page summary We are in the final stages of this process where we draft a cover letter for John which will introduce this for inclusion within Globalflash the Enron Europe newsletter Have you any thoughts on draft or cover note Mike Late Jan sounds great Meagan does have a couple of big things on the weekend in January National Charity League Senior Presentation big dance that she and I are committed to help with the Bearkadette Ball and a winter party for Cotillion I believe that these are threenum weekends in a row January 6num 13num and 20th So the last weekend in January would work well and I will need a rest from formal affairs Does that work for you And do you want to do it on a Saturday or Sunday Saturday probably works better for me just so that I am back in Houston and doing laundry by Sunday afternoon Hi Talked to the little mother to be She said a shower would be grand She has some big presentation mid-January How does late January sound to you Should we set a date now Am I turning into Mother Cindy I think that it is a great idea to get some press regarding our fundamental operating standards but I wonder about the most appropriate timing enough of a global message and the means of delivery On the means of delivery I am not sure from your note whether or not I fully understand the intent Is there an article to be included in an Enron publication and in addition a letter to be sent under John 's name if so to whom will the letter be sent Or is the letter from John an introduction to be included as a lead in to the article With regard to a global message I think that onenum of the key points around fundamental operating standards are that they are intended to be global in nature applied to every commodity and every location where we engage in trading activities With these operating standards implemented worldwide we will know as operations professionals that risk is being mitigated and we will be able to ensure Enron top management that there is consistency in operating standards worldwide These global standards also should enable Enron to expand its business reach more quickly with well defined requirements with regard to trading operations I am not sure from the article as written that the global nature of this effort comes across Finally a question regarding timing The last I knew after you and Brent drafted this starting point for fundamental operating standards was that this was being circulated Shona took this to do after Brent 's return to Houston for comments to all business controllers I do n't believe that we are quite at the point that we can say that all business controllers worldwide have reviewed understand and have implemented these standards And not to belittle the process of creating the standards the tough part and the real meat behind this will be an effective exception report on a global basis against these standards My commitment to Rick Causey is that I will have that global report in production by the end of the year There is much work to do in defining the content and regularity of the report and even more work to do to identify reliable sources of data for compiling the report Shona has commissioned Mike Moscoso to work on this and I believe that Mike has already been working with James New So I question whether or not you want to publish info about fundamental standards that we can not yet report against Would a more appropriate time be after the Global Operations Controller meeting in October when we should have worldwide buy in and commitment to these standards and hopefully our first draft of a meaningful exception report Sorry that this response looks so long I have been interrupted 20num times while responding so I hope that it makes sense Thanks for sharing this with me Since you asked for input I hope that you do n't mind that I gave you some Sally David W Delainey@ECT 11/10/2000num 01:04num PM Steve I noticed that our allocation from 2000num to 2001num is going up by 21num % year on year ie $ 13.9num Mnum from $ 11.5num Mnum We have been able to keep ENA 's direct group expenses flat year on year we are trying hard to keep the corporate allocation flat year to year as well Do you have a view on how we might be able to achieve this goal Regards Delainey Do n't worry about it sorry for putting you back on speaker I just wanted Sue to hear she enjoys utility bashing so much Thanks for the comment on the hearing In some respects I do n't think the first panel could have gone much better everyone thanked FERC for intervening though for different reasons The other staff reports are also looking good Scott Miller has been a godsend somebody not afraid to tell it like it is Jeff Dasovich Sent by Jeff Dasovich 11/10/2000num 12:33num PM I apologize if I offended anyone Please let them know that I was simply quoting the CEO of a large regulated utility in California Thanks for attributing the quote to me You did a great job at the hearing it went decidely downhill after you left Best Jeff Does she have any interest in meeting onenum on onenum or is she just looking for a public hanging I remain convinced that if we can just get the facts in front of people they will modulate their approach Jeff Dasovich Sent by Jeff Dasovich 11/10/2000num 12:21num PM Given the short notice we will politely decline to participate at the hearing on Monday but will let the good Senator know that in general we intend to engage actively in the process and plan to help California find a solution that works for everybody Amen See below Can we get some help on the IBM issues Erin Rice 11/10/2000num 11:08num AM Steve At this point our IT contacts are backpedalling a bit and suggesting they can overcome the TIBCO and Terminal Server problems There are still fournum important issues however IT still can not commit to transferring messages across domains This means that messages initiated at Corp and intended for the entire Enron organization will not reach any business units outside the Corp domain No messages will reach the EES organization unless IBM agrees not to use their proprietary message delivery tool WebSphere and will use WebLogic instead WebLogic is required by BackWeb although it is designed by a separate company HR intended to be a key user of this tool will not use BackWeb because survey responses can not be made anonymous HR has already purchased a tool called CONFIRMIT that can execute anonymous surveys Messages will not be delivered simultaneously to all users in the same domain nor will they be delivered for twonum to fivenum hours after they are sent by the message administrator Another thing to consider is that these messages will be set to expire and disappear within a set period of time meaning users can not retrieve them and read them later as they can with e-mail This means that I could be away from the office for several days and miss a message entirely because it would have expired and disappeared by the time I returned The plain fact is that a few members of IT are pushing this initiative but they lack commercial sponsorship They are hoping Corp will foot the bill for a pilot which will allow them to fully test this tool before implementing it company wide Please let us know if you have additional questions er Steven J Kean 11/09/2000num 11:35num AM Do we have a sense for how many we can reach how many we ca n't and where they are Are whole offices eg Tokyo unreachable or is it only those who have home offices Courtney Votaw 11/08/2000num 11:02num AM Mark and Steve Erin Rice and I would like to meet with you to discuss the issues concerning BackWeb before we proceed As you can see from the Design Document they are pretty significant Thanks Courtney calendar Paul Kaufman@ECT Sent by Lysa Akin@ECT 11/10/2000num 05:59num PM Paul Kaufman has asked me to set a conference call to review the FERC Meeting that was held Thursday Nov. 9th Please be advised that I have set the call as follows Date Monday Nov. 13th Time 11:30num am 1:30num pm Central 2:30num pm Eastern Call In # 888-422-7132num Pin # 411507num Pin # for Paul Kaufman ONLY 362416num If you have any questions please call 503/464-7927num Lysa Akin Ass't. to Paul Kaufman it 's on tonight it 's did you watch your girl on tv last night the deal number is 814014num why ca n't you see this Did you do a deal with National Fuel Marketing purchasing 3,500num mmbtu on May 30th @ 2.975num They are invoicing for this and I do n't have an invoice for it Can you give me the Sitara deal # Thanks Darla Ok to book for me and my husband Joseph I was issued a new corporate American Express card Same number with expiration date of 3/03num If you need any more info please advise Otherwise I will assume you will book the twonum tickets Thank you Actually upon second look the deal number is 814014num why ca n't you see this Did you do a deal with National Fuel Marketing purchasing 3,500num mmbtu on May 30th @ 2.975num They are invoicing for this and I do n't have an invoice for it Can you give me the Sitara deal # Thanks Darla should be non bondad Jane on deal 763736num for May 01num sales to Southwest Gas we have a pricing discrepancy Our system reflects SJ Bondad GDP but SWG is going to pay us based on SJ Non-Bondad GDP Can you please confirm which price is correct and make the change in Sitara if necessary Thanks Laurie Ellis Enron Net Works LLC Client Services Phone 713num 345-9945num Fax 713num 646-8420num Email Sorry about the flooding Hope you and your family survived ok Attached are the gas settlement and support for May The only difference we had was for package V02 Mark Anderson says that even though Bondad gas flowed the price was Non-Bondad Have a great day Nancy ENRON.XLS File ENRON.XLS enrongss.xls File enrongss.xls actually for volumes flowing out of bondad which is deal number 763736num price is bondad gda for blanco deal number 759933num price is nonbondad gda Jane on deal 763736num for May 01num sales to Southwest Gas we have a pricing discrepancy Our system reflects SJ Bondad GDP but SWG is going to pay us based on SJ Non-Bondad GDP Can you please confirm which price is correct and make the change in Sitara if necessary Thanks Laurie Ellis Enron Net Works LLC Client Services Phone 713num 345-9945num Fax 713num 646-8420num Email Sorry about the flooding Hope you and your family survived ok Attached are the gas settlement and support for May The only difference we had was for package V02 Mark Anderson says that even though Bondad gas flowed the price was Non-Bondad Have a great day Nancy ENRON.XLS File ENRON.XLS enrongss.xls File enrongss.xls I talked with Mark at SW Gas just honro his numbers Nancy can you please reconfirm with Mark the price for the gas at Bondad My trader is supporting her price of SJ Bondad GDP rather than SJ Non-Bondad GDP Thanks Laurie Ellis Enron Net Works LLC Client Services Phone 713num 345-9945num Fax 713num 646-8420num Email actually for volumes flowing out of bondad which is deal number 763736num price is bondad gda for blanco deal number 759933num price is nonbondad gda Jane on deal 763736num for May 01num sales to Southwest Gas we have a pricing discrepancy Our system reflects SJ Bondad GDP but SWG is going to pay us based on SJ Non-Bondad GDP Can you please confirm which price is correct and make the change in Sitara if necessary Thanks Laurie Ellis Enron Net Works LLC Client Services Phone 713num 345-9945num Fax 713num 646-8420num Email Sorry about the flooding Hope you and your family survived ok Attached are the gas settlement and support for May The only difference we had was for package V02 Mark Anderson says that even though Bondad gas flowed the price was Non-Bondad Have a great day Nancy ENRON.XLS File ENRON.XLS enrongss.xls File enrongss.xls Please find enclosed EES 's request for Volumes for PGE CityGate delvery effective 11/1/01num See attached spreadsheet Please quote the Gas on an Indexed Basis If you have any questions or comments please advise I have not had the patience to get it working I will call you some evening and we can walk thru it How was your trip to Des Moines Did dthat stuff form Joe help your car Hey Cester When are we going to get NetMeeting going How is Deb 's knee Did she ever go to a real doctor Tholt Jane M. Yes She is having physical theraphy 3num times a week She said it is getting better I have n't seen her for a couple of weeks and have only talked to her I will probably be calling you next week the desk wants me to become more involved in regulatory updates so I will seek your assistance with this matter Jared just told me you have a BUNCH of stuff on your plate and I think you are about to get much busier too cool by me Jared Ruth and I are going to go over all the Florida activity tomorrow morning If no one objects I will be the lead coordinator on Florida starting tomorrow Yes maam she 's UBS now She was just down here too Chris I did n't remember if your email mentioned Judy Did she make it Cindy Franklin Transportation Services Work 832.676.3177num Fax 832.676.1329num Pager 1.888.509.3736num This email and any files transmitted with it from the ElPaso Corporation are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed If you have received this email in error please notify the sender Jared Ruth and I are going to go over all the Florida activity tomorrow morning If no one objects I will be the lead coordinator on Florida starting tomorrow OK I never get to talk to Ruth because SHE IS ALWAYS ON THE PHONE And I bet she 's on the phone with Shemin too Should we all get together and make a conference call to Dominion like we did before or should I just call Jeff Davis myself Our last call was Iris Kind Bill Savier sp and Jeff Davis Do n't forget about me I 'm still trying to find out what it will take to move gas on and ENA tabs agreement No transportation at this point just a tabs Also it will be much easier for you guys to monitor because most of the deals will be monthly Steve everything looks good with onenum exception The rate schedule on Tennessee should be either NET 2num or NET 284num I wo n't find out until Monday You review and approve it keep it on your desk and I will come over and make the change at your desk on Monday Then I 'll take it to Ed for his approval By the way Cullen and Dykman is sending copies of what we are doing to Melanie Gray Chris Per our conversation a few minutes ago attached please find the revised Stipulation This document has been modified with the changes that were in the mark up you faxed to Toni Donohue here a few hours ago I also deleted subject to recall based on our discussion assuming you get approval for that revision You informed me that you would discuss this with your attorney Also as I mentioned to you we have faxed your mark up to Melanie Gray at Weil Gotschal in Houston to keep her informed Her voice mail says she 's out of the office until Monday Thanks for all your help on this David T. Metcalfe Cullen and Dykman LLP 177num Montague Street Brooklyn New York 11201num phone 718-780-0046num fax 718-780-0276num e-mail ____________________________________________________ This email may contain material that is confidential privileged and or attorney work product for the sole use of the intended recipient s Any review reliance or distribution by others or forwarding without express permission is strictly prohibited If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender and delete all copies Stipulation -ECT-KEDNE re IGTS & Tennessee Cap Releases -FINAL.doc BLACKLINE -Stip -ECT-KEDNE re Cap Releases -2-F.doc Stipulation -ECT-KEDNE re IGTS & Tennessee Cap Releases -FINAL.doc - BLACKLINE -Stip -ECT-KEDNE re Cap Releases -2-F.doc A heartwarming story of the advances of women in achieving equality throughout the world Barbara Walters did a story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War She noted then that women customarily walked about 10num feet behind their husbands She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives Ms. Walters approached onenum of the women and said This is marvelous Can you tell the free world just what enabled women here to achieve this reversal of roles Land mines said the Kuwaiti woman Cullen and Dykman attorneys for Boston Gas Company approved all of our changes on the agreement to release the Tenn and Iroq space back to Boston Gas They also made onenum other change they are taking out the subject to recall language at the bottom of page 2num under item # 1num They will be sending the revised document to me I will deliver it to you for your approval Maybe we can go drinking too That would be fun I 'll be at your house around 10:30num or 11num tonight YOU REALLY DO NOT HAVE TO GO I KNOW YOU HAVE A LOT GOING ON WITH YOU AND THE LITTLE WOMAN I CAN HANDLE THE TRACTOR love TO HAVE YOU ALONG FOR THE COMPANY BUT IT IS NOT NECESSARY YOU HAVE A LOT ON YOU PLATE DAD on 01/25/2002num 03:13:58num PM Funny No I did n't feel guilty about the garage sale that 's why I was annoyed being notified at 10:00num at night GRRRRRRR I do feel guilty about you doing all this work So I 'm going with you I pay for the gas and the twinkies Correction Jack welch is the CEO of GE not GM Vince Kaminski The eThink Team We recently asked you to create an eSpeak wish list for us The response was tremendous and in some cases very creative Your fellow employees asked for everyone from Britney Spears to George Bush In all we received requests for 61num persons outside of Enron to host an eSpeak event We thought you might like to know who your colleagues find interesting so we 've provided a sampling of the suggestions below Here are the top tennum most requested eSpeakers 10 Jack Welch CEO General Motors 9 Scott McNeally CEO Sun Microsystems 8 Satisfied Enron Customers 7 Stephen Covey author The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 6 Oprah Winfrey talkshow host 5 General Colin Powell former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S.A 4 Alan Greenspan Chairman Federal Reserve U.S.A 3 Former U.S. President George Bush 2 Bill Gates CEO Microsoft 1 Texas Governor George W. Bush While we ca n't make any promises we will do our best to bring in at least some of these special guests If you have any contacts who could help us get in touch with these guest speakers please let us know at Everybody needs a little help now and then even eSpeak There were plenty of internal speakers requested as well Those requests should be somewhat easier to meet although scheduling time with some of our colleagues can be quite a task Thank you all for your participation Dale Confirmed Vince Vince 7num am at Hyatt Regency Downtown would be perfect I will see you in the lobby at 7num am Best regards Dale Dale Friday is a bad day Performance Review Committee all day What about 7:00num at the office or breakfast meeting at 7:00num We can meet at Hyatt Regency Downtown Smith Street Vince Vince Can we get together Friday morning July 7num at 800num am at your office That would be particularly convenient for me I will have to leave downtown at about 945num to catch a plane That will ensure that I wo nt take up too much of your time Thanks for your efforts here and thanks for being patient with me Dale Nesbitt FYI Vince sold I 'll initiate the call Ed Thursday works for me What about 10:30num my time Vince Please respond to how about Thursday July 6num Ed A correction I shall spend an entire day at PRC performance review on Friday July 7num Can we do on another day Vince Please respond to I 'll still be here in Boston so we 'd do it over the phone OK Ed Will you be in Houston on that day or we shall do it over the phone Vince Please respond to Vince How about a pre-meeting web site cruise on Friday July 7num at 11num AM EDT Ed Ed July 12num 2:30num it is I would like the pre-meeting site cruise How can we arrange it Vince Please respond to Vince We 're all set for 2:30num on July 12num How about a pre-meeting web site cruise on Friday July 7num at 11num AM EDT Ed Ed Wednesday July 12num 2:300num will work for me I shall be glad to review your website I shall invite some people who work on electricity in my group to join me Vince Please respond to Vince Good to hear from you and I 'm glad you 're available How is Wednesday at 2:30num I did look at EOL and am not surprised to see its quality I was unable to say much about it in my Risk Electricity Hedging and Trading report because of deadline pressures How is the site doing I am intrigued by the competition for trading platforms and was astonished to hear that Goldman Morgan BP and Shell were going to launch a site to compete with yours Talk about a shotgun marriage If we have time next week I could step you through our website I 'm very proud of what we 've done I ca n't give out a password yet but would be happy to walk through the site with you over the phone using my password It 's a very ambitious site with state of the art WSI weather seasonal 6num - 10num and day to day driving a good load model for PJM and NEPOOL ESAI contributes oil and gas input price forecasts capacity judgments and herding ideas to develop power price forecasts for same time periods After onenum month 's full bore effort I 'm pleased with the results e.g. we forecast Nepool onpeak to be $ 43num and it turned out $ 46num Have a great weekend Ed Ed I shall be available on both days What about Wednesday July 12num between 1:30num and 4:00num Please let me know what time would work for you It will be nice to see you again Vince P.S. By the way did you have a chance to take a look at the EOL Please respond to Caroline Abramo@ENRON 03/02/2001num 10:46num AM what do you think on 03/02/2001num 10:39:03num AM Currently Cargill and Enron have a 15num MMnum collateral threshold If possible I think the cleanest way to run this biz would be to put a box around the prime broker biz We would still operate under the master isda but could set up a mutually agreeable credit support annex for this biz We would still keep the 20,000,000num line referenced in Schedule B of the POA agreement The line in the POA is a seperate and distinct measure from the daily collateral The 20num millnum reflects gross exposure Let me know if you think this is reasonable and workable We too are open to suggestion as the Global and Enron relationships are very important and a high priority to us Thanks Joe Joe a few things regading the POA / Cargill line I am going to find out how much line we currently have available you probably already have this We should allocate a piece to Global which would solve the problem of other Cargill people using the line putting us over the limit without me knowing We could change the language of the POA to this we will not go over Global 's piece of the Cargill line I think this would solve our main concern Please let me know we are eager to keep trading with Global and yourselves Regards Caroline Dee Let me know if we need to discuss anything I am hopeful that we are ready to prepare execution copies Regards Sara Shackleton Susan Bailey 02/27/2001num 08:23num AM Dee Attached for your review is a blacklined version of the a Schedule and b Paragraph 13num to the ISDA Master Agreement These have been compared against the draft dated 11/8/2000num and include ENA 's accepted changes per your a faxed comments transmitted to ENA on January 5num 2001num and b e-mail comments transmitted to ENA on January 19th 2001num We look forward to your response Cordially Susan S. Bailey I do n't know anything about these transactions Sara Shackleton Jorge A Garcia@ENRON 03/01/2001num 01:35num PM Good Afternoon Sara I wanted to follow up with you regarding the creation and approval of ISDA Confirmations for the following equity trades that I understand Laurel had discussed with you previously 1 Edison International Swap with Enron Europe Ltd. 2num in total 2 PG&E Swap with Enron Europe Ltd. 3num in total Please advise Regards Jorge Calculation of Floating Amount The Floating Amount payable by ENA on a Payment Date will be calculated for that Payment Date as follows Floating Amount Notional Quantity per Calculation Period X Floating Price USD 38,000num Sara Shackleton Other Provisions On each Payment Date ENA shall pay a fee of an amount equal to USD 38,000num which amount shall be subject to the netting provisions of the Master Agreement how do you refer to the agreement Sara Shackleton Sara Shackleton 03/02/2001num 02:10num PM Calculation of Floating Amount The Floating Amount payable by ENA on a Payment Date will be calculated for that Payment Date as follows Floating Amount Notional Quantity per Calculation Period X Floating Price USD 38,000num Sara Shackleton What person s in London prepares credit for the English and Singapore financial transactions At some point in the not so distant future the Houson and London credit departments need to speak in order that each understands the philosophy behind credit analysis for the omnibus and master transactions I look forward to hearing from you Regards Sara ps Congrats on your promotion I did n't have a chance to speak with you after the offsite to shake your hand Hope you enjoyed your weekend in Houston looks fine Sara Shackleton Carlos Alatorre@ENRON 02/27/2001num 06:07num PM Sara We need to change the Prod Description fro the LME Product The change is mainly on the Settlement Date text which instead of Twonum business days after the date of the Transaction shall read as follow For Curr LME LME Spot 01num Mar 01num JPY / USD A currency Transaction with Enron Europe Finance & Trading Limited EEFTL as agent for Risk Management & Trading Corp. under which either A for the case in which Counterparty submits an offer to buy from EEFTL Counterparty shall receive the Base Currency Amount and shall pay the Foreign Currency Amount or B for the case in which Counterparty submits an offer to sell to EEFTL Counterparty shall pay the Base Currency Amount and shall receive the Foreign Currency Amount The Base Currency Amount shall equal the volume submitted by the Counterparty via the Website The Foreign Currency Amount shall equal the Base Currency Amount multiplied by the daily London Metal Exchange LME fixing rate as published by Reuters on page MTLE on the date of the transaction modified by the price submitted by the Counterparty via the Website The term of the Transaction shall correspond to the date s set forth in the Product description on the Website The Settlement date shall be the date s set forth in the Product description on the Website The price is quoted in JPY the Foreign Currency per US Dollar the Base Currency The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be US Dollars Please let me know your approval before we make any changes Thanks Carlos I need to have a form filled out that says I do n't have health insurance coverage through Enron Can you find out who I need to send it to in HR Thanks Kay Your mom just called and said your dad 's surgery will be at 2:30num p.m Tuesday March 20th They will be there by noon on the 20th and the surgery will last 1.5num hours and then they 'll watch him for 2num more hours before they put him into ICU They are hoping he 'll only be in the hospital 48num hours Scott Term sheet for draft contract as requested I have a change in plans next week My dad is having surgery in Ft. Worth so I will be heading that way on Monday I was planning to be on vacation anyway but I may have some accessibility challenges in Ft. Worth which I would not have had otherwise I will manage client expectations accordingly Kay I hope you do n't change your mind about going to the wedding Sunday I plan on taking Michael to the new Star Wars exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts They showed some kids on TV and they were quite taken with it CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE The information in this email may be confidential and or privileged This email is intended to be reviewed by only the individual or organization named above If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any review dissemination or copying of this email and its attachments if any or the information contained herein is prohibited If you have received this email in error please immediately notify the sender by return email and delete this email from your system Thank You Kay Mann 03/15/2001num 04:03num PM I have a change in plans next week My dad is having surgery in Ft. Worth so I will be heading that way on Monday I was planning to be on vacation anyway but I may have some accessibility challenges in Ft. Worth which I would not have had otherwise I will manage client expectations accordingly Kay I 'm not planning to get involved since this is your deal Is that ok with you Lorie Leigh @ ECT 03/15/2001num 04:17num PM Conference Plus will be hosting this call the date Thursday March 22nd 2001num the number 1-800-991-9019num the passcode 6871082#num the time 10:00num AM - 11:00num AM CST the place EB 3143C the subject Turbine 1num and Turbine 2num Purchase Agreement If you have any problems or questions please feel free to call me at 713-853-1696num Thank you Lorie Leigh Yes but this time it is his carotid artery the one that transports blood to the brain Big deal kind a stuff I hope your dad 's surgery goes well Is this related to the problems he is having getting around circulatory Kathleen Kay Mann 03/15/2001num 04:11num PM Kay Mann 03/15/2001num 04:03num PM I have a change in plans next week My dad is having surgery in Ft. Worth so I will be heading that way on Monday I was planning to be on vacation anyway but I may have some accessibility challenges in Ft. Worth which I would not have had otherwise I will manage client expectations accordingly Kay For better or worse all the folks under the heading Origination and Development are ours although Kathleen has a special role with Development Kay FYI See rows 49num - 53num columns E - J for our group Kathleen Lorie Leigh @ ECT 03/15/2001num 04:44num PM I received a report from HR and it appears there is conflicting information regarding some of the titles for various employees Please verify that the titles are correct for everyone in your group The ones that I made changes to are in red Thanks Paula I formatted the file so that it would print on onenum legal size sheet Please use this new file as opposed to the one I sent earlier Please review the attached org chart for March and submit any changes by noon tomorrow It is imperative that all of the information on the attached file is accurate including titles as this information is being given directly to John Lavorato and Louise Kitchen Thanks Paula Here 's the version showing revisions Kay I finally got it to blackline correctly Here it is Also attached is a sample availability provision actually 2num different versions redvepco.doc SAMPLE.DOC Lorie Leigh @ ECT 03/15/2001num 04:17num PM Conference Plus will be hosting this call the date Thursday March 22nd 2001num the number 1-800-991-9019num the passcode 6871082#num the time 10:00num AM - 11:00num AM CST the place EB 3143C the subject Turbine 1num and Turbine 2num Purchase Agreement If you have any problems or questions please feel free to call me at 713-853-1696num Thank you Lorie Leigh 46093num Kay Mann 02/13/2001num 04:13num PM Good afternoon I 'm forwarding a revised development agreement term sheet showing revisions from your original version We look forward to seeing you soon Thanks Kay Peggy Banczak is the ENA lawyer who handles Mexico John Schwartzenburg@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 03/16/2001num 09:22num AM I do not think the prior e-mail got through to Kay Are either of you familiar with this project We have had no contact with the ENA / Enron Mexico commercial or legal people and I do n't want to bust any structuring goals Our project manager Scott Laidlaw and engineer Harry Okabayashi want to issue a tasking letter to procure engineering services on this project to support the ENA work I now understand that someone at ENA / Enron Mexico / Enron Wholesale has signed an EPC contract with ABB for this project I am not in the office today so please include Renee Alfaro on your response JWVS Hello Janice I enjoyed your recent e-mail but was sorry to hear about your dad It sounds as though his health has deteriorated significantly These are always difficult times As I watched my mother and father 's health deteriorate and ultimately watched them die it is a very defining time in our lives But we can be very thankful to have such great parents and to have had the privilege to have been raised in such loving homes Sounds as though Eric has done very well as SMSU He is joining an excellent company I am also delighted to hear that he will continue his education working toward an MBA As we are living in an age where intellectual capital is so valuable it is important for every young person to obtain the very best possible education they can As to our family within the last tennum days our youngest daughter Elizabeth was married to a young man from Buenos Aires Argentina They met while they were both working on a project as lawyers in Buenos Aires They 're currently on their honeymoon but shortly after returning will be moving from Buenos Aires to Miami Florida This past Thursday night our sixth grandchild was born It was born to our son David and his wife Courtney It was a 7num lb. 10num oz. 20num inch little boy So we now have threenum grandsons and threenum granddaughters ranging from about 2num years - 4num months down to a few days They are a great deal of fun We are doing quite well I am looking forward to seeing Ginger Rees Copeland when she comes to Houston I would be delighted to arrange tickets for you and your family should you ever have occasion to visit Houston I hope you have a great summer Thank you for your recent request for Mr. Lay to speak at your conference Unfortunately do to Mr. Lay 's schedule he will not be able to participate Thank you again Tori L. Wells Executive Secretary Hi Just to let you know that it looks like onenum day will work I want to check with Mr. Lay before confirming Thanks Rosalee Dear Ken As you know our next meeting is on Wednesday July 12num from 3:00num - 5:30num p.m In the next week or so we 'll be sending around a discussion paper which we hope crystallizes the issues and we will try to talk to as many of you as possible before the meeting to go through it Meanwhile Arthur Levitt has agreed to meet with us in September to brainstorm on the ideas we 've generated and also to give us a sense of some of the issues as he sees them There are threenum possible dates for the meeting which I suggest be in twonum parts first a meeting among the panel only from 5:00num - 6:30num p.m. and then a dinner with Chairman Levitt from 6:30num - 8:30num p.m Here are the dates Could you please let us know which of these would be possible for you Thursday September 14num 5:00num - 8:30num pm Monday September 25num 5:00num - 8:30num pm Wednesday September 27num 5:00num - 8:30num pm Many thanks Jeff Garten Good morning Kitty Ken Lay would like to have the Armada M306 series the first ultra portable notebook designed for the enterprise Ken said to go ahead and equip it with what you think it should have Please let me know when he can expect to receive it Thanks Kitty Rosalee Here is the link to the latest commercial laptops on the market I will follow up with the consumer models The M300 series are the lightest and the E500's are the all in onenum but much heavier - notebook.url - notebook.url Unfortunately Mr. Lay will be in San Jose CA participating in a conference where he is a speaker on June 14num Rosalee Fleming RE ??? June 14num Reception Recently Charles Miller and David Dewhurst sent you an invitation to a reception which they are hosting on Wed. 6/14num at 5:00num PM to be held at the Houston Petroleum Club I hope that you will be able to attend that event Under the leadership of Governor Bush and others we have made real progress in Education in Texas over the past decade Now it is time to take the next steps and achieve even greater progress in our public education system The Texas Education Reform Caucus is made up of business leaders educators and elected officials dedicated to finding common sense approaches to improving education in Texas I would appreciate the opportunity to visit with you on the 14th Kent Grusendorf State Representative District 94num This is o.k. for Ken Lay but we are changing to a more uniform address so would likely be better to use This is a test email send of the WPO Forum Group from Richard Everett By return email please verify that you received this message and let us know if there is another email address that you prefer us to use Thank you Joy Powell Executive Assistant to Richard Everett 713/871-5119num =================================================== NOTE The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged If you are not the intended recipient you must not read use or disseminate the information Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Century Development or any of its affiliates for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use ==================================================== Kenneth Lay has approved the attached expense report for Cindy Olson Hi Mr. Katsof I believe someone called about this today but Mr. Lay asked me to let you know that these dates do n't work for him either Sorry Rosalee let me know if you have any interest in the Tco Pool Leach swap for the winter I 'll take TCO pool at Index and sale Leach or Pool at Index $ .04num I ca n't remember if you guys could do it or not Could you tell me what deal tickets you are seeing Please check Tenn contract 36647num on the Demand speadsheet Sitara is n't matching the spreadsheet Thanks Brenda Pasquallie - 5num for spelling W. Don Germany Jr PO Box 27num Cedar Lane Texas 77415-0027num Actually it is not a new truck Had 33,000num miles Ram 2500num 3num 4num ton 4num x 4num 360num Magnum Motor Infinity stereo bucket seats nerf bars tool box bed liner camper tow package 5num speed manual Oh it is dueled out through onenum catalytic converter with Flow Masters to accent the sound Makes me want to race I believe the fuel consumption will be tolerable as well Now Debbie wants it I gave $ 16,900num + tax It is very clean and is Sandalwood Driftwood or something of that nature in color Almost silver I have to pick up old gray over at Jerry 's Debbie said it is going to be hard on me to sale my old dodge truck I said Yep had that truck longer than I have had most of my women I really need to engage brain before articulating I am doing dirt work and hope to plant ST Augustine Grass by Friday before rain Onenum thing is for sure the economy is not faltering on my account Dow Stock is back up over $ 33num Hooray hoorah Needs to go to $ 41num and then I will be happy I spoke with Gerald and he said there are a bunch of folks hanging around Dad 's place We need to change the lock and place posted signs at the gate I may want to put some steers or heifers up there I am going up soon and having the tractor fixed Reggie said he will pay us soon He also still wants the tractor if we can hold on to it First come first serve When is the wedding We 're set for 11/01/01num Be sure to take your sweety out on the balcony tonight and gaze at the full moon It was sure beautiful coming up last night We used to go out and lay in the pasture on a blanket and watch for the space shuttle I had a couple of hickies on my neck the day after and the guys all wanted to know if those were shuttle burns Just jealous My kid is making wonderful grades and has reassured me she will graduate within the fournum year period She still has some sort of scholarship but I am not for sure how much it pays She is going to be a kinesiologist sports injury therapist I think she just wants to be able to touch football players legs She will be 20num on 11/03num I am really proud of her Cindy said Jaime has grown up very much You should e mail her sometimes I am sure she would like to hear from you At any rate be careful and be safe You should have listened to Maw as long as you keep your mouth shut and your pants zipped you will be alright Shucks guess none of us threenum paid much attention to that Oh Jeff Sherrar has a new book out Rise to Rebellion There were some pretty cool dudes back around 1774num 76num There will be twonum volumes to this saga I am half way through the first and you can borrow it when I am through I sure like his style of writing His books are always hard to put down After the split Dow Stock there are 120num shares Keep Your Powder Dry Yo Bro Dow W. Don Germany Jr. 2301num N Brazosport Blvd B 3611num Investment Recovery Freeport Texas 77541num Pager 1num 800num 451num 0491num 0448num Office 979num 238num 2102num Home 979num 548num 7034num What 's happening I understand you have a brand new truck Must be nice having money I need 2num things from you 1 I found the title to the 4num wheeler and I was going to change it over to you name What do you think If that 's ok how do you want your name to show up on the title and what address should I use 2 I 'm getting ready to divy up the Dow stock How many of Dad 's shares do you have Last thing send me a millionnum dollars I 'm tired of working I thought we only had cashout at most 3num times before this June I ca n't remember I do know that most of the time this plant was not buring like it did in July and August of this year I say we just keep the dough and go to Mexico Hey guys Would you please ck the Oglethorpe deal from July 2000num - Dec 2000num Is there supposed to be a cashout booked in Sitara for these months Oglethorpe over paid their invoice every month I believe that Doug told me the extra was for the cashout that was not invoiced Thanks Darla I ca n't get through on the phones Please call me 713-853-4743num Hey Ernie I 'm checking my emails I assume you have your anwser and do n't need me Hi Chris I sent this to Mary last week She may be out because in the past she always responds pretty quick I need the prices below Can you help out Thanks Ernie Simien 08/01/2001num 09:14num AM Sent by Ernie Simien Hi Mary I need your help again I need prices for May June and July Thanks on 05/03/2001num 04:06:52num PM Please respond to cc Subject Re IF TGPL LA Z1 Jan 9.95num Feb 6.25num Mar 4.98num April 5.37num on 05/03/2001num 01:32:35num PM Hi Mary Please do me a favour and give me the subject price for Jan Feb Mar and Apr 2001num Thanks Gregg Penman 10/23/2000num 12:12num PM Kay Can you please review this additional language to the risk management policy or circulate to Jeff Hodge In light of the CA regarding curves I am slightly concerned with a blanket statement essentially giving Peoples unlimited access to information I know that we address audit rights in the LLC agreement so this may not matter anyway if this is a right they already have Let me know what you think Thanks Gregg 10/20/2000num 11:32num AM Attached please find the latest enovate risk policy Our attorneys and internal audit area have made onenum language revision concerning Section XIIInum Audit Rights Mary MEH-risk Oct 20 MEH-risk Oct 20.doc I 'm still at home I 'll be in tomorrow I have a fax machine at home though if you prefer Otherwise we can see who we can scare up at the office or you can have Laura sign and I 'll initial later Which do you prefer Kay Are you in the office to initial signature pages today If not is there someone else that will I know that Jeff is in Portland Gregg Kay Mann 10/26/2000num 11:07num AM If Jeff is happy I 'm happy Kay Hello I spoke with Jeff Hodge yesterday regarding the additional language from Peoples regarding Audit Rights His initial reaction was that their request was probably reasonable and in line with the spirit of a jointly owned L.L.C However he did suggest a couple slight revisions to protect Enron 's interests 1 Highlighting that information will only be provided that is related to enovate and 2 that each designated representative should sign an appropriate confidentiality agreement This language has been included in the attached draft My goal however optimistic is to execute the risk policy by the end of today Activity is picking up dramatically and the fine line is getting further blurred each passing day Therefore I need to know ASAP if there are any problems with the draft as written Otherwise I will be sending it to Peoples as our final revision by mid morning Thanks for your prompt attention to this Thanks Gregg Gregg Penman 10/23/2000num 12:12num PM Kay Can you please review this additional language to the risk management policy or circulate to Jeff Hodge In light of the CA regarding curves I am slightly concerned with a blanket statement essentially giving Peoples unlimited access to information I know that we address audit rights in the LLC agreement so this may not matter anyway if this is a right they already have Let me know what you think Thanks Gregg 10/20/2000num 11:32num AM Attached please find the latest enovate risk policy Our attorneys and internal audit area have made onenum language revision concerning Section XIIInum Audit Rights Mary MEH-risk Oct 20 MEH-risk Oct 20.doc It is less complicated for me to initial and fax than to track down someone who does n't know anything about it and get them to initial it I can print it here initial it and fax it to whomever you want Plus I work with Janet a lot so she may get some comfort from that instead of having a lawyer she has n't dealt with initial it She is very conscientious about what she signs and who initials what Is the attached form the final final form Where and to whom do you want it faxed Thanks Kay Since it will be Janet signing it will probably be better to have the initials on the pages first Either fax or someone else works fine Let me know which is easier and we can coordinate Gregg Kay Mann 10/26/2000num 11:26num AM I 'm still at home I 'll be in tomorrow I have a fax machine at home though if you prefer Otherwise we can see who we can scare up at the office or you can have Laura sign and I 'll initial later Which do you prefer Kay Are you in the office to initial signature pages today If not is there someone else that will I know that Jeff is in Portland Gregg Kay Mann 10/26/2000num 11:07num AM If Jeff is happy I 'm happy Kay Hello I spoke with Jeff Hodge yesterday regarding the additional language from Peoples regarding Audit Rights His initial reaction was that their request was probably reasonable and in line with the spirit of a jointly owned L.L.C However he did suggest a couple slight revisions to protect Enron 's interests 1 Highlighting that information will only be provided that is related to enovate and 2 that each designated representative should sign an appropriate confidentiality agreement This language has been included in the attached draft My goal however optimistic is to execute the risk policy by the end of today Activity is picking up dramatically and the fine line is getting further blurred each passing day Therefore I need to know ASAP if there are any problems with the draft as written Otherwise I will be sending it to Peoples as our final revision by mid morning Thanks for your prompt attention to this Thanks Gregg Gregg Penman 10/23/2000num 12:12num PM Kay Can you please review this additional language to the risk management policy or circulate to Jeff Hodge In light of the CA regarding curves I am slightly concerned with a blanket statement essentially giving Peoples unlimited access to information I know that we address audit rights in the LLC agreement so this may not matter anyway if this is a right they already have Let me know what you think Thanks Gregg 10/20/2000num 11:32num AM Attached please find the latest enovate risk policy Our attorneys and internal audit area have made onenum language revision concerning Section XIIInum Audit Rights Mary MEH-risk Oct 20 - MEH-risk Oct 20.doc I 'm working on it now Maybe we Enron could review it tomorrow morning then send it to FCE I can meet around 10:00num That way we can get it to them in time for weekend review Does that work Kay It was good to hear from you We had a nice Thanksgiving here too It 's funny because usually it 's just me Mom Craig and Danelia and Danelia does n't really like roasted turkey or roast beef not that she would say it to me so there is not just the same joy in cooking it would be elsewise It was good having the girls down We played a new version of Uno called African Uno that was complex fast and at times physically challenging It 's not for the meek It was incredible what a good player Alena was She had her cards memorized as well as everyone else s when you play you 'll see why you can know everyone else s hands I expect Craig did n't want Mom to see his place because it was messy I think compared to my house he 's embarrased about his apartment Then also he 's got so much stuff in there right now that I do n't know how he 's going to fit baby stuff They would only give him a 6num month lease when he renewed his lease last month because they do n't want 3num people in that small apartment So he 's going to have to start looking for another place And his apartment is so run down down I 'm afraid roaches might be crawling over the baby I guess Mom is going to come back down sometime in March or April to see the new baby You 'll have to come visit to check out my new house The upstairs guest suite is pretty neat It 's got its own bathroom and tv and is pretty cozy As far as the call with Uncle Ben goes if he was thrilled to hear from me I could n't tell by his voice It was a pretty stilted conversation for both of us But I guess it 's a start I 've already made my XMAS plans I leave the evening of the 21st my flight comes in about 10num pm and leave the morning of the 27th at 6num am It 's good chatting with you Keep in touch 11/29/2000num 05:07num PM Tana I do n't understand what do you mean by log in an email Anyway I got you message and I got the World Series thing although I had already received Chris and Ben did a marvelous job for Thanksgiving I can testify that it was onenum of the best Thanksgiv8ing Dinners I 've ever had I not gon na tell them that I do n't want them getting swell heads Ma said she had a great time in Houston She was happy to see yourself as well as C & D I think she likes her special room in your house You r gon na be the first to see the new baby woud n't it be wierd if the baby gets botn on Jan 5th Why did n't Craig show Ma his appartment What do you think about your phone ocnversation with Unlce Ben he was almost shocked Are you coming for Xmas Got ta go for now Love ya Kyle ==================================================== Harrison Kyle Jones Technical Solutions Engineer ==================================================== Radianz 1251num Avenue of the Americas 7th Floor New York NY 10016num USA Phone +1num 212num 899-4425num Fax +1num 212num 899-4310num Cell +1num 917num 859-7187num Email ==================================================== See our web page at ==================================================== Tana.Jones@en 11/29/2000num 04:34num PM >----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Hey Mr. Computer you ca n't log an email in to your sister Kyle.Jones@ra Return Receipt Your World Series in Question document was received Kyle Jones US AMERICAS Equant by at 01:00:51num PM Today You can take my assistant Taffy Milligan off these emails again Thanks Adnan Patel@ENRON 11/29/2000num 04:49num PM Attached are the GCP Signoffs on EOL Approvals for 11/29/00num with GCP responses marked in Red Adnan Patel Bradley Diebner@ECT 11/29/2000num 04:31num PM Regards bd Attached is the referenced agreement Let me know if the notice information is OK with you If so I 'll get it signed by Craig Breslau today then bring it to you for countersignature Thinking about that what 's your title I 'm not sure you have the authority to sign documents w/o special authority No it does not mean that Adding all the Enron Specified Entities would only make a default under a financial transaction with those other Enron entities a default under this agreement Our concern is that we do n't want any trading related defaults to ever trigger a default under a loan transaction which has a swap as a component Richard Sage 11/30/2000num 10:52num AM If you do add all the entities does that mean that we would not need to put in place a separate agreement for ECCL With respect to Deutsche Bank DB we have onenum credit issue remaining DB would like us to add all the Enron trading entities DB trades with as Specified Entities under the ISDA Master Agreement and we are somewhat hesitant to do so as this could potentially roll up swaps under structured loan transactions into a default under the ISDA Agreement Sara and Bill Bradford in Credit are supposed to talk to the DB Credit people about this remaining issue With respect to First Union National Bank the draft we were working from was so old that they agreed to look at our current form of agreement which was sent to them on 11/8/00num for review Sara is working on that with Susan Bailey another paralegal in our Group Denis O'Connell 11/22/2000num 06:05num AM Tana can you please give me an update on where you are in the negotiations of the ISDA with the following counterparties and confirm which Enron entity you are negotiating on behalf of Tks Denis First Union National Bank Deutsched Bank AG I spoke to Mark Taylor about your signing authority and he agrees that you do not have the authority to execute documents on your own but as long as you are only co-signing documents signed by an authorized officer as a control measure we 're OK Susan Joe The referenced TAGG # was entered as a New Counterparty can you please let me know what counterparty this is so we can correctly assess the counterparty exposure Thank you Russell Hey there yourself Sorry I have n't written you guys in a while to keep you properly updated I am indeed checking on flights to Seoul and do n't think I 'm going to go at exactly the same time as my parents As much fun as they are I figured we would probably do some different things than what you have planned for them As for Ted things are still going well although I have n't see him at all this week we are twonum very busy people But we had a great laid back day last Saturday and I think have hit that comfortable stage you know not quite so formal about dates etc In onenum sense it 's great but it also makes things a lot harder to read Anyway I 'm sure my Mom told you guys but Travis and Kathy got to meet him and I think it went well Hopefully if we 're still dating come December you and Chuck can meet him when you come back to visit I 'm planning on dragging him to at least onenum of the U.T. games I just have to find out when he wants to go as well as properly prepare him for the Scott / Kelley / Parks / Wild Card gang and the full day affair that is a U.T. game Things in Houston are good and definitely warm I went with Emily and her Mom last night to see the musical Rent and it was wonderful Also I 'm going out to San Diego for the Labor Day weekend to visit Hoot 's daughter Julie Needless to say I am very excited Talk to you guys soon Susan Hey girlie How are you doing Have n't heard from you in a while A little birdie told me that you were checking into tickets for Seoul Are you really Would you come with your parents or separately In any case we have had some more time to do some exploring and shopping so we have some good ideas about what to do if you come I think that we will stay in Korea when your parents come and do the whole base thing which will take only a few minutes actually but are considering going to China or somewhere during part of Thanksgiving We 'll do whatever you want want if you still are coming Let us know the latest with Ted and also with what 's going on in Houston Take care Chris __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo! Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger Hey Tonto a.k.a the trusty but silent side kick to the Lone Ranger or in this case the Big D The play was very good and I think well received I 'd forgotten how blown away I was by some of the songs the first time I saw it in NY The cast members really have to have incredibly powerful voices to pull off a few of the most poignant numbers I think this could be your true calling I caught the third day of Corey 's Jeopardy run last night here at the office yes I had to come back after the play I love my job Anyway I 'm sure I 'd mentioned it before but yes she is a very smart girl As a result of that she has managed on several occasions over the years to detract from my enjoyment of playing Trivial Pursuit or watching Jeopardy by absolutely obliterating me The girl actually did her senior thesis on Trivia Kori told me she saw you last night at Steak Night and introduced herself since I failed to do so the last time we went I should let you know though that she was very offended this morning that you did n't spell her name right in the email I mean it 's such a common spelling So was Darren there last night to meet her or do you just think they 'd make a good match She 's a very fun girl Hope you day is going well and that the move to 30num went off without a hitch Good luck with all of the fun meetings Shorty Due to the lack of response yesterday I 'm beginning to worry about your success with the road test I 'm going to assume that you did n't get around to it Ted Noble 08/17/2000num 10:05num AM How was the play I forgot to tell you that I saw your friend on a re-run Jeopardy the other night and I almost called you but it came on at 11:30num Smart girl I ran into Corey last night at LW s and I am thinking this is a girl for Darren Anyway lots of fun meetings today I 'll talk to you later Maybe you should ignore the sentiment of the quote I sent earlier I think you may be adhering to it too faithfully At this rate we may have to start pinning notes to your shirt to remind you to do things However having driven with you on several occasions I feel confident you will be able to pass the test with flying colors Keep in mind though that if you end up failing I will not let you forget it and as we have established I have the memory of an elephant I 'll keep discussion of me to a minimum and just say that things are well on 32num Now back to what 's really important you Thought you 'd like to know that the Dixie Chicks are coming back to Houston Dec. 12num and will performing just down the street from you at the Compaq Center it 's all about you and your needs Ted Noble 08/16/2000num 10:56num AM AAAAAGGGHHHHHH I just found out that I need to take the TX driver s exam both written and on the rode This is a twonum day process and all because I let my CA license expire I know I need some of your organizational skills I may try to run out and take the test this afternoon while I get moved to 30num I better not fail it How 's life on 32num today well that 's enough about you let 's talk more about me There is no pleasure in having nothing to do the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it Mary Little Bob Bowen 07/14/2000num 03:58num PM Note that the No Out version requires us to pay the premium on Tuesday 07/14/2000num 02:18num PM As we discussed the following is revised disclosure regarding direct access to deal with the cost issue EnronOnline will assist users upon request in arranging for the connection of T1 lines or other means of direct access to EnronOnline as an alternative to internet access Direct access connections might enable users to access EnronOnline more quickly than is currently possible through internet access Please call if you want to discuss Have a good weekend This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information that may be privileged and confidential If you are not the intended recipient please delete the e-mail and notify us immediately The least we can do is pass this news along Is there anyone else we should tell Ted Bockius 07/17/2000num 02:21num PM fyi it sound like Bobby is in serious condition Thanks Sharon I think they 'll send us another update once he 's out of emergency and into a room Then it 's real easy to call Ben Taub to find out a room number The address is below It does n't sound like he can receive visitors yet A Thanks for the heads up Do you know the address to send cards Do you know if Bobby can see visitors Some of the folks here would like to know Thanks Sharon Thought you might like to know Amy Cornell Compaq CPCG Marketing P 281-518-9526num F 281-518-1081num Jann phoned this morning and asked me to pass this information to the group concerning Bobby Riggins Bobby is a member of a bicycle team while cycling this weekend he and other members of his team were injured by a truck There was onenum death in the injured group and the others with major injuries Bobby is onenum of those with major injuries He is currently in the emergency room at Ben Taub Hospital Ben Taub hospital is located at 1504num Taub Loop Houston Texas phone number 713-793-2000num He can not accept calls visits or flowers at this time since he is in the emergency room An update will be e-mailed as soon as onenum is available Keep Bobby his team members and their families in your prayers Rosario Gonzales Administrative Assistant ESSG CCA-15 150301num 153B09num 281-514-3183num I think it 's a good idea since the provisional application is on file Travis is the internal lawyer who has taken care of the patent application so he will have better ideas for where the words should be placed and appropriate look and feel I would guess near the copyright notice and roughly equivalent size David Forster@ENRON 07/17/2000num 06:15num PM Mark We are thinking of adding a Patent Pending message to key EnronOnline pages like the homepage Can you offer comments / concerns / guidelines Dave Does it make sense for us to set up a meeting with you participating from Buenos Aires I 'm not sure we have much to tell them at this stage actually I 'm sure I do n't have anything new to report but if you do that would be fine with me Patrick Hansen@ENRON 07/17/2000num 04:28num PM Michael and myself are planing to be in Hoston on Thursday and Friday of this week We intend to see as many people as possible regarding EOL implementation We will meet Dave Forster and his team among others We would like to fit a meeting with you as a group or individually Please let me know about your availability and if it is possible to meet with more than onenum of you in onenum place Thank you FYI David Forster@ENRON 07/17/2000num 02:34num PM Further background Argentina intend to press ahead even given the concern about taxes etc They wish to launch on Sept. 1num meaning we will need to be sending mailings sometime around mid-August Dave Leonardo Pacheco 07/17/2000num 08:50num AM Mark Just wanted to know were we stand on the ETA and PA for Argentina Thanks for your help Leonardo Pacheco ext. 39938num If you need more there is a proposal from the documentation committee for a new alternative for calculating termination amounts we heard about it in Amsterdam that I think will be particularly attractive to the energy markets I do n't know where this stands officially I have n't heard any developments since Amsterdam but I can find out from Bob Pickle if you want Mark E Haedicke 07/18/2000num 08:58num AM We should include ISDA energy definitions CFTC matters re energy and an overview of power deregulation developments in North America I might also add a few items about international developments and the EEI physical power trading form I am thinking 4num slides at the most Is that what you want Mark Current Plan Days away Sept. 21num through Oct. 3num assuming you work on the day we leave and go back to work the day after we return 9num work days Wed. Sept. 20num Leave Houston around 6:00num pm Thur. Sept. 21num Arrv. London early a.m. transfer to flight to Nice Arrv. Nice around noon rent car & drive to first hotel less than 1num hour away collapse Fri. Sept. 22num Stay in same hotel visit Monaco Nice Sat. Sept. 23num Drive to St. Tropez through Nice Cannes & other coastal towns check in mid afternoon Sun. Sept. 24num St. Tropez Mon. Sept. 25num St. Tropez Tue. Sept. 26num Drive to Nice return car fly to Paris Wed. Sept. 27num Paris Thur. Sept. 28num Paris Versailles or Fontainbleu half day side trip Fri. Sept. 29num Paris Giverny Monet 's gardens 3num / 4num day side trip Sat. Sept. 30num Paris Sun. Oct. 1num Paris to London in afternoon probably by Eurostar train arrv. London late afternoon Mon. Oct. 2num London meetings for CLH Tues. Oct. 3num Fly London to Houston lv. around noon arrv. around 4:30num pm To make matters even more confusing there are twonum Mark Taylors I believe the message you forwarded to me belongs to the Mark Taylor at EI based in London Unfortunately I ca n't forward your message to him directly there seems to be a problem with the attachment If you still have it can you send it to him at Mark EI.London Taylor I will take care of it Thanks for the reminder Ladies Enclosed is a worksheet for Ineos Acrylics Ineos is an English company which has a majority of its operations in the US Note that the credit thresholds are in US $ but the MACS are designated in British Pounds Please send the draft to Troy Black and he will forward to the CP Please deliver a copy to me as well Have a great weekend Max File Ineos.xls Robbi I left you a voice mail on Friday I looked at the UEComm Master and had some comments such as our name is wrong the cross default threshold for us should be US $ and not AUD and there were a few other questions I had Marie Hi Attached are Uecomm 's final comments to the Master Agreement John Suttle has OK'd Anthony 's latest request w r. t. the CSA Could you please send an executable version of the contract to Fred David John and me tomorrow If they 're OK with it we 'd like to execute it as soon as possible unless there are any objections Thanks Pat Pat Please find attached the Enron Master Agreement I have inserted the company details of Uecomm as requested I have also amended the timeframes in the Credit Support Annex to 10num days instead of 2num days Clauses 2num & 3num I have tracked all changes for ease of reference If these amendmnets are agreeable to you can you please print and arrange for execution If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call Regards Anthony Sill Legal Counsel Uecomm Limited 126num Trenerry Crescent Abbotsford VIC 3067num Ph. 03num 9221num 4101num Fax. 03num 9221num 4193num Mob. 0417num 575num 920num Enron - UC Master Agreement - 0308.doc Turn up your sound a bit Reminder Conference Call with ConEd at 1:00num today in Sara 's office EB 3801A Nick Attached for your further handling is the draft form Deemed ISDA between ENA and Ispat Mexicana S.A. de C.V Please note that the economic provisions have been omitted Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else Marie x33907 Tana Here 's info on the Elliotts Marie CONGRATULATIONS We 've been asking everyday if anyone had heard if the Babies Elliott had arrived Glad to hear that they are all healthy and were a good size and that Mom is doing well Look forward to seeing pictures of the little ones I know you all are going to have so much fun with them Hope you 've been storing up sleep cause it looks like you wo n't be getting much for a while Again congratulations These threenum little ones do n't realize how lucky they are to have such a nice Dad but I 'm sure they 'll find out soon Take care Marie Ladies and gentlemen This is just to let you know that Emma gave birth at week 34num on Friday 6th July to our triplets Benjamin James at 12.45num pm 3num lbs 4num ozs Toby William 12.46num pm 4num lbs Hannah May 12.48num pm 3num lbs 15num ozs Although small they are all fully functioning and very well they are in the lowest level of special care and they will probably be in there for another twonum to fournum weeks until they can feed properly and maintain their weights Emma is fine too very well All the best and kind regards Mark OOPS Attached are the fax cover pages for each of the Nylon and Polykron Deemed ISDAs I just sent you Marie Rebecca I am attaching a clean and blacklined version of the proposed resolutions authorizing the opening of brokerage accounts I have attempted to revise them to make them clearer Perhaps Jim Armogida can assist in revising them as I am sure he is more familiar with the way Enron Corp. likes their resolutions drafted than we are Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else Marie x33907 Turn up your sound a bit Hi Liz Thanks Marie Marie Heard Senior Legal Specialist Ms. Marquez I am following up regarding the status of our comments to the form of guaranty for Pemex that you provided to Lucy Ortiz Please do not hesitate to contact either Francisco Pinto Leite or me with any questions or comments We look forward to hearing your comments Marie Heard Senior Legal Specialist Ms. Marquez Attached are an original and blacklined copy of your form of guaranty which reflect our comments Please do not hesitate to contact either Francisco Pinto Leite Senior Counsel 713/345-7942num or me with any questions or comments Thank you for your assistance Marie Heard Senior Legal Specialist Tanya I received this draft from Niagara Mohawk Marketing Inc. for our review Will you pass along to the appropriate person Thanks Marie Marie per our conversation yesterday afternoon attached are proposed drafts of the Schedule and the Para. 13num relative to the above Having spoken with Dennis Goldmann I am advised that there are currently 2num Guaranties in place in the sum of $ 8num Mnum each onenum by Niagara Mohawk Holdings Inc f b o Enron and onenum by Enron Inc. f b o Niagara Mohawk Energy Marketing I am told that our respective credit departments want to raise the credit lines to $ 10num Mnum for each party but to effect that we will have to modify the existing Guaranties accordingly Let me know if this is your understanding as well After you have had the chance to review the attached please send me a marked up draft and we can discuss our concerns from there Should you have any questions feel free to call me I can be reached at 315-460-3344num Any credit concerns can be discussed with Dennis Goldmann who can be reached at 315-460-3349num I look forward to hearing from you Patty Snyder See attached file ENRON - SCHEDULE ( nmemdrft8-7-01 ) .doc See attached file ENRON - Para13 ( nmemdrft8-7-01 ) .doc ENRON - SCHEDULE ( nmemdrft8-7-01 ) .doc ENRON - Para13 ( nmemdrft8-7-01 ) .doc Hi Marie Did you get a chance to find those GTC's for ENA that you can forward this way Thanks I know you are busy Tracy Jeff Attached are the draft Schedule to the ISDA Master Agreement together with Paragraph 13num to the ISDA Credit Support Annex I am putting the credit worksheet on the fax machine to you as soon as I send this message Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else Marie x33907 Hi everyone I just got of the phone with Hai and he told me how to make an adjustment on a day to day basis in regards to incorrect liquidations but he also explained this is just to make the daily P&L #'s right if nothing were done the month end P&L would still somehow work out because adjustments would be made Does this mean that for June and for a certain portion of July we should not do anything and just make adjustments on a going forward basis and assume everything will work out at month end If this is the case I would like someone to walk me through June to see if the numbers did really work themselves out as there was a large swing in second order on June 29num that was not adjusted for Let me know if onenum of you could help me do this Karim Evidently this a problem that Stacey White has been aware of for a couple of months now There was a change made in the coding for the delta position and this has somehow messed up the liq value John John Karim I 'm now looking closely at the option liquidation problems I believe that there might be a sign flipping problem for PUTS that 's causing this whole issue I 'll keep you posted Karim this 's likely the explanation to your other question I 'll get back to you as soon as I have more info hopefully later today Marcelo L. Meira Sr IT Developer Enron Networks Houston TX 713num 345-3436num The post id I am looking at for Calgary is 11608num I am looking at the option liquidation report and all of the $ 65num puts are in the money and the $ 75num call is also in the money Should n't all the liquidation values from the beginning of the month be a negative representing positive liquidation for the puts The liq value for the call is CORRECT John Karim I do n't want to wait till month end let 's adjust the numbers now and for the June 29num 2nd order let s take that value into June since it relates to July puts Hi everyone I just got of the phone with Hai and he told me how to make an adjustment on a day to day basis in regards to incorrect liquidations but he also explained this is just to make the daily P&L #'s right if nothing were done the month end P&L would still somehow work out because adjustments would be made Does this mean that for June and for a certain portion of July we should not do anything and just make adjustments on a going forward basis and assume everything will work out at month end If this is the case I would like someone to walk me through June to see if the numbers did really work themselves out as there was a large swing in second order on June 29num that was not adjusted for Let me know if onenum of you could help me do this Karim Evidently this a problem that Stacey White has been aware of for a couple of months now There was a change made in the coding for the delta position and this has somehow messed up the liq value John John Karim I 'm now looking closely at the option liquidation problems I believe that there might be a sign flipping problem for PUTS that 's causing this whole issue I 'll keep you posted Karim this 's likely the explanation to your other question I 'll get back to you as soon as I have more info hopefully later today Marcelo L. Meira Sr IT Developer Enron Networks Houston TX 713num 345-3436num The post id I am looking at for Calgary is 11608num I am looking at the option liquidation report and all of the $ 65num puts are in the money and the $ 75num call is also in the money Should n't all the liquidation values from the beginning of the month be a negative representing positive liquidation for the puts The liq value for the call is CORRECT John unable to attend at that time due to a prior appointment I can meet with you individually later some time OK now that I 've got your attention I really am offering free lunch I would like to informally get together with you on Wednesday July 18num at 11:45num am - 1:00num pm max to talk about your recruiting experience with Enron Canada We 're gearing up for our 2001num 02num recruiting campaign and we think your experience will help us define what works best and what can be improved in our process For those of you in Toronto I apologize for not being able to schedule this over your lunch time However if you can wait til 2:00num pm to eat go ahead and grab something and expense it We 'll hook you guys in by videoconference I 've booked Videoconference Room # 1num Please let me know whether or not you can attend so I can order enough food Thanks should be ok Kindly confirm your availability to attend an Analyst and Associate Recruiting Meeting scheduled for Thursday July 26th at 2:00num p.m. 4:00num p.m. Toronto time This meeting should not take more than onenum hour The Toronto office will be video conferenced in Regards Nella Let s try before Fri as I am planning to take that day off Attached is the revised draft paper that reflects our conference call with Bob Fagan earlier this week I propose we have a conference call with Bob Fagan on Fri July 20num at 1:00num pm Calgary time to discuss any areas of concern / confusion you may have Also would those of you who have not responded to me via email confirming your acceptance of the terms upon which our fournum companies have agreed to assume cost responsibility for the TCA work on this Attached is the letter I originally sent to you on May 10num in this regard File Tabors Conflict Letter Alberta Export 050901.doc Regards Rob Rob This draft reflects the changes we discussed during our call the other day I 've also included a redlined draft showing changes Regards Bob Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 .doc Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 redlined .doc Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 .doc File Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 .doc Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 redlined .doc File Alberta Transmission Access and Pricing Analysis_0712 redlined .doc NO Hi John With reference to Article 5num section 5.1num b are we going to propose an alternative planned outage to TAU for next year Thanks Mike Katie Kaplan 10/27/2000num 06:20num PM Please respond to kaplan Greetings IEP will be hosting a dinner for California Governor Gray Davis on Thursday December 7num 2000num at the historic Julia Morgan House in Sacramento We will be targeting to raise at least $ 100,000num so company contributions will range from $ 10,000num - $ 20,000num per person $ 10num knum minimum per person depending on the number of respondents We have already received firm commitments from 3num companies If you are interested in attending please e-mail me as soon as possible A formal invitation will follow to those who respond We need responses or direction by no later than COB on Monday October 30num 2000num Please contact me with any questions Thank you Katie Kaplan Manager of Policy IEP 916num 448-9499num Congratulations Everyone is extremely pleased that you 're joining Best of luck and very much looking forward to working together Best Jeff I 'll believe it when I see it Seems like a good idea to keep the heat on Hoecker & Co. right up until Nov. 1num Thanks I 'm glad they want to follow up with Steve I 've been pushing it and I 've got some follow up as well based on chats I had in the afternoon on Friday with folks post-call Let 's regroup on Monday I 'll be in Portland but can call you Best Jeff Jeremy Meier 10/29/2000num 11:48num AM Jeff FYI we had an instructive rest of the conference call on Friday with Sue and Robbie et al They indicated they could use Steve 's help face to face at some point We are following up with Sue and Robbie on a couple legal issues case law and MSA self certification language and let me know if you have additional items We await approval on the final tariff language and can then file at the CPUC Let me know what schedule works for you Also can you confirm the correct names email addresses titles for those new folks on Friday 's call Robbie Rossi Michelle Melissa Lloyd Thanks Jeremy Meier Blumenfeld & Cohen Attached for your review are draft talking points for the Cal Energy Markets conference I 'm speaking at on Thursday in SF All comments suggestions etc. are appreciated Thanks Yes I would like to participate Thanks thanks a millionnum talk to you then Lara Leibman@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 10/31/2000num 03:48num PM Here 's the info for calling in thanks Lara Angie Buis 10/31/00num 02:17num PM The call in number and instructions for the 11/2num 8:30num a.m. meeting are as follows Everyone will dial the toll free number 1-877-331-6867num All the outside participants will be prompted to enter their access code which is 600-480num Wayne your access code room 4434num after dialing the toll free number will be 857-771num I have asked for 4num outside ports and should anyone else need to join in they may do so with the access code and without operator assistance The duration of the call is 3.5num hours The call will terminate once everyone has hung up Please let me know if any of you need additional information Thanks Angie Buis EBS Tax x-37097 Attached for your review are copies of the settlement documents that were filed today in the Gas Industry Restructuring / Natural Gas Strategy proceeding including the Motion for Approval of the Comprehensive Settlement that is supported by thirtynum signatories to the Comprehensive Settlement the Comprehensive Settlement document itself and the various appendices to the settlement Because a number of the declarations and signature pages are not yet available electronically they have not been included with this note Hard copies of the Comprehensive Settlement including all declarations and signature pages are being shipped tonight via US mail to all parties on the service list Additional printed copies should be available within the next day or so and I will make them available to all of you just let me know how many copies you need I would like to thank all of the parties who participated in this settlement process You have all devoted considerable time resources and spirit in the preparation of this document and it shows We now have a settlement before the Commission that includes ratepayer advocates commercial and industrial customers electric generators marketers shippers independent storage providers gas suppliers producers utilities aggregators pipeline companies wholesale customers municipalities and retail mass marketers among others While we should be proud of our accomplishment we now must turn to the task of getting our testimony ready by May 5num deadline Assignments have already been made and I will schedule a conference call later this week to discuss related details So much for resting on our laurels Once again thank you all for an outstanding accomplishment ld2d-#69366-1.DOC ld2d-#69345-1.DOC ld2d-#69397-1.DOC ld2d-#69396-1.DOC ld2d-#69377-1.XLS ld2d-#69381-1.DOC ld2d-#69366-1.DOC ld2d-#69336-1.XLS Primary Rights 4-12 .doc ld2d-#69334-1.DOC ld2d-#69345-1.DOC ld2d-#69366-1.DOC ld2d-#69345-1.DOC ld2d-#69397-1.DOC ld2d-#69396-1.DOC ld2d-#69377-1.XLS ld2d-#69381-1.DOC ld2d-#69366-1.DOC ld2d-#69336-1.XLS Primary Rights 4-12 .doc ld2d-#69334-1.DOC ld2d-#69345-1.DOC Severin Borenstein E.T. Grether Professor of Business Administration and Public Policy Director Haas School of Business U.C. Energy Institute University of California 2539num Channing Way Berkeley CA 94720-1900num Berkeley CA 94720-5180num p 510-642-3689num p 510-642-5145num f 707-885-2508num Email WWW Attached is a rough draft of my talking points for a panel I 'll be on at a CEM conference in SF on Thursday afternoon Have distributed to Western GA team plus Steffes for comment and thought you may have some too Topic for panel PUC Priorities Goal is to politely refute Loretta Lynch 's and Carl Woods ' continued assertions that 1 California 's move to deregulate was based solely on ideology with no basis in fact and 2 the solution is to turn back the clock to command and control regulation The FERC order tomorrow is likely to alter the points somewhat Comments are much appreciated Best Jeff Chris As we discussed yesterday Laird and I spoke and we think that the presentation is good to go for Thursday We 'll need to update the numbers for the offer we made to S.D. last week You had mentioned that you might want to include a shaped product You still considering it Let us know and we can add it and make any other changes you 'd like to make at this end My flight gets into S.D. at at 8:35num on southwest Best Jeff Sandi sez it 's actually happening at 10num AM and it 's renewable focused David Forster 03/08/2000num 09:45num AM Fyi Dear Justin Marly asked me to respond to you As you know the suffix ONLINE is purely descriptive and now used by many companies Therefore any trade mark registration that incorporates the word ONLINE as a suffix in the way that you use it will not enable its owner to prevent others from using the word ONLINE Given the above if you have adequate protection for the word ENRON which covers the services that you offer on line as well as your core activities I 'd say that another application for the words ENRON ONLINE is probably unnecessary However if you use a particular logo for the on line service that should be registered I hope the above is clear Jonathan Day Marly If you could respond to me on this request thanks Justin Paul Goddard 08/03/2000num 11:35num Can onenum of you give me a quick call to discuss I 'm @ X37047 Thanks I believe we are to some extent already protected with Enron proceeded with anything but EnronOnline TM etc. just affords us more protection I assume this is akin to why McDonald 's trademarks Mc Everything David Forster 08/03/2000num 01:50num Paul Can you please give me a call to discuss trademarking i.e. Are we covered if we proceed a word with Enron e.g. EnronEAuction If we are covered then was it necessary to register EnronOnline Thanks Dave ____________________________________________________________ This message is confidential It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system you should not copy the message or disclose its contents to anyone ____________________________________________________________ Per my conversation with Edmund this morning we are moving the following countries to the non-approved list Austria Belgium Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Poland Portugal Romania Singapore and Slovenia Below is the list now updated to reflect this change Jurisdictions which are are approved to trade credit derivatives Finland Germany Norway Sweden Switzerland the U.K and the U.S. Jurisdictions which are not approved to trade credit derivatives include Austria Belgium Canada Croatia Czech Republic Denmark France Gibraltar Ireland Italy Poland Portugal Romania Scotland Singapore Slovenia Spain and The Netherlands For banks incorporated in a non-approved jurisdiction it may be possible for them to trade out of a branch located in an approved jurisdiction i.e. U.S. and U.K. branches This would have to be determined on a case by case basis Please let me know if there are any changes to this list Sent by Nella Cappelletto Yes we should add compliance with OTC Derivatives and or Commodity Contracts and Qualified Party requirements of the Securities Act Alberta Securities Act British Columbia and Securities Act Ontario Thanks Peter With regard to our annual review of this list of laws we need to comply with do we not want to add the Canadian provinces new eligible swap participant equivalant rules Molly Harris 03/08/2000num 05:37num PM Please find attached Credit 's EOL responses for 3/8/00num Regards Molly You are the best Why does it always have to be my deals We 've received a personal invitation to a NYMEX Crawfish Boil on April 3num at 5:00num at Garden in the Heights at 3926num Feagan The cause of this celebration is the 10th anniversary of the Nat Gas futures contract It would be nice if Shankman and John Arnold could attend Perhaps you can give them a personal invitation We have received the amendment to the BC Gas ISDA Master executed by BC Gas which adds the Canadian Securities Representation so we do n't have to add the rep into every confirm BC Gas wo n't sign the confirms with the rep in and this has caused much difficulties I am going to count it as signed since BC Gas has signed but we still need it to be signed by ECC Can you get it signed ASAP and back to me Much thanks We have received the executed Amendment to the Subscription Agreement with WeatherTrade Inc. dated March 2num 2000num This Amendment amends the Transaction Fee referenced in subparagraph c of the Fee Schedule to the Subscription Agreement Copies will be distributed Updating another blue file because Susan B. this time has not updated it to reference mergers & name changes It appears you missed some cpys on the referenced list because Tom had the freeze panel button on and you probably did n't see them at first I did n't either until I clicked on the down button and they popped up When you have a minute I 'll give me a call and I 'll come around and show you how to unfreeze the panel I spoke to Edmund to get the scoop on what we are going to be doing on the confirms for Credit Derivatives and he said that his current understanding is that all of the confirms will be done out of London I communicated that to Bob Bowen He also said that London was going to be hiring 120num people to deal with the Credit Derivatives business Wow Carol will you handle this or Mark Tori Kuykendall 03/09/2000num 03:51num PM hi mark i 'm a gas trader on the west desk and onenum of my customers had some issues with our electronic trading agreement the company is Arco Products adn their comments are on the attached file could you take a look at this and give me an update thanks Torrey as promised I have attached ARCO 's suggested revisions to the Enron online trading agreement I look forward to working toward a mutually satisfactory agreement in this new and thorny area of e-commerce contracting Dave See attached file ETA_revision0307.doc ETA_revision0307.doc We have received the executed First Amendment to ISDA Master Agreement dated as of December 1num 1999num This amendment adds the British Columbia Securities Act representation to the master Copies will be distributed Confirmation Desk you can stop adding the rep to the confirms now Molly Harris 03/09/2000num 05:39num PM Please find attached Credit 's EOL responses for 3/9/00num Regards Molly Here 's the list with the missing counterparties Molly Harris 03/08/2000num 05:37num PM Please find attached Credit 's EOL responses for 3/8/00num Regards Molly Yeah Probably I just got a call from Dave and Frank and they tell me I have a whole week this time to approve the whole counterparty list to trade Australian financial power I 'll need to talk to you about his Monday Hey guys take Monday off Molly Harris 03/10/2000num 04:28num PM Please note Credit has no EOL responses for 3/10/00num Regards Molly Mike Jordan 04/04/2001num 09:27num AM Please find attached the most recent update for Merchanting Metals In summary the planned systems changes and manual substantiation efforts are behind schedule Additional resources are being allocated and the situation is being closely monitored both for quarter end signoff and on going operations Please contact me if you require any additional information Mike Mike Jordan 03/04/2001num 16:29num The intention of the efforts and actions documented in my earlier update see attached email was to provide a robust position signoff process for total metal tonnage spread and brand and location a timely substantiation of stock on balance sheet forward MTM debtors and creditor balances OBSF transactional values and a reconciliation of the barclays intercompany account Despite the best efforts of IT continuing problems with the AS400 application a better understanding of the inconsistency between stock reconciliation reports and concerns over the useability of the outright stock screen enquiry are such that I am currently not confident of delivering sufficient accurate information to AA to satisfy their audit requirements which at a macro level is the transparent audit trail between stock and forward positions to full accounting values Consequently I need to inform you of and / or require your approval for the following I will discuss with AA the following that OBSF values within the extended trial balance may be misstated due to data issues above and beyond existing conversations with AA on model simplifications that there are reconciling differences between trader position analyses AS400 on screen enquiries and the formal global position report these differences are at present not understood but would need to be provided to AA within the audit timetable an outline of the internal balance sheet review process described in my earlier note which must now be reprioritised and rescoped see MO work The creation of an incentive payment pool possibly via personal best awards for key Metals staff who continue to work exceptionally unsociable hours to meet the above stated objectives The signoff for additional permanent Enron headcount who will duplicate certain key position control processes ultimately replacing some existing Traffic staff A reconciling difference of $ 15num mmnum exists between the reported DPR and the final accounting p&l as generated on the AS400 We will continue to investigate potential misstatements in the system p&l as a result of data or system valuation problems within the month end reporting timeframe However this difference may need to be adjusted for following a final review and signoff of system p&l values with traders The recall of all OBSF stock in early April and retention on balance sheet reduced where economically viable until positions are fully reconciled and repeatable daily signoff process can be instigated Middle Office work being prioritised is as follows the stock circularisation initiated for close of business 23rd with full reconciliation of returns to current system data by traffic / co-ordination an audit of the stock and forward valuation report for the 30th replacing planned 23rd review due to system issues requiring full download of contract detail for later reference reconciliation of stock movements between 23rd and 30th sample tests of vanilla forward transactions detailed position analysis of all OBSF contracts that must be reconciled to Barclays documentation spreadsheet recalculation of OBSF option premium utilising the above manually created position analysis the circularisation of Barclays intercompany account and comparison to our cut off and substantiation analysis the debtors creditors partial circularisation initiated for close of business 23rd I will be in touch directly re the items needing approval Regards Mike Mike Jordan 21/03/2001num 18:20num Several related issues have resulted in an increase in the level of operating risk for the Merchanting Metals business Complexities surrounding the operation of the Off Balance Sheet Facility OBSF which commenced twonum weeks before the year end The uncertainty generated by the revocation of AA 's signoff for the facility late in the year end audit The discovery of a number of bugs within the AS400 Merchanting code arising from the release of OBSF designed functionality which compounded the operational burden of supporting the OBSF The requirement to amend the operational process and OBSF IT code as a result of the current renegotiation of the OBSF with Barclays and AA The senior IT developer for Merchanting has resigned and been sent on gardening leave The Corporate requirement to lower working capital usage for the Merchanting business irrespective of the above parochial business issues Various mitigating actions have been and will be taken to provide focus gain comfort over control levels and to provide assurance to senior management as to the accuracy of the Q1 DPR and business balance sheet The implementation for SAP for the Merchanting business has been delayed and effectively decoupled from the higher risk higher benefit Brokerage implementation benefit is to provide sole focus on OBSF for IT Merchanting developers The AR / AP SAP data quality reviews for both businesses are continuing so as to provide a detailed analysis as at end Q1 Middle Office have instigated a new daily working capital report process tracking cash settlement / funding data to working capital components for all Metals businesses An enhanced position signoff process will be implemented prior to end Q1 covering gross tonnage spread positions and summarised analyses for brand and locations The necessary report functionality should be available within the AS400 however contingencies have been initiated to build tactical VBA excel reports outside of the AS400 but using AS400 data downloads User requests for additional AS400 functionality and reports have been aggressively prioritised and a code freeze will commence prior to the end of Q1 following the delivery of threenum reports determined as minimum requirements for the support of OBSF A resubstantiation of the full Q1 DPR will be completed by the Risk control staff reconciling the full trial balances between Q1 open and Q1 close A full internal balance sheet review will be completed within the Q1 audit timetable which incorporates A full circularisation of inventory balances and matching to source documentation within Enron Inspection of certain of the above inventory balances by third party inspectors where there is an expectation that circularisation replies will not be received on a timely basis Substantive checks back to source contract documentation for the forward priced and unpriced positions report spot checking the key position report signed off by the traders Full reconciliation and recalculation of OBSF option premium values Full reconciliation of contracts within the OBSF to Barclays documentation thereby substantiating existence of stock that we have option to purchase and to AS400 Barclays account A risk based debtors review matching to source documentation where applicable and any subsequent post quarter end cash movements A full substantiation of creditors to internal contract commitments or external documentation invoices / request for payment A full reconciliation of intercompany accounts A full substantive reconciliation of cash and funding accounts I intend to provide weekly updates on the status of the above actions during April If you have any questions please call me on x34703 Regards Mike Dr. Harris I would like to thank you for personally taking the time to closely review my application Though I am disappointed with the results I am still determined to attend The TEXAS Graduate School of Business next year I understand how competitive the process has become but I felt that with my work experiences recommendations personality extracurricular activities etc. that this would compensate for my disability After talking with Professors Titman Ronn Brown and Jemison I was sure that the School was the right place to get the education I was looking for I am still certain that the School is the best place for getting a great graduate level education so I want you to know that I am going to do whatever it takes to get in next year I plan on taking twonum or threenum graduate level finance courses at the University of Houston this Summer and Fall to demonstrate to the Admissions committee that I can compete at the graduate level I also plan on retaking the GMAT test Due to my disability this will be a monumental task but I am determined to prove to the Committee that I can be successful at The TEXAS Graduate School of Business I would like to come down to Austin this spring to meet with you to further discuss my application file and to personally meet you If you think of anything else I can do to strengthen my overall application file for next year please let me know Take care and hope to hear from you soon Sincerely Ben Rogers Professor Ronn I would like to thank you for taking the time to recommend me to the MBA Program In the end the results were not favorable I understand that it is a competitive process but I felt that with my work experiences recommendations extracurricular activities etc. that this would help my chances and possibly compensate for my disability After talking with you and Professors Titman Brown and Jemison I was sure that UT was the right place to continue learning about energy finance I am still sure that UT is the place for getting an excellent graduate level education so I want you to know that I am going to do whatever it takes to get in next year I plan on taking twonum or threenum graduate level finance courses at the University of Houston this Summer and Fall to demonstrate to the Admissions office that I can compete at this level I also plan on trying to retake the GMAT test Due to my disability this will be a monumental task but I am determined to prove to the Admissions commitee that I can excel with the work at The Texas University Graduate School of Business Thanks again for taking the time to listen and talk with me It has been a pleasure meeting you and I hope we can continue to talk about energy and finance in the future Also if you can think of anything else I can do to strengthen my overall application file for next year please let me know Take care and hope to hear from you soon Sincerely Ben Rogers Professor Titman I would like to thank you for taking the time to recommend me to the MBA Program In the end the results were not favorable I understand that it is a competitive process but I felt that with my work experiences recommendations extrcurricular activities etc. that this would help my chances and possibly compensate my disability After talking with you and Professors Ronn Brown and Jemison I was sure that UT was the right place to continue learning about energy finance I am still sure that UT is the place for getting an excellent graduate level education so I want you to know that I am going to do what ever it takes to get in next year I plan on taking a couple of graduate level finance courses at the University of Houston this Summer and Fall to demonstrate to the Admissions office that I can compete at this level I also plan on trying to retake the GMAT test Due to my disability this will be a monumental task but I am determined to prove to the Admissions committment that I can do the work at The Texas University Graduate School of Business Also I would like to continue our dialague regarding creating an Energy Finance Private Equity Fund at UT I know that with my industry wide and investment banking contacts that I can help raise capital for the fund I am very interested in energy finance and think that your idea is a very good Thanks again for taking the time to listen and talk with me It has been a pleasure to meet with you and I hope we can continue to talk about energy and finance in the future Also if you think of anything else I can do to strengthen my overall application file for next year please let me know Take care and hope to hear from you soon Sincerely Ben Rogers Let me know if you have any questions Thanks Ben Sorry about that I was working on the Teco O&M costs Thanks Ben Please send me an excel spreadsheet which depicts the value that you see associated with the heat rate spread option I want to make sure that I understand exactly how you propose valuing the transaction and how this value would be booked As such please provide the following detail Will we be valuing / booking a series of monthly call options or a series of daily call options What power curve are we valuing the deal against PJM East or West Hub Please send me the current fuel curve that you are converting to $ / MWh to value the deal What volatilities are you using to value the options monthly volatilities or intra-day volatilities or a blend of the twonum if blending please show me what formula you using to blend the twonum vols What expiration date are you using i.e. for monthly call options the 15th of the relevant month and for daily options What correlation are you assuming 15num % flat for twentynum years Are you deducting all operating expenses from the value of the option Are you using the SPRDOPT Exotic Options function to value the option Are you using the $ / MWh VOM dollar amount as your strike Has Don provided the fixed payment stream This stream should be covering both P&I and not just principal Yvan and Ben please provide answers to these question via written correspondence so that their is limited probability of misunderstanding Thank you both very much for your time and help thus far Furthermore I would like to reiterate that RAC 's goal prior to quoting any credit reserve is to be 100num % confident that i the methodology that is being employed is consistent among the internal groups and ii the inherent value of the price risk management contracts matches This enables RAC to manage the associated risk during the life of the transaction both effectively and appropriately Regards Christopher Randy this is the issue I left you the voice mail on Article 6num of the Gallup Compression Services Agreement which I am sending to you separately with ECS obligates ECS to work in good faith with CDEC to establish an automated system that would automatically have alerted us to peak loading conditions on CDEC 's system We had a pretty good idea when we signed the contract that ECS would not be able to complete that by the contract start date so we negotiated a fall back plan under which ECS is obligated to assist Transwestern in developing a manual system to accomplish the same result and will hold harmless and keep Transwestern whole for all cost and expenses associated with the manual system We will fight with them about who owes the $ 200num knum that James mentions below based on their failure to assist us in managing the cost In the mean time we need to make sure that we are doing everything we can to get a handle on the situation to mitigate future costs Do we have someone who is watching this out there We are running so full tilt on TW that we may not have as much flexibiltiy to manage this situation as we expected but let me know what we can do James had heard that onenum hold up was the absence of a confidentiality agreement I guess between ECS and Transwestern that would permit ECS to communicate to us the details on how to access teh key info. from CDEC That sounds like a BS excuse from ECS but it that 's what they are saying let me know and we can figure out a solution Thanks DF James Centilli 12/14/2000num 02:49num PM Would you please contact Gerald Nemec and review the Gallup Compression Service Contract in respect to the Load Control Management My understanding was that ECS was to provide a means to access CDEC 's online profile in order for us to make a decision to avoid running the compressor during CDEC 's peak load periods We have not received access to this information which has resulted so far in additional electric cost of $ 200,987.33num for the period of July through September Additional cost will be incurred for the remainder of this year that I have not been able to review yet This cost is averaging $ 79,000num per month if we continue to run the compressor as we have in August and September Good point but I 'm comfortable we 're covered because our bidders were all bidding on a chunk of capacity and primary points They are deemed to be on notice that they had alternate point rights it s in the tariff and if they wanted to submit a bid that had a different rate for primaries and alternates they could have done so None of them did and most importantly the winning bidders did not Our letter agreement simply memorializes that we will charge the same negotiated rate whether the gas flows on primaries or alternates I assume from your message you are OK with this and they can get it nailed down DF I just got done looking at the underlying contract language as set forth in the pro forma service agreement in the tariff and it specifically says that the max rate would apply unless a discount or negotiated rate has been agreed to My concern with adding the language below is could it be argued that not everyone knew the rate would or could apply at any point since we just stated Topack and Needles and if they knew they might have bid a different rate Susan Scott 01/11/2001num 02:42num PM After discussions with the commercial group I propose that that redlined language be added to the attached Dynegy agreement and to the 4num other negotiated rate agreements we 've done If there are any objections you need to get back to me ASAP pls print df In discussion with Dave we thought it would be good to put this together in a format of questions and answers However as you will see the questions I thought of got kinda long but I think we need answers for all of them Onenum thought is to have just the agenda as a couple topics and then lead in with the first twonum questions as I 've listed Please provide me your thoughts asap MK whasssup Here it is Thanks DF Here is the attachment Attached is my draft of a request for rehearing It incorporates Mr. Stojic 's and Mr. Kelly 's initial comments Please review it and let me know if you have any comments on or before Tuesday afternoon I will be out of the office Monday Thank you OK DF DENISE LAGESSE 01/12/2001num 10:34num AM Please approve Susan 's attached expense report and forward to accounting with a cc to me Thanks Forgot to cc you df Drew Fossum 01/12/2001num 04:37num PM OK DF DENISE LAGESSE 01/12/2001num 10:34num AM Please approve Susan 's attached expense report and forward to accounting with a cc to me Thanks Lou do we have any sort of policy on requests like this Lee Huber made the same request last year and we gave her the chair she only wanted onenum however Norma any thoughts DENISE LAGESSE 01/12/2001num 01:14num PM Susan Scott would like authorization to order an Aeron chair for each of her offices on 47num and 41num This particular chair is designed to help with back problems which she has Many people at Enron already have this type of chair but we rarely if ever have a surplus because they are so popular The cost is $ 567.77num per chair plus tax Please approve the purchase of twonum Thanks sorry i left lou off of the message Drew Fossum 01/13/2001num 09:45num AM Lou do we have any sort of policy on requests like this Lee Huber made the same request last year and we gave her the chair she only wanted onenum however Norma any thoughts DENISE LAGESSE 01/12/2001num 01:14num PM Susan Scott would like authorization to order an Aeron chair for each of her offices on 47num and 41num This particular chair is designed to help with back problems which she has Many people at Enron already have this type of chair but we rarely if ever have a surplus because they are so popular The cost is $ 567.77num per chair plus tax Please approve the purchase of twonum Thanks I believe you got a copy of the John Sommer letter to producers dated Jan 6num that MKM 's spies intercepted She forwarded the Sommer letter to Stan and discussed it with him Dari and I vented our aggravation by drafting the attached letter to Gibson and Kyle complaining of Sommer 's duplicity but after tempers cooled MKM and I decided not to send it to Stan or urge him to send a written response As it stands MKM and I will probably bring it up with Sommer in OK City and strongly suggest the importance of coordinated communication to the producers Stan may also bring the letter up orally next time he 's on the phonne with Gibson or Kyle as an example of how not to handle this situation Yea it was outstanding news What a hoss Ca n't catch you this time but 14721num keep me posted on your next trip DF Evan Who is responsible for completing all paperwork for entering a new market Is it someone on your team or someone from CEC There have been some issues with getting everything coordinated lately and I wanted to make sure that we knew who was on point Jim Am I scheduled to attend Jim The next meeting of the CAEM Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday September 12num at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC The meeting is being held in conjunction with the third meeting of our DISCO of the Future Forum Please visit our newly updated website for more information on the DISCO Forum Following the Board meeting on Wednesday you are invited to join with members of the DISCO Forum for a Wednesday evening reception and dinner including a guest speaker Board members are also invited to join in the substantive session of the DISCO Forum on Thursday September 13num Because of an international medical convention ongoing in Washington at the same time as our meetings the Grand Hyatt unfortunately is already booked However we have reserved a block of rooms at the nearby Wyndham Hotel To reserve onenum of these rooms you must inform the Wyndham staff that you are part of the CAEM group If you should decide to arrange lodging at a different hotel please do so quickly as there is limited availability in all surrounding hotels We will be making the Wyndham rooms available to members of the DISCO Forum on July 20num If you have any questions or require any assistance at all please contact Hope Duncan at 202.739.0134num or Jeff Mangold at 703.729.2710num We are looking forward to seeing you on September 12num Hotel Information Grand Hyatt Hotel 1000num H Street NW Washington DC 20001num Phone 202.582.1234num or 1.800.233.1234num Fax 202.637.4781num Website Wyndham Washington DC 1400num M Street NW Washington DC 20005num Phone 202.429.1700num or 1.877.999.3223num Fax 202.785.0786num Website correct Is this correct If so I will handle it Thanks Jim Lora Sullivan@ENRON 07/19/2001num 03:31num PM Dear Linda We are receiving invoices from Ace Federal Reporters for transcripts of the recent FERC settlement conferences Linda Robertson says they should be charged to Jim Steffes ' cost center etc Do you want me to send the invoices to you Let me know Many thanks Lora Lora Sullivan Federal Government Affairs Representative Enron 1775num Eye Street NW Suite 800num Washington DC 20006num 202-466-9142num 202-828-3372num fax email Embedded Picture Device Independent Bitmap I 'm in all week Jim Can we visit about what went on with Ursula at the PRC meeting when you catch up BRADLEY JR ROBERT L A revised version of the Evaluation form for Associates and Analysts is attached below Please disregard and destroy the form you received on July 2num as well as any blank forms retrieved from the PEP system prior to that date Please use the attached for Associate and Analyst evaluations All Evaluations for Associates and Analysts must be completed using this form BRENNER URSULA J.doc File BRENNER URSULA J.doc Jean & Thane Can we have a meeting this week maybe Thursday at 3:30num to discuss this Jim We do need a formal plan We have been working closely together to identify the issues as they develop and propose solutions Doug has been providing us with the necessary specific market information We have been successful in communicating that information to the new commissioners and Ercot and seeking resolution The commission is definitely more responsive to market participants that are articulating the issue providing specific examples and proposing the solution Grand standing is ignored Those who show up with complaints but can not point to specifics are virtually ignored Those who show up and complain but are not participating in the working groups and the daily Ercot phone calls board meetings etc. are ignored Doug and I met with the Chairman of PUCT and have had subsequent conversations Thane and I also visited with him Pat Wood made a phone call to Tom Noel and told him to get the Texas market fixed Even though he has bigger things to do in D.C. this is his legacy and he recognizes that if deregulation does not work in Texas the repercussions could be global Chairman Sibley and Chairman Wolens of the Texas legislature are also engaged in market developments We have been working with the State Affairs legislative committee and keeping them apprised There is an Electric Restructuring Committee hearing scheduled for September 6th or 7th The forum is expected to be invited testimony only Those currently listed as invitees are PUCT Commissioners and Ercot 's Sam Jones and Tom Noel The hearing is focused on the pilot and we have an opportunity to provide some probing questions for Wolens to direct to Sam and Tom Now that Sibley is not a candidate for Lt. Governor there is more freedom to open up and ask some difficult questions Thane is in Austin on Friday but is available by phone I will be on a plane to Houston at 8:00num a.m Can we find another time that works for us to meet Thane is in an Ercot PRS meeting Friday from 9:30num until 3:00num I am available after Rick 's Friday budget meeting are you available then You are right we do need a formal plan Thane has started an initial draft Thanks Jean Jean & Thane Walking out last night Kevin Presto indicated that there were games being played in ERCOT with the new market rules and prices in certain markets were not reflective of working markets Enron needs to use this situation to quickly get our viewpoints up into the PUCT and ERCOT ISO on what is driving these problems and our proposed fixes If ERCOT goes the way of California either due to market power or poor market design rules it will be a bad day for deregulation and for Pat Wood As important the new PUCT Commissioners need some help right now in messaging the market Let 's get them to support constructive solutions that will make a real difference Jean and Thane I think that we need a FORMAL PLAN on what to do over the next 3num - 6num months to leverage this situation I would like to discuss this with you on Friday am I am free at 8num am on Friday before Rick 's budget meeting Jim FYI You may want to discuss with Becky Jim As an outgrowth of the meeting Leslie and I had with Scott and Hunter a couple of weeks ago we have begun work to develop an electronic tool that would allow us to provide ongoing summaries of FERC gas activities and possibly electric activities in a format that can be linked to the Fundamentals intranet site used by the traders We envision a format that would provide a brief summary and analysis of the order filing etc. with a link to the source document as well for those who would like more detailed information This would replace the paper copies you and your people are currently getting Many details remain to be worked out but we will keep you advised In the meantime could you please provide a contact on your side with whom we could discuss technical issues What do I need to do Jim Vince J Kaminski@ECT 04/30/2001num 02:28num PM I am forwarding for your attention the resume of Peter Percell who has an extensive experience in modeling physical flows of natural gas in pipeline systems Peter is looking currently for a job I met him last week at the meeting of the Science and Industry Advance with Mathematics society at the University of Houston The application of recent developments in optimization theory and numerical methods can help Enron to improve further efficiency of our pipeline system and reduce the consumption of compressor fuel Please let me know if you interested in introducing Peter to executives in your organization I shall be glad to make arrangements for an interview Vince Kaminski Peter Percell on 04/30/2001num 11:16:58num AM I enjoyed your presentation and meeting you briefly afterwards at the SIAM Workshop last Friday I have extensive experience as a technical leader in the design and development of modeling and simulation software products mostly for the oil and gas pipeline industry I am looking for a position that can utilize my software development and mathematical skills Getting out of the narrow confines of the pipeline simulation industry would be a plus Please consider whether I might fit in your group Your answer to a question indicated that I have several of the skills you look for Also please let me know by email the names and contact information of other managers within Enron who might benefit from having someone with my qualifications in their group Attached are my resume and an addendum covering academic & consulting experience Publications are available on request I will call you in a couple of days to follow up on this email Thank you for your time Peter Percell 10030num Doliver Drive Houston TX 77042-2016num 713num 532-3836num voice & fax Percell, Peter Resume Only.doc Percell, Peter A & C Exp.doc Sorry I guess I did n't read it very well It 's ok with me Ok Contact Cindy Stark to make an appointment Nasim H Khan@TRANSREDES 04/30/2001num 12:42num PM Stan I will be completing my tour of duty in Bolivia in September of this year I am talking to a number of people regarding opportunities for a new assignment back in Houston office Thought since I will be in Houston stop by your office for few minutes NK Stanley Horton@ENRON 04/30/2001num 12:35num PM What is the subject matter you wish to visit about Nasim H Khan@TRANSREDES 04/30/2001num 09:24num AM Stan I will be in Houston on May 11th and would like to visit with you in early afternoon if possible Please let me know what time would work for you Regards Nasim Khan I figured this posting belonged to onenum of you Please see the message from Danny Jones on 04/30/2001num 01:39:56num PM Dear Mr. Horton I have recently been made aware of a help desk analyst job # 0000108806num that has become available in your department I am currently employed with the aviation department hangar attendant of enron and would like to use my past knowledge and experience to persue my goals in the technology feild I am asking respectfully if you could give me a recommendation or referral to ETS technology department Anything you could do to help further my goals would be appreciated Respectfully Danny Jones 281-443-3744num I have contacted the relevant people of your interest in the job on 04/30/2001num 01:39:56num PM Dear Mr. Horton I have recently been made aware of a help desk analyst job # 0000108806num that has become available in your department I am currently employed with the aviation department hangar attendant of enron and would like to use my past knowledge and experience to persue my goals in the technology feild I am asking respectfully if you could give me a recommendation or referral to ETS technology department Anything you could do to help further my goals would be appreciated Respectfully Danny Jones 281-443-3744num This is ok by me Rick looks like a good candidate Ken Rice@ENRON COMMUNICATIONS 05/01/2001num 03:48num PM Executive Committee We would like to pursue an offer to Rick Fehl prior to the next Executive Committee meeting on May 7num 2001num Please forward your comments or questions as soon as possible You will find attached the recommendation letter and his resume Regards Ken Rice & Kevin Hannon This is to advise you that we have available for your business or personal use Stan 's fournum 4num WNBA Comets tickets These seats are in Section 104num Row D Seats 1num - 4num Their schedule is listed below Please let me know if you are interested in any of these games They will be distributed on a business basis first then personal use Preseason Game A Saturday May 12num @ 7:30num PM vs. Miami SOL Preseason Game B Thursday May 24num @ 7:30num PM vs. Detroit SHOCK Game 1num Monday May 28num @ 2:00num PM vs. Los Angeles SPARKS Game 3num Monday June 11num @ 7:00num PM vs. Los Angeles SPARKS Game 4num Thursday June 14num @ 7:30num PM vs. Portland FIRE Game 5num Sunday June 17num @ 1:00num PM vs. Utah STARZZ Game 6num Tuesday June 19num @ 7:30num PM vs. Washington MYSTICS Game 7num Saturday June 23num @ 3:00num PM vs. Sacramento MONARCHS Game 8num Monday July 2num @ 7:30num PM vs. Portland FIRE Game 9num Friday July 6num @ 7:30num PM vs. Indiana FEVER Game 10num Sunday July 8num @ 1:00num PM vs. Cleveland ROCKERS Game 11num Tuesday July 24num @ 7:30num PM vs. Utah STARZZ Game 12num Saturday July 28num @ 12:30num PM vs. New York LIBERTY Game 13num Monday July 30num @ 7:30num PM vs. Seattle STORM Game 14num Friday August 3num @ 7:30num PM vs. Orlando MIRACLE Game 15num Monday August 6num @ 7:00num PM vs. Phoenix MERCURY Game 16num Monday August 13num @ 7:30num PM vs. Minnesota LYNX Please note that date and time are subject to change please check local listings Thanks Cindy 713/853-6197num Mailing them to the house iis fine It will give us some weekend reading Thanks on 05/01/2001num 08:50:01num PM Almost done with your drafts Took me a little longer to review and revise Adam 's first drafts than I had thought there 's a lot going on here as you 'll see soon I expect to send them out to you sometime tomorrow Since Debbie is a client too I think I 'll just mail them to your home unless you prefer otherwise SD Good news Congratulations and good luck Hello Bill Stan will attend in person Cindy Billy Dorsey@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 05/02/2001num 12:03num PM Executive Committee Weekly Meeting Date Monday May 7th Time 11:00num a.m. CDT Location 50th Floor Boardroom Video Connections will be established with remote locations upon request Conf call AT&T lines have been reserved Please contact Sherri Sera 713/853-5984num or Bill Dorsey 713/646-6505num for the weekly dial in number and passcode Please indicate below whether or not you plan to attend this meeting and through what medium Yes I will attend in person By video conference from By conference call No I will not attend Please return this e-mail to me with your response by 12:00num p.m. Friday May 4th Thank you Bill Dorsey Thank you for the invitation Unfortunately Debbie and I will not be able to attend due to previous committments Tana Please review the process below With divisions EOL does request a new Password Application for the applicant reflecting the name as you noted below When the company is set up in the EOL database we link the company to the Parent and reference the CP ID Sam please confirm Global Counterparty also provides the links to establish correlation between the parent and child for our downstream systems Let me know if this is the appropriate steps that you would like to see Thanks Stephanie Sam & Stephanie Re Cargill Ferrous International It was my understanding with the EOL Team that all divisions would have the legal incorporated entity as part of the name Stephanie I my preference is to kick their Password Application back and get them to change it to read something like Cargill Ferrous International a division of Cargill Inc. or Cargill Inc. acting through its Cargill Ferrous International Division Samuel Schott 03/21/2001num 01:58num PM Any GCP adjustments will be highlighted in red Attn. GCP_London There 's a new EOL Counterparty listed in the UK Please respond Best Rgds Samuel x3-9890 ENW_GCP Please see attached Harry are you the right lawyer to look at this Robert B Cass 04/16/2001num 04:52num PM Please approve the following product type in Datamanager after 11:00num p.m See the steps for approval below US Steel Hot Rolled Plate Phy Website Short Description of Product Type US HR Stl Plt Phy Product Type Reference Period The term of the Transaction shall be from the Effective Date or start date to the Termination Date or end date The Effective Date or start date is 01num Oct 2001num The Termination Date or end date is 31num Oct 2001num Product Additional Information example The Transaction is for hot rolled steel with a thickness of 1num " and a width of 72num inches The transaction is F.O.B. Reserve Marine Terminal in Chicago Ill Metro Area F.O.B. refers to the following terms Seller is responsible for freight unloading and storage up to and including delivery in warehouse Buyer is responsible for storage loading and freight after delivery The Contract Quantity shall be quantity submitted by Counterparty via EnronOnline 5num % greater or lesser allowance at Seller 's option Each calendar month during the term of the Transaction will be a Dispatch Period Enron will guarantee delivery by the 20th of each scheduled Dispatch Period and accept supply to the 15th of each scheduled Dispatch Period Payment shall be made against the receipt of the required documents outlined in the General Terms and Conditions in the Contractual Currency by telegraphic transfer no later than 30num calendar days after the date on which the Commodity is released to Buyer Currency The price is quoted in US Dollars per unit of volume which will be the Contractual Currency Unit of Measure The unit of measure against which the price is quoted shall be net tons 2000num lbs and the quantity shown shall be in net tons per month STEPS FOR APPROVAL click the START button select PROGRAMS select TEST APPLICATIONS select ENRONONLINE CLUSTER PROD PROCEED WITH USUAL LOGIN / PASSWORD click the Enron Online Production Cluster START button select EnronOnLine this is the EOL Datamanager PROCEED WITH EOL LOGIN / PASSWORD click on the + for EnronOnLine click on the + for Product Types click on the + for Awaiting Approval OR Partially Approved select the product requiring review as stated in e-mail above Right mouse click on properties to view product set up TO APPROVE Right mouse click on Approved Thanks Bill appreciate your help Bill D Hare 04/16/2001num 05:51num PM We informed Tana that we made the change in Global Counterparty to include a division of Cargill Incorporated We will meet in the near future to discuss the issues surrounding division and trade name setups in Global Counterparty Bill Bill If Sam 's description below of the GCP procedure is correct it looks to me like something needs to be changed The difficulty lies in the fact that the confirmation system reads the counterparty 's name from Global Counterparty Since divisions of companies are not legal entities they do not have the power to contract in their own names If the correct legal name is not in Global Counterparty the confirmation goes out with the wrong legal name on it seriously compromising the contract itself That is the source of Tana 's concern regarding the correct entering of divisions in the system My suggestion is that Global Counterparty use the same name that the customer has signed on the EnronOnline Password Application my understanding is that the EnronOnline team returns inappropriate Applications to the customer until they are correctly completed In this particular case since the counterparty is still not allowed to transact on EnronOnline almost a month after sending in their application they are understandably upset and are now complaining I would appreciate it if you could get this one fixed today and if you have any problem with changing the GCP procedure please let me know Mark Tana Jones 04/16/2001num 03:11num PM Samuel Schott 03/28/2001num 01:09num PM FYI Cargill Ferrous International is set up correctly in the Global Counterparty System as a Division of Cargill Inc Cargill Ferrous International is the full name of this division and set up as such in GCP with a Sub to Legal Link to Cargill Inc. per GCP procedure Also the Global SAP team Cheryl Johnson would need Legal Name Change documentation from the Counterparty in order to change this name Best Rgds Samuel x3-9890 GCP Enron Net Works Global Data Management Any updates on adding the correct legal name to this counterparty name Hello Yes GCP provides the links to establish the correlation between the parent and child for our downstream systems GCP procedure is to create Counterparty names that reflect either the Tradename Division name or Parent Name not both simultaneously Although we have broken that rule for Legal in the past This defeats the purpose of using a Tradename Best Rgds Samuel Tana Please review the process below With divisions EOL does request a new Password Application for the applicant reflecting the name as you noted below When the company is set up in the EOL database we link the company to the Parent and reference the CP ID Sam please confirm Global Counterparty also provides the links to establish correlation between the parent and child for our downstream systems Let me know if this is the appropriate steps that you would like to see Thanks Stephanie Sam & Stephanie Re Cargill Ferrous International It was my understanding with the EOL Team that all divisions would have the legal incorporated entity as part of the name Stephanie I my preference is to kick their Password Application back and get them to change it to read something like Cargill Ferrous International a division of Cargill Inc. or Cargill Inc. acting through its Cargill Ferrous International Division Samuel Schott 03/21/2001num 01:58num PM Any GCP adjustments will be highlighted in red Attn. GCP_London There 's a new EOL Counterparty listed in the UK Please respond Best Rgds Samuel x3-9890 ENW_GCP Please see attached Doc I 'll be in town through Sunday morning Any chance we can get together for dinner Saturday eve. Mark I 'm handling the afternoon I think that Harry has this morning MHC Can you cover for me today I am in mediation I left a voicemail for Sharon Butcher as well just to make sure it is handled My schedule shows an afternoon session Do we have 2num sessions today If so you may want to split and cover Thanks a ton I will take you next one in August Thanks Kriste Kriste K. Sullivan Enron Corp. Legal EB 4861num 713num 853-7557num Phone 713num 646-5847num Fax I got this I assume this is 12:30num Central Time When Wednesday September 19num 2001num 10:30num AM - 11:30num AM GMT - 08:00num Pacific Time US & Canada Tijuana Where Conf. Call *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 10:30num - 11:30num PST Call in # 800/711-8000num Passcode 4153030num Here is the overview of Bob Henderson 's Employment Agreement What do you think MHC Michelle please comment Please send me an email response about whether you and Michelle Cash are OK with what he 's written After that what do we do Brad After a conversation with Ryan Seleznov I herewith like disclose in writing my intentions in respect to Dealbench Please see attached Word file Best regards Tobias Munk Please see the attached Teresa Please send David Lund copies of our standard corporate services agreement and the standard assignment letter use Bridgeline example with and without non-compete Michelle We 're formatting onenum this week and we 'll send it when it 's done Michelle Thanks very much Do you also have a SSD we can use Jane File 220b dg Agreement for Recruiting Services.doc File 220a DG Agreement for Contract Services.DOC Here are the sample Agreements Please let us know if you need anything else Thanks Diane Goode Senior Specialist I agree also but I do n't know all the parties or complications involved Should there be a groan meeting on this Can you please help with this one I agree with what the concern is below We have GIS ids and Eid external id just like GIS id I think we should try to migrate to onenum of these Please let me know what type of statement I should make back to the customer Thanks Kathy Per my voicemail message please review the note below I 'd like to work with you on a response to this customer Thanks Brandee Brandee Sanborn I.S.C. Customer Care Design & Process Support OLE Object Picture Device Independent Bitmap Ngoc Luan Do@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 08/07/2001num 12:36num PM To Whom It May Concern Through TV and newspapers I hear constantly about identity fraud using stolen social security information I am very concerned about this issue I have the following suggestion for our company Since Enron 's employees are assigned an SAP identification numbers P number and an HR number could Enron as a company use these IDs instead of the SS numbers This will be safer for all employees For example I am concerned when I buy the monthly bus passes and I have to fill in my SS number I do not feel secure at all to see my SS in so many databases at Enron especially when some databases are from third parties out sourcing We could use our badge number there instead of our SS Please let me know how your organization can help the Enron employees feel safer about the safeguard of their SS number Please calendar and print for my files on this meeting Thanks MHC All A reminder that the HR Associate Points Meeting will take place as below Thursday 23rd August 3.30num pm - 5.30num pm EB 46C1num The Leads who are responsible for Associates are as follows Sunjay Arya Gary Buck Khymberly Booth Ryan Seleznov Mecole Brown Tim O'Rourke Tana Cashion Sheila Walton Wendy Fincher Sheila Knudsen Karen Phillips Neil Davies Noel Ryan Cindy Skinner Simone Scott Walker Shanna Funkhouser Peer reviews are currently been gathered on the above Upon receipt I shall forward to each of you a copy of the reviews for your respective associate In addition they will be contacting you to discuss their participation in projects outside their rotation Those who are not assigned an associate may also allocate points a max of 150num at the meeting based on contribution to your areas for the first review period If anyone has any questions on the above please let me know Kind regards Karen x54667 Shanna I spoke with Per tonight about this Let 's talk tomorrow Thanks Michelle This is the background to my conversation with Shanna I have a copy of the document I can give to you tomorrow Thanks for following up on this Per Per I did not hear back from Shanna or Sharon Butcher Could you please ask Shanna to take this situation to Sharon tomorrow John Per and I discussed the hostile environment issue and we are both concerned that we may have some repercussions I am vacation until the 22nd but Per is up to speed and I would like to make sure that you keep up with him and any HR Legal activity that may occur Thank you Paula Let 's discuss exactly what is involved here confidentiality etc Thanks MHC Hi Ya'll I wanted to let you know about this before I respond to her request Let me know if you have any questions Regards Sandra Kathy McMahon suggested that I contact you in an effort to gather information on Enron 's Affirmative Action Policy and plans as well as demographic analysis of workforce gender age ethnic origin nationality Jeff Skilling has agreed to work with Harvard Business School HBS on a 5num year case study called Modern Giants HBS will shadow Enron and a number of other companies over the next fivenum years to assess how we react to market changes and to see how we morph during this time period Please let me know at your earliest convience if you can help me Regards Cindy please print all these for me Thanks MHC Ryan Try this bob k FYI re NEPCO picketing issues Michelle Michelle Twonum in onenum day We understand that the pipe fitters are also planning to picket the Lake Worth Florida project as well Our execution team needs to get some guidance and planning for this picketing should it interfere with the progress of the work In that respect we need to dial in Rick Johnson and Olgletree to plan and communicate that plan to the execution team I think the first step is a call between yourself me Mark Stubley and Mike Indivero And then another call with all folks or a meeting at the jobsite to lay out the plan Barbara please organize a call for Mike Michelle Mark Stubley and me Thanks David I have been advised by our Construction Manager Mr. Joe Osler that while he was visiting the City of Lake Worth Building Planning and Zoning dept regarding our permit status he learned that the pipefitters have inquired about permit requirements to picket our site Apparently the City informed them that no permit is required I have heard that the pipefitters have established a picket line at the Payne Creek site today We will need local legal counsel to assist us in this regard Mike Indivero I understand that Mr. Mike Croall 's release date from NEPCO is Oct 31num 2001num Please advise as to who his replacement is and their report date Thanks Galen J. Torneby Project Manager National Energy Production Corporation NEPCO 11831num North Creek Parkway North Bothell WA 98011num USA Tel 425-415-3052num Cell 425-922-0475num Fax 425-415-3098num email Rick Hopkinson@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 09/16/99num 10:07num AM Sara trading is still not settled Thank you for the invitaion to the conference call I would like both Lynn and I to participate I assume we should come over EB Can you tell us where Thanks Rick Do you want us to come over to the Enron b in your call Could Sara Shackleton@ECT 09/16/99num 08:55num AM Have you decided who will be assisting tax wise for these twonum countries I have a conference call this afternoon at 3num pm Houston time with Antonio Felix de Araujo Cintra from the Tozzini firm regarding further research on derivative products for trading in Brazil Attached is a summary of products and the various Enron groups seeking answers If you would like to participate in person or by conference please let me know I will be in Sao Paulo from Sept 20num - 22num and Buenos Aires from Sept 23num - 24num In Brazil I will be meeting again with Tozzini lawyers In BA I 'll be meeting with Marval lawyers Let me know if you would like to participate in any way Sara please try to verify Thanks Sara Sara Shackleton 09/16/99num 10:16num AM How about Friday Sept. 17num at 9num am Houston time which is 11num am Sao Paulo time Please advise Sara ___________________________________________ Warning NOTICE This message is confidential If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system you should not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone Thank you Em-enro2.doc The call was cancelled I am waiting to hear about a possible call Friday morning Sara Andrea Bertone@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 09/15/99num 04:41num PM Yes If something happens that I 'm not able to participate I 'll let you know Thanks Sara Shackleton@ECT 09/15/99num 08:15num PM This call has been changed to 3num pm Houston time which is 5num pm Sao Paulo time Please let me know if you would like for me to conference you in Sara The draft you received has been approved by Dan If you would like this executed please let me know Sara Daniel R Castagnola@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 05/17/99num 01:47num PM Sara Looks good Dan Sara Shackleton@ECT 05/17/99num 11:23num AM Dan please see if the attached draft works My extension is 35620num Sara As a result of our luncheon with the confirm desk yesterday could someone develop a comprehensive list identifying all omnibus attachments If you think any other pertinent information could be included please feel free to add it Thanks Sara I e-mailed your assistant earlier this morning and have had no response Can we reschedule the phone call for 9num am Houston which is 11num am Sao Paulo on Friday Sept. 17num Please advise Sara The conference call has been rescheduled for Friday Sept. 17num at 9num am Houston which is 11num am Sao Paulo I will initiate the call If anyone would like to be conferenced in or attend in person please let me know Thanks Sara I am forwarding to you guidelines prepared for global products trading It 's a good starting point I am currently working on guidelines for Argentina which will address both physical and financial trading Other guidelines exist in limited form for the remote offices in Singapore and Australia I am checking on London I 'm not exactly certain as to what you are looking for Obviously the foreign offices have issues that may not apply in the US although LA. is about as close as you can get to a third world country Onenum thing that does n't show up in the attachment is the swap eligibility issue Let me know how I can help further Sara Janice Moore 09/03/99num 01:57num PM Here it is we printed this 2num sided and laminated it Becky will bring you the hard copy version Lunch date later see below It looks like the 2num day L/C issue is an issue I 'll call you shortly Joseph Manogue at Tiger called me last night to say he had finally reviewed the draft ISDA doc with all agreed changes put in and lined from original He faxed it to you and will have the original Fedexed overnight Hope you 'll have time to review it today S&S has again asked about the gtee and l/c wording They do not have anything from us in writing confirming the agreed changes Joe asked that you fax the revised gtee wording that has been agreed I believe it was our agreeing to reduce the claim period from 15num days down to 5num and the new l/c wording drops the 2num day period to replace an l/c with a different bank if the first refuses to pay I know we talked about these issues earlier but Tiger 's lawyers want to get everything agreed in writing now so final docs can be issued for signing even if we are the one's issuing the gtee and l/c Thanks Call if you have questions or if I can be of any help There is an outside chance we could have everything set to go this week With best regards Per Hi back and Happy New Year too To what do I owe this small pleasure I 'm fine in Texas still hanging out with Phoebe and Chloe working hard etc Where are you living these days N.O. Atlanta Memphis Eleuthra St. Petersburg Amelia Island Plantation I 've simply lost track As for me well I lead the simple life own a little house in West University own a little car I had to buy a new one recently the 14num year old 380 SE started scaring me a bit you know the usual Are you selling burgers up and down the east coast Have you gone international In a new franchise business How 's your family Got to get back to work This weekend I 'm off to Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires on business SARA on 09/11/99num 07:48:44num PM Sara Happy New Year stranger Hope all is well Do you miss me SAM Mark Elliott tells me that you drafted some trader guidelines physical and financial for the London traders I am trying to develop similar guidelines for the Southern Cone regions first Argentina and thought your expertise would be very helpful Could you send me a set I 'm leaving for Sao Paulo on Saturday but I will be in the office tomorrow Thank you for your help Regards Sara if iii definitive agreements acceptable to Party A in its sole discretion regarding the debt and all other aspects of the project to be owned by Party B including but not limited to the senior debt facility commitments and all project documents have been fully negotiated and executed and the project has been brought to financial close fyi Robert Quick 09/17/99num 04:50num AM Sara here are the trader guidelines I developed for UK gas UK power and Nordic power I assume you need both gas and power These are to some extent country or market specific As these guidelines need to be approved by Houston I am copying this to Mark Alan and Jeff tks Sara Shackleton 09/16/99num 09:48num PM Mark Elliott tells me that you drafted some trader guidelines physical and financial for the London traders I am trying to develop similar guidelines for the Southern Cone regions first Argentina and thought your expertise would be very helpful Could you send me a set I 'm leaving for Sao Paulo on Saturday but I will be in the office tomorrow Thank you for your help Regards Sara Please review the attached memo to verify that I have identified all of the products that you are interested in trading in Brazil I will be in Sao Paulo on Monday September 20num 1999num Thank you Sara JMB 12/22/2000num 06:28num PM Parties attached is the promised ruling that provides procedural guidance for the hearings on 12/27num and 12/28num The ruling will also be posted on the web site as quickly as possible Thank you for your patience and I hope you can take a few moments to enjoy the holidays -- Angela Minkin Administrative Law Judge 1%P701!.doc Note that this communication is confidential covered by CA 's settlement rules Lindh Frank Law 12/21/2000num 07:50num PM Confidential Settlement Document Per CPUC Rule 51num Gas Accord IInum Settlement Participants Attached is PG&E 's Gas Accord IInum GA IInum Settlement Proposal We believe it addresses many of the issues and concerns you have raised in the workshops As an overview this proposal Maintains the basic Gas Accord structure in place today for the period 2003num to 2007num Offers end user transportation rates for 2003num lower for most customers than rates in effect today Provides for vintaged Redwood path rates for core customers Offers a 7.5num cent / dth rate to large customers while minimizing rate changes to other customers minimizing the incentive for these customers to seek to bypass local transmission charges and other CPUC approved charges Adopts guidelines to improve reliability and help moderate prices in gas commodity markets and identifies the capital projects needed to meet these guidelines over the course of the GA IInum period 2003num - 2007num Provides a high degree of rate stability with a 3.5num % escalator to capture both inflation and the cost of needed capital projects The guaranteed rates will be adjustable only for significant changes in the cost of capital or increased costs due to governmental requirements or catastrophic events Preserves a rate differential between the Redwood and Baja paths although somewhat less than the current differential Proposes a twonum stage open season for firm transportation services beginning in 2003num with end users receiving a first option on available capacity Maintains the core aggregation program with some adjustments PG&E also anticipates that the Core Procurement Incentive Mechanism CPIM will be similar to today 's mechanism but will reflect the somewhat larger capacity holdings needed to meet anticipated increases in core demand and to meet a 1num day in 10num year cold weather event This also will serve as a reminder that an all Party meeting is scheduled at PG&E 's headquarters in San Francisco on January 10num and 11num to discuss this proposal and to respond to your questions We look forward to answering your questions and receiving your feedback The attached documents include the GA IInum Settlement proposal an Attachment a copy of PG&E 's proposed Gas Rule 27num and a set of supporting workpapers Finally please note that the Settlement document and the Attachment are in Word 2000num format We would be glad to provide the same documents in an earlier version of Word upon request by individual Parties We look forward to seeing you on January 10num - 11num In the meantime we extend our best wishes for a safe and happy holiday season Frank Lindh Ray Williams 415num 973-2776num 415num 973-3634num PG&E Gas Accord II Settlement Proposal 12-20-00.doc Proposed Gas Rule 27.doc COS & Rates Workpapers for GA II 12-20-2000 Proposal.xls Greetings Judge Minkin This is to inform that a representative of Enron Corp would like to address the Commission on the issue of utility rate stabilization plans at the Commission 's hearings scheduled for December 27th and 28th Thank you Sincerely Jeffrey Dasovich Director Enron Corp Attached is a draft of the talking points for the Commission 's hearings Few points Our time is likely to be limited to 5num - 10num minutes Mike Day our outside counsel will make the presentation on our behalf Mike Day is fleshing out the legal details of our presentation and he will forward that along for folks review later today Comments can be forwarded to me via email pager 888.916.7184num voicemail 415.782.7822num or home 415.621.8317num We will finalize the message points on tomorrow 's daily call 10num AM CST The call in number is 800.713.8600num Code is 80435num The Commission 's hearings begin tomorrow at 10num AM PST Jeff Dasovich Sent by Jeff Dasovich 12/26/2000num 03:15num PM Attached is a draft of the talking points for the Commission 's hearings Few points Our time is likely to be limited to 5num - 10num minutes Mike Day our outside counsel will make the presentation on our behalf Mike Day is fleshing out the legal details of our presentation and he will forward that along for folks review later today Comments can be forwarded to me via email pager 888.916.7184num voicemail 415.782.7822num or home 415.621.8317num We will finalize the message points on tomorrow 's daily call 10num AM CST The call in number is 800.713.8600num Code is 80435num The Commission 's hearings begin tomorrow at 10num AM PST Nice job Going to be a wild ride That 's a very good point I 'll make the change Best Jeff Harry Kingerski 12/26/2000num 03:33num PM Jeff instead of suggesting a specific rate increase 10num or 15num % I think we should acknowledge that a modest increase may be necessary and may in fact be desirable but that the specific amount of increase should be reasoned and subject to well thought out evidence and hearings not just determined by whim In general we should not be overly prescriptive at this point and I know you agree with that Otherwise I think you have captured the points excellently We 're in the process of developing a strategy to take us through the next few months But while the otherwise perishable thoughts are still fresh in my mind from the hearings on Monday and Tuesday I wanted to throw out some observations for discussion in the days / weeks ahead OBSERVATION The pressure to finger somebody for price gouging is increasing The administration is hell bent on finding a fall guy The price spikes pose real political risks for Davis and he and his folks need and want an easy way out His press release following the hearing renewed the call for refunds On my panel Loretta Lynch asked Reliant and Duke to supply her with the details of the contracts they cut to sell their power forward to marketers And Carl Wood 's remarks were extreme At the Barton hearing a liberal democrat Filner and a conservative Republican Hunter locked arms in calling for refunds Bilbray joined the gouging band wagon The utilities repeatedly called on FERC to do a real investigation with hearings testimony data discovery the works On the positive side the FERC commissioners lauded Wolak his analysis and his remarks on the panel Wolak said somewhat emphatically that the nature of California 's market structure makes it impossible to single out a single participant as the culprit He also stated that just everyone 's just acting in their own self interest responding to the screwed incentives embedded in the structure IMPLICATION It seems prudent for Enron to understand better its risks of getting fingered In the best case the clamoring for a refund subsides In which case the only cost to Enron is the internal cost incurred to understand better the risks of getting fingered In the medium case investigations find that Enron like others played by the rules but the rules stunk and Enron profited at the expense of California consumers You 're right Sue Rates ca n't go up w/out declaring the rate freeze over in some fashion trying to finesse it Thanks very much for the comments Harry also had a good comment do n't specify the amount of rate increase in our comments rather note that the rate increase needs to be well reasoned and based on facts and evidence Will make that change Shawna Johnson@ENRON 02/22/2001num 04:37num PM This is a request for your interview participation The Associate and Analyst Programs will be on the Penn undergraduate campus interviewing summer Analyst interns next week Due to business reasons previously scheduled interviewers from the Penn team have had to cancel their participation Currently I need threenum interviewers for Thursday March 1st and onenum interviewer for Friday March 2nd Please let me know of your availability Campus interviews are scheduled as follows Place University of Pennsylvania Date Thursday March 1st March 2nd Day Onenum Interviews Day Twonum Interviews Where On Campus Inn at Pen Time 8:00num - 5:00num 8:00num - 5:00num Interviewers Kevin McGowan confirmed Jen Fraser confirmed Margaret Rhee confirmed Chris Hilgert confirmed In the event that you have scheduling conflicts and can not participate any referrals at the Director or VP level would be greatly appreciated As always thank you for your time and please contact me @ ext 58369num if you have any questions Shawna Johnson Recruiting Coordinator Sorry about that before I 'll not say anything Best Jeff Scott A. Kushnick 01/26/2001num 12:48num PM Please do n't mention my NY trip to anyone Keep in touch Scott thanks for the update have you gotten a price Doug Leach 01/25/2001num 09:40num AM fyi Tom Byargeon Kevin Miller and Ken Loch in ENA are working with producers in the US involved in deep water offshore Louisiana Texas oil and gas drilling projects This financing activity was primarily started to help ENA secure long term well head and pipeline natural gas supplies to supplement the gas trading desk activities Just like what happened in Enron 's initial VPP program they are find more interest in oil drilling projects rather than natural gas projects They are currently working on a bid due 1/31num for the Medusa project which involves Murphy operator Agip and Callon in Mississippi Canyon Blocks # 538num and # 582num The initial reservoir reports estimate reserves of 80num - 120num millionnum barrels of sour crude and they estimate initial production to be 40,000num bpd starting in 1Q 2003num Quality is estimated to be a Mars type crude with 25num - 27num API Gravity and 1.5num - 2.0num % sulfur Plans are to build a private pipeline to Equilon 's West Delta # 143num platform and then bring the oil onshore Peggy is finding out where WD # 143num pumps to onshore Tom 's group would like to know if we have any interesting in buying the crude on either a fixed or floating basis The floating could be tied to a Platt 's index or the NYMEX It is far too early to expect Murphy to enter into a physical or financial contract but Tom hopes to get us first and / or last look from Murphy when the time is right Another alternative is to give Murphy barrels at their 95,000num bpd Meraux Louisiana refinery in exchange for the new production barrels Could someone in your group please give me a notional non binding basis differential for this quality of crude for Cal 2003num please print Amanda Huble@ENRON 01/24/2001num 01:02num PM Please address and I 'll check with Legal as well We typically only book deals when everything is signed off Jeff David Hoog 01/26/2001num 09:37num AM following up on our discussion yesterday for these types of deals i do nt think it s necessary to have all the documentation of our counterparty 's authorization to enter into the agreement these are short term transactions and requiring this documentation will cause us to lose business because competitive alternatives do not have such burdensome requirements the primary reason we need these things is for the scenario where a muni does a derivative deal with an open ended downside loses $ 50num millionnum and then claims that it was not a valid contract in our case they are only hedging we are collecting a premium up front and their total cost is known up front therefore they will not attempt to make this claim even if they did our risk is limited to the premium not some big payout the risk of losing business is far greater than the risk of a counterparty trying to get their premium back seems like a 5num second decision to me is it possible to combine the standard isda and our confirm into a single long form by going away from the standard isda maybe we can eliminate these requirements because the payout liability is only 1num way please print 01/26/2001num 11:57num AM Dear Mr. Shankman Thank you very much for your quick reply Attached is my resume I highlight the relevant skills in the summary The position is with the EES MMC EAST department WHOLESALE RETAIL & COMM ENRON ENERGY SERVICES It was posted on Dec. 11num but the Human Resource dept said that if it is still on the internet it is open Look forward to hearing your comments / suggestions Regards Rina ENRONR~1.DOC Yikes That girl 's mother sounds like a real problem I 'm not sure how I would have handled it How 's school going Any plans for the weekend Alma Martinez@ENRON 01/26/2001num 11:36num AM What happened Here 's a story as I was waiting at the bus stop 7:35num am to go to school a lady approached me and asked if I 'd make sure her daughter got on a certain bus The mother was running late for work and could not wait I could n't say no so Nicki the little girl 10num yrs. old and I waited for the bus It was now 8:15num and there was no sign of her bus On top of things I had quiz at 8num am Which I then realized I missed I decided that Nicki would just have to wait on her own I asked her if she had any relatives that would want to know of her whereabouts I called her grandmother and explained things to her Pretty strange aye A bus that runs through UofH arrived and I almost got on without her but I could n't do it Finally I told the little girl that she would have to accompany me to school 8:30num am There were only 15num minutes left of class I stayed for the remainder of the lecture After class we went back to bus stop and within minutes her bus arrived I told the bus driver where to drop her off I notified her grandmother with the time of the departure And I was relieved when Nicki called to let me know she was home safe Please send the memo to the EGM business heads as well Thanks Jeff Jana Giovannini 01/26/2001num 10:51num AM Actually Jen has volunteered for the afternoon session I spoke to her prior to my note Is there anyone else in EGM that could participate Please let me know Thanks Jen please take care of this for EGM Jana Giovannini 01/24/2001num 11:42num AM All The Analyst and Associate Programs recognize we have many Analyst needs that need to be addressed immediately While we anticipate many new Analysts joining Enron this summer late May and fulltime August we felt it necessary to address some of the immediate needs with an Off Cycle Recruiting event We are planning this event for Thursday February 15num and are inviting approximately 30num candidates to be interviewed I am asking that you forward this note to any potential interviewers Managers or above We will conduct first round interviews in the morning and the second round interviews in the afternoon We need for interviewers to commit either to the morning 9num am - 12num pm or afternoon 2num pm - 5num pm complete session Please submit your response using the buttons below and update your calendar for this date In addition we will need the groups that have current needs to commit to taking onenum or more of these Analysts should they be extended an offer Thanks in advance for your cooperation Thank you Jana Where does our 50num % the 1.65num millionnum dollars show up Can you provide me with more details Great job guys Eric Gonzales 01/25/2001num 02:02num AM Great job gentlemen This deviation shows that Eco definitely has a significant amount of option value which can be exploited with quick reactions and favourable market movements Eric Wayne Perry@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 25/01/2001num 00:20num Finally completed tonight Net to Enron LNG Marketing Company $ 272,000num $ 0.10num / mmbtu Net to Eco about $ 3,300,000num Enron 50num % share about $ 1,650,000num Enron total gain not counting ENA 's trading desk margin is $ 1,922,000num Not bad for a single cargo Wayne Jen please take care of this for EGM Marianne The following are my comments 1 In Section 1.1num there should be a parentheses after etc. in the 5th line 2 In Section 3.1num in the last sentence after the proviso insert a before the word change and after the word in 3 In Section 6.1num change 20num Business Days to 20num days Also add a semicolon at the end of clause inum 4 In Section 6.2.1num I 'll just note that the discount rate sentence I think is still an open issue 5 In Section 6.3num clause c should be reworded to fit with the language in the beginning of the Section 6 Capitalize the word facility in the definition of Average Annual Load Factor 7 Delete the definition of Costs as it is already defined in Section 6.2.1num 8 Where is the defined term Govt Authority used 9 In the GTC the ECP rep should also apply to EESI Also in the 7th line of the reps add the word into after the word entered and before the word this 10 In Collateral Requests insert a comma after deposit in the last line I will also add granting / perfection language 11 In Events of Default clause a refers to a dispute section which I 'm not sure exists In clause e delete the s from the word consolidation 12 Remedies should be deleted as it is already covered in Section 6.1num 13 In UCC / Disclaimer of warranties add a clause c I would add setoff language Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Marianne Castano@EES 05/30/2001num 11:05num AM Carol I have attempted to incorporate the changes that Jim has incorporated in our long form power agreement which ENA has suggested to date into the short form Attached please find a sample short form for the Con Ed market for your review Please note the following as you review 1 The short forms do not contain the optionality relating to our performing billing services all of our midmarket forms anticipate that we will act as customer 's billing agent and that we will collect all amounts due related to T&D and the like from the customer and reflect same on our invoice and pass those amounts on to the customer 's utility 2 I did not include a Setoff provision in this draft mainly because the vast majority of the time we will not nor will an affiliate have another agreement in place with these customers If you feel strongly about our including a setoff provision we will do so 3 The change in law provision reads a bit differently from the long form the thinking here is that the long form language is very lengthy and rather harsh and we 've had great difficulty selling it in the past Taking into consideration this class of customer we decided to include certain items including our inability to cover our costs due to a change in law rules or practices as a force majeure event in an effort to soften the approach see the GTCs Also we do not address calculation of a termination payment in the event of a change in law as the long form does again more in the interest of saving space than anything else Let us know your thoughts on this document and if you are comfortable with our using this until such time as the hybrid form is launched If you are comfortable we will drive these changes into our other midmarket power forms Thanks again for your help with this project Marianne P.S. Please be sure to copy Sarah Dietrich and Jennifer Hillegonds on your response they will be taking this project during my hiatus I am moving to PA on Friday of this week and will be out of pocket through approximately 7/16num I will start up again in mid-July John I have faxed to you the form of Bond our proposed Bond provisions and the EEI Master I am waiting on the confirms and will send them to you shortly by fax or e-mail Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Carol St Clair 05/31/2001num 09:01num AM Phyllis Our letter of credit person would be more comfortable if we deleted all of the language that makes the LC transferable Are you okay with that If so are we ready to execute Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax lemelpe@NU.COM 05/30/2001num 03:00num PM Carol I understand that we are still reviewing the attachment that lists the open transactions How are you making out on the revised version of the LOC Marianne In addition to my other comments on the Mid Market Power Form I think you should add a forward contract rep Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Christie or Cass Are we playing tomorrow at 9:30num Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda As I mentioned in my e-mail John Lepore at Select Energy Settlements Group is trying to reconcile our list with his list He needs more info about these trades i.e. price info and would like to talk with you about it His number is 860-665-2368num and e-mail address is Once we agree on the list we can sign the EEI Master Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda L Denton 05/25/2001num 12:45num PM Here 's everything that flows from 5/1/01num forward Carol St Clair 05/25/2001num 12:01num PM We need to include all outstanding transactions Thanks Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda L Denton 05/25/2001num 11:45num AM Do you want 6/1/01num and forward or do you want to include all of May since they have not been settled Just let me know and I can send you a new attachment Carol St Clair 05/25/2001num 10:56num AM Rhonda Does Attachment A to the Select EEI Master need to be updated or is the version that you sent to me the current version Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax lemelpe@NU.COM 05/25/2001num 10:44num AM Carol I think Valerie Mooney our credit person and Ed Sacks are still discussing some minor fine tuning of the LOC format I spoke to Bob Bruce this morning we 're all set on the language in the Schedule to the ISDA and there is a minor credit / billing issue in Paragraph 13num related to the timing of transfer of interest on collateral that Val will discuss with Ed as well As far as the EEI goes the only remaining issue that I 'm aware of aside from finalizing the LOC is whether we 've finished coordinating the Attachment containing the list of prior transactions Sounds like we may actually get these documents executed early next week Phyllis Lemell Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda L Denton 06/01/2001num 03:20num PM I am missing Deal No. 74419num on your sheet It is Enpower No. 295870num Will fax Rhonda Thanks so much for your help on this Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda L Denton 06/01/2001num 03:20num PM I am missing Deal No. 74419num on your sheet It is Enpower No. 295870num Will fax Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax Rhonda L Denton 06/01/2001num 03:20num PM I am missing Deal No. 74419num on your sheet It is Enpower No. 295870num Will fax Phyllis We can accept the language with your chnages Are we ready to execute I am out of the office today but will be back tomorrow Please call me thanks Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax lemelpe@NU.COM 06/04/01num 08:38num AM Carol Our credit person does n't understand why the transferability language needs to be eliminated It simply refers to the same ICC publication for the transfer process that governs the letter of credit generally Is there some specific concern that we can address Russell Your comments to the transfer agreement were fine With respect to the Guaranty I will delete the Schedule Our system did not show any other chnages Were there any Carol Yes Carol St. Clair EB 3889num 713-853-3989num Phone 713-646-3393num Fax All Please see the attached Interconnect Agreement with Questar I wanted you all to have a look at what we believe is the final draft It is a fairly standard fully reimbursable interconnect with Questar Transwestern will own and operate the interconnect You will notice that Questar has requested a Payment Plan that details when they will pay Transwestern for the interconnect due to the recent Enron events If anyone has any questions or concerns about the timing of these payments please give me a call Also you will notice this interconnect may not be subject to the CIAC tax gross up but to protect ourselves we have added language in Para 3.2num that protects us financially if the IRS ever comes back to determine that this interconnect is subject to the CIAC tax Robert Guthrie with the tax department has worked with us to develop this language We hope to execute this Agreement this week If you have any comments please let me know After execution we will forward a final copy to you for your files Thanks Kim 713-853-3098num File Questar So Trails Hub Interconnect 02-05-02.doc Earl We are looking at putting the metering facilities on their ROW also I think we will have to purchase about 50num ft of ROW from ElPaso to get to Questar 's property As you look at this if for some reason we can not obtain ElPaso ROW we will have to look at Plan B which would be to put the metering on our ROW Our in service date is May 1num If you think that May 1num may be difficult due to receiving the parts / materials on a timely basis because of the issues that vendors may have with us because of recent Enron events please let me know Questar has already informed us that they would help obtain parts / materials to our specifications if it helps achieve an in service date of May 1num Thanks Kim Kim Has a location Theirs or TW land ROW been settled and when is the required in service date Thanks Earl Chanley 505-625-8031num All Please see the attached Interconnect Agreement with Questar I wanted you all to have a look at what we believe is the final draft It is a fairly standard fully reimbursable interconnect with Questar Transwestern will own and operate the interconnect You will notice that Questar has requested a Payment Plan that details when they will pay Transwestern for the interconnect due to the recent Enron events If anyone has any questions or concerns about the timing of these payments please give me a call Also you will notice this interconnect may not be subject to the CIAC tax gross up but to protect ourselves we have added language in Para 3.num that protects us financially if the IRS ever comes back to determine that this interconnect is subject to the CIAC tax Robert Guthrie with the tax department has worked with us to develop this language We hope to execute this Agreement this week If you have any comments please let me know After execution we will forward a final copy to you for your files Thanks Kim 713-853-3098num File Questar So Trails Hub Interconnect 02-05-02.doc Are you back in the office yet We 've booked Italy tickets this week for departing Houston on Friday May 24num to Newark / Rome and returning on Sunday June 9num from Rome to Newark / Houston Ticket price was $ 1,183num per ticket Paul and Judy are on board Can you and Tom join us Janell and Dennis will not be able to go anywhere in 2002num due to Janell 's broken leg Please call me let 's discuss Thanks Kim X33098num John sorry for the late response but I think you can implement immediately I was in a meeting last week and this was discussed I do n't remember if you were there or not but I 'm thinking that you may have already proceeded ahead for implementation which is great thanks Kim The telephony group has the new TW Hotline number and extensions ready for use I have the solution center entering the greetings and Terry Kowalke has a new form and procedure for the Customer Service Reps. to use for updates How much notification would you like to give the TW customers before implementing the new TW Hotline phone number We can do a Popup notification along with changing the number on the Web page we can also put out a Critical message which will send an Email to customers Do you think we need to do more Thanks John Buchanan Yes thanks I was aware I just could n't remember if it was you or Terry Thanks Kim Kim The new TW Hotline was implemented Monday which included customer notification in the form of a Popup message in TMS and a Critical Notice which sent an Email The new Hotline phone number is 713-853-3044num I was under the impression that Terry Kowalke had notified you of the implementation TK was also made aware John Buchanan John sorry for the late response but I think you can implement immediately I was in a meeting last week and this was discussed I do n't remember if you were there or not but I 'm thinking that you may have already proceeded ahead for implementation which is great thanks Kim The telephony group has the new TW Hotline number and extensions ready for use I have the solution center entering the greetings and Terry Kowalke has a new form and procedure for the Customer Service Reps. to use for updates How much notification would you like to give the TW customers before implementing the new TW Hotline phone number We can do a Popup notification along with changing the number on the Web page we can also put out a Critical message which will send an Email to customers Do you think we need to do more Thanks John Buchanan Here it is K See the attached spreadsheet Let me know if you have any questions Jan These numbers are slightly different from the ones you put together a few weeks ago Are you comfortable with the difference Any thoughts No hurry I was just wondering Thanks Kim Attached is the TW Top Tennum Shippers by Revenues for the year 2001num to be reported in the Browncover report Note Total transportation invoiced for 2001num was $ 180.9num mnum The amount of transportation revenues recorded in the general ledger is $ 165.9num mnum This difference is mainly due to the following $ 10.0num mnum negotiated rates reserve Reliant Sempra Richardson Astr and BP Energy $ collected $ 2.7num mnum SoCal rate issue $ not collected $ 1.8num mnum additional month of PGE revenues due to prepayment invoicing beginning in 2001num $ collected Revenues for these customers were adjusted according Also revenues for the shippers acquiring released volumes from PGE at rates above TW 's tariff rates were adjusted accordingly Please call me at x36709 if there are questions thanks richard Kyle Sorry for not sending this yesterday Monday's are always tough Please review and let me know what you think Let 's talk before I leave town next Wednesday Thanks Kim Kim Here is the Job Description and the Operational Accountabilities for the position I mentioned to you last Sunday As you can see it will take someone with some very good skills in organizing and interpersonal relationships It will also require someone who is fairly mature in their own spiritual journey If you know someone who might fit the bill ask them to contact me and / or send me their resume See you Sunday Tom Thomas W. Daugherty Vice President for Spiritual Care Methodist Health Care System 6565num Fannin Street D 200num Houston Texas 77030-2707num Office 713-793-1429num Page 281-735-5919num Cell 713-819-2784num Fax 713-790-2605num Mansoor Let 's discuss Kim Kim The in service date of May 1num will be very difficult to attain Since the bankruptcy filing vendors have been very reluctant to ship material prior to it being prepaid Daniels Fisher Rosemont other These are the vendors of instrumentation required for the interconnect Questar may be able to purchase material but some of the items can have up to a 60num day delivery From time PA approved and funded to in service will be 75num days at most We have worked with Daniels on a chromatograph on another project and prepayment has taken 45num days alone Daniels is not set up for prepayments as they bill off an invoice and the main office and accounting had to create an invoice for a chromatograph that had not been delivered Not the usual mode of operations The I/C design is for a UltraSonic meter and this is dependent on their testing schedule Canada or Kansas are the only twonum places to test to 100num % of design Will confirm testing schedule and delivery dates with UltraSonic ASAP We will try to complete the I/C with the earliest in service date possible but with conditions as they are a realistic date would be June 15num 2002num If you have questions or issues please let me know Thanks Earl Chanley 505-625-8031num Earl We are looking at putting the metering facilities on their ROW also I think we will have to purchase about 50num ft of ROW from ElPaso to get to Questar 's property As you look at this if for some reason we can not obtain ElPaso ROW we will have to look at Plan B which would be to put the metering on our ROW Our in service date is May 1num If you think that May 1num may be difficult due to receiving the parts / materials on a timely basis because of the issues that vendors may have with us because of recent Enron events please let me know Questar has already informed us that they would help obtain parts / materials to our specifications if it helps achieve an in service date of May 1num Thanks Kim Listening to the Edison call w/ investors Edison says they will pay everyone at the same time big bang approach sometime in Q1 '02num My concern is that between now and then Dunn the AG have the time and resources to make a heckuvalot of mischief which could be detrimental to generators / marketers ' claims Investors are asking what Edison intends for QFs and generators asking about haircuts in particular and Edison is side stepping the questions Great Figured they 'd contacted them but wanted to make sure You know when the meeting with schedulers will be I apologize I 'm on the road and have n't heard when that will be I 'm thinking that I may want to attend Thanks Best Jeff Thanks for the info a few people from our shop will be in attendance If you have n't heard SoCal 's announced their abandoning windows for OFOs They 're holding workshops on how it will all work soon I 'll get you the announcement Best Jeff Probing the palace coup Electricity A panel focuses on price hikes and the actions of the ISO president September 26num 2001num By KIMBERLY KINDY The Orange County Register SACRAMENTO A state Senate committee is set today to start serving 16num subpoenas on electricity producers and officials who manage California 's energy grid to determine whether they acted in concert to manipulate energy prices The investigative committee headed by state Sen. Joe Dunn D Santa Ana is focusing on a series of events last fall filled with enough Shakespearean plot twists and intrigue that it has earned a name around the Capitol the palace coup Lawmakers and consumer groups allege that the events directed by the man who heads the state 's energy grid fueled the California energy crisis pushed the state into the power buying business and helped make billions of dollars for power producers The central question behind the palace coup is whether Terry Winter the president of the Independent System Operator acted alone when he took steps to remove key price caps designed to limit the amount power generators could charge Winter defied his own board and Gov. Gray Davis when he filed a 50num page request to remove the caps records and interviews show I do n't know how these events could have taken place without some concerted effort said Dunn The subpoenas will force those involved including Winter to provide sworn testimony about the events to the committee and to turn over e-mails personal calendars and memos Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio said the governor felt betrayed by the actions of Winter The governor believes it was the defining moment when what was a mounting problem turned into an instant crisis Maviglio said Winter refused comment referring all questions to the public relations office ISO spokesman Gregg Fishman said Dunn 's committee will find no criminal conduct The decision was made by ISO upper management with onenum goal in mind to keep the lights on At the time generators were refusing to sell power in California because of the price caps It was an emergency Fishman said We had to take action What became known as the palace coup began on Oct. 26num when ISO board members voted for severe restrictions on the amount of money electricity producers could charge for power The restrictions would drive prices as low as $ 65num per megawatt nearly 12num times below the $ 750num per megawatt limits of sevennum months earlier They electricity generators grinned and beared the $ 750num price cap but this new plan by ISO was too much said Dunn whose committee has been investigating since March All hell broke loose Records show that on Oct. 31num power generators and electricity traders filed letters with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission demanding that the new plan be killed The letters sixnum in all were sent within twonum hours of each other and represented dozens of power generators If not removed immediately the ISO price cap will sow confusion in the market threaten reliability and stifle new investment in generating capacity read onenum letter written by Duke Energy Vice President William Hall IIInum Although there is nothing illegal about the generators acting together to lobby against price caps Dunn believes the letters and other actions around the same time showed clear coordination among energy officials He said the main aim of the subpoenas will be to determine whether collusion occurred to fix prices which would violate federal trade laws In the Oct. 31num letters electricity producers told federal officials that if price caps were n't removed it would lead to a collapse of the energy market The generators got their way The next day the federal commission killed the new pricing plan What was left in place was a $ 250num price cap established fivenum months earlier Power producers then turned their attention toward killing that cap saying they could n't make a profit even under these constraints They began to withhold power from California and on Dec. 7num the ISO declared its first Stage 3num emergency and braced for blackouts which were narrowly averted What followed the next day is considered by the governor and Dunn to be the pivotal moment of the energy crisis Winter who in his position as president and chief operating officer of the ISO submitted a 50num page emergency request asking federal officials to abolish the $ 250num price cap Final authority over lifting the cap rested with the federal government Neither the ISO board which had established the price cap nor the governor learned of Winter 's actions until the cap had been removed In fact the attorney who helped draft the emergency request Charles Robinson was in a meeting with representatives of the governor and ISO board members just hours before the filing was made He did n't mention anything about it In retrospect we should have told them Robinson said With the price caps gone the generators filed paperwork with federal regulators justifying higher costs The ISO staff sat in a meeting with the governor 's key energy advisers with poker faces not saying a word about something that was going on at the exact same moment Maviglio said It was beyond belief that they failed to mention something so significant This action accelerated the utilities ' move toward bankruptcy and forced the governor to move the state into the power buying business Prices for electricity jumped from an average of $ 249num a megawatt to $ 700num a megawatt within threenum days ISO records show Dunn believes the resulting overcharges for electricity exceeded $ 30num billionnum Robinson said the filing granted twonum hours after the request helped rather than hurt Californians Prices he said did not spike as a result Instead they followed the skyrocketing price of natural gas which is used to run power plants to generate electricity Robinson said the emergency order allowed the ISO to secure refunds should overcharges for electricity be proven to federal officials We believe the action we took addressed a severe concern Robinson said In our view we did not believe we changed or made worse the financial situation We felt we made it better because it introduced a process for review and refund Jan Smutney Jones who was the ISO board chairman at the time and executive director of a group that represents power generators said Winter did not consult him about eliminating the price cap Smutney Jones also said he was unaware of anyone in the power generating community being consulted Terry did this by himself said Smutney Jones executive director of the Independent Energy Producers He did what he thought had to be done at the time to keep the power flowing The ISO board called an emergency meeting the next week demanding Winter explain his actions Some board members pushed to have Winter removed but there were concerns such action would lead to more chaos the governor 's spokesman Maviglio said James J. Hoecker the former Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman defended making the December decision and also defended Winter They filed an emergency motion and we were not about to let California go dark Hoecker said They ISO management did what any independent system operator would do What Dunn 's committee hopes to learn is why all these events transpired He believes memos and e-mails around the time of Winter 's Dec. 8num actions should provide vital clues We do n't know why he did what he did but we are eager to find out Dunn said Terry said he made that filing in the interest of Californians but I find that argument has no basis in fact We should resurrect Mike Smith 's note and get him on the call in the attempt to avoid recreating the wheel on this one I can dig it up if you 'd like Sue and Jeff I am having a meeting with Vicki and Janet Dietrich on Thursday to discuss our view on the ability to extend our current contracts in CA for customers already on DA Can we discuss this today or soon thereafter My take is that the UDCs will be indifferent to this maybe and our # 1num priority is to work to get the PG&E model adopted across the state Any news on how SCE and SDG&E will move forward Thanks Sounds good I suggest a blind draw on the teams best ball not scramble on the golf and as for the wager no emails from the losing team for onenum week Is there any question I 'll leave to Steve to structure the deal As I recall Montavano Shapiro and I usually make up onenum team but I 'm willing to switch around a bit Best Jeff Are you playing golf And if yes what 's the game and wager Jim Neal S. Manne 11/28/2000num 06:16num PM It 's a twonum way street of course Have they expressed any interest in negotiating There is nothing wrong with a REAL negotiation but nothing particularly helpful about generating onenum that s just for show Particularly in the absence of any entreaty from them Where is the simple explanation of the transportation piece As I have told RNR I think we should advise Duke in writing that its IP is not in conformity with the contract since it is in the alternative and that our IP is hence the only one that will be before the arbitrators since Duke clearly can not change it's ineffective IP at this stage having already seen ours Accordingly the only issue left for arbitration is whether our IP the only one and therefore the one they have to choose is or is not an economic hardship under the contract What say ye none Susan Rance@ENRON 11/28/2000num 03:58num PM By Friday December 1st could you please tell me the percentages amount of time you spent on East Coast Power during the months of October and November In addition could you look over the list below to see if there are any additional employees in your group that spent time on ECP so we can ensure we bill all of our used resources to ECP Thanks for you cooperation Mary Perkins Could you forward the number of transactions and accounts Jason Chumley Could you forward the number of contractor hours and help / remote support hours HR Veronica Parra Nedre Strambler Fran Mayes Felicia Solis Legal Bob Carter Travis McCullough Lisa Mellencamp Shelia Tweed Richard Sanders Michelle Cash Corporate Finance Joe Deffner Brain Kerrigan Lewis Worthy Mary Perkins IT Jason Chumley Structuring / Technology Brad Alford Chris Coffman Bill Keeney Insurance David Marshall Susan Looks good Steve Van Hooser 11/28/2000num 11:34num AM Richard How does this look If I can get a few minutes with Mark H. today I 'm going to propose that I speak to Stan Klimberg about getting this signed before Thursday 's meeting with LIPA Thanks for your help this morning Steve In the threenum years I have been here I am unaware of an ENA ECT bad faith claim against any insurance company Anyone else If so please contact Michelle Michelle Blaine@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 11/28/2000num 07:35num PM Justin I have no knowledge of any bad faith actins Enron has pending in Texas but I will call Richard Sanders who manages domestic litgation here I 've read the materials you sent and agree we need to address these allegations appropriately Richard do you have any bad faith litigation pending against any insurers in Texas or are you aware of any Enron has filed We sued Houston Casualty last year but I do n't recall making any bad faith claims It settled anyway a long time ago mb Michelle Did you get my fax on Friday I guess the questions on which I should like your steer are a Do you have a particular sensitivity about the reference to bad faith proceedings made by United India b Is it right that Enron has 3num sets of bad faith proceedings in Texas c Are you happy with the draft letter to Beachcrofts I sent you Please give me a call if you would like to discuss Justin Not when I was there but I was n't there the whole time Michelle and Ken were you able to discuss the bad faith proceedings issue yesterday If you got the chance today I should be really grateful if onenum of you could give me a call to discuss this issue I think we should set out DPC 's position clearly on this in correspondence without too much delay Justin ____________________________________________________________ This message is confidential It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system you should not copy the message or disclose its contents to anyone ____________________________________________________________ Address this to Robin Gibbs for my signature Thanks Russell Montgomery@ENRON 11/28/2000num 08:22num AM Richard Per my voice mail here is the letter As I mentioned please let me know when it is ready and I will send someone to pick it up Thank you for your help Russ 3-5297num Rob Jacobs 11/28/2000num 11:25num AM Hi Rich Have you heard if the Kinga has had little Brian II yet Also remind me of Patterson 's email so I can harass him directly Hope your pre Chanukah planning is going well Rob C.DTF As you can tell from the time of my e-mail I am getting crushed Please ask her to be the contact person Robert C Williams@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT 11/28/2000num 09:46num AM Now that Michelle is in your fold do you want to reconsider her being the contact person with AAA on this I am sending you a letter from their atty Call me to discuss Cheryl Marshall 11/27/2000num 10:25num AM As of today we have not received payment in full as requested in Richard Sanders ' letter dated November 16num 2000num We did receive a payment for $ 3,202.61num on 11-20-2000num Richard please let me know what we need to do next to file suit on 04/28/2000num 11:15:11num AM The attached letter is being sent to you from Patricia Gillman See attached file Sanders Letter 4_28_00.doc Sanders Letter 4_28_00.doc Richard B Sanders 11/28/2000num 09:56num PM I am sending you a letter from their atty Call me to discuss Cheryl Marshall 11/27/2000num 10:25num AM As of today we have not received payment in full as requested in Richard Sanders ' letter dated November 16num 2000num We did receive a payment for $ 3,202.61num on 11-20-2000num Richard please let me know what we need to do next to file suit Has Liz finished with gathering the documents 11/13/2000num 03:43num PM Here are the revised dates for the response reply and hearing dates for Enron 's motion to compel As you may recall they say they want a deposition on the parties ' intention We should be expecting a deposition notice soon if they are going to follow through on their threat I passed along to Liz Austin your request regarding pleadings A&K has filed setting forth the Trustee 's position in connection with the enforcement / nonenforcement of the power contracts and what remedies the Trustee is seeking As you see below she is pulling those together Call to discuss the response to the Trustee 's settlement offer Thanks Hi Talked to Craig and the Court today The motion to compel is now scheduled for Dec. 12num at 2num p.m The trustee 's oppositon papers are now due Nov 27num and Enron reply is due Dec 1num I have my paralegal gathering the pleadings Enron requested That is all for now Liz NOTE The information contained in this email message is intended only for use of the individual or entity named above If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited If you have received this communication in error please immediately notify us by telephone 713-546-5000num and destroy the original message Thank you Gerry Strathmann 11/08/2000num 02:19num PM Dear Mr. Sanders While I left a you a phone message with some information about our project I thought I could give you some additional details by e-mail as well We are still very interested in having Enron support our eCommerce Dispute Management Protocol We have had enthusiastic responses from companies such as AT&T Duke Energy Pitney Bowes and Daimler Chrysler and I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about this focal point for our educational efforts The real purpose of my call however is related to the services we will provide to support the aspirational statements of the Protocol I am a member of the design group that has been developing the American Arbitration Association 's dispute management systems and services for eCommerce B2B transactions At this time we are putting together small working groups to validate some of our assumptions and refine our initial service offerings Initially our design group along with perhaps onenum of our technology consultants would like to meet with a group of Enron people for half a day Ideally this group would consist of fournum to sixnum people from finance legal and operations so that we get good cross-functional feedback about our services Before the meeting we would provide you with a brief description of our proposed service offerings and a list of points for discussion at the meeting The real focus of the meeting will be on how we should build these services to meet the needs of businesses operating in B2B marketplaces We are very concerned with providing services that are relevant to that environment We would like to meet between November 14num and December 1num since construction of our services is already underway Please let me know what is possible and feel free to give me a call if you have any questions 978-376-9004num Thanks -> Gerry Gerry Strathmann eCommerce Group American Arbitration Association 978num 376-9004num 303-294-4499num Neal S. Manne 11/29/2000num 09:52num AM Thanks Richard Do you have a tel # for Mike Thanks Mark Palmer@ENRON 11/29/2000num 10:45num AM I 'll send a copy of the suit filed against the generators as soon as I get it Mark Leopold Jason 11/29/2000num 10:40num AM Hello Energyphiles OK perhaps it was inevitable But it is now official A team of San Diego 's best anti-trust and class action attorneys has been assembled to take on the electric generators and marketers in California state court in an effort to return the electricity overcharges that have battered San Diego and the rest of California this year A press conference will be held to discuss the consumer class action lawsuit to be filed today WHEN 11num am - noon WHERE 550num West C St. b/t Columbia & India Suite 1810num Law Offices of Levine Steinberg Miller & Huver 619-231-9449num WHAT Copies of the filed complaint will be made available at that time UCAN 's executive director and the attorney team will be available to answer questions about the complaint We are hopeful that we can post the complaint to the UCAN web site later today Time is the best teacher except for the fact that it kills off its best students Michael Shames Executive Director Utility Consumers ' Action Network 1717num Kettner Blvd. Suite 105num San Diego CA 92101num 619-696-6966num the industry of Marriage and Kids you heard me Marriage is in and of itself a noble concept but it too often leads to kids and kids flat out suck How can I say such an abomination ask you Look around you and notice all the mind numbing trailor trash cretins out there who should not be procreating yet they do These are the people who keep Jerry springer on the air These are the kids who will destroy society because of the crapfest the American family has become under the post hippie culture you heard again And you might think by reading this I blame the kids Not so Kids are what kids are and will do what they do It is literally monkey see and monkey do with them That will likely never change It 's the bad parents out there who fuck up their lives and do nt seem to understand that once you decide to have kids it is indeed time to grow up and be a responsible role model for those kids Very few parents do this And this is a direct result of the Politically correct permissive time out granting bullshit liberal culture that has caused this When you blame it all on society there 's noone to to take responsibility and all of a sudden you have generation of fucked up kids who are likley smoking drinking doing drugs fucking the neighbor or some internet perv just because you are too lazy to see waht they 're doing People like this will never have my sympathy nor do they deserve my sympathy Look inside yourselves parents is this you Probably it is Fuck you Stop trying to pawn your brats off on others to get a break You made a choice to be a mommy you do nt get a break until they move out that s the choice that you madea and that 's life Tough shit Just because you 're stuck does nt give you the right to drag down all the singles around you Another time I 'll segueway into all the fun work related instances where Mommies get out of doing work and hiding behind childcare as the reason This is the insidious conspiracy I call Mommism It must be stamped out,0,5979821.story?coll=ny-editorials-headlines It looks like NASA is ready to sour again after it's devastating loss from the Columbia accident which occurred nearly twonum years ago Now NASA engineers and astronauts are almost giddy with go fever as the tentative date for the first launch since the Columbia disaster approaches The most important question is n't whether Discovery is technically ready to fly with new safety features and emergency procedures but whether the agency itself has learned from the crucial errors most common to Challenger and Columbia errors that grew out of a management culture that discouraged criticism and sacrificed safety for image puffing and budget cutting I hope so Seeing another Columbia incident can be quite frightening I woke up to it early in the morning when I was in Texas We do n't need another incident as exploring the cosmos is something that keeps our imagination going as a species Maybe onenum day they will allow space tourism hopefully that will be in the near future although I would recommend that NASA build new shuttles instead of trying to preserve the older ones You do have to give NASA credit on some things as they have eliminated the fear of reporting failure culture that probably led to the lack of reporting defects on the Columbia shuttle Instead they are encouraging everyone to come forward if they see any potential problems as it is clear that overlooked problems could result in unnecessary losses But supporters are pointing a few good things out Clearly the agency has worked hard at tackling the technical challenges posed by a superb and surprisingly independent minded investigative panel A few weeks ago shuttle workers at the Kennedy Space Center received a rocket like boost in morale with twonum important deliveries for the next shuttle to carry One is a special tool to detect damage to the thermal protective tile while in orbit something the Columbia crew would have welcomed The other is a new fuel tank guaranteed by NASA not to shed potentially fatal hunks of insulation NASA has some PR hurdles to overcome in the future But let s hope for their sake and the sake of all space lovers out there that they can redefine their image and rekindle the hope of space colonization again Selah Posted by Hidden Nook to Hidden Nook at 2/7/2005num 01:09:32num AM Healing the Collective Body In George Orwell 's influential novel 1984 doublethink is a device promoted by the totalitarian state government to make people accept twonum irreconcilable ideas at the same time such as war is peace I see the merit in flowing with duality Onenum of my most cherished dualities is the understanding that we are both autonomous individuals with the power to shape our personal destinies and at the same time we are all onenum that there is no separation between you and I we are all together in this thing called life we human beings the birds and the tress the rocks and the sky all of it I have written a lot recently about healing the self so today here are a few words on healing our collective body mind and soul Think of all life if you will as onenum great choir or onenum grand congregation Our strength is in our unity and harmony Any major dischord and we all suffer Any insult to the collective good brings us all down Living out of synch with nature is the great disease from that flows all the tributaries we have come to think of as sickness We are only as strong as our weakest we are only as healthy as the sickest amongst us playing sports and being in the army taught me that lesson before I was finished being a teenager When the healthy treat the sick with scorn and intolerance it brings us all down When those lucky enough not to have Herpes create a climate of shame and indignity for those of us who do not only are they hurting us but they are hurting themselves There is no escape from the collective ocean we all swim in What you project will always come back to either reward or haunt you We are now suffering from the consequences of our rape of the environment our rejection of the natural for the industrial and our embrace of violence over peace Jesus said that what you do the least of the people you do to him What are you doing to the least of the people If we are all in this thing together let 's play nice Remember that what you do to yourself affects me and everybody else remember that what you do to me and anyone else shapes your destiny No matter what progress we make as individuals in becoming healthier we will never achieve real health until we collectively decide to create a healthier reality Fortunately circumstances will force our hand soon since our collective bad behaviour can not continue indefinitely In the near future collective choices will need to be made Will we choose to live in harmony with this planet or crash and burn in a conflagration of arrogance and disregard Will we choose to rise about prejudice and intolerance or go down kicking and screaming with holding on to fear and anger There is no health without peace and no peace without health November 2005num Sunshine Coast British Columbia Canada Christopher Scipio Homeopath / Herbalist Holistic Viral Specialist Onenum Simple Idea Onenum Huge Opportunity What are you searching for More personal freedom More time with your family Independent wealth Freedom from the fear of corporate downsizing Whether you are looking for a part time income to help pay off your debts or you are looking for the freedom offered by working from home on a full time basis Agel is the vehicle that can make that happen Agel is a new company and is uniquely positioned to be the next giant in the network marketing industry The company has developed an entirely new category of products Imagine being part of the next industry changing innovation Innovative Products Agel introduces an entirely new category of products called Gelceuticals The company has developed a unique and innovative delivery mechanism for nutritional products This proprietary Gel Suspension technology makes possible single serving packets of Gelceuticals In this delivery format your body can immediately start receiving the benefits of the product components as the absorption of vitamins minerals and nutrients is maximized Never before has such a convenient method been available for consuming nutritional products Consider these convenience factors No water needed as with tablets or capsules Exotic juice benefits without the big bottle no glass and water weight Single serving packages imagine the sampling capabilities Perfect for those with difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules Faster more efficient delivery to the body Learn More Revolutionary Compensation Agel has created a new compensation structure that is truly revolutionary It is our belief that this compensation plan will produce some of the largest checks in network marketing history The plan ca n't be described as a binary a breakaway a unilevel or a forced matrix It is a revolutionary hybrid What is long term viability It is not just company longevity If you used to make $ 100num knum and now only make $ 30num knum this is not long term viability Tennum years later your check should still be the same or greater fulfilling the promise of long term residual income The Agel compensation plan includes the principles that ensure that promise can be fulfilled for those who work at it Are you unsure of Agel Take time to discover the unlimited possibilities with Agel The call will feature a host of other field leaders and our founder and CEO Glen Jensen This call will smoke You will discover How to Create the Security of Residual Income Why Agel is the Best Vehicle to Live Your Dreams The Amazing Scientific Breakthrough Behind the Products How the Quadra Plan Builds Bigger Bonus Checks Faster The Support System in Place to Help You Build Stronger and The Secret to Lock in a Legacy Position Here are the numbers to call 620-294-4000num or 620-294-3000num The Passcode to participate is 5107num DATE Tuesday November 22num 2005num TIME 8:00num PM Eastern Standard Time LOCATION Conference Call 5:00num PT 6:00num MT 7:00num CT 8:00num ET I 'll see you there Steve Fillmore 612-205-9814num 620-294-1909num Email Dharmadeva Namaskar Hi All We now present the kaoshikii dance which is excellent before and after yoga postures I encourage you to do this dance as it has tremendous positive effects It is a dance for both males and females Dharma Kaoshikii is a dance which was invented in 1978num by Shrii Shrii A'nandamu'rti It is a psycho-spiritual exercise and benefiting the mind by developing stamina and strength Kaoshikii is especially good for women It can ward off and cure a number of diseases keeps the body youthful and enables an easy delivery in childbirth Kaoshikii comes from the Sanskrit word kosa meaning shell or layer of mind The self of the individual lies hidden in the innermost layers of existence kosas Thus kaoshikii is a blossoming of the microcosm unit being in its attempt to attain a link with the Macrocosm Cosmic Consciousness This attempt is normally referred to as mysticism The Benefits Exercises all the glands and limbs from head to toes Increases longevity Makes for easy delivery at childbirth The spine will become flexible Arthritis of the spine neck waist and other joints will be removed Gout in the spine neck hands and waist will be lost The mind becomes strong and sharp Irregularities in menstruation will be cured Glandular secretions will become regulated Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured Gives control over the limbs Adds charm and shine to the face and skin Removes wrinkles Removes lethargy Cures insomnia Cures hysteria Fear complexes will be removed Hopelessness will be lost Helps in self expression and develops one 's potentiality Spinal pain piles hernia hydrocele in men nervous pain nervous disability will be cured Cures kidney and gall bladder troubles gastric trouble dyspepsia acidity dysentery obesity and liver diseases Increases the capacity to work until 75num - 80num years of age The Dance The eighteennum steps of the dance are done rhythmically First the dancer begins in the starting position the hands together and raised over the head Then to the beat of dhin dhin ta' ta' the dancers begin their step placing the big toe behind the heel of the other foot In the final twonum steps the dancers firmly stamp their feet on the ground Kaoshikii can be danced for as many rounds as you like The Ideation When the dancers start the step with the beat of dhin dhin the mental ideation should also be kept Here is the ideation The twonum hands when upraised and folded together represent Now I am trying to establish a link with Parama Purus'a Supreme Consciousness Bending to the right indicates I know the right way to request You Bending to the left indicates I know how to fulfil Your demands Bending forward suggests I completely surrender to You Bending backward represents I am ready to face all obstacles that may come The last twonum steps represent O Lord I repeat Your cosmic rhythm Quebecker wins U.S. bravery award Pittsburgh A Quebec man was awarded a Carnegie Medal for bravery on Monday for saving twonum friends by fighting off a polar bear with a pocket knife twonum years ago on Baffin Island Dr. Eric Fortier 34num of Gatineau Que. used a pocket knife to attack a polar bear on Baffin Island just south of the Arctic Circle to save twonum friends who were being mauled All of the research and all of the preparation I did leading up to the trip gave no indication that there were bears in the Soper River valley where we were canoeing Dr. Fortier said Dr. Fortier an orthodontist learned there was at least onenum polar bear in the central region of Baffin Island in July 2001num when he felt what he thought was a dog leaning on his tent wall My first thought was to push it away he said A few seconds later my girlfriend saw the shadow of a bear 's paw through the tent fly and then it started ripping through the ceiling The polar bear is more dangerous than most other bears The latter usually consider human beings a threat but the polar bear considers humans a snack experts said The twonum screamed to frighten the bear and warn their friends in a tent several metres away but the bear ripped into that tent and began mauling 31num year old Alain Parenteau Their screams changed Dr. Fortier said I grabbed my glasses and my knife and unzipped my tent and headed out The bear dwarfed the 6num foot 1num Mr. Parenteau knocking him to the ground he said Dr. Fortier threw a large rock at the bear distracting it and allowing Parenteau to escape but it then turned on 25num year old Patricia Doyon who was in the same tent Again Dr. Fortier threw rocks at the bear and again its target was able to escape The bear gave chase and I gave chase he said At some point Patricia tripped or the bear tripped her and was at her back I was beside the bear 's head and I stabbed it with an upper cut below the jaw in the neck a couple of times The bear ran off While there was some fur and blood on the ninenum centimetre blade Dr. Fortier said he does n't think he hurt the bear badly Both Mr. Parenteau and Ms. Doyon however were bleeding badly Dr. Fortier and his girlfriend lashed twonum canoes together and paddled eightnum kilometres along the Soper River Dr. Fortier travelled another threenum kilometres by foot to seek help in the nearest settlement Both Mr. Parenteau and Ms. Doyon were airlifted to a hospital and survived though Mr. Parenteau had a gash within a centimetre of his jugular Dr. Fortier said Dr. Fortier was onenum of 15num people to receive the Carnegie Medal on Monday The bronze medal is given to people who risk their lives to an extraordinary degree while saving or attempting to save the lives of others The other Canadian recipient of the medal was Ronald Joseph Crawford 42num of Hamilton who was killed Aug. 4num 2002num while trying to defend a Hamilton sandwich shop owner from a robber wielding a knife Mr. Crawford threw several punches at the assailant before he was stabbed in the heart U.S. industrialist Andrew Carnegie started a hero fund in 1904num after being inspired by rescue stories from a mine disaster that killed 181num people The award comes with a $ 3,500num U.S. grant Important information of big companies Apple Computers It was the favorite fruit of founder Steve Jobs He was threenum months late in filing a name for the business and he threatened to call his company Apple Computers if the other colleagues did n't suggest a better name by 5num O'clock CISCO It is not an acronym as popularly believed It is short for San Francisco Compaq This name was formed by using COMp for computer and PAQ to denote a small integral object Corel The name was derived from the founder 's name Dr. Michael Cowpland It stands for COwpland REsearch Laboratory Google The name started as a joke boasting about the amount of information the search engine would be able to search It was originally named Googol a word for the number represented by 1num followed by 100num zeros After founders Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page presented their project to an angel investor they received a cheque made out to Google Hotmail Founder Jack Smith got the idea of accessing e-mail via the web from a computer anywhere in the world When Sabeer Bhatia came up with the business plan for the mail service he tried all kinds of names ending in mail and finally settled for hotmail as it included the letters html the programming language used to write web pages It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective uppercasing Hewlett Packard Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett Packard or Packard Hewlett Intel Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore wanted to name their new company Moore Noyce but that was already trademarked by a hotel chain so they had to settle for an acronym of INTegrated ELectronics Lotus Notes Mitch Kapor got the name for his company from The Lotus Position or Padmasana Kapor used to be a teacher of Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Microsoft Coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was devoted to MICROcomputer SOFTware Originally christened Micro Soft the - was removed later on Motorola Founder Paul Galvin came up with this name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars The popular radio company at the time was called Victrola ORACLE Larry Ellison and Bob Oats were working on a consulting project for the CIA Central Intelligence Agency The code name for the project was called Oracle the CIA saw this as the system to give answers to all questions or something such The project was designed to help use the newly written SQL code by IBM The project eventually was terminated but Larry and Bob decided to finish what they started and bring it to the world They kept the name Oracle and created the RDBMS engine Later they kept the same name for the company Sony It originated from the Latin word sonus meaning sound and sonny a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster SUN Founded by 4num Stanford University buddies SUN is the acronym for Stanford University Network Andreas Bechtolsheim built a microcomputer Vinod Khosla recruited him and Scott McNealy to manufacture computers based on it and Bill Joy to develop a UNIX based OS for the computer Yahoo! The word was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book Gulliver 's Travels It represents a person who is repulsive in appearance and action and is barely human Yahoo! Founders Jerry Yang and David Filo selected the name because they considered themselves yahoos I am on Yahoo Email SMS 919819602175num Web Hi all There are already several forums around the net focused on discussing Guild Wars so why create a new one I say why not The main reason is Google is more accessible to the global community and you can rest assured that it 's not going to go away I have seen great fan sites suddenly disappear without notice and for no reason Usually this happens because the developer of the site can no longer afford the cost of bandwidth being used That said the maintenance of this forum is handled by Google and thus will remain reliable and it will ultimately give us more time to play :) I 'm nothing more than a devoted fan of the game myself and I hope that this area can become a haven for deep fan discussions Regards Humanpixel Aye Good Day Mate I m really looking forward to Guild Wars Anyone know a release date Feb 2005num Feb 2005num is the projected release date although Guild Wars is made by ex-members of Blizzard so Feb 2005num could mean August 2006num Anyway I tried to get a preorder but no places were selling it so I missed out on 2/3num weekend events Oh well I 'll get it when it comes out in Febuary rumor has feb 05num on the calender BUT they stated that they will take as long as it takes to work out all the bugs so who really know how long as far as pre order go to and they have a list of major retailers that carry it there are also a few websites that you could order it off of and a good reason for starting this group company firewalls lol ;) I was kind of curious what exactly is Guild Wars I hav n't heard of it Check out the Guild Wars Web site at for more info about the game It 's a massive multiplayer role playing game The graphics are without a doubt the amoung the best graphics I have ever seen for any game and I have been gaming since the MUD days It 's worth a look I have a preorder and am even considering getting a second preorder to have multiple accounts I have participated in all the weekend beta events and the world preview The game is already 100num % functional I ca n't imagine them not being able to meet the Feb 05num deadline Warm greetings to all in this GW community I am Lady Kingel and I hail from the United Legit Gaming Guilds of Guild Wars We are a consortium of legit honorable guilds that was established in 1997num for DI and we are now adding GW to the list of games played The alliance is a pretty straightforward one It was formed to allow many different guilds who were all strictly honorable to come together as a family and allow them many people to game with There are no other requirements other than we ask that members greet each new member and each new alliance and also feel free to post in any of the forums We are also a group who is looking for members for our own select guild called ULGG of GW which is a part of the alliance with the same name We play in all aspects of the game and we hand pick our members I would like to personally invite each of you to visit our website You are individuals of quality and in our alliance we seek quality of member over quantity of member You will be asked to register and then you should wander over to the Announce Your Arrival Section and present yourself You will be greeted by many members of this wonderful family I do hope to see you visiting us at the fire and we shall prepare a feast for you as well If you paste this in your browser it will take you directly to our GW website I extend my hand to each of you in true friendship and honor Come and say hello you will be warmly welcomed We are currently moving to a new server so we will be down for a while I will inform when we are up and running again I wish all happy holidays and moreso peace on earth Kingel Dear Judges Lawyers Policemen Guards Counselors Taxpayers et. al. We are here Like it or not for good or bad we are here Who are we We are the downtrodden and dispossesed the self torturing the disenfranchised convicts drug and alcohol addicts the unemployed and unemployable We are the children of poverty financial and spiritual We have and will have children of our own grandchildren too We are ex-cons uninsured homeless of many colors and speaking many tongues We are the enemy in what has become a domestic war against ourselves And who are you You who like the tough talk of Tough on Crime You who watch as budgets are cut in education and health care while you militarize a police force Bullet proof vests automatic weapons helicopters tanks robots the testosterone is oozing through the streets more prisons longer sentences tighten the belt spartan conditions task forces gang units gun courts And what is there to show for it Unemployent stays low because half the population oversees those out of the workforce the dregs the rabble the enemy Please tell me there is a deeper reason Do you feel safer More humane More like a cohesive society with a shared sense of purpose who can identify Us and Them Do you live in a gated community or gentrified neighborhood By the way have you read the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution or do you only know the first phrases It 's about time we got together Please know that I have yet to meet a convict who wants their child to be a thief an addict a dealer a prostitute or a violent individual Most of us still have hope for ourselves even when stuck in the darkest dilemmas ruts and catch 22s Most of us believe in crafting laws and instilling order Many of us have burrowed beneath the surface to find a spiritual sense of being an understanding force at least as powerful as those we succumbed to and many of use would n't escape if you opened the front door Did you know that approximately 10num millionnum Americans are either incarcerated on probation on parole or once were in those categories Each of those 10num millionnum have families friends neighbors and so closer and closer does the We interface with the You Do n't you think it 's time we talked Are you ready Can you accept that the road we are travelling points toward a grim and painful future Do you have the heart to face monumental failures while bravely struggling beyond where we are now I know that some of you are and that some of us are and this is what gives me hope You need our insights just as we need your structure It is never over especially when a real solution a real treatment for our sickness is yet to begin In Solidarity Bruce Reilly a.k.a Bruha P.O. Box 8274num Cranston RI 02920num USA P.S. I am trying to conceptualize an effective guerilla media campaign to promote this cause Ideas are welcome Collaboration is prayed an annotated text of the bill read the article by D. Singmaster in The Mathematical Intelligencer v 7num # 2num pp 69num - 72num --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject Where can I get the necessary software to get a smart mail system running on my machine that will take advantage of the postings in comp.mail.maps E.g. pathalias smail etc. There are a couple of packages available through the supporters of the comp.sources.unix archives If sites next to you do n't have what you want contact your nearest comp.sources.unix archive or the moderator Information on archive sites and indices of comp.sources.unix back issues are posted regularly in comp.sources.unix and comp.sources.d --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject What is food for the NSA line eater This refers to the alleged scanning of all Usenet traffic by the National Security Agency and possibly other intelligence organizations for interesting keywords The food is believed to contain some of those Email Peanutjake Groups misc.consumers Subject IMMEDIATE ATTENTION NEEDED HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL URGENT ASSISTANCE FROM USA FROM GEORGE WALKER BUSH 202.456.1414num 202.456.1111num FAX 202.456.2461num Dear Sir Madam I am GEORGE WALKER BUSH son of the former president of the United States of America George Herbert Walker Bush and currently serving as President of the United States of America This letter might surprise you because we have not met neither in person nor by correspondence I came to know of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential business transaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to an account requiring maximum confidence I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance in acquiring oil funds that are presently trapped in the republic of Iraq My partners and I solicit your assistance in completing a transaction begun by my father who has long been actively engaged in the extraction of petroleum in the United States of America and bravely served his country as director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency In the decade of the nineteennum eighties my father then vice president of the United States of America sought to work with the good offices of the President of the Republic of Iraq to regain lost oil revenue sources in the neighboring Islamic republic of Iran This unsuccessful venture was soon followed by a falling out with his Iraqi partner who sought to acquire additional oil revenue sources in the neighboring emirate of Kuwait a wholly owned U.S. British subsidiary My father re-secured the petroleum assets of Kuwait in 1991num at a cost of sixtynum onenum billionnum U.S. dollars $ 61,000,000,000num Out of that cost thirtynum sixnum billionnum dollars $ 36,000,000,000num were supplied by King Hussein Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf monarchies and sixteennum billionnum dollars $ 16,000,000,000num by German and Japanese partners But my father 's former Iraqi business partner remained in control of the republic of Iraq and its petroleum reserves My family is calling for your urgent assistance in funding the removal of the President of the Republic of Iraq and acquiring the petroleum assets of his country as compensation for the costs of removing him from power Unfortunately our partners from 1991num are not willing to shoulder the burden of this new venture which in its upcoming phase may cost the sum of 100num billionnum to 200num billionnum dollars $ 100,000,000,000num - $ 200,000,000,000num both in the initial acquisition and in long term management Without the funds from our 1991num partners we would not be able to acquire the oil revenue trapped within Iraq That is why my family and our colleagues are urgently seeking your gracious assistance Our distinguished colleagues in this business transaction include the sitting vice-president of the United States of America Richard Cheney who is an original partner in the Iraq venture and former head of the Halliburton oil company and Condoleeza Rice whose professional dedication to the venture was demonstrated in the naming of a Chevron oil tanker after her I would beseech you to transfer a sum equaling tennum to twentynum fivenum percent 10num - 25num % of your yearly income to our account to aid in this important venture The Internal Revenue Service of the United States of America will function as our trusted intermediary I propose that you make this transfer before the fifteenth 15th of the month of April I know that a transaction of this magnitude would make anyone apprehensive and worried But I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day A bold step taken shall not be regretted I assure you Please do be informed that this business transaction is 100num % legal If you do not wish to co-operate in this transaction please contact our intermediary representatives to further discuss the matter I pray that you understand our plight My family and our colleagues will be forever grateful Please reply in strict confidence to the contact numbers below Sincerely with warm regards George Walker Bush Switchboard 202.456.1414num Comments 202.456.1111num Fax 202.456.2461num e-mail US battles to save storm victims Watch the airlift Emergency teams in the southern US are battling to reach survivors of Hurricane Katrina the most destructive storm to hit the country in decades Hundreds of people are feared dead in Mississippi and the Louisiana city of New Orleans is badly flooded The city mayor said rescuers were unable to retrieve the dead They 're just pushing them aside he said Amid worsening conditions officials plan to evacuate a New Orleans stadium where up to 20,000num people took shelter The Superdome stadium is without power and toilets are overflowing Map of central New Orleans It 's a very very desperate situation Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco said an error occurred while processing this directive Onenum resident of New Orleans said escaping from the storm was hell We were screaming hollering flashing lights It was complete chaos Kioka Williams told the Associated Press news agency She had to hack her way through the ceiling of her beauty shop as flood waters rose in the city of half a millionnum people much of which lies below sea level Flooding Walls keeping water out of the bowl shaped city have been breached and emergency teams are using helicopters to drop 1,350num kg 3,000num lb sandbags and concrete barriers into the gaps Before the phones went I was told my family in Biloxi had lost their roof barn 2num oak trees and many pines and they were letting in water Natalie McVeigh Oakley England Your Katrina experiences Blogging Katrina New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin said up to 80num % of the city was submerged in some cases by waters 6num m 20num ft deep He warned water levels could still rise Some sections of the city which are dry now could see ninenum or 10num feet some 3num m of water he said The US Army Corps of Engineers says it could take a month to clear the flood waters and the government 's disaster relief agency has urged evacuees not to try to get back to their homes The BBC 's Alastair Leithead in New Orleans says there is panic as vital supplies run out Heavily armed police have been trying to impose a form of martial law to stem outbreaks of looting While some looters are stealing non-essential goods others are simply trying to find food and water Hundreds dead The situation appears to be even worse in Mississippi You 're going to be looking at hundreds dead along the coast a state official said an error occurred while processing this directive Casinos housed in barges have been hurled onto the beach and beyond Tens of thousands are homeless and officials say it could be weeks before power is restored I can only imagine that this is what Hiroshima looked like 60num years ago said Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour after viewing the destruction from the air Survivors are being found all the time including twonum children who lost their parents Harrison County in Mississippi bore the brunt of Hurricane Katrina as it slammed into Biloxi and Gulfport before heading inland Mississippi media earlier reported 54num people killed in the state In Biloxi 30num people were reported dead in onenum block of flats which was hit by a 9num m 30num ft storm surge The town 's death toll may be in the hundreds municipal spokesman Vincent Creel said Mobilising Louisiana 's Governor Blanco urged residents to spend Wednesday in prayer and assured them the crisis would eventually be overcome Follow Katrina 's path The US Red Cross has mobilised thousands of volunteers for its biggest ever natural disaster effort and federal emergency teams are being dispatched to affected areas President George W Bush who has cut his holiday twonum days short has called on Americans to donate to the Red Cross or other organisations Damage estimates of more than $ 25num bnnum suggest it could be the US insurance industry 's most expensive natural disaster ever The price of crude oil on the international market hit a record $ 70.85num a barrel due to the vulnerability of oil and gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico The US energy secretary has announced that oil will be released from government petroleum reserves Return to the top MOON LANDING HOAX CHURCH TECHNOLOGY & GOVERNMENT Shuttle Carried on Aircraft model Q NASA IS A WASTE Answered 2num Comments Question Subject NASA IS A WASTE Category Science Astronomy Asked by yheggy ga List Price $ 2.00num Posted 25num Oct 2004num 18:32num PDT Expires 24num Nov 2004num 17:32num PST Question ID 420072num How much money does the USA give NASA per year Answer Subject Re NASA IS A WASTE Answered By googlenut ga on 25num Oct 2004num 19:14num PDT Hello yheggy ga On September 21num 2004num the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved $ 16.379num billionnum in funding for NASA for fiscal year 2005num This is a $ 200num millionnum increase over what NASA received for fiscal year 2004num U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations Press Release September 21num 2004num National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA is funded at $ 16.379num billionnum an increase of $ 200num millionnum over the FY04 enacted level and a reduction of $ 665num millionnum from the budget request An additional $ 800num millionnum in emergency funding was added for NASA during the Committee 's consideration of the bill The return to flight activities for the Shuttle program are funded at $ 4.319num billionnum the requested level from the Administration The International Space Station is funded at $ 1.6num billionnum The bill reduces ISS operations by $ 120num millionnum due to the continued reduced capability of the ISS for at least half of FY05 The Moon Mars vision The Crew Exploration Vehicle CEV is funded at $ 268num millionnum A lunar exploration mission is funded at $ 20num millionnum $ 10num millionnum is provided for Centennial Challenges Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation NRC is funded at $ 115num millionnum the same as FY04 and the budget request Senate increases NASA funding The Senate Appropriations Committee used a somewhat controversial technique Tuesday to increase NASA 's fiscal year 2005num budget by $ 200num millionnum over what President Bush requested The committee voted to give NASA $ 16.4num billionnum in 2005num about $ 200num millionnum more than what the President requested and over $ 1num billionnum more than what House appropriators approved in July I hope you have found this information helpful If you have any questions please request clarification prior to rating the answer Googlenut Google Search Terms nasa funding Comments Log in to add a comment Subject Re NASA IS A WASTE From saem_aero ga on 26num Oct 2004num 18:11num PDT Excellent answer googlenut Let me add some additional info You can get details about NASA spending here from their own webpage Also from their own webpage reasons why NASA is important in a 5th grade format I guess if you are someone not familiar with how NASA benefits our society I can see how onenum might form the opinion of yheggy ga Let me put it this way If you have watched TV recently crossed a modern bridge flown in an airplane recieved any form of modern medicine did any mathematics drove a car used a cellular phone etc. then you have somehow directly reaped the rewards which NASA has returned to us Also NASA has a large outreach program for education some people believe this is important Best Steve Subject Re NASA IS A WASTE From jaqamofino ga on 26num Apr 2005num 06:02num PDT i believe that NASA is a HUGE waste of tax payers ' money but there are so many huge wastes of tax payer monies that i find it best not to think about it i also think the National Endowment for the Arts is a waste but i guess i would rather see my money go to the NEA than NASA of course in a perfect world tax payers ' money would go toward some sort of national healthcare program and housing for the homeless but this is far from a perfect world in response to Steve 's comment do you really believe that spending trillions on space exploration over the years was the ONLY way to invent the cellfone and bridges i find that extremely hard to believe i think it could have been done in a much more cost efficient way right here on bad old planet earth just my twonum cents thanks for listening Please take a moment to read this I realize that it may sound strange but we are desparate in our efforts and are willing to try anything to help our dear sick friend This costs absolutely nothing and will take about onenum minute of your time This is not a hoax as so many of these emails actully are In quick summary Beyond Control a local band in our area is sponoring a benefit for a cancer victim whose benefits have run out That band is involved in a local competition which promises a $ 5000num first prize which they would like to win in order to donate it to the benefit fund which they have started Below are some emails to friends explaining a little more about this effort What we are trying to do is solicit votes for the band in order to put them in first place They are currently in third place and need your help so that the prize money can be used for a humanatarian cause You can vote at the following link it will only take a few seconds Please take a moment to click on the link below and cast your vote for Beyond Control Thank you in advance for your contribution to this effort Also please pass this along to everyone you know and all of your email contacts We need the power of the internet to pull this off The web site is You can check the validity of all of this at the Beyond Control website That address is The home page for Rockin on the River is and it lists all the acts scheduled for the season You can check that out as well to confirm that this is all real and for a worthy cause Abby is our beloved friend and we are trying to raise money for her any way we can so this prize money is important to help her continue to receive her life saving treatments Many thanks and may God bless you all and keep you healthy Here are some emails we have sent along with the flyer for the Benefit fund raiser we are holding in June just for your information Roy I am sending you some info that I have passed along regarding the effort to win the cash for the fund raising benefit If you can pass this info along and ask everyone you know to forward it to their contacts etc we may have a shot at pulling this off Thanks Fred John I will attach the letter explaining the benefit we are sponsoring There is a link to the contest page Any help in distributing this will be greatly appreciated It is certainly for a good cause Abby needs to fly to New York twice a month for these treatments and her time on the Federal Grant program has expired She does n't have the funds to continue without the grant and without these treatments her prognosis is grim I hope you have a huge network Also encourage your recipients to forward this along to their contacts and so on so that the movement to help her grows exponentially We must finish in first place in order to contribute the $ 5000num to the benefit fund Thank you so much for caring enough to offer your help Fred BENEFIT AUCTION & RAFFLE FOR ABBY FREEMAN WHEN JUNE 12num 2005num 2:00num P.M. TO 2:00num A.M. WHERE MAIN STREET SALOON ADMISSION DONATIONS AT THE DOOR Abby Freeman is our good friend who has non-Hodgkin lymphoma and she needs your help Her grant for the life saving treatments she needs has run out and we need to help her to continue to receive these treatments Abby has threenum wonderful young children and friends who love her and need her Please help us to help her win this fight With your help we know she can do it We 'll have fournum bands and Big D is cookin' lots of fun and great prizes This is an event you do n't want to miss Bands food and prizes are sponsored by Beyond Control who will be competing in the Band of the Year Contest at the River Front Festival in Cuyahoga Falls on July 1num The winner of this competition will receive $ 5000num which Beyond Control hopes to win in order to donate it to the Abby Freeman fund Please help us by logging onto the Rockin on the River website at Cast a vote for Beyond Control and help us provide Abby with her life saving treatments again Donations can also be made through Charter One Bank Make checks payable to Kendel Bunnell c o Benefit for Abby Freeman By Richard Spencer Filed 19/11/2004num China 's insatiable demand for energy is prompting fears of financial and diplomatic collisions around the globe as it seeks reliable supplies of oil from as far away as Brazil and Sudan An intrusion into Japanese territorial waters by a Chinese nuclear submarine last week and a trade deal with Brazil are the latest apparently unconnected consequences of China 's soaring economic growth Increased car usage in China is creating a high demand for petrol The connection however lies in an order issued last year by President Hu Jintao to seek secure oil supplies abroad preferably ones which could not be stopped by America in case of conflict over Taiwan The submarine incident was put down to a technical error by the Chinese government which apologised to Japan But even before the incident the People 's Daily the government mouthpiece had commented that competition over the East China Sea between the twonum countries was only a prelude of the game between China and Japan in the arena of international energy The Brazil trade deal included funding for a joint oil drilling and pipeline programme at a cost that experts said would add up to threenum times the cost of simply buying oil on the market The West however has paid little attention to these developments For the United States and Europe are far more concerned with the even more sensitive issues of China 's relations with pariah states In September China threatened to veto any move to impose sanctions on Sudan over the atrocities in Darfur It has invested $ 3num billionnum in the African country 's oil industry which supplies it with sevennum per cent of its needs Then this month it said that it opposed moves to refer Iran 's nuclear stand off with the International Atomic Energy Agency to the United Nations Security Council A week before China 's second biggest state oil firm had signed a $ 70num billionnum deal for oilfield and natural gas development with Iran which already supplies 13num per cent of China 's needs China has its own reserves of oil and natural gas and once was a net oil exporter But as its economy has expanded by an average of ninenum per cent per year for the last twonum decades so has its demand for energy This year it overtook Japan as the world 's second largest consumer of energy behind the US Its projected demand boosted by a huge rise in car ownership as well as the need to find alternatives to polluting coal for electricity generation has contributed to the surge in the price of oil this year Shortages are already leading to power cuts in the big cities Since President Hu ordered state owned oil firms to go abroad to ensure supply they have begun drilling for gas in the East China Sea just west of the line that Japan regards as its border Japan protested to no avail that the project should be a joint one The twonum are also set to clash over Russia 's oil wealth China is furious that Japan has outbid it in their battle to determine the route of the pipeline that Russia intends to build to the Far East Japan favoured a route to the sea enabling oil to be shipped to both Japan and China China wanted an overland route through its own territory which would give it ultimate control if hostilities broke out Increasingly analysts are saying that China 's efforts have gone beyond what is safe or even in its own interests Claude Mandil the executive director of the International Energy Agency in Paris said the reserves in the East China Sea were hardly worth the trouble Nobody thinks that there will be a lot of oil and gas in this part of the world he said It may be a difficult political issue but I do n't think the energy content is worthwhile Eurasia Group a New York based firm of political analysts said its oil experts worked out that China was paying such an inflated price for its investment in Brazil that the cost for the oil it ended up with was threenum times the market price If China 's economy falters which in my view appears increasingly likely then commodity prices will plummet and with them the value of the assets that produce them Jason Kindopp Eurasia 's lead China analyst said Beijing may end up in a early 1990s Japan situation where it is forced to sell recently purchased overseas assets for a fraction of what it paid for them China 's wider aggression to secure oil and gas was the greatest threat to its international standing in the next decade Sudan is the primary example he said It marks the first time in recent years that China has promised to wield its veto power in the UN Security Council against a petition initiated by the United States and backed by France and Great Britain Email Visualizations as a helpful beginning technique If you consider that you still need the assistance of other visualizations to help the mind feel the spirit of transcendence try the following before moving onto the more formal method below Visualisations can be as useful tools but meditation is more than that Meditation has to do with what is called ideation It is always good to stick to a formal intense meditation practice like the one for beginners described in the MP3 file that follows after the visualisations Find a comfortable place on the floor and sit with your legs crossed Place your hands onenum on top of the other in your lap keep your back straight eyes closed and tongue on the roof of your mouth Your breathing should be calm and relaxed through the nose Spend a minute or so concentrating on your breath feeling the air flowing through your nostrils 1 Warm Sun Visualization Continue to breathe slowly and deeply With each breath feel the muscles in your body becoming lighter and lighter and also your external motor and sensory organs are feeling like they are withdrawing from the world into a special inner quietness Imagine the tension melting away as you continue breathing rhythmically and naturally Picture yourself sitting on a warm tropical beach basking in the glow of the sun Visualize the vivid beautiful colours of the earth its flowers and plants the sea next to you and the sky above you Feel yourself floating above the earth and sea As you sit above the world the warmth of the golden sun penetrates your body and makes you feel warmer and warmer It surrounds you The golden rays feel soft and soothing Now you are far above the earth into space Everything around you is so vast Yet there is warmth and a familiarity with the vastness You want to merge your mind with the greater universal Mind that surrounds you Continue to ideate on this intense desire for your mind to merge with the that universal Consciousness And while doing so continue using the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra breathe in with Baba Nam breathe out with Kevalam Try this for 5num to 10num minutes Now come back to earth again slowly Imagine yourself sitting on the beach serenely and restfully Your muscles are loose and limp Feel your body sinking slightly into the sand making that earthly connection again The sun 's rays and warmth are still with you surrounding you You are in a state of peace and relaxation With each breath watch your body and ensure that it remains relaxed at peace Continue to feel the warmth of the sunlight all over your body warming you deeply and gently You want to bring something back with you from your deep space experience where you sensed your mind merging with the universal Mind This will be the warmth of the sun a close reminder and link between earth and the infinite space Visualize the inside of your body bathed in the golden light absorbing every ray and glowing as radiantly as the sun A warm gentle breeze swirls around your body and relaxes you even more Let your mind and body be totally at peace Now feel yourself returning to where you sit move your hands and feet a little stretch them Open your eyes 2 Mountain Visualization Another thing you can try Imagine you 're sitting on top of a mountain and that it 's the most peaceful place you can think of Feel that you 're sitting there in complete peace right on top of the world Now imagine that infinite happiness is surrounding you in every direction Feel you 're completely surrounded by that infinite peace and happiness Now start to repeat within your mind the mantra BABA NAM KEVALAM Its meaning is Infinite happiness is everywhere Feel the meaning do n't just think of its wordy meaning or try to translate from Sanskrit BABA NAM KEVALAM to an English meaning Infinite peace and happiness Think internally intuitively not by words of the meaning as you 're repeating it This is called ideation It is important to take the idea not just the intellectual analysis Touching deep into the idea is what builds intuition it is a synthetic process Whereas trying to translate and grapple with wordy meanings is an intellectual mechanism an analytical process Feel you 're surrounded by infinite peace and happiness and feel that your own sense of existence is in direct contact with that endless peace and happiness all around you You can go further and feel that your unit consciousness a dot in the Infinite Consciousness is merging with Infinity Continue for as long as you like then open your eyes OK that is fairly basic :) The important point is to develop some psycho-spiritual connection between your mind and the universal Consciousness or Supreme Consciousness Do n't worry if you have trouble concentrating on the mantra and ideation that 's normal It takes some time and practice to be able to focus on the onenum thought The main thing is to keep practicing If you do n't practice then nothing happens Well maybe a miracle could happen but let s face it we 're ordinary people and so require practical day to day techniques NORTH CAROLINA RELIGIOUS COALITION FOR MARRIAGE EQUALITY From what we hear from the news media onenum could easily conclude that all Christians are opposed to gay marriage But that 's not the case Last year an organization named the North Carolina Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality was formed to get out the message that at least some people of faith are not opposed to extending the rights and responsibilities of civil marriage to same gender couples Onenum of NCRC4ME 's major efforts is to collect signatures for the attached Declaration of Religious Leaders which has been and will again be presented to members of the NC legislature It presents the case for marriage equality and states We are resolved that the State should not interfere with same gender couples who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights responsibilities and commitments of civil marriage A measure to amend the NC Constitution to ban gay marriage was defeated last year but already has been reintroduced in the 2005num legislative session so there is a real need for visible support for the pro-same gender marriage side of this issue At its February meeting the CHS Vestry voted unanimously to add their names to the Declaration Our Rector Barbara and our Deacon Clare also have signed the Declaration Furthermore the Vestry voted unanimously to invite the support of members of the CHS congregation for the Declaration Since the Declaration is written as coming from religious leaders people who do n't consider themselves religious leaders can sign as Supporters of the North Carolina Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality Please note that the Declaration addresses only civil marriage it says nothing about religious beliefs or practices regarding marriage If you have any questions please feel free to call me after Sat. the 26th when I will return from a trip Sign up lists will be available at the services on Feb. 27num and March 6num or you can email me I will email names and email addresses or postal addresses of signers to NCRC4ME in time for their lobby day in Raleigh on March 15num Thank you for your consideration of this issue For the Church of the Holy Spirit Vestry Dudley Cate 828-296-8466num North Carolina Religious Coalition for Marriage Equality Declaration of Religious Leaders April 19num 2004num The most fundamental human right after the necessities of food clothing and shelter is the right to affection and the supportive love of other human beings We become most fully human when we love another person We can grow in our capacity to be human to be loving in a family unit This right to love and form a family is so fundamental that our United States Constitution takes it for granted in its dedication to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity The North Carolina Constitution likewise affirms the inalienable rights of human beings to life liberty the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor and the pursuit of happiness Throughout history tyrants have known that by denying the right of oppressed peoples to form and nurture families they can kill the spirit of those peoples From the shameful history of slavery in America the injustice of forbidding people to marry is evident as a denial of a basic human right The American laws forbidding interracial marriage now struck down were clearly discriminatory Denial of the status of marriage to those who would freely accept its responsibilities creates legal and economic inequities and social injustice We feel called to protest and oppose this injustice As religious people clergy and lay leaders we are mandated by faith to stand for justice in our common civic life We oppose the use of sacred texts and religious traditions to deny legal equity to same gender couples As concerned citizens we affirm the liberty of adults of the same gender to love and marry We insist that no one especially the state is allowed to coerce people into marriage or bar twonum consenting adults whether of the same or differing genders from forming the family unit that lets them be more fully loving thus more fully human We respect the fact that debate and discussion continue in many of our religious communities as to the scriptural theological and liturgical issues involved However we draw on our many faith traditions to arrive at a common conviction We are resolved that the State should not interfere with same gender couples who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights responsibilities and commitments of civil marriage We affirm freedom of conscience in this matter We recognize that the state may not require religious groups to officiate at or bless same gender marriages Likewise a denial of state civil recognition dishonors the religious convictions of those communities and clergy who officiate at and bless same gender marriages The state may not favor the convictions of onenum religious group over another by denying individuals their fundamental right to marry and to have those marriages recognized by civil law As faith leaders we commit ourselves to public action visibility education and mutual support in the service of the right and freedom to marry Tom Dempsey Gulf Breeze FL 850-748-0740num Email Bill McGinnis The Onenum Reason Why All Americans Should Oppose The Nomination Of Samuel Alito He Would Tear Down Our System Of Checks And Balances Giving Far Too Much Power To The President My Fellow Americans As many of you may have heard President Bush has nominated a long time Federal Judge named Samuel Alito to become the next member of the United States Supreme Court to fill a vacancy created by the retirement of another member of the Court Under our Constitution this nomination can not take effect unless and until the United States Senate gives its Consent as described in our Constitution Article IInum Section 2num A copy of the Constitution with links back to the official source is located at Judge Samuel Alito is very highly qualified by all of the normal standards used to evaluate candidates for this position He has a very high intellect He graduated very high in his class from Princeton undergraduate and from Law School at Yale He has a long and distinguished record including many years as a Federal Appeals Judge the next level below Supreme Court He has encyclopedic knowledge of hundreds of different Supreme Court cases and he can recite details from memory He demonstrates an excellent Judicial Temperament being courteous mild mannered respectful of all people careful in his work meticulous in detail His co-workers love him His fellow judges love him His family loves him President Bush loves him Yes it is true that some people do n't like the way they think he will vote on the Supreme Court But other people do like the way they think he will vote and the ones who favor him seem to outnumber the ones who oppose him So now the Senate is getting ready to vote soon on whether to approve him or not and at this moment evening of Jan. 27num 2006num it looks like he has more than the fiftynum onenum votes needed for approval The President is very eager to go ahead quickly and get this vote because he very much wants to have Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court to be judging the cases Bush is interested in So there is a lot of hurry up pressure on the Senate to give its prompt vote of approval There is an old saying that applies in this situation Act in haste repent at leisure Sometimes you can make a bad decision very quickly then regret it for many years to come That is what is about to happen with Judge Samuel Alito in my opinion because he has onenum tragic flaw a very serious blind spot in his thinking which makes him completely unacceptable for the position of Supreme Court Justice He does not really agree with the system of Checks and Balances built into the Constitution and he is ready to start tearing it down in order to follow the Unitary Executive Theory which calls for vastly increased Presidential Power at the expense of Congress and the Supreme Court And because of this tragic flaw He Would Tear Down Our System Of Checks And Balances Giving Far Too Much Power To The President In our Constitutional system we have threenum branches of the Federal Government the Legislative Executive and Judicial branches And the basic idea behind the Checks and Balances we have is that if onenum branch of the Government goes crazy the other twonum can hold it down But Samuel Alito believes in a little known Constitutional theory called the Unitary Executive Theory which says that the President should have complete control over the Executive Branch and that the Executive Branch should be in charge of almost everything that the Government actually does including the functions of the Independent Agencies which were designed to be free of Presidential control and the Military which exists which is regulated and which is funded by specific authority given by the Constitution to Congress not to the President The Military is not part of the Executive Branch it is a separate entity Commander In Chief does n't mean that he is the boss of the Military merely that he is the Administrator just as he is the Administrator of the Executive Branch charged with executing faithfully all the laws passed by Congress and all the Decisions rendered by the Supreme Court Under the Unitary Executive Theory the Laws of Congress and Decisions of the Supreme Court have no actual authority unless the President agrees with them And so Congress and the Supreme Court become mere advisors to the President with no real authority over him And the President becomes a Dictator unrestrained by anything in the Constitution backed up by the Armed Forces which would be entirely under his personal control And thus the United States of America The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave becomes just another Military Dictatorship no better than Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy during World War IInum AND THAT IS WHY ALL AMERICANS SHOULD OPPOSE THE NOMINATION OF SAMUEL ALITO For details and further proof please see these websites Testimony at Descriptions and Links at Blessings to you May God help us all And may God bless America Rev. Bill McGinnis Director and Copies of this message are located below If you want to help please send them to everyone you know who needs to read them and ### CONTACT William McGinnis Rev. Bill McGinnis 1908num Mt Vernon Ave # 2543num Alexandria VA 22301num 7037686710num Reply NASA & Company Diplomacy Trying to keep Moon Landing Hoax a secret in modern times Some strategies being used by NASA & Company in relation to China and other space planning countries are mentioned here after being gleaned from a news item underneath Country has an Independent strategy NASA & company to use Numero Uno strategy try to assert beat mesh and control the space program of the country This can also be through political economical social and technological influence Country not open or not have fixed strategy NASA & Company to use freeze thawed strategy especially when the country has a challenging growing and ambitious space program This can also be through political economical social and technological influence Dependant NASA & Company to use space station model to unify the aims of different countries This is really an end goal aim of NASA & Company and also does not allow anyone challenging the moon landing hoax The target for NASA & Company probably to get by 2018num all the ambitious space program countries shifting towards this model through the propaganda of another moon mission deliberately failing this or trying hard for another moon landing hoax achieving the real aim of space unity between space programs of other countries China launches its second manned spaceflight mission Secretive efforts keep outsiders in the dark about the program 's goals By MARK CARREAU Copyright 2005num Houston Chronicle Reuters China launched Shenzhou VI its second manned spacecraft early today in northwest China 's Gansu Province A pair of military pilots embarked on China 's second manned space flight early today hurtling into orbit on a test mission that could span fivenum days The crew of the Shenzhou VI spacecraft was identified as Fei Junlong 40num and Nie Haishen 41num by China 's official news agency The successful launch from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China follows the solo flight of Yang Liwei in October 2003num His onenum day mission vaulted his communist homeland into the elite circle of spacefaring nations Russia and the United States that can launch and sustain humans in space Most experts believe China intends to develop a small space station of its own over the next several years But they remain uncertain about whether China aims to beat the United States to the moon in its secretive space effort President Bush has directed NASA to return to the moon by 2018num with a new generation of human explorers China 's is not a fly by night program said Joan Johnson Freese an expert on national security who follows space developments in the Asian nation at the Naval War College in Newport R.I They are not in any hurry They want a program that will be a success Johnson Freese said They are not going to rush it because they do n't want it to be a budget buster Economics will be a big determiner in the speed of their program China 's overtures to join the U.S. led effort to develop the 16num nation international space station have been thwarted for more than a decade over a range of issues including the Asian country 's human rights policies and worries it could acquire technologies that could pose a security threat The freeze thawed some after Yang 's 2003num mission China was among 30num nations invited to send a delegate to NASA sponsored roundtable discussions on Bush 's strategy to reach the moon with astronauts as the first step in the exploration of Mars and other deep space destinations We applaud China 's space achievements NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said Tuesday We wish them a successful return of their astronauts He stressed however that NASA would not follow this week 's Chinese mission through formal channels At present there are no plans for additional meetings with foreign powers to discuss the Bush exploration initiative or to extend an invitation to China to join the space station partnership Beutel said The flight of Fei and Nie could mark the end of the opening chapter in a threenum phase Chinese space initiative Johnson Freese said The first phase she said will demonstrate the capability of a multi-compartment spacecraft that will leave a test module in orbit when the twonum fliers return to Earth The Chinese program 's second phase will include spacewalks on future missions and demonstrations of docking and undocking techniques The final phase will feature the assembly and operation of a longer duration space lab At least onenum expert believes China 's intentions might include a surprise attempt to circle the moon with astronauts before NASA 's planned lunar return The Americans would be wise to plan accordingly said John E. Pike director of the Alexandria Va. based a small national security think tank There is always the possibility they could jam us up make us look like we are not numero uno Pike said During the U.S. and Russian lunar race during the Cold War NASA scored an early coup by circling the moon with the Apollo 8 crew over the 1968num Christmas holidays As it turned out the Soviets never made it to the moon China could be the second country to do that Pike said They would get in line in front of the Russians And they would not have to land on the moon to take us down a notch Pike 's concern is based on China 's development of a new medium lift rocket the Long March V and the construction of a new space launch complex on Hainan Island in the South China Sea The twonum developments he said could eventually enable China 's space program to mature to the point that experts could assemble and launch from Earth 's orbit a spacecraft capable of circling the moon with astronauts and returning home Email righter Groups alt.animals.rights.promotion alt.animals alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian alt.animals.lion alt.animals.tiger alt.animals.felines.diseases alt.animals.horses.breeding alt.animals.felines.snowleopards I 'm a member of a local animal rights news and get regular emails from other members and the staff Recently I read an email that reported the horrific nightmare Civet Cats go through by sick losers who put them in sheds and heat the inside of the sheds up to 110num degrees with fires so that they can periodically scrape the sweat off of their genitals and sell it to corrupt corporations who use it to prolong the scent of perfumes The animals eventually die which is because these demons are so GREEDY they want as much of their product as they can get instead of letting the cats go after a point as an act of humanity mercy love Below I pasted the email text and it has a link to a website that automatically plays this song the author of the email created It has cat 's Meowing for the vocals and you might really find yourself in those furnaces feeling and thinking those terrible feelings and thoughts that these cats do before they die Right now while we 're sitting at our computers enjoying the internet those innocent beautiful loving cats are dying somewhere in this troubled world a slow agonizing death The main reason I wrote this post is to ask anyone reading this if they know of some way I can help put a stop to this Cat Holocaust I am serious about doing something If I love cats so much why are n't I DOING something I do n't want to appear before God on judgment day and have to explain why I did n't do anything like this in my life Any suggestions would be appreciated Here 's the text of the email Hi there I read the Civet Cat story from a little while ago and tonight when my Mom emailed me about it I re-read it and went to the website with the song the author of the email created Well sure enough when I heard the cats Meowing I imagined the hellish moments these poor beautiful creatures of God were living what went on in their tiny sweet little minds and decided that I want to do something about this torture So if anyone can give me some advice I 'd sure appreciate it I think for starters myself and those of you who believe in God could say a special prayer for them I will I 've pasted the email for those who have n't seen or would like to re-read it It 's also got the website where the song has been uploaded I was thinking that while I 'm sitting here relaxing and enjoying myself those poor innocent animals are being cooked to death with heat in those Holocaust-esque death chambers And what am I DOING about it From Travis Job Date Thu 11num Mar 2004num 02:39:27num 0800num To SPAR Subject Civet Cats James Rachels + a song This is my first time posting to the list so I feel somewhat embarrassed by promoting a song I wrote but I think it is fitting because it is directly tied to extreme animal suffering as a result of human lack of empathy but an abundance of human greed I 'm not sure if any of you know much about civet cats but to brief those who might not know I will quote James Rachels author of World Hunger and Moral Obligation among many other animal rights related books and articles I kind of see him to be for animal rights theory as Peter Singer is to the theory of utilitarianism applied to non-human animals The quote is from an article entitled Vegetarianism and The Other Weight Problem If anyone wants the complete article email me as it is a very good article which no meat eater can read and not sense their own hypocrisy But this is what he says about civet cats As an example consider the treatment of the civet cat a highly intelligent and sociable animal Civet cats are trapped and placed in small cages inside darkened sheds where the temperature is kept up to 110num F by fires They are confined in this way until they finally die What justifies this extraordinary mistreatment These animals have the misfortune to produce a substance that is useful in the manufacture of perfume Musk which is scraped from their genitals once a day for as long as they can surv ive makes the scent of perfume last a bit longer after each application The heat increases their production of musk Here Kant 's rule Animals are merely means to an end that end is man is applied with a vengeance To promote onenum of the most trivial interests we have thousands of animals are tormented for their whole lives This article and specifically this piece effected me enough to try to build a song around the topic If anyone is interested in listening to this song and in offering their opinion whether it be positive or negative I 'd appreciate it But I also hope no one feels any obligation to download especially if you have an internet connection as slow mine 28num knum The url for the song is Although there are no human vocals lyrics I think it's subject matter is audible Again if anyone wants to read Rachels ' entire article let me know It 's also on the net I was already a vegetarian when I read it a little more than a year ago but it was onenum of the bigger factors for me in going completely vegan I hope all are well Farewell for now Travis Job icq uin 5249025num Note to Wigner Do you think your friend could feed my cat Heisenberg was n't sure Thanks Shrodinger GO VEGAN MAKE THOUSANDS THIS IS NOT A SCAM I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it I do n't care about the useless pre-fabricated crap this message usually says All I say is it works Continue pre-fab crap WELL GUESS WHAT Within sevennum days I started getting money in the mail I was shocked I figured it would end soon but the money just kept coming in In my first week I made about $ 25.00num By the end of the second week I had made a total of more than $ 1000.00num In the third week I had more than $ 10,000.00num and it 's still growing This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of $ 42,000.00num and it 's still coming rapidly It 's certainly worth $ 6.00num and sixnum stamps and I have spent more than that on the lottery without ever winning Let me tell you how this works and most important why it works also make sure you print this out NOW so you can get the information off of it as you will need it I promise you that if you follow the directions exactly that you will start making more money than you thought possible by doing something so easy Suggestion Read this entire message carefully Print it out or download it Follow the simple directions and watch the money come in It 's easy It 's legal And your investment is only $ 6.00num Plus postage IMPORTANT This is not a rip off it is decent it 's legal and it is virtually no risk it really works If all the following instructions are adhered to you will receive extraordinary dividends PLEASE NOTE Please follow the directions EXACTLY and $ 50,000num or more can be yours in 20num to 60num days This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions You will now become a part of the Mail Order business You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists However the money made from the mailing lists is secondary to income which is made from people like you and me asking to be included in that list Here are the fournum easy steps to success STEP ONEnum Get sixnum separate pieces of paper and write the following on each piece of paper PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR MAILING LIST Now get 6num U.S. $ 1.00num bills and place ONEnum inside of EACH of the sixnum pieces of paper so the bill will not be seen through the envelope to prevent thievery Next place onenum paper in each of the sixnum envelopes and seal them You now should have sixnum sealed envelopes each with a piece of paper stating the above phrase your name and address and a $ 1.00num bill What you are doing is creating a service THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL You are requesting a legitimate service and you are paying for it Like most of us I was a little skeptical and little worried about the legal aspects of it all So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office 1-800-238-5355num and they confirmed that it is indeed legal Mail the sixnum envelopes to the following addresses 1 G. Burrows 1num 264num Tor St Toowoomba QLD 4350num Australia 2 S Luest P.O. Box 366num Garden Grove CA 92842num USA 3 G. V. & A. Bourret 41num Broome St # 1num Brooklyn NY 11222num USA 4 R. Ansems Gen. Foulkesstraat 5num 4641num BW Ossendrecht Netherlands 5 W. Brumbley 4632num Hilton Ave Suite # 31num Columbus Ohio 43228num STEP TWOnum Now take the # 1num name off the list that you see above move the other names up sixnum becomes 5num 5num becomes 4num and etc. and add YOUR NAME as number 6num on the list STEP THREEnum Change anything you need to but try to keep this article as close to original as possible Now post your amended article to at least 200num news groups I think there are close to 24,000num groups All you need is 200num but remember the more you post the more money you make This is perfectly legal If you have any doubts refer to Title 18num Sec. 1302num & 1341num of the Postal Lottery laws Keep a copy of these steps for yourself and whenever you need money you can use it again and again PLEASE REMEMBER that this program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants and by their carefully adhering to directions Look at it this way If you were of integrity the program will continue and the money that so many others have received will come your way NOTE You may want to retain every name and address sent to you either on a computer or hard copy and keep the notes people send you This VERIFIES that you are truly providing a service Also it might be a good idea to wrap the $ 1num bill in dark paper to reduce the risk of mail theft So as each post is downloaded and the directions carefully followed all members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with onenum dollar each Your name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the # 1num position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in CASH What an opportunity for only $ 6.00num $ 1.00num for each of the first sixnum people listed above Send it now add your own name to the list and you 're in business DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO POST TO NEWS GROUPS STEP ONEnum You do not need to re-type this entire letter to do your own posting Simply put your cursor at the beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this document and select copy from the edit menu This will copy the entire letter into the computer 's memory STEP TWOnum Open a blank notepad file and place your cursor at the top of the blank page From the edit menu select paste This will paste a copy of the letter into the notepad so that you will add your name to the list STEP THREEnum Save your new notepad file as a text file If you want to do your posting in different settings you 'll always have this file to go back to STEP FOURnum Visit message boards and post this article as a new message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from the edit menu Fill in the subject this will be the header that everyone sees as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group click the post message button You 're done Congratulations THAT 'S IT All you have to do and It Really works Best Wishes Blue Planet Who 's afraid of Big Bad Wolf By Dan Whipple UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Boulder CO Feb. 23num UPI Ever since he ate up Red Riding Hood 's grandma and blew down the houses of twonum thirds of the Three Little Pigs the Big Bad Wolf has held a persistently bad reputation In part because of that reputation the gray wolf was nearly exterminated from the lower 48num states by the 1920s except for a small remnant population on Isle Royale National Park in Michigan 's Lake Superior The last wolf was killed in Yellowstone National Park in 1943num Western sheep and cattle ranchers on whose behalf this extermination campaign was conducted gratefully dusted their hands of the wolf and wrote him off as a job well done Their sheep could graze their cows could ruminate and never a discouraging word would be heard After the major kill offs wolves outside of Alaska and Canada existed mostly as legend Like UFOs or Sasquatch several people claimed to see fleeting lone wolves usually in Yellowstone In the 1960s a group shooting a movie in the Wyoming park reportedly imported some captive wolves then released them when their shooting was done If so this happy band has not been heard from since Rumor also had it some renegade biologist brought a caged pair to Yellowstone and released them into the wild sometime in the 1970s hoping to reestablish a breeding population If true the caper failed Over time the wolf 's absence seemed to rehabilitate its image Eventually a trickle of support appeared for bringing the predator back to its former home range in the northern Rocky Mountains This trickle grew into a flood resulting in 14num wolves being reintroduced in Yellowstone in 1995num by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service albeit over the strong and still continuing objections of ranchers These wolf packs have flourished and now there are an estimated 850num wolves roaming the northern Rockies where merely 10num years ago there were none Onenum compelling argument for reintroduction was the wolf acts as a keystone predator an animal that affects the populations behavior and ecology of a wide variety of species within its range Some recent research conducted by Oregon State University has given considerable credence to this idea OSU forestry professors William Ripple and Robert Beschta have found that wolves actually promote stream bank stabilization although they have given the phenomenon the unfortunate name of the ecology of fear something that smacks of the horrible PR resulting from the wolf 's relationships with Riding Hood and the Three Pigs They explained that elk in Yellowstone used to browse unmolested on young aspen and willow growing near the banks of streams a behavior that prevented the saplings from reaching mature stages and increased the possibility of soil erosion Since reintroduction however Ripple and Beschta have found fear of the wolves apparently has discouraged the elk from spending too much time at stream banks where they are out in the open and munching on the saplings All you have to do is look at the photographs Ed Bangs wolf recovery coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service told UPI 's Blue Planet You say wow An area that used to be bald as a billiard ball is now a sea of willow This simple change has triggered a veritable ecological cascade in Yellowstone More streamside willow and aspen have meant better habitat for beaver for instance Where there had been only onenum beaver colony in the park 's northern range before the wolves returned now there are ninenum It may be uninteresting to a lot of people Beschta told Blue Planet There 's a lot of impact on plants and they say Who cares But we 've been looking at streamside communities Since wolf recovery streamside plants willows and cottonwoods provide food for other critters beavers a whole variety of avian species berry producing shrubs that bears can use It 's important with regard to the quality of streams The plants provide shade and root strength for bank stability Plants are critical to wildland ecosystems Yellowstone has a vast elk herd onenum of the largest in the world Bangs said although the number of elk has not declined very much since the wolves came back their behavior appears markedly different I 'm pretty suspicious of making broad generalizations however he cautioned Wolves are still pretty new They 've only been there for 10num years In 10num more years we 'll have a better idea Wolf reintroduction in the northern Rockies has been so successful the Fish and Wildlife Service has moved to reduce the animal 's status from endangered to threatened and eventually to remove it from the endangered species list altogether Bangs said the agency has established viable wolf packs in the northern Rockies as required by federal regulations Some conservationists want the protection extended so wolves can move into other states including Colorado Utah and Oregon among others On Jan. 31num Oregon Federal District Court Judge Robert E. Jones appeared to agree with them He vacated the FWS decision to downgrade the wolf 's status Bangs said his agency is still reviewing the decision Regardless of the wolf 's legal status its future expansion into new areas now seems likely Wolves can migrate considerable distances A Yellowstone wolf was found dead hit by a car on a Colorado highway last year several hundrednum miles from home Meanwhile his reputation seems to be improving although Bangs noted a pretty interesting social dynamic There are only about 850num wolves in the West but there are an estimated 31,000num mountain lions Pound for pound mountain lions eat more game and more livestock than wolves They even occasionally attack people which wolves do not despite the propaganda from the Brothers Grimm Yet people seem willing even eager to accommodate mountain lions despite the risks It remains to be seen whether they will extend the same courtesy to the arriving gray wolf Regarding those rumors about wolves living in Yellowstone prior to the official reintroduction They seem to be just that rumors True there are about 300,000num wolves and wolf hybrids kept as pets in the United States It also is likely people have released some of these animals into the wild hoping they would survive for instance a ranger in Glacier Park caught someone in this very act not long ago Bangs said these animals are not equipped to survive in the wild however and they all almost certainly have died He said after 10num years of DNA testing on northern Rockies wolves scientists have not found a single strain that did not belong to onenum of the wolves the agency released or their descendants Blue Planet is a weekly series examining the relationship of humans to the environment by veteran environmental reporter Dan Whipple E-mail Climate Humans fuss animals adjust By Dan Whipple UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Boulder CO Nov. 15num UPI Scientists can argue all they want about how many degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit the planet is warming and what the trend portends but meanwhile Earth 's plants insects and animals are not waiting for the outcome They already are altering their patterns of behavior in response to what is happening It turns out onenum of the surest barometers of the warming climate is the response of the non-human natural world to changing conditions and biologists who study the responses have been aware for some years the biosphere is acknowledging global warming Nina Leopold Bradley a plant ecologist and daughter of the conservation pioneer Aldo Leopold published a 1999num paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on her 61num year uninterrupted phenological records Phenology studies an organism 's development and life cycle the pulse of life Bradley 's record of 300num phenophases found that even prior to 1999num spring was arriving in higher latitudes several weeks earlier than in the earlier years of her data Birds arrived sooner on their migrations from the south and plants flowered earlier The Eastern phoebe is showing up about 20num days before it used to The forest phlox is blooming in late April instead of mid-May Half of the 300num phenophases Leopold tracked showed a response consistent with warming In England the cuckoo returns earlier An analysis of 65num bird species in the United Kingdom shows about onenum third are laying their eggs fournum to sevennum days earlier than they did 25num years ago Onenum of the major most well documented and robust findings in ecology over the past century has been the crucial role of climate in determining the geographical distribution of species and ecological communities concluded a report titled Observed Impacts of Global Climate Change in the United States released by the Pew Center on Global Climate last week Pew researchers looked at about 40num studies that could provide an assessment of whether climate was affecting biology Half of the studies provide strong evidence of a causal link between the biological change and climate change said Camille Parmesan a University of Texas Austin biologist and onenum of the world 's leading experts on this issue These changes are occurring across all species Parmesan told UPI 's Climate Across the United States the northern edge of species ' range is expanding she said Parmesan has spent much of her career studying the checkerspot butterfly which migrates between Mexico and southern California Some localized extinctions already have occurred across some of its habitat Empirical research pointed to climate as being a strong driver she said There have been large numbers of population extinctions in Mexico and southern California in areas where the habitat is still acceptable According to Parmesan 's earlier studies onenum extinction event for instance was triggered when a checkerspot population migrated north prematurely relying on a warming temperature signal then was caught in a severe snowstorm in its northern habitat Throughout the United States she said spring is about twonum weeks earlier Tree swallows are nesting ninenum days earlier Tropical species have moved up to Florida and the Gulf Coast Bird and butterfly watchers are seeing many many new species coming up from Mexico and the Caribbean As the Pew report concluded Sufficient studies now exist to conclude that the consequences of climate change are already detectable within U.S. ecosystems Such consequences include shifting and in some cases contraction of ranges and changes in species composition within ecosystems The report also found alterations of ecosystem processes such as carbon cycling and storage The Alaskan tundra for instance has switched from being a net sink of carbon dioxide absorbing and storing more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases to being a net source of CO2 releasing more carbon than is stored because warmer winters have allowed dead plant matter previously stored in the soil to decompose and release CO2 The Pew report coincided with the release in Iceland of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment The ACIA with participation by the United States Canada Denmark Finland Iceland Norway the Russian Federation and Sweden was begun in 2000num The impacts of global warming are affecting people now in the Arctic said ACIA chair Robert Corell The Arctic is experiencing some of the most rapid and severe climate change on Earth The impacts of climate change on the region and the globe are projected to increase substantially in the years to come The ACIA found Arctic winter temperatures have increased 4num degrees to 7num degrees Fahrenheit in the last 50num years and should go up about twice that much in the next 100num years Arctic summer sea ice will decline by 50num percent by the end of the 21st century the assessment found with some models predicting complete disappearance of summer sea ice Should the Arctic Ocean become ice free in summer it is likely that polar bears and some seal species would be driven toward extinction the report concluded As with so much climate research not everyone agrees with these dire predictions A third report The Impacts of Climate Change An Appraisal for the Future completed by the Britain based International Policy Network and released almost simultaneously with the other twonum falls somewhat into that category On the onenum hand the IPN report agreed Climate models generally predict that the temperature rises in the Arctic will substantially exceed the global rise This applies especially in the high Arctic where the ice cover is expected to diminish substantially with the effect that the surface absorption of solar radiation will greatly increase On the other hand the report thinks the news might not be so bad for the North Atlantic fisheries The impact of global warming on fish stocks and fisheries is hard to judge the IPN report said A warming of the magnitude predicted is more likely than not to be beneficial to the fisheries of the North Atlantic The important commercial species that probably would benefit from warming include cod haddock saithe herring blue whiting and several types of flatfish and crustaceans such as the Norway lobster Important species that probably would decline include shrimp capelin Greenland halibut and some varieties of flatfish Hidden in this laundry list and in the pile of studies examined by the Pew researchers is onenum of the fundamental chasms dividing participants in the global warming debate The IPN report examines commercial fish species but it neglects important non-commercial animals such as seals and polar bears In a limited economic sense therefore the organization can argue warming might be a good thing The problem is whether one cares what happens to the polar bears checkerspot butterflies and other unconsumables The Pew researchers tried to transcend the economic argument They assumed a value unspecified for non-commercial species and in doing so rendered the warming news a bit less rosy This tug of war over calculating economic values is the one that ultimately will have to be decided by humans because animals and plants can adjust only so much When dandelions have set the mark of May on Wisconsin pastures it is time to listen for the final proof of spring wrote Aldo Leopold in A Sand County Almanac Sit down on a tussock cock your ears at the sky dial out the bedlam of meadowlarks and redwings and soon you may hear it the flight of the upland plover just now back from the Argentine Or maybe not Climate is a weekly series by UPI examining the impacts of global climate change E-mail Preamble from BBC leading to the comments further below Feel free to cut and paste and leave your comments as these viewpoints cover the entire gamut surrounding the event ---->===}*{===<---- How has Katrina changed the US What will be the lasting effects of Hurricane Katrina and what can be learnt from the response Relief agencies are trying to help hundreds of thousands of displaced people while authorities have vowed to restore security in New Orleans following a breakdown of law and order In the world press commentators predict that Katrina will make a profound change in the way the US is perceived at home and abroad especially following the scenes of poverty and racial divisions they believe the disaster has revealed Meanwhile President George W Bush has said he will lead an inquiry into how the disaster was handled How has Katrina changed the US Has it altered your life Has the disaster affected the way other countries view the US Send us your comments using the form ---->===}*{===<---- Some of the better comments As an American I would like to take this opportunity to tell all the USA and Bush Bashers that I am appalled at the number of allies that are using this disaster as their podium to spread their useless opinions What you see in New Orleans is a perfect example of the downfalls of the welfare system a form of socialism that many in this country know is the true problem You have seen the pictures You people think it is race but it is not It is the welfare society that was New Orleans Paul Atlanta USA I am frankly revolted by the response of the Bush Bashers Sorry chaps but you did have it coming The plain fact is that Bush has a sight more in the way of common humanity than a great many of his detractors At least he is n't using this disaster for cheap political point scoring Mac Nottingham I do not feel it has changed the US citizens which is what was needed even now the majority want Gas despite the fact they are polluting the world more than any other country in the world and refuse to stop perhaps this natural disaster which let 's face it looks like a product of Global Warming will change their views why not pick things up with your hands and walk with your legs other people in the world do it Gas is not the be all and end all David Kent This man has clearly never visited the US Distances are not what they are in the old world Here cars are absolutely necessary and he 'd have to have onenum too Juggernaut The US will work its way through the loss of a city and we are making progress after sevennum short days Thank you for your concern but Europe is still irrelevant John B Windermere Florida John can come over to eat at my house anytime Juggernaut It is always interesting what spin the press will take Certainly representation of the US in other countries will have a certain depiction I do n't believe that folks who believe that America is the land of opportunity will change their views from this recent news I have a friend who came here from Bulgaria after winning a green card in a lottery Yes she and her family were delighted to leave the communistic remnants in that country Her husband became a citizen of the US just the week before last Believe it or not it takes a minimum of 5num years to apply The countries which are giving to America to aid are a great example of the seed that America has sown through the years with other nations Now to the poverty stricken and the racial issue You know I 've lived in the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex most of my life When not in Texas I lived in LA and San Francisco There is a lot of racial diversity in all of these places and I 've vacationed through the south visited my folks when they lived in Mississippi and where they live now and are in the racial minority being white less than 20num % in northeastern Arkansas The fact is when I began traveling for business to New England when I first visited my in laws in Montana and Idaho I was shocked at the lack of racial diversity I did n't expect to react that way but when I was looking around my workplace in Nashua New Hampshire and everyone else looked pretty much like me it was really very eerie So yes America has pockets that are more diverse than others Additionally reviewing the standings of Louisiana and Mississippi in the educational stakes you 'll find they usually land near the bottom of a list of 50num states Unfortunately those left behind to be filmed where those without transportation or means Some refused to leave but so many were unable to Yes it 's a valid reflection of America we do have cities like this However New Orleans also had many affluent people people who left town early as they had the means I do n't know if this will change other nation 's perceptions of America I suspect it will not change greatly but you never know how much stock people put in the news I do know that this will change the face of America I expect that many of the displaced people those affluent and those not will remain in the places they were evacuated to The 1.25num millionnum people who have been housed in stadiums and convention centers across Texas will begin to populate Houston Dallas San Antonio and Galveston and the surrounding areas Sure some will return but I have a feeling that once many begin to get jobs and temporary housing they may be shy about returning I 'm interested in what America will look like in 5num years Will racial diversity find its way to Wyoming as some people are offered jobs there Or will the nearly year round snow be too much for those who have never experienced snow in their lives Will the housing market in Dallas begin booming like the rest of the nation has due to the influx of buyers Will businesses that were new in 2005num have become a household name due to their efforts in rebuilding the gulf coast What will the federal government do to prevent inflation in the housing and building market These are some of the things I 've been wondering Linna Response coming soon Your reply is good and deserves something good in return Juggernaut Okay I 'm new to this forum and really do n't like Bush so my view point is slanted and I admit that I rarely listen to the news or to what politicians or lawyers say because so many tell lies that none have credibility so what 's the point What I know is that I have a close friend who's aunt disappeared in New Orleans My friend did n't have computer capability so I spent the day searching and posting online The family here California wanted to fly any family members from there to CA so they could remain here until things got straightened out down there The cousins could not be found because no one was sure of their married names The hope was that anyone looking for the Aunt would see the family post and know that help was available It is Oct. 6num and not onenum family member has been located What I saw was dozens of school buses submerged that could have been used to evacuate people who had no transportation What I heard was the Mayor of New Orleans saying that he did n't order the buses or anything else to be used because he was waiting on someone else to tell him what to do When common sense takes a back seat to politics and legal mumbo jumbo what have we become Recently Bush addressed the nation About 30num seconds into his address he started flogging the terrorist issue just onenum more time Ironically he almost burst out laughing and it was all he could do to keep his mirth down to a barely controlled smirk Even he ca n't believe that he is trotting out this old saw again I guess if you have a schtick that is a resounding success once you ca n't help but trot it out every time your act is going sour Meanwhile every pocket that can be lined is golden and the poor are shunted off radar yet again The gall of it all is that Bush is stumping for more money to build more refineries when what he should do is pour money into making the US independent of OPEC or crude oil all together We have the technology if you are going to spend billions of dollars touting FREEDOM why not spend those billions making all of us free Free of polution free of oil dependency and free of big business that is bleeding us dry for the short term good theirs I 'm sorry he makes me want to puke so I shut him off In the meanwhile there are still broken families that should have been safe in the home of the brave For those who believe Aries in 2005num Flexibility If you want a motto for 2005num the best onenum to adopt would be go with the flow 2005num will be a year of ups and downs and only the flexible will be able to keep from going crazy All Aries natives may have to tighten their belts and curb their desire for constant expansion You may need to play it cool and curb your spending You 'll be among the first to seize upon new societal trends to create new opportunities for yourself as your creativity will be at an all time high You will be more eloquent and persuasive than usual and others will identify enthusiastically with your vision If you want to start a new creative project or business venture your imagination will be working overtime 2005num could find you doing well career-wise and aspiring to climb even higher Taurus in 2005num Tenacity Diligence is the key word for you Taurus With hard work and focus you will attain at least onenum important aspiration that has been on your agenda for a long time This is the year you 'll want to take stock of your career and ask yourself if you 're doing the work you want to do for the rest of your life As the year progresses the more impressive your ideas and works become As a result your finances improve and your newfound confidence could attract new love into your life By the end of the year you will have a whole new network of friends and group activity stimulating new ideas and taking up your social life a notch or twonum Gemini in 2005num Success Your cycle of learning through the school of hard knocks has come to an end Gemini and now you 're going to start reaping the rewards these lessons have left in their wake As 2005num progresses the road ahead will become clearer You now have it in you to create the kind of life for yourself that you want These leaps and bounds forward include love and creativity Your learning of concepts of all kinds combines with extensive group activity bringing your mind into a whole new space this year By the end of 2005num you 'll have a whole new start with regard to your career and your earning potential and a possible new partnership to top it off Cancer in 2005num Balance Finding a balance between your personal and professional lives may be onenum of the year 's strongest challenges For the most part your outward life this year will go in fits and starts alternating periods of intense activity with times of welcome rest Enjoy the restful periods when you can The active ones will be hectic You 'll be making radical changes in your work habits but you 'll be a lot happier for it and in the end you 'll know it was worth it Your love life is full and any dissatisfaction with career and money matters fades into the background By the end of 2005num you 'll feel more confident more determined and far more capable of making the mountains come to you Leo in 2005num Abundance Pursuing a successful career along with the usual social and financial advantages will be easier this year than it has in a long time for you Leo The most difficult thing might be deciding which path means the most to you and where to put your focus You 'll be able to create opportunities for advancement almost out of thin air Romance in 2005num will make it a year to remember and you 'll be the envy of all your friends Love comes willingly and easily Money may suddenly become tight at a very inconvenient time Yet this is no comparison to the advancements you 'll make overall and by the end of 2005num you 'll look back in sheer wonder and happiness Virgo in 2005num Perseverance Your working life might not go so smoothly this year Virgo For much of 2005num you 'll be putting your nose to the grindstone On the bright side your finances will be pretty stable Just do n't take it for granted you still need to be cautious this year Your love life will thrive for most of the year and any relationship begun or reaffirmed in 2005num is very likely to be a lasting one And you 're going to develop a hopeless romantic streak In spite of a lot of worry over your career by the year 's end you 'll see that 2005num has filled your life with prosperity and accomplishments Libra in 2005num Expansion Flex your muscles friend Libra and prepare for a relatively easy ride With beneficent Jupiter in your sign this is definitely your year especially where your social life is concerned Happiness and enjoyment lie ahead If you 're not presently married and want to be you just might wed by the end of the year This is the year you 're going to be doing a lot of travel and learning about your world as expansion is the theme The onenum department of life that may not quite be as hopeful as you 'd like could be your career where advancement may be slow and satisfaction rare By year 's end you may find yourself seriously considering a major change all for the best Scorpio in 2005num Transmutation Scorpio you can still expect changes perhaps major ones in your life this year almost to the point of total transformation While this is most apparent in the area of your career you 'll see it showing up in other important aspects of your life Your life might take on an entirely new direction you 've never dreamed of You may also change your residence during the year Whether you start the year as a single person looking for a partner or you 've been married for many years happiness in love does lie ahead Be prepared for new horizons They may not be familiar but they will be fascinating Do n't cling to the banks instead flow with the tide in 2005num Sagittarius in 2005num Empowerment Are you prepared to handle absolute power If not you will be soon Your ruling planet Jupiter will be in a special relationship with Pluto called mutual reception in 2005num There 's so much punch packed into this combination that it 's almost scary You 'll find the ultimate power is the ability to choose your own destiny You 'll find practical ways of increasing your effectiveness in the world by gaining new skills that allow you to live more abundantly By the second half of the year you will finally feel welcome relief from the tight financial binds that have hindered you over the past twonum years And a relationship you begin now will last a very long time like for the rest of your life Overall 2005num is sure to be a year you wo n't forget Capricorn in 2005num Resolution You 've got plenty of lucky breaks headed your way in 2005num friend Capricorn The long awaited relief you 've needed in your love life is around the corner and by the end of the year you will feel much clearer about your partnerships in general Financially it could be a lean year although some advance planning can help you weather the storm Your career opportunities will expand exponentially and you 're likely to change jobs or positions this year At times the pressure on your job and home life may seem unbearable but rest assured you will come through this stronger and wiser than ever as more is revealed and resolved in 2005num Aquarius in 2005num Magic 2005num sees you expanding your intuitive and psychic skills even more Aquarius The mysteries of the universe continue to attract and intrigue you as you apply your mystical awareness to the important decisions upcoming in your life especially concerning partnerships of all kinds 2005num is bound to bring at least onenum major success in the love department and your career will be brimming with new enthusiasm and innovation Not only that but travel adventure and personal expansion infuse fresh energy into all areas of your life By year 's end your creative decision making will have carried you to whole new peaks and a whole new view from above Pisces in 2005num Self confidence It 's a big year for you friend Pisces No doubt in 2005num you 'll find yourself pushed more and more out into the world You 'll experience a new sense of purpose and make plenty of new friends Expect lots of surprises and lucky breaks this year with Uranus bringing the unexpected in your career your love life and the world in general At some point during the year you could pick up a financial windfall hear of a great career opportunity or unexpectedly meet the love of your life It 's important that you take retreats and plenty of time for yourself to regenerate as the rate of change in your personal and professional life will be fast and unpredictable Remain calm and confident and love is very likely to flourish in 2005num Expect the unexpected and enjoy the ride Success comes before work only in the dictionary Mayur Get Mails Everyday Share Your Mails SMS Me 09819602175num Talk to me ymsgr:sendIM?mayursha&__Hi+Mayur... send offline as well online?u=mayursha&m=g&t=1 1num Knum Download The mysterious RAPHAEL Holinshed was named for the mysterious Neoplatonic Italian painter RAPHAEL Sanzio who painted St. George Fighting the Dragon 1504num - 06num Like William Shakspere RAPHAEL the painter died on his April birthday Laura & Bridget 's day ARCHILOCHUS solar eclipse April 6num 648num BC Friday Koran descends to Earth April 6num 610num AD Monday CLEMENT 's St. Methodius dies April 6num 884num Monday Petrarch meets LAURA April 6num 1327num Monday DURER dies April 6num 1528num Monday BRIDGET Vere 's birth April 6num 1584num Monday Sir Francis Walsingham dies April 6num 1590num Monday native of Crete EL GRECO dies April 7num 1614num Monday LUCIO Does BRIDGET PAINT still Pompey ha MfM Act 3num Sc. 2num LAURA dies of plague April 6num 1348num Sunday RAPHAEL born April 6num 1483num Sunday RAPHAEL dies April 6num 1520num Good Friday Thomas Hobbes ' birth April 5num 1588num Good Friday Start of The SOUND & the FURY April 6num 1928num Good Friday Kent EARTHQUAKE April 6num 1580num Wednesday Historian John Stow dies April 6num 1605num Sat / Wed Upon the sixth of April Alexander the Great was born Upon the same day he conquered Darius won a great victory at sea & died the same day Neither was this day less fortunate to his father Philip for on the same day he took Potidea JOHN AUBREY F.R.S. ANTONIO PEREZ 1535num - 1611num Philip II 's renegade Secretary of State In Love 's Labour 's Lost we find a character Don Adriana de Armatho full of affection and bombast A Spanish refugee ANTONIO PEREZ visited England in 1593num and became acquainted with Francis & ANTHONY Bacon with whom for a time he seems to have been on terms of intimacy which did not last very long for the Spaniard developed so much affectation & bombast that he became unpopular in Court circles In 1594num PEREZ wrote & published a book under the assumed name of RAPHAEL PEREGRINO In the play Holofernes is ridiculing Don Adriana the traveler from Spain and says of him He is too picked too spruce too affected Too odd as it were too PEREGRINate as I may call it Act 5num Scene 1num To make the reference more pointed and unmistakable Sir Nathaniel replies a most singular & choice epithet and at once enters it in his note book This parody on PEREZ ' sobriquet clearly identifies PEREZ with Armatho Shakespeare Electronic Conference Vol. 6num No. 0832num Monday 23num October 1995num From Martin Green Date Sunday 22num Oct 1995num 10:57:32num 0400num Subject Re Facts Purpose of List Italy Jews There were no Jews in England to speak of in the 1590's True but twonum in England that we know of were a part of the Essex entourage Dr. Lopez who had been physician to Essex ' step father the Earl of Leicester had apparently treated the young Essex for some socially unacceptable ailment and Antonio Perez who was a guest at Essex House in the early 1590's To be sure both Lopez & Perez were conversos but they were thought of in England as being as they undoubtedly were at least ethnically Jews Doctor RODERIGO LOPEZ 1525num - 1594num was the Portugese Jewish doctor accused by Essex of trying to poison Queen Elizabeth The 69num year old Dr. Lopez was found guilty and was summarily hung and quartered on June 7num 1594num at Tyburn Long before September 1560num Dr. Lopez had been the personal house doctor of Robert Dudley and the good doctor was obligated to write the death certificate for Amy Robsart stating that she had accidentally fallen down the stairs That same year 1560num a Spanish priest named RUY LOPEZ handily beat all comers at a chess tournament in Rome Lopez 's 1561num book Libro de la invencion liberal y arte del Juego del Acedraz became THE classic on Chess openings including the one that bears his name Chess history 1530num - 1647num 1530num LOPEZ Ruy b. in Zafra Spain Spanish priest & leading player 1533num Atahualpa inca emperor of peru imprisoned & learns chess 1542num LEONARDO Giovanni a.k.a. Il Puttino the Boy born in Calaria 1550num Valdiviesco Don Antonio de Bishop of Nicaragua assassinated while playing chess in his palace at Leon 1551num Ivan IV of Russia bans chess 1555num Castling is introduced 1560num Ruy Lopez visits Rome and defeats all the players 1561num Last time castling was 2num separate moves 1561num Ruy Lopez proposes the 50num move rule to claim a draw 1561num Ruy Lopez writes his book on chess Introduces the word gambit Alcala 1561num 1562num St Teresa a Spanish reformer includes chess in her writings 1570num Gianutto della Mantia Horatio born in Italy Author of Italian chess book 1572num Ruy Lopez defeats several eminent players in Rome 1574num Boi and Leonardo beat Lopez & Ceron in presence of Phillip II 1575num Leonardo beats Ruy Lopez in Madrid 1575num After the Plague of Cremona all games except chess were banned 1576num Boi taken prisoner but wins his freedom playing chess 1580num Catherine de Medici of France is a keen chess player 1580num Ruy lopez died 1584num Ivan the Terrible dies while starting a game of chess 1584num Lopez 's book translated into Italian by Tarsia and published in Venice I have told you friend said the curate that this is done to divert our idle thoughts and as in well ordered states games of CHESS fives and billiards are allowed for the diversion of those who do not care or are not obliged or are unable to work so books of this kind are allowed to be printed on the supposition that what indeed is the truth there can be nobody so ignorant as to take any of them for true stories Well then said Don Quixote the same thing happens in the comedy and life of this world where some play emperors others popes and in short all the characters that can be brought into a play but when it is over that is to say when life ends death strips them all of the garments that distinguish onenum from the other and all are equal in the grave A fine comparison said Sancho though not so new but that I have heard it many and many a time as well as that other one of the game of CHESS how so long as the game lasts each piece has its own particular office and when the game is finished they are all mixed jumbled up and shaken together and stowed away in the bag which is much like ending life in the grave Thou art growing less doltish and more shrewd every day Sancho said Don Quixote Ay said Sancho it must be that some of your worship 's shrewdness sticks to me land that of itself is barren and dry will come to yield good fruit if you dung it and till it Of all Freemason sponsered revolutions American French Bolivar etc Garibaldi 's is the most blatantly Masonic Nostromo A Tale of the Seaboard After having written so far Don Martin Decoud the exotic dandy of the Parisian boulevard got up and walked across the sanded floor of the cafe at onenum end of the Albergo of United Italy kept by Giorgio Viola the old companion of Garibaldi The highly coloured lithograph of the Faithful Hero seemed to look dimly in the light of onenum candle at the man with no faith in anything except the truth of his own sensations Looking out of the window Decoud was met by a darkness so impenetrable that he could see neither the mountains nor the town nor yet the buildings near the harbour and there was not a sound as if the tremendous obscurity of the Placid Gulf spreading from the waters over the land had made it dumb as well as blind He turned away He could bear no longer that expressionless and motionless stare which seemed to have a sort of impenetrable emptiness like the black depth of an abyss and uneasy in its corporate expression was overtopped by the big face of Don Juste Lopez soft and white with prominent eyelids and wreathed in impenetrable solemnity as if in a dense cloud Wisteria Lodge He could do little during the day for Murillo took every precaution and never went out save with his satellite Lucas or Lopez as he was known in the days of his greatness At night however he slept alone and the avenger might find him On a certain evening which had been prearranged I sent my friend final instructions for the man was forever on the alert and continually changed his room I was to see that the doors were open and the signal of a green or white light in a window which faced the drive was to give notice if all was safe or if the attempt had better be postponed But everything went wrong with us In some way I had excited the suspicion of Lopez the secretary He crept up behind me and sprang upon me just as I had finished the note He and his master dragged me to my room and held judgment upon me as a convicted traitress Then and there they would have plunged their knives into me could they have seen how to escape the consequences of the deed Finally after much debate they concluded that my murder was too dangerous But they determined to get rid forever of Garcia They had gagged me and Murillo twisted my arm round until I gave him the address I swear that he might have twisted it off had I understood what it would mean to Garcia Lopez addressed the note which I had written sealed it with his sleeve link and sent it by the hand of the servant Jose How they murdered him I do not know save that it was Murillo 's hand who struck him down for Lopez had remained to guard me I believe he must have waited among the gorse bushes through which the path winds and struck him down as he passed At first they were of a mind to let him enter the house and to kill him as a detected burglar but they argued that if they were mixed up in an inquiry their own identity would at once be publicly disclosed and they would be open to further attacks With the death of Garcia the pursuit might cease since such a death might frighten others from the task Art Neuendorffer The Rock revolution happened in the Sixties 6num number of the Beast It came from Liverpool that was the port base to the Titanic destroyed by God because of the arrogant insult of captain Smith also from Liverpool Not even God can sink my ship not only the captain but also the rest of the crew and even the orchestra playing at the Titanic were from Liverpool The Rock revolution came from the nation that allows a church to be changed to a pub or to a dance room or to a recording studio full of drug addicts homosexuals and lunatics as that of George Martin ally of the Beatles It came from the nation whose king Enrique VIII adulterated the Bible so that divorce could be allowed and in this way be able to give loose rein to the many divorces from his wives and subsequent murdering of the same ones and to whom God provided a wife with sixnum fingers as abomination Anne Boleyn once again 6num number of the Beast It is interesting to observe that this nation is nicknamed the Devil 's Island As the epithet of the government of Satan on that nation the center of London the so well known Piccadilly Circus takes it's name from an old brothel the Piccadilla House which means The House of Sin disappeared nowadays The antichrist John Lennon onenum of the Devil 's main puppets to destroy family social and moral values and to begin the disintegration of mankind did hit Stuart Sutcliffe the first bass player of the Beatles in the head with a club repeatedly in Hamburg Some months later Sutcliffe died from brain haemorrhage because of John Lennon 's bruises John Lennon entered stardom being a murderer The same demons that made captain Smith say Not even God can sink my ship spoke from antichrist John Lennon from Liverpool base port to the Titanic saying Christianity is on the go It will vanish and shrink We are more popular than Jesus and Pope That was the day that GOD 'S CURSE fell upon the world of Rock Onenum week after that declaration ONLY ONEnum WEEK LATER Brian Epstein forger of the Beatle farce died from an overdose From then on the Beatles began to get involved in false religions and to preach them to the world John Lennon 's divorce followed as well as his entering the world of black magic as deeply as to buy the apartment where the Rosemary 's baby had been filmed previous property of Roman Polansky and in that same apartment John Lennon had a room upholstered with black silk where he used to do his black magic operations Came the disintegration of the Beatles ' minds with LSD which has caused among others schizophrenic lyrics such as I am the Walrus and incoherent schizophrenic musical expositions like Revolution number 9num At the same time the devil acted through his other main puppets with Sympathy for the devil that was when the pact of the Rolling Stones with Satan took the life of the founder of the group the guitarist Brian Jones who refused to be a puppet of the devil murdered by people sent by Mick Jagger another assassin Antichrist John Lennon followed the Devil 's strategy writing lyrics such as God is a concept by which we measure our pain I do n't believe in Jesus etc. etc. God and and no religions too Imagine Antichrist John Lennon wanted to compete with Jesus Christ and so he grew a beard and started to make a bogus role of Christ together with Yoko Ono at the Amsterdam Hilton hotel proclaiming Peace being then when he was visited by the Canadian journalist who ridiculized and admonished him wanting to know about what Lennon meant when he wrote in the lyrics of The ballad of John and Yoko the way things are going they 're going to crucify me The CURSE OF GOD upon John Lennon carried on with all type of miseries and distresses which made Lennon give the interview to the Rolling Stone magazine today condensed in the Lennon remembers book where he speaks about how bad thing were going for him blaming whatever is up there for it referring to God The CURSE OF GOD carried on until he was shot dead It is interesting to notice that he was shot sevennum times being sevennum as well as threenum the holy numbers in Holy Cabalah tradition After George Harrison said arrogantly in a video filmed in his studio at Henley on Thames I want to talk about the divinity of man he was given throat cancer by GOD because of those words which made metastasis and carried on to final death To Paul McCartney whose company 's logo was a person toying with the planets as if he was a god and who was being very much deluded in his ego trip by the fact that he was made Sir when in England even the road sweeper is made Sir as long as he produces money for the nation GOD provided cancer to the wife The advertising farce of how much he loved Linda woman whose quality he did not deserve was exposed when it was known that Paul had an affair with Heather Mills Linda 's intimate friend with whom McCartney went on a trip to New York and to whom he bought things and presents while he was still mourning for his dear Linda At the same time McCartney was going out with Heather Mills he used Linda 's death for promotional ends due to his waning popularity Paul was going out with Heather but in front of the audience he played the faithful husband 's masquerade pretending to suffer for Linda for the afore mentioned promotional ends Paul admitted that he made Linda suffer a lot but he did n't say that it was because he felt insecure as a man due to his womanish face and effeminate manners and also because with his age his sexual power was not the same even though it has never been much The early days were the days of competition between Paul and his wife and John and his wife and he knew he had to compete with ugly John for the leadership of the band in front of their wives and having Yoko Ono made him aware of his lack of virility and repressed homosexuality he grew the beard that we see in the Let it Be film and started to show pictures of naked women in the same film doing every effort he could to be seen as a man It is easy to note the uneasiness of McCartney when he sings I 've got a feeling a feeling I ca n't hide in front of Yoko in the film He already had the traumas that his previous girlfriend Jane Asher had caused him when she made him aware of his little manliness and effeminate manners Paul has such a big inferiority complex as a man due to his effeminate face body and personality and due to his repressed homosexuality that he found himself a handicapped woman with only onenum leg so that he could stand out being very conscious that a full woman would make him feel the superiority of virile men again as Jane and Linda did This is something that his ego trip of lucky bad musician could not face anymore He is very conscious that money and fame can not buy virility and manliness Besides being a murderer John Lennon had sexual intercourse with homosexual Brian Epstein to get him interested in going to see the band at the Cavern trauma from which he never recovered Because of the trauma that his homosexual relation with Brian Epstein had left him he made lyrics such as You can wear a collar and a tie onenum thing you ca n't hide is when you 're crippled inside and gave declarations to the Rolling Stone magazine saying that sometimes he wore Texan boots to feel more secure as a man The Beatles are very well known by people close to them for their arrogance and racism Onenum of the manifestations of their racism is the rejection towards Japanese Yoko Ono That rejection got to the point that George Harrison kicked Yoko Ono in the Apple studios during the filming of Let it Be When John asked George while they were having lunch about how things were going for Paul after his separation from the Beatles and George replied that he was number onenum in the Swedish hit parade John said in a despective manner ah in Sweden as if Sweden was an inferior place or something alike In the Beatles ' song Get Back they advise black Joe to get back to where you once belonged as if England was not a place for black people Sometimes back Paul told George in the Apple offices that the new generations are a bundle of idiots and useless people but in any way they would have also been slaves of the Beatles The Jewish marriage living to the right of George 's house said that he is an arrogant person who does never return a greeting The newly married couple living on the corner in front of the entrance of George 's house Friar Park refers to him as an overbearing person to stay away from The receptionist of Hand made the former film making company of George Harrison said we do n't have any relation with that man anymore and we do n't want to know anything about him It is interesting to note that this company was made bankrupt by the British cinema industry due to the despotism and pedantry of George Harrison who believed that the cinema industry would have worshiped him Their chauvinisms got to the point that even they themselves hated each other Paul McCartney said that George Harrison is a nothing George Harrison said that he is tired of listening to people talk about John Lennon George Harrison said in a video that Oasis is a very untalented band and they should n't be playing at all all of it being the truth but the Beatles is also a band of very poor musicians if musicians at all who could only play a couple of elementary guitar chords and who are as untalented as Oasis The Beatles of the times of the Cavern sounded exactly as poorly as Oasis and the little musical quality in the songs of the Beatles is due to George Martin Without George Martin the Beatles would have been just another untalented band as Oasis Paul McCartney said recently that he believes in using magic and he does lots of charity thinking that in this way he will compensate for the CURSE OF GOD that is upon him and that took his wife 's life because of his Satanism and involvement in black magic He thinks he will deceive people in this way so that the real McCartney will not be perceived Is the old Devil attempting to disguise as good in front of people Satan deceiving mankind once again as so many other thousands of times through the centuries After the Devil began his devastating job from the ghostly Devil 's Island through his ninenum main puppets Beatles Rolling Stones he possessed an endless amount of other schizophrenic bad musician in the afore mentioned Island and weakening their conscience with drugs he made them proclaimers of homosexuality aversion to religion destruction of family values dissipation mental illness antisocialism etc. etc. The fact that bad apprentice musicians such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones achieved such a giant fame that not even the real quality musicians could achieve was because the forces of Satan were behind everything supporting the process This mentally ill humanity destroyed families twisted moral values manifest or repressed homosexuality in human beings anti natural feminism rebellion drug addiction corrupt social outlines mad youths without direction non respect to hierarchies convulsed nations misanthropy misogyny paedophilia irrational and feeble lasciviousness and all other type of existent aberrations are due to the vast manoeuvre that Satan executed through his main marionettes the Beatles and the Rolling Stones from the Devil 's Island If you wonder why there is misery and curse in your house it is because you own some L.P CD or another article related to the CURSED BY GOD Beatles and Rolling Stones We recommend you to take that curse out of your house throwing away everything related to the Devil 's main ninenum puppets You have been warned THE HIGH COURT The Fivenum Judges For the sake of mankind you should email our verdict to your friends Email yamwhatiyam Groups alt.consumers ba.consumers misc.consumers misc.consumers.frugal-living Attack on Iran A Looming Folly By William Rivers Pitt t r u t h o u t Perspective Monday 09num January 2006num The wires have been humming since before the New Year with reports that the Bush administration is planning an attack on Iran The Bush administration is preparing its NATO allies for a possible military strike against suspected nuclear sites in Iran in the New Year according to German media reports reinforcing similar earlier suggestions in the Turkish media reported UPI on December 30th The Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel this week continued UPI quoted NATO intelligence sources who claimed that the NATO allies had been informed that the United States is currently investigating all possibilities of bringing the mullah led regime into line including military options This all options are open line has been President George W Bush 's publicly stated policy throughout the past 18num months An examination of the ramifications of such an attack is desperately in order 1 Blowback in Iraq The recent elections in Iraq were dominated by an amalgam of religiously fundamentalist Shi'ite organizations principally the Dawa Party and the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq SCIRI Both Dawa and SCIRI have umbilical connections to the fundamentalist Shi'ite leadership in Iran that go back decades In essence Iran now owns a significant portion of the Iraqi government Should the United States undertake military action against Iran the ramifications in Iraq would be immediate and extreme In the first eightnum days of January eighteennum US troops have been killed in Iraq compounded by another twelvenum deaths from a Black Hawk helicopter crash on Saturday Much of the violence aimed at American forces is coming from disgruntled Sunni factions that have their own militias believe the last elections were a sham and hold little political power in the government If the US attacks Iran it is probable that American forces already taxed by attacks from Sunni factions will also face reprisal attacks in Iraq from Shi'ite factions loyal to Iran The result will be a dramatic escalation in US and civilian casualties US forces will be required to bunker themselves further into their bases and US forces will find themselves required to fight the very government they just finished helping into power Iraq already a seething cauldron will sink further into chaos 2 Iran 's Armaments Unlike Iraq Iran has not spent the last fifteennum years having its conventional forces worn down by grueling sanctions repeated attacks and twonum American led wars While Iran 's conventional army is not what it was during the heyday of the Iran Iraq war their armaments have deteriorated and the veterans of that last war have retired the nation enjoys substantial military strength nonetheless According to a report issued by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in December of 2004num Iran has some 540,000num men under arms and over 350,000num reserves They include 120,000num Iranian Revolutionary Guards trained for land and naval asymmetrical warfare Iran 's military also includes holdings of 1,613num main battle tanks 21,600num other armored fighting vehicles 3,200num artillery weapons 306num combat aircraft 60num attack helicopters 3num submarines 59num surface combatants and 10num amphibious ships Iran is now the only regional military power that poses a significant conventional military threat to Gulf stability continued the CSIS report Iran has significant capabilities for asymmetric warfare and poses the additional threat of proliferation There is considerable evidence that it is developing both a long range missile force and a range of weapons of mass destruction It has never properly declared its holdings of chemical weapons and the status of its biological weapons programs is unknown A MILNET brief issued in February 2005num reports Due to its position astride the Persian Gulf Iran has constantly been a threat to the Gulf The so called Tanker wars in the late 1980s put Iran squarely in the bullseye of all nations seeking to transport oil out of the region Even the small navy that Iran puts to sea is capable enough to harass shipping and several cases of small boat operations against oil well heads in the Gulf during that period made it clear small asymmetrical tactics of the Iranian Navy could be quite effective More concerning continued the MILNET brief is the priority placed on expanding and modernizing its Navy The CSIS report cites numerous areas where Iran has funded modernization including the most troublesome aspect anti-shipping cruise missiles Iran has obtained new anti-ship missiles and missile patrol craft from China midget submarines from North Korea submarines from Russia and modern mines It is Iran 's missile armaments that pose the greatest concern for American forces in the Gulf especially for the US Navy Iran 's coast facing the Persian Gulf is a looming wall of mountains that look down upon any naval forces arrayed in those waters The Gulf itself only has onenum exit the Strait of Hormuz which is also dominated by the mountainous Iranian coastline In essence Iran holds the high ground in the Gulf Missile batteries arrayed in those mountains could raise bloody havoc with any fleet deployed below Of all the missiles in Iran 's armament the most dangerous is the Russian made SS N 22 Sunburn These missiles are simply the fastest anti-ship weapons on the planet The Sunburn can reach Mach 3num at high altitude Its maximum low altitude speed is Mach 2.2num some threenum times faster than the American made Harpoon The Sunburn takes twonum short minutes to cover its full range The missile 's manufacturers state that onenum or twonum missiles could cripple a destroyer and fivenum missiles could sink a 20,000num ton ship The Sunburn is also superior to the Exocet missile Recall that it was twonum Exocets that ripped the USS Stark to shreds in 1987num killing 37num sailors The Stark could not see them to stop them The US aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is currently deployed in the Persian Gulf with some 7,000num souls aboard Sailing with the Roosevelt is the Tarawa Expeditionary Strike Force which includes the USS Tarawa the USS Austin and the USS Pearl Harbor The USS Austin is likewise deployed in the Gulf The Sunburn missile with its incredible speed and ability to avoid radar detection would do terrible damage these ships if Iran chooses to retaliate in the Gulf after an American attack within its borders Beyond the naval threat is the possibility of Iran throwing its military muscle into the ongoing struggle in Iraq Currently the US is facing an asymmetrical attack from groups wielding small arms shoulder fired grenades and roadside bombs The vaunted American military has suffered 2,210num deaths and tens of thousands of wounded from this form of warfare The occupation of Iraq has become a guerrilla war a siege that has lasted more than a thousandnum days If Iran decides to throw any or all of its 23,000num armored fighting vehicles along with any or all of its nearly millionnum strong army into the Iraq fray the situation in the Middle East could become unspeakably dire 3 The Syrian Connection In February of 2005num Iran and Syria agreed upon a mutual protection pact to combat challenges and threats in the region This was a specific reaction to the American invasion of Iraq and a reaction to America 's condemnation of Syria after the death of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri which was widely seen as an assassination ordered from Damascus An attack on Iran would trigger this mutual defense pact and could conceivably bring Syria into direct conflict with American forces Like Iran Syria 's military is nothing to scoff at Virtually every credible analysis has Syria standing as the strongest military force in the Middle East after Israel Damascus has been intent for years upon establishing significant military strength to serve as a counterweight to Israel 's overwhelming capabilities As of 2002num Syria had some 215,000num soldiers under arms 4,700num tanks and a massive artillery capability The Syrian Air Force is comprised of tennum to elevennum fighter attack squadrons and sixteennum fighter squadrons totaling somewhere near 650num aircraft Syria also possesses onenum of the largest arsenals of ballistic missiles in the region comprised primarily of SCUD derived systems Iran North Korea and China have been willing providers of state of the art technologies Compounding this is the well based suspicion that Syria has perhaps the most advanced chemical weapons capability in the Persian Gulf 4 China and the US Economy While the ominous possibilities of heightened Iraqi chaos missiles in the Gulf and Syrian involvement loom large if the US attacks Iran all pale in comparison to the involvement of China in any US Iran engagement China 's economy is exploding hampered only by their great thirst for petroleum and natural gas to fuel their industry In the last several months China has inked deals with Iran for $ 70num billionnum dollars worth of Iranian oil and natural gas China will purchase 250num millionnum tons of liquefied natural gas from Iran over the next 30num years will develop the massive Yadavaran oil field in Iran and will receive 150,000num barrels of oil per day from that field China is seeking the construction of a pipeline from Iran to the Caspian Sea where it would link with another planned pipeline running from Kazakhstan to China Any US attack on Iran could be perceived by China as a direct threat to its economic health Further any fighting in the Persian Gulf would imperil the tankers running China 's liquefied natural gas through the Strait of Hormuz Should China decide to retaliate against the US to defend its oil and natural gas deal with Iran the US would be faced with a significant threat This threat exists not merely on a military level though China could force a confrontation in the Pacific by way of Taiwan More significantly China holds a large portion of the American economy in the palm of its hand Paul Craig Roberts writing for The American Conservative said in July of 2005num that As a result of many years of persistent trade surpluses with the United States the Japanese government holds dollar reserves of approximately $ 1num trillionnum China 's accumulation of dollars is approximately $ 600num billionnum South Korea holds about $ 200num billionnum These sums give these countries enormous leverage over the United States By dumping some portion of their reserves these countries could put the dollar under intense pressure and send U.S. interest rates skyrocketing Washington would really have to anger Japan and Korea to provoke such action but in a showdown with China over Taiwan for example China holds the cards China and Japan and the world at large have more dollar reserves than they require They would have no problem teaching a hegemonic superpower a lesson if the need arose The hardest blow on Americans concluded Roberts will fall when China does revalue its currency When China 's currency ceases to be undervalued American shoppers in Wal Mart where 70num percent of the goods on the shelves are made in China will think they are in Neiman Marcus Price increases will cause a dramatic reduction in American real incomes If this coincides with rising interest rates and a setback in the housing market American consumers will experience the hardest times since the Great Depression In short China has the American economy by the throat Should they decide to squeeze we will all feel it China 's strong hand in this even extends to the diplomatic realm China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and could veto any actions against Iran proposed by the United States 5 American Preparedness American citizens have for decades taken it as a given that our military can overwhelm and overcome any foe on the battlefield The rapid victory during the first Gulf War cemented this perception The last threenum years of the Iraq occupation however have sapped this confidence Worse the occupation has done great damage to the strength of the American military justifying the decrease in confidence Thanks to repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan recruiting is at an all time low Soldiers with vital training and know how are refusing to re-enlist Across the board the American military is stretched to the breaking point Twonum vaunted economists onenum a Nobel Prize winner and the other a nationally renowned budget expert have analyzed the data at hand and put a price tag on the Iraq occupation According to Linda Bilmes of Harvard and Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz of Columbia University the final cost of the Iraq occupation will run between $ 1num trillionnum and $ 2num trillionnum surpassing by orders of magnitude the estimates put forth by the Bush administration If an engagement with Iran envelops our forces in Iraq and comes to involve Syria our economy will likely shatter under the strain of fighting so many countries simultaneously Add to this the economic threat posed by China and the economic threat implicit in any substantial disruption of the distribution of Mideast petroleum to the globe If Iran and Syria with their significant armaments missile technologies and suspected chemical weapons capabilities decide to engage with the relatively undersized US force in Iraq our troops there will be fish in a barrel Iran 's position over the Gulf would make resupply by ship and air support from carriers a dangerous affair In the worst case scenario the newly minted American order of battle requiring the use of nuclear weapons to rescue a surrounded and imperiled force could come into play hurling the entire planet into military and diplomatic bedlam Conclusion Is Any of This Possible The question must be put as directly as possible what manner of maniac would undertake a path so fraught with peril and potential economic catastrophe It is difficult to imagine a justification for any action that could envelop the United States in a military and economic conflict with Iraq Iran Syria and China simultaneously Iran is suspected by many nations of working towards the development of nuclear weapons but even this justification has been tossed into a cocked hat Recently Russian president Vladimir Putin bluntly stated that Iran is not developing its nuclear capability for any reasons beyond peaceful energy creation and pledged to continue assisting Iran in this endeavor Therefore any attack upon Iran 's nuclear facilities will bring Russia into the mess Iran also stands accused of aiding terrorism across the globe The dangers implicit in any attack upon that nation however seem to significantly offset whatever gains could be made in the so called War on Terror Unfortunately all the dangers in the world are no match for the self assurance of a bubble encased zealot What manner of maniac would undertake such a dangerous course Look no further than 1600num Pennsylvania Avenue George W. Bush and his administration have consistently undertaken incredibly dangerous courses of action in order to garner political power on the home front Recall the multiple terror threats lobbed out by the administration whenever damaging political news appeared in the media More significantly recall Iraq Karl Rove Bush 's most senior advisor notoriously told Republicans on the ballot during the 2002num midterms to run on the war The invasion of Iraq provided marvelous political cover for the GOP not only during those midterms but during the 2004num Presidential election What kind of political cover would be gained from an attack on Iran and from the diversion of attention to that attack The answer lies in onenum now familiar name Jack Abramoff The Abramoff scandal threatens to subsume all the hard fought GOP gains in Congress and the 2006num midterms are less than a year away Is any of this a probability Logic says no but logic seldom plays any part in modern American politics All arguments that the Bush administration would be insane to attack Iran and risk a global conflagration for the sake of political cover run into onenum unavoidable truth They did it once already in Iraq By Graydon Carter excepted from What We 've Lost published by Little Brown 68.4num Average Number of species added to the Endangered and Threatened Species list each year between 1991num and 2000num 0num Number of endangered species voluntarily added by the Bush administration since taking office 408num Number of species that could be extinct by 2050num if the global warming trend continues 0num Number of times Bush mentioned global warming clean air clean water pollution or environment in his 2004num State of the Union speech His father was the last president to go through an entire State of the Union address without mentioning the environment 1num Number of paragraphs devoted to global warming in the EPA 's 600num page Draft Report on the Environment presented in 2003num 68num Number of days after taking office that Bush decided Not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol the international treaty to reduce greenhouse gases by roughly 5.2num per cent below 1990num levels by 2012num The United States was to cut its level by 7num per cent 1num The rank of the United States worldwide in terms of greenhouse gas emissions 25num Percentage of overall worldwide carbon dioxide emissions the United States is responsible for 53num Number of days after taking office that Bush reneged on his campaign promise to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from power plants 14num Percentage carbon dioxide emissions will increase over the next 10num years under Bush 's own global warming plan an increase of 30num per cent above their 1990num levels 5num Number of years the Bush administration said in 2003num that global warming must be further studied before substantive action could be taken $ 44num mnum Amount the Bush Cheney 2000num campaign and the Republican National Committee received in contributions from the fossil fuel chemical timber and mining industries 200num Number of regulation rollbacks downgrading or weakening environmental laws in Bush 's first threenum years in office 31num Number of Bush administration appointees who are alumni of the energy industry includes fournum cabinet secretaries the sixnum most powerful White House officials and more than 20num other high level appointees 50num Approximate number of policy changes and regulation rollbacks injurious to the environment that have been announced by the Bush administration on Fridays after 5num pm a time that makes it all but impossible for news organisations to relay the information to the widest possible audience 50num Percentage decline in Environmental Protection Agency enforcement actions against polluters under Bush 's watch 34num Percentage decline in criminal penalties for environmental crimes since Bush took office 50num Percentage decline in civil penalties for environmental crimes since Bush took office $ 6.1num mnum Amount the EPA historically valued each human life when conducting economic analyses of proposed regulations $ 3.7num mnum Amount the EPA valued each human life when conducting analyses of proposed regulations during the Bush administration 62num Number of members of Cheney 's 63num person Energy Task Force with ties to corporate energy interests 0num Number of environmentalists asked to attend Cheney 's Energy Task Force meetings 6num Number of months before 11num September that Cheney 's Energy Task Force investigated Iraq 's oil reserves 2num Percentage of the world 's population that is British 2num Percentage of the world 's oil used by Britain 5num Percentage of the world 's population that is American 25num Percentage of the world 's oil used by America 63num Percentage of oil the United States imported in 2003num a record high 24,000num Estimated number of premature deaths that will occur under Bush 's Clear Skies initiative 300num Number of Clean Water Act violations by the mountaintop mining industry in 2003num 750,000num Tons of toxic waste the US military the world 's biggest polluter generates around the world each year $ 3.8num bnnum Amount in the Superfund trust fund for toxic site clean ups in 1995num the Year polluter pays fees expired $ 0num Amount of uncommitted dollars in the Superfund trust fund for toxic site clean ups in 2003num 270num Estimated number of court decisions citing federal Negligence in endangered species protection that remained unheeded during the first year of the Bush administration 100num Percentage of those decisions that Bush then decided to allow the government to ignore indefinitely 50num Percentage of screened workers at Ground Zero who now suffer from long term health problems almost half of whom do n't have health insurance 78num Percentage of workers at Ground Zero who now suffer from lung ailments 88num Percentage of workers at Ground Zero who Now suffer from ear nose or throat problems 22num Asbestos levels at Ground Zero were 22num times higher than the levels in Libby Montana where the W R Grace mine produced onenum of the worst Superfund disasters in US history 1num Number of Bush administration public statements on National security issued between 20num January 2001num and 10num September 2001num that mentioned al Qa'ida 104num Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defense in the same period that mentioned Iraq or Saddam Hussein 101num Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defense in the same period that mentioned missile defence 65num Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defense in the same period that mentioned weapons of mass destruction 0num Number of times Bush mentioned Osama bin Laden in his threenum State of the Union addresses 73num Number of times that Bush mentioned terrorism or terrorists in his threenum State of the Union addresses 83num Number of times Bush mentioned Saddam Iraq or regime as in change in his threenum State of the Union addresses $ 1num mnum Estimated value of a painting the Bush Presidential Library in College Station Texas received from Prince Bandar Saudi Arabia 's ambassador to the United States and Bush family friend 0num Number of times Bush mentioned Saudi Arabia in his threenum State of the Union addresses 1,700num Percentage increase between 2001num and 2002num of Saudi Arabian spending on public relations in the United States 79num Percentage of the 11num September hijackers who came from Saudi Arabia 3num Number of 11num September hijackers whose entry visas came through special US Saudi Visa Express programme 140num Number of Saudis including members of the Bin Laden family evacuated from United States almost immediately after 11num September 14num Number of Immigration and Naturalisation Service INS agents assigned to track down 1,200num known illegal immigrants in the United States from countries where al Qa'ida is active $ 3num mnum Amount the White House was willing to grant the 9/11num Commission to investigate the 11num September attacks $ 0num Amount approved by George Bush to hire more INS special agents $ 10num mnum Amount Bush cut from the INS 's existing terrorism budget $ 50num mnum Amount granted to the commission that looked into the Columbia space shuttle crash $ 5num mnum Amount a 1996num federal commission was given to study legalised gambling 7num Number of Arabic linguists fired by the US army between mid-August and mid-October 2002num for being gay George Bush Military man 1972num Year that Bush walked away from his pilot duties in the Texas National Guard Nearly twonum years before his sixnum year obligation was up $ 3,500num Reward a group of veterans offered in 2000num for anyone who could confirm Bush 's Alabama guard service 600num - 700num Number of guardsmen who were in Bush 's unit during that period 0num Number of guardsmen from that period who came forward with information about Bush 's guard service 0num Number of minutes that President Bush Vice President Dick Cheney the Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld the assistant Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz the former chairman of the Defence Policy Board Richard Perle and the White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove the main proponents of the war in Iraq served in combat combined 0num Number of principal civilian or Pentagon staff members who planned the war who have immediate family members serving in uniform in Iraq 8num Number of members of the US Senate and House of Representatives who have a child serving in the military 10num Number of days that the Pentagon spent investigating a soldier who had called the President a joke in a letter to the editor of a Newspaper 46num Percentage increase in sales between 2001num and 2002num of GI Joe figures children 's toys Ambitious warrior 2num Number of Nations that George Bush has attacked and taken over since coming into office 130num Approximate Number of countries out of a total of 191num recognised by the United Nations with a US military presence 43num Percentage of the entire world 's military spending that the US spends on defence That was in 2002num the year before the invasion of Iraq $ 401.3num bnum Proposed military budget for 2004num Saviour of Iraq 1983num The year in which Donald Rumsfeld Ronald Reagan 's special envoy to the Middle East gave Saddam Hussein a pair of golden spurs as a gift 2.5num Number of hours after Rumsfeld learnt that Osama bin Laden was a suspect in the 11num September attacks that he brought up reasons to hit Iraq 237num Minimum number of misleading statements on Iraq made by top Bush administration officials between 2002num and January 2004num according to the California Representative Henry Waxman 10num mnum Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets on 21num February 2003num in opposition to the invasion of Iraq the largest simultaneous protest in world history $ 2num bnum Estimated monthly cost of US military presence in Iraq projected by the White House in April 2003num $ 4num bnum Actual monthly cost of the US military presence in Iraq according to Secretary of Defence Rumsfeld in 2004num $ 15num mnum Amount of a contract awarded to an American firm to build a cement factory in Iraq $ 80,000num Amount an Iraqi firm spent using Saddam 's confiscated funds to build the same factory after delays prevented the American firm from starting it 2000num Year that Cheney said his policy as CEO of Halliburton oil services company was we would n't do anything in Iraq $ 4.7num bnum Total value of contracts awarded to Halliburton in Iraq and Afghanistan $ 680num mnum Estimated value of Iraq reconstruction contracts awarded to Bechtel $ 2.8num bnum Value of Bechtel Corp contracts in Iraq $ 120num bnum Amount the war and its aftermath are projected to cost for the 2004num fiscal year 35num Number of countries to which the United States suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court 92num Percentage of Iraq 's urban areas with access to potable water in late 2002num 60num Percentage of Iraq 's urban areas with access to potable water in late 2003num 55num Percentage of the Iraqi workforce who were unemployed before the war 80num Percentage of the Iraqi workforce who are unemployed a Year after the war 0num Number of American combat deaths in Germany after the Nazi surrender in May 1945num 37num Death toll of US soldiers in Iraq in May 2003num the month combat operations officially ended 0num Number of coffins of dead soldiers returning home that the Bush administration has permitted to be photographed 0num Number of memorial services for the returned dead that Bush has attended since the beginning of the war A soldier 's best friend 40,000num Number of soldiers in Iraq sevennum months after start of the war still without Interceptor vests designed to stop a round from an AK 47num $ 60num mnum Estimated cost of outfitting those 40,000num soldiers with Interceptor vests 62num Percentage of gas masks that army investigators discovered did Not work properly in autumn 2002num 90num Percentage of detectors which give early warning of a biological weapons attack found to be defective 87num Percentage of Humvees in Iraq not equipped with armour capable of stopping AK 47num rounds and protecting against roadside bombs and landmines at the end of 2003num Making the country safer $ 3.29num Average amount allocated per person Nationwide in the first round of homeland security grants $ 94.40num Amount allocated per person for homeland security in American Samoa $ 36num Amount allocated per person for homeland security in Wyoming Vice President Cheney 's home state $ 17num Amount allocated per person in New York state $ 5.87num Amount allocated per person in New York City $ 77.92num Amount allocated per person in New Haven Connecticut home of Yale University Bush 's alma mater 76num Percentage of 215num cities surveyed by the US Conference of Mayors in early 2004num that had yet to receive a dime in federal homeland security assistance for their first response units 5num Number of major US airports at the beginning of 2004num that the Transportation Security Administration admitted were Not fully screening baggage electronically 22,600num Number of planes carrying unscreened cargo that fly into New York each month 5num Estimated Percentage of US air cargo that is screened including cargo transported on passenger planes 95num Percentage of foreign goods that arrive in the United States by sea 2num Percentage of those goods subjected to thorough inspection $ 5.5num bnum Estimated cost to secure fully US ports over the Next decade $ 0num Amount Bush allocated for port security in 2003num $ 46num mnum Amount the Bush administration has budgeted for port security in 2005num 15,000num Number of major chemical facilities in the United States 100num Number of US chemical plants where a terrorist act could endanger the lives of more than onenum millionnum people 0num Number of new drugs or vaccines against priority pathogens listed by the Centres for Disease Control that have been developed and introduced since 11num September 2001num Giving a hand up to the advantaged $ 10.9num mnum Average wealth of the members of Bush 's original 16num person cabinet 75num Percentage of Americans unaffected by Bush 's sweeping 2003num cuts in capital gains and dividends taxes $ 42,000num Average savings members of Bush 's cabinet received in 2003num as a result of cuts in capital gains and dividends taxes 10num Number of fellow members from the Yale secret society Skull and Bones that Bush has named to important positions including the Associate Attorney General Robert McCallum Jr. and SEC chief Bill Donaldson 79num Number of Bush 's initial 189num appointees who also served in his father 's administration A man with a lot of friends $ 113num mnum Amount of total hard money the Bush Cheney 2000num campaign received a record $ 11.5num mnum Amount of hard money raised through the Pioneer programme the controversial fund raising process created for the Bush Cheney 2000num campaign Participants pledged to raise at least $ 100,000num by bundling together cheques of up to $ 1,000num from friends and family Pioneers were assigned numbers which were included on all cheques enabling the campaign to keep track of who raised how much George Bush Money manager 4.7num mnum Number of bankruptcies that were declared during Bush 's first threenum years in office 2002num The worst year for major markets since the recession of the 1970s $ 489num bnum The US trade deficit in 2003num the worst in history for a single year $ 5.6num tnum Projected national surplus forecast by the end of the decade when Bush took office in 2001num $ 7.22num tnum US national debt by mid-2004 George Bush Tax cutter 87num Percentage of American families in April 2004num who say they have felt no benefit from Bush 's tax cuts 39num Percentage of tax cuts that will go to the top 1num per cent of American families when fully phased in 49num Percentage of Americans in April 2004num who found that their taxes had actually gone up since Bush took office 88num Percentage of American families who will save less than $ 100num on their 2006num federal taxes as a result of 2003num cut in capital gains and dividends taxes $ 30,858num Amount Bush himself saved in taxes in 2003num Employment tsar 9.3num mnum Number of US unemployed in April 2004num 2.3num mnum Number of Americans who lost their jobs during first threenum Years of the Bush administration 22num mnum Number of jobs gained during Clinton 's eightnum years in office Friend of the poor 34.6num mnum Number of Americans living below the poverty line 1num in 8num of the population 6.8num mnum Number of people in the workforce but still classified as poor 35num mnum Number of Americans that the government defines as food insecure in other words hungry $ 300num mnum Amount cut from the federal programme that provides subsidies to poor families so they can heat their homes 40num Percentage of wealth in the United States held by the richest 1num per cent of the population 18num Percentage of wealth in Britain held by the richest 1e per cent of the population George Bush And his special friend $ 60num bnum Loss to Enron stockholders following the largest bankruptcy in US history $ 205num mnum Amount Enron CEO Kenneth Lay earned from stock option profits over a fournum year period $ 101num mnum Amount Lay made from selling his Enron shares just before the company went bankrupt $ 59,339num Amount the Bush campaign reimbursed Enron for 14num trips on its corporate jet during the 2000num campaign 30num Length of time in months between Enron 's collapse and Lay whom the President called Kenny Boy still not being charged with a crime George Bush Lawman 15num Average number of minutes Bush spent reviewing capital punishment cases while governor of Texas 46num Percentage of Republican federal judges when Bush came to office 57num Percentage of Republican federal judges after threenum years of the Bush administration 33num Percentage of the $ 15num bnnum Bush pledged to fight Aids in Africa that must go to abstinence only programmes The Civil libertarian 680num Number of suspected al Qa'ida members that the United States admits are detained at Guantanamo Bay Cuba 42num Number of nationalities of those detainees at Guantanamo 22num Number of hours prisoners were handcuffed shackled and made to wear surgical masks earmuffs and blindfolds during their flight to Guantanamo 32num Number of confirmed suicide attempts by Guantanamo Bay prisoners 24num Number of prisoners in mid-2003 being monitored by psychiatrists in Guantanamo 's new mental ward A health conscious president 43.6num mnum Number of Americans without health insurance by the end of 2002num more than 15num per cent of the population 2.4num mnum Number of Americans who lost their health insurance during Bush 's first year in office Image booster for the US 2,500num Number of public diplomacy officers employed by the State Department to further the image of the US abroad in 1991num 1,200num Number of public diplomacy officers employed by the State Department to further US image abroad in 2004num 4num Rank of the United States among countries considered to be the greatest threats to world peace according to a 2003num Pew Global Attitudes study Israel Iran and North Korea were considered more dangerous Iraq was considered less dangerous $ 66num bnum Amount the United States spent on international aid and diplomacy in 1949num $ 23.8num bnum Amount the United States spent on international aid and diplomacy in 2002num 85num Percentage of Indonesians who had an unfavourable image of the United States in 2003num Second party endorsements 90num Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on 26num September 2001num 67num Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on 26num September 2002num 54num Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on 30num September 2003num 50num Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president on 15num October 2003num 49num Percentage of Americans who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president in May 2004num More like the French than he would care to admit 28num Number of vacation days Bush took in August 2003num the second longest vacation of any president in US history Record holder Richard Nixon 13num Number of vacation days the average American receives each Year 28num Number of vacation days Bush took in August 2001num the month he received a 6num August Presidential Daily Briefing headed Osama bin Laden Determined to Strike US Targets 500num Number of days Bush has spent all or part of his time away from the White House at his ranch in Crawford Texas his parents ' retreat in Kennebunkport Maine or Camp David as of 1num April 2004num No fool when it comes to the press 11num Number of press conferences during his first threenum years in office in which Bush referred to questions as being trick ones Factors in his favor 3num Number of companies that control the US voting technology market 52num Percentage of votes cast during the 2002num midterm elections that were recorded by Election Systems & Software the largest voting technology firm a big Republican donor 29num Percentage of votes that will be cast via computer voting machines that do n't produce a paper record 17num On 17num November 2001num The Economist printed a correction for having said George Bush was properly elected in 2000num $ 113num mnum Amount raised by the Bush Cheney 2000num campaign the most in American electoral history $ 185num mnum Amount raised by the Bush Cheney 2004num re-election campaign to the end of March 2004num $ 200num mnum Amount that the Bush Cheney 2004num campaign expects to raise by November 2004num 268num Number of Bush Cheney fund raisers who had earned Pioneer status by raising $ 100,000num each as of March 2004num 187num Number of Bush Cheney fund raisers who had earned Ranger status by raising $ 200,000num each as of March 2004num $ 64.2num mnum The Amount Pioneers and Rangers had raised for Bush Cheney as of March 2004num 85num Percentage of Americans who ca n't Name the Chief Justice of the United States 69num Percentage of Americans who believed the White House 's claims in September 2003num that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the 11num September attacks 34num Percentage of Americans who believed in June 2003num that Saddam 's weapons of mass destruction had been found 22num Percentage of Americans who believed in May 2003num that Saddam had used his WMDs on US forces 85num Percentage of American young adults who can not find Afghanistan Iraq or Israel on a map 30num Percentage of American young adults who can not find the Pacific Ocean on a map 75num Percentage of American young adults who do n't know the population of the United States 53num Percentage of Canadian young adults who do n't know the population of the United States 11num Percentage of American young adults who can not find the United States on a map 30num Percentage of Americans who believe that politics and government are too complicated to understand Another factor in his favor 70num mnum Estimated number of Americans who describe themselves as Evangelicals who accept Jesus Christ as their personal saviour and who interpret the Bible as the direct word of God 23num mnum Number of Evangelicals who voted for Bush in 2000num 50num mnum Number of voters in total who voted for Bush in 2000num 46num Percentage of voters who describe themselves as born again Christians 5num Number of states that do not use the word evolution in public school science courses My dad just does n't understand Ugh my dad is so stupid he just does n't understand anything I have 5num sisters and so including my mom he is the only guy in a house of sixnum females Now I 'm the youngest and I just got my period so now we all have ours and he thinks it 's a good thing He 's always like ohh you must be so happy to finally have yours I wish I had mine and he is n't even joking I think just living in a house with so many girls is making him go crazy Yep the females are just getting to him dads Do n't blame him please he feels lonely and wants to show his attention to all of you to look after you please forgive and sympathy if he miss something I am sorry for him he is a good dad Equine collages uk NEED HELP Can somebody give me the names some collages that do post 18num degrees or foundation degrees in either Horse behaviour / training or Equine psychology No one employs people from Hartpury because of what they received on work experience Merrist Wood I 'm there on a NVQ equine course do HND in equine management Your best bet is to look on UCAS and do a course search Merrist Wood in Woking in Surrey Moreton Morrell in Coventry Warwickshire Hartpury College I think that is the name but if you type it in it should come up with an alternative suggestion in Gloucestershire Go onto the UCAS website go onto course search and search for the courses you want to do They 'll give you a comprehensive list of all the universities that do the courses you want plus all the information you need to apply Besides from Pacquiao what else is The Philipines famous for Cheap hookers You should n't ask this question it 's intimidating if i tell you what people knows about Philippines you will blush thank god many thinks i 'm japanese just because of the way i keep myself the way i talk and treat people and the way i dress so if you do n't want nasty insulting answers especially from those undesirable migrants like puttagenius caloy gro science and irene In fact Philippines is famous to accept people like these people i mentioned whose not filipinos but helping the Philippines to plunge in the pit as they are the rot of the country They need to be expulse from the country and if they are not there they should be banned entering the country to plant their eggs as they are considered as the rotten left overs of dinasaurs Being the texting capital of the world Would you recommend living in Limerick as a student I 've been given the opportunity to live in Limerick Ireland next year as part of my course if you know about Limerick what are the pros and cons and would you recommend it as a student The L.I.T is so close to Moyross yet again the ppl who talk sh*t about Moyross still go there Limerick 's a great student city there 's loads on you 'll be spoilt for choice In fact you probably wo n't ever want to leave Orla got it in onenum Although there is bad press directing at AREA'S of limerick but nowhere near the university Limerick is such a full city shopping night life career choices social choices I came here about 12num years ago for college and Orla got it spot on I have n't left nor would I It s now my home My myTouch 4G crashes with most custom ROMs I install Can that be fixed I really like the MIUI but a process crashes repeatedly about every 3num seconds And I ca n't even load the newest version of Cyanogen Mod not by the company as you voided your warrenty by installing custom roms you are best to either recover to the standard ROM or find onenum that does n't crash cynangon mod should work Have you tried using clockwork recovery Get the older version of Cynagon mod Also you could use a stable rom like bugless beast and baked snake Those roms focus on speed and stability Or you could just use a home screen launcher replacement I would recommend go launcher or adw launcher They are both excellent and speed up the phone quite a bit As a mytouch 4g owner I know the phone is pretty fast and their is no point installing a rom Hope you read through this are the moors and penines in Yorkshire a lonely eerie place and how big are they i m 33num i ve never been to the yorkshire moors or penines at all i can see the penines in the far distance from my bedroom window when i watched werewolf in london great film that was the only time i saw the yorkshire moors can anyone give me information about them They can be bleak and eerie often very exposed often covered with antiquities like bronze age burial mounds stone circles and settlements until late in the bronze age they were rich farmlands then a change in the climate caused the skies to cloud over and rain to wash the goodness from the soil The people abandoned their farms and religious sites and the ground they stood on became moorland They can also be very beautiful when the purple heather is out and they are habitat to much wildlife and many species of wildflowers I have a western pleasure appy that s really heavy on her left lead at the lope My appy is very heavy on her left lead at the lope She seems to lope onenum stride and trot the next and repeat How could I work with her to get off her fournum hand get balance and lope smoothly and slowly Put on a pair of spurs and before she makes that trot step it 's in the feeling when you feel her think trot tick her with the spur and lift with your body to keep her moving If you concentrate on that feel just before the trot you can figure it out and the timing is essential to push her at that instant Lope her to the left in circles keep her head to the inside of the circle and push her but out keep doing this if she breaks to a jog go a little bit bigger circle till she can get enough balance to go small and small circles my new OLYMPUS X940 DIGITAL CAMERA hi everyone just hav my hands on my new OLYMPUS X940 digital camera wel i always wanted 2 hav onenum by sony but anyways ended up having olympus X940 from my dad does any1 already has it how has ur experience with it is it a gud option for casual formal functions photography wht abt its picture quality is it comparable to sony products or not it has 14num mega pixel camera n 4num x wide optical zoom ur answers and reviews wud be highly appreciated thanks Olympus X 940num 14num Megapixel Digital Camera has filters and can do all sorts of special effects It is def worth more than the price I am VERY satisfied A good camera for the plain point and shoot My answer is that we do n't to text speak here we type in English Get your English in order before writing here again please dead pixel of my photos just want to ask i have an nikon dslr i m wondering why if i zoom my picture zoom like almost 200num - 300num percent i can see some dead pixel is there something wrong with my camera body lens or what please help me and what should i do to fix this problem or it is normal Are you sure it is n't dirt on the sensor Put the camera on manual focus and set focus to infinity Take a photo of a very light plain subject close to the lens using long exposure and smallest aperture you have over expose by a couple of stops You will see in the image if there is dirt as that will be the only thing in focus Cure is to get the sensor cleaned There should be a Pixel Mapping function in the menu that will get rid of them most sensors have a few dead and flipped pixels some only show up on long exposures Chris New Zealand skilled migrant visa If you apply for a skilled migrant worker s visa and it is accepted do you have to find work in the same sector as your skills on your application or can you take up other work if you ca n't find something in your own field I have posted this question on the NZ visa site and ca n't get any info does anyone know Watch out the poles are coming my little butterfly That would be preferable but it does n't matter could be something similar It depends on the conditions of your skilled migrant visa Your visa should say whether or not you are restricted to work in a specific sector If your visa does not restrict you from taking any work in New Zealand then you can work in any sector It only matters if you received an offer of employment or if you are currently working in New Zealand and used that job in your application to get your skilled migrant visa In Chicago what is the best restaurant to dine at on a budget Downtown Chicago Loop North Take the red line to Clark then you turn right Walk 2num blocks then turn right again Walk 2num more blocks then cross the street You will get to a place called BIG BOWL THAI FOOD AND ASIAN BEST PLACE EVER McDonald s Not necessarily the restaurant but what you order when you get there and what time you go A lunch will be less expensive than a dinner You can order appetizers rather than a full meal and have just as good a dinner But the best way is to use coupons Check out lots of restaurants you can look at the menu and check out prices Yo also may want to try small neighborhood restaurants and support family run places rather than the large corporate chains Not that there is anything wrong with that because they also employ local people that live and shop in the area Is there any cure for mouse poison I found a poor little mouse walking around in my friend s house and since I was able to catch it very easily normally mice move at the speed of light and since it was acting unresponsive I thought it was infected with mouse poison since my friend uses it I know that the mouse will probably die but I was wondering if there is any cure for mouse poison I just hate to see the poor dears experience a slow painful death that way :( Without knowing the exact poison no A common one is arsenic and there really is n't a way to cure that Take the mouse to an emergency vet and have them use CO2 to put the mouse to sleep Or you can put the animal in a snap trap designed for rats or mice since that is the only really humane kill method for invasive animals A quick cure would be Arm & Hammer to it's head Crayola Air Dry Clay Ok So I have a VERY long list of people I want to make Xmas gifts for and onenum of them is my best friend She loves giraffes and homemade things I am very artistic so I decided I was going to make her a giraffe sculpture I do n't have much money so I bought Crayola Air Dry Clay I have sculpted the giraffe laying down The key is I have a few problems 1 I tested it out by making a figure boat And after 4num days when it dried it was very fragile like VERY not in a good way Is there any way to strengthen it 2 What kind of paint do I use to paint the giraffe 3 Is there any cheap way to give it a shine like I made it in a kiln air dry clay works on armatures the clay has a minor shrink percent so you can leave the wire armature inside paint with acrylic paint taking young cat with me for a week out of state good idea i have a 3num - 4num month old kitten and i live in forida i am going to my grandma s in north carolina and we are going camping in a cabin in west virginia My cat is a outside cat but she loves it inside she is also good in a carrier Should i bring her if so how quick will she adapt to a litter box inside thanks We took our cat Mitten camping He loved it But he was an inside / outside cat only onenum I owned rest have been 100num 0nside cats He was trained to a harness / leash for outside time but he knew to use the litter pan inside If your cat is not trained to use the litter pan you may have a problem taking her NO changing its surroundings too often will stress it out and it will get depressed mean sick or will not want to be around you What cleaners should I use for dusting around my parakeet What cleaners can I use to dust around my budgie Would pledge be ok If not what is Your best bet would just be a swiffer duster they do n't require cleaner If you must use a cleaner pledge should be fine if the area that you keep your parakeet in is well ventilated I have had parakeets for a VERY long time and I use pledge Just keep a window open for a while for fresh air to circulate I agree w the answer from Nothing Even a cotton cloth I like diapers that is barely damp w water will work fine Swiffer or any type of micro-fiber cloth is excellent I use Miracle Cloth they 're fantastic just do n't use fabric softener or dryer sheets when cleaning them it ruins their grabbing ability If anything you use has a strong or lingering fragrance it can bother or potentially injure the bird RP Is it wrong to want to remove a contact because they are really really stupid I did n't get to read the answers lol :( I 'm not gon na say who they are on now I do n't want them to commit suicide or something haha LOL Callum no no no no no no it s definitely not you no It s not any of you lol i emailed you saaaaaam I do n't know how did you know it 's not me is it I 'm mostly joking when I talk about suicide and really I 'm not that stupid I just get in stupid situations D: i guz what lol whoooooo sorry but i ca n't help my stupidity =( EDIT I love how she says it 's not callum but does n't deny it 's me i think we all know who she 's talking about EDIT now i 'm curious EDIT How did I know lol they really are n't that much worse than me and their gpa was better than mine can i buy a laptop in u.k and then take it to rep. ireland and put a irish pay go dongle in it i want to buy a laptop for my girlfriend in ireland would she be able to just use the dongle she uses for her pc and put it straight in the laptop and it work like normall thanks people Yes obviously the USB is region free which means you can use it anywhere And every computer manufactured in both Ireland & the UK are Region 2num aka PAL There wo n't be a difference since mobile broadband is supposed to be digital But word of advice if you 're get your girlfriend a laptop make sure it s a good brand a not something like DELL Acer Asus eMachines etc just a heads up yes of course you can I have many friends that have laptops bought in the UK that use them here If in dongle you mean USB stick then yes USB sticks are the same any were you go :) hope that answered your question How do I take care of my newborn baby fish I am nervous that my other fish will eat them and I do n't know what to feed them I have counted around 25num of them and they currently reside in a 20num gallon tank You could move all the babies into a fry net breeder or move all of the bigger fish also the parents to a different tank to avoid the babies getting eaten Feed the babies 3num - 4num times a day with flakes Provide plenty of hiding places like rocks plants etc in the tank It s natural for some babies to be eaten by adults and if all of them survived your tank would be very overcrowded Look in the pet stores for fry food or baby fish foods what kind of newborn fish you have some parents would not eat there fish till a certain age jack dempsey for example would not eat there offspring till they mature but i would move the baby fish into a smaller tank and feed them flakes I have a question about McDonald 's Monopoly Please HELP If you can TENnum POINTS Ok I know that Mcdonald 's has Monopoly going on right now & I wan na know what food has the game pieces And what food has EXTRA game pieces Because Large Fries give you FOURnum PIECES When most of the food or drinks I got only included twonum So can somebody please list ALL of the food that includes the game pieces and the number of game pieces you get with THAT FOOD PLEASE The person who best explains this and helps me out the best with my question will be REWARDED WITH TENnum POINTS PLEASE HELP THANK YOU :D scroll down and this website shows each thing you can buy (: 4num Peels 20num piece Chicken McNuggets Large fries 2num Peels Big Mac 10num piece Chicken McNuggets Medium Fountain Drink McCAFE Drink Filet O Fish Hash Browns Egg McMuffin Sausage Fruit & Maple Oatmeal bearded dragon spikes bit of a stupid question but do the spikes / spines whatever you call them on their side and face area ever go hard or are they just supposed to look like they are so nothing will try to eat them becca is right i v owned beardies for ovr 3num yrs and i handle mine all the time they do nt go hard lik eneedle hard but they ar nt pillow soft they use them to look prickly would you try to eat a cactus if u had no knife i know i would nt they puff out to look bigger and badder and they can scratch you a lil if u r holding them to tight :) They re not really hard Beardies are actually quite delicate I 'm assuming it 's to scare off predators like how they will puff up their neck spikes to make them look bigger to predators or enemies they do nt hurt unless you r stupid enough to press on them They just are there as an adaptation what is a kimberwick bit used for Used as a help for horses that are quite strong pullers while hacking hunting and doing cross country It is a curb bit with a ported mouth piece and some horses appreciate this to give them more room in their mouths for their tongues It is not as precise as a pelham bit because it only uses onenum rein though the modern ones have twonum or threenum slots on which to put the reins The lower the reins the stronger the action and the lower the reins the stronger the action on the poll too Useful for younger kids who do not have big enough hands or the ability to handle twonum reins independently For horses that are strong pullers It just gives you a little leverage and curb pressure It 's nice for horses that need a little more than a snaffle I know that 's vague but it depends on the horse The rider needs to have independent hands as well because you do NOT want to pull too hard on a bit like that ;) How long to save up for a canon t3i I want to save up for a canon t3i around 750num - 800num + :( I 'm currently 12num and I get about 20num dollars a week for lunch sometimes a bit more I plan to save 10num dollars every week :) My birthday is in november and I get about 150num or more since i hate my dad s family haha Chinese new year ~ 300num christmas ~ 100num and yeaa Can someone cunclude how long it might take me to save up for the canan t3i or some extra tips to save / gain money :O Hey Be happy you get a bit many of us never got nothing :) There 's a Canon EOS T2i with the exact same sensor just no articulating screen It 's around $ 100num less which means you get the same camera but quicker Here 's a DSLR Buying Guide Do n't worry about it If you ca n't even do basic math you 'll never figure out how to use a DSLR camera properly hey kido u made me smile does the POP drying time slow down if it not exposed to air it s for a craft project i want to use it the way u would use icing took a bit of searching to discover that POP is probably PoP plaster of Paris and yes plaster of Paris will slow way down if it is not exposed to air in fact if you are building up plaster the way you would icing to do sculpting which is rather uncommon you keep the set plaster damp in order to add more unset plaster or you have to wet the area where you will be adding plaster mud Plaster of Paris does twonum things it chemically sets gets warm to hot then cools down and hard and it dries out losing the water that is soaked into the set structure For example a set plaster mold that is to be used for clay slip casting must be dry it gets wet pulling the water out of the slip while a set plaster mold used for molding wax must be soaking or damp wet Dwarf Hamster Making Too Much Noise On Wheel at Night I 'm getting a dwarf Hamster tomorrow And i was just talking to my Mom and she said that we have to take out the wheel at night because it would disturb her sleep But i told her no because i said thei r energetic at night at my room is right next door to hers But i heard their are wheels that do nt make noise at all what would be the price of it I 'm quite sure you do n't even have to buy another all you need to do is to pour some oil on the wheel or even put some rubber on it's edges the part that is making the noise That might work Super Pet Silent Spinner Exercise Wheel Our Price $ 10.99num to 12.99num PETSMART works well lasts long I have a dwarf hamster who HATES his wheel and does n't use it he makes so much MORE noise as he plays and digs and jumps seriously wheels are relatively noiseless a few squeaks from a wheel are better than the full wrath of a bored pet Change of boarding station How can I change my boarding station against the ticket I booked a month back from counter My origin Station is Howrah but I want to board at Asansol Does your train pass Asansol when starting from Howrah If yes you do n't need to change it because you board later If no you 'll have to go to onenum of the train stations In Calcutta there is a Foreigner 's reservation office where they speak English very well I do n't remember near which station it is though They can help you and it is close to a train station in Calcutta so check a few big ones Even if you do n't find the foreigner 's office you 'll be fine in the normal Reservation Office of any big train station This is where you can get AND change express train tickets well if your desired boarding station comes after more than 2num or 3num halts of the actual boarding point then the TC will cancel you ticket and allot the seat to others so better inquire in railway office Contact the Indian railways You might end up as a no show passenger petsmart application my name is Josalyn Leainne Creek and i 'm 19num years old and i graduated from high in May adn of this year and i love animals and i 'm great at working and i had drama in my last job which was mcallister 's deli and i ', a mormon and i hvae changed to be a better person that pwople are wanting to hirier and i 'm willing to work whenever you need me but i go to church on every sunday and i have a doctor 's appointment this thursday at 2;30num and i hope you h=guys hirier me because i work very hard and i do nt care about how much you guys pay and i 've been looking for a job ever since i have graduated and i hate drama Jeez work on your spelling and It makes a huge difference No one 's going to hire you if you ca n't even spell especially if you 're a high school graduate Cover letters and resumes need to be perfect No one 's going to take you seriously if they 're full of typos and whatnot Sorry I would put that application in the round file Nope Canadian student visa can I used for other schools I applied to get a student visa to study in Canada I received onenum that is valid until October of 2015num Problem is for some reason the visa process took longer than it should thus I missed school this semester visa was issued to me about 25num days after school started so I could n't attend now I no longer want to go into that school because they only would accept me again on September of 2012num I found a school that accepted me for may 2012num can I use the same visa that was issued to me or do I need to reapply in the visa itself it does not mention anything about which school I m suppose to attend and problem is the embassy here in DC are not too nice and would never answer ANY questions any advice please Visas and Study Permits are administered by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and any questions regarding applications should be directed to them So best advice is to go to the C&IC website and click contact us How Do you Prevent A Dwarf Hamster Escaping From The Cage I m getting a dwarf hamster tomorrow and i saw videos on youtube of them escaping and if my hamster escaped because my mom will FREAK OUT would it help getting an aquarium cage or a plastic see through box so it ca nt escape i can buy it a wheel I 've never had a dwarf hamster but I 've had the same problem with my pet rat I put some chicken wiring around it the I got from home depot and now it ca n't out Yes I 've had 53num different kinds of rodents and twonum were dwarf hamsters they flatten into a pancake and slide right through the bars and are able to open the door so yes a plastic cage will be good Hi This is the cage I have whhich is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to escape from I love this cage it 's easy to clean very spacious and fun for the hamster Aquiriums are good also but provide a mesh top for an easy airway Wire cages are NOT acceptable for dwarfs really unless the bars have less than half a cm between them regards and have fun with your hammy Rachel Traveler s guide For the young and unknowledgeable I am 17num years old I do not get along with my family I dislike this urban society and want to leave this whole enviroment I am very unhappy here I do n't know the best way of doing it Would it be best for me to finish college wait for 18th birthday I live in London I want to go travelling My parents do not like me They constantly reassure me that they will throw me out of home when I turn 18num I do n't particularly want to stay with them atm either But right now it s the most convenient thing to do Anyway Advice for travelling What is the best way of doing it Hotels for travelling will be expensive anybody is open to answers but I would much prefere somebody with traveling experience I want to go all over :) I do n't have a set route yet Get a back pack and sleeping bag or good warm blanket Wool is best Light warm but also itchy Hit the road You can always beg for spare change when you get hungry Should get some survival skills before setting out on your own Vietnamese girl 's name Mayko I always thought Mayko or Meiko is a Japanese name The Canadian Regenesis actress Mayko Nguyen has Japanese connection or is it her fake name Right I could n't find any proven source for that And her last name Nguyen is a typical Vietnamese family name anyone Certainly Nguyen is the one of first names of many people in Vietnam only in Vietnam Mayko is relating to the Japanese In Vietnam when a baby was born they must be named first name according to that of their fathers It 's principle except a number of cases for example the babies are orphans or not to have father E.g Full name of the father is Nguyen Thanh Luan Full name of the son / daughter certainly is Nguyen for instance Nguyen Thi Thuy Lan But if the babies were born in American so they would named in other way but still remain First name in order to recall about their origination I 'm pretty sure that Mayko is Japanese She is a Canadian born Vietnamese I 'm not sure where her first name is from I have a splitter filter between my ADSL and ph line I have 2num phones running on the same line and the ADSL which is connected to onenum of the phones and the filter I 'm still getting a buzzing noise even when I have disconnected the other phone without onenum Why is it stil doing this even though I do n't have the other phone connected Woud it be better if I got another filter and connected the other phone as well turn the modem off and see if the sound is still there could be static on the line if the sound is still there with the modem off then the problem is NOT the DSL if the trouble goes away with the modem off then make sure that EVERYTHING EXCEPT the modem is filtered this would include the alarm system fax machine satellite boxes phones etc if everything is filtered and you still have this problem try changing the filter if it is still there try doubling up on the filters You need either a filter for each device except the DSL modem or a whole home filter which filters all the jacks except the one which the DSL modem connects Best way to change 35num mm film in Holga 120num whilst out and about I 've modified my Holga 120num to take 35num mm film and I know that you ca n't wind the film back you have to open the back of the camera in a darkroom to rewind the film What do other Holga owners do when they need to change film when they are traveling Do you just take a changing bag with you What s the easiest thing Well a changing bag would be the easiest solution It 's light proof and makes sure you get no problems when opening the camera You can work comfortably and make sure your film is not scratched etc It 's really difficult to find a place that is absolutely dark and accessible to you when you 're outside A changing bag folds neatly and does not take much space in your bag A film changing bag is a handy way of unloading your exposed film in the field Many online stores carry them like Adorama I have a few how to videos for DIY 35num mm film in a 120num camera on my YouTube channel For more info on lo fi photography check put my website Should the statue of David be censored I 'm a sophomore in high school doing a presentation on Italian Arts and my teacher is making us censor the Statue of David My argument is it 's art and therefore should not be censored he 's making us censor it who 's right no it 's only a body of a young man the city of florence did at onenum time in the past put clothes on the statue An art teacher in the mid-cities area of Dallas / Ft. Worth metro got fired because she took an art class on an approved field trip with parental permission for each student and some hysterical parent discovered that they saw nudes in the museum You do n't think is was because of female nudes considering the nearly naked girls / women seen at pools and beaches and the completely naked manikins that show up in store windows in malls during changes in display No it was guys Your teacher knows what goes on in your community and wants to keep her job Let her do it argue when you are of age and can battle the other adults in your community skipping of course telling your boss he / she is a prudish ignoramus because you want to keep your job Better Steakhouse in Philadelphia I am taking my wife out for our first year wedding anniversary and we both agree that we want a good steak We are staying at a hotel in Center City Philadelphia so I wanted something close I have spent the afternoon looking around from menu to menu I have also looked at the photo galleries for an inside look at the decor of the restaurants and I have narrowed it down to threenum establishments I have never been to any of these places so any suggestions and or advice would be most welcome It 's narrowed down to Butcher and Singer Davio 's and Del Frisco s Thanks in advance for the advice Sidenote I am familiar with the Capital Grille Barclay Prime The Palm The Prime Rib Morton s Ruth Chris ' etc I have weighed those options and found the threenum that I have chosen to be more my wife and my own taste Please only reviews on the threenum I mentioned earlier Many thanks I am only familiar with Morton 's and Ruth Chris I have never eaten at the ones you have listed nor do I know of anyone who has I hope you get your answer Anyway have a lovely first anniversary HAMSTERS will a hamster be ok living in the bathroom in his cage in the bathroom or would the steam from the shower be a problem thanks d If space is minimal or you are keeping him in there to be kept away from other pets then I can understand why you would choose to keep him there There are some things to consider though Rodents require special bedding in their cages to absorb their waste and this needs to be cleaned regularly or your hamster could suffer from problems due the buildup of ammonia from his urine When you take a warm shower and build up steam his cage will collect water the bedding will absorb much of it and will not be able to absorb the urine quite as it should You will also have to be wary of mold forming on any toys or hide aways he may have You also do n't want it getting too warm for him too often Overall it is not a good solution but you can keep him healthy and pull it off if you take the time to give him the extra care he will need because of it It may be a problem because the temperature is constantly changing I would personally put him somewhere else What is the most interesting place to see in South Korea I 'm planning my trip to Asia and S. Korea is onenum of the destinations What place or town would be most interesting to visit for european Go to Jeju island It 's so much fun over there and I 'm positive that you 'll love it :) If you 're going to Seoul then you should also visit a specific place called The Namsan Tower It 's a really huge place over there and so many visitors / foreigners went to put chains and locks over there It 's so much fun Also do n't forget to try out Korea 's famous amusement parks Lotte World Everland and Carribbean Bay Everyone loves it ^_^ Lotte World It 's indoors and outdoors Everland Resort it 's all outdoors and the pictures are only a fourth of the real Everland Carribbean Bay An outside water park Namsan tower Hoped I helped ^_^ Have fun in Korea an island called jejudo / jeju island it s really amazing there it ll blow your mind it 's almost like paradise there I found an injured pure white bird dove I guess what do I feed it I found this pure white bird in my neighborhood its wing is injured so I 'm currently taking care of it It 's pure white no marks or streaks or anything I do n't know what type of bird it is probably a dove What should I feed it Is normal bird food fine Because apparently my mom is very picky she says the bird might get sick if it does n't eat the right food IS there any specific food I might find at any pet shop petco petsmart thanks Doves are a species of pigeon they are Seed eaters they do not eat bread or worms make sure that you have a shallow dish of water for it as they can drink a lot there 's these little like bait worms at jack s petshoppe it s jack s aquarium and pets I believe anyways I feed them to my road sometimes like a little container or buy small bait worms that should work If you have a pet store near buy some wheat pigeon corn or even mixed bird seed will do but do not feed bread how do i get to paris cdg airport to paris montparnasse i have twonum options using the metro or the air france bus can anybody tell me if the metro runs directly from CDG to montparnasse if not what transfers should i get on ty On the RER / Metro In the airport follow the signs that say Paris by train Buy a ticket for Paris This will get you on the RER B line going into town Stay on it until the Saint Michel Notre Dame station Change there to the Metro 4num line going toward Porte d' Orleans Get off at the Montparnasse Bienvenue station On the Air France bus As I recall this bus drops you off near the Opera in Paris You 'll still have to take another bus or the Metro down to Montparnasse On the bus Get on Bus 95num going toward Porte de Vanves Buy a ticket from the driver Stay on the bus until the Montparnasse Bienvenue stop On the Metro Get in the Metro at Opera Take the 8num line toward Balard until the Invalides station Change there to the 13num line toward Chatillon Montrouge and take it until the Montparnasse Bienvenue station What are good B & W software 's Photography What are really good programs for smooth crisp Black & White editing I use GIMP and It s not cutting it looks terrible Here 's onenum of my shots in B & W Any programs that you use please list :) Thx You could also try this in gimp It will give you a lot more power as well as control over how your black and white photo looks Open your image while it 's still in color Create a new layer and fill the later with black Set the layer mode to color this will make your image blak and white Click colors levels and adjust each channel 's color values This will adjust the brightness and darkness of specific parts of an image For more information on the theory behind later modes check out this gimp video tutorial For more information on adjusting exposure in gimp chef out this gimp video tutorial Hope this helps Picasa is free and pretty good But best is obviously photoshop CS5 or if you r on a macbook there s aperture :) depends what you want from B & W many programs will use a generic B & W try something like photoscape which has different options cheapest plastic surgeons in Thailand I want to go to thailand to do my boob job from South Africa but looking for the cheapest surgeons yet also good in his artwork on a human s body Only a fool would base a decision using the cheapest surgeon to perform an operation Cheapest surgeons work out of some small clinic and do not have the skills you are looking for Do you really want to put your faith in some clinic doctor I know I would n't You need to check with onenum of the major hospital that performance this procedure like Bumrungard Hospital or Yanhee Hospital Would you choose the cheapest brakes for your expensive race car or maybe the cheapest parachute too Sometimes the cheap comes expensive When you have invasive surgery you could also get infections accidental nicks and cuts that cause other problems too If they screw up you could be in worse shape than you are now Bumrungrad Hospital does some good work but all hospitals do have their problems from time to time Maybe having an experienced doctor might be better than some guy that is cheaper but less experienced The cheapest high quality plastic surgeons are at Yanhee Hospitals They do outstanding work Check the link for a sampling of prices my Tom cat will not eat meat just the juice in the can When I open a can of meat with gravy he licks off the gravy and lets the meat lay I must through it away Why If you knew what kind of meat they put in canned cat food you 'd understand this I 've had a lot of cats who refused to eat the canned food When you read the label it s easy to understand why I 've had cats for 35num years and I only feed them dry food They have done very well and like the dry food better It had better nutritional value and it s also less expensive Canned food is often suspect as to the actual contents and you 're paying for a high moisture content instead of food content There are a lot of good quality dry cat foods Read the labels for contents Your cat will adjust quickly You 'll also have less spoilage He might be sick take him to the vet to see If he always does this welcome to the club My oldest female and youngest male do this I just grab the blender and pop in some other stuff for them like chicken liver cooked for the anemic one some arthritis stuff for the oldest Even if you mash it with a spoon he ca n't do that What s your favorite part about trail riding My favorite part is going up hill and cantering I love how it really depends on how good a horse your horse really is not how talented he is If you took some Olympic level horses on a trail ride they just could n't do it They would be too scared and spooky It does n't matter how graceful your horse is or how high he can jump or how well he does a sliding stop What matters is how well trained he is and how good your bond it That is another reason why I like competitive trail riding also Nobody pays someone to keep their horse in shape and rides once a week then takes all the ribbons at the show because their horse is good YOU have to spend the time training And I have not met onenum stuck up trail rider Those are just a few reasons why I love trail riding competitive or not Same when I 'm galloping in an open space like that I can just forget everything Seeing the nature and wild life that if you keep quiet you can get up close and personal I have had several close encounters with both foxes and wild deer Also woodpeckers were pecking in the trees and I just sat and watched Fascinating 10num gallon nano reef ideas I have a 10num gallon nano reef with 10num lbs of live fiji rock and 10num lbs of live carribean sand I am aware of the maintenance involved in keeping a tank this size I am currently maintaining a gravity level of 1.024num I have a 10num gallon filter on it I also have a powerhead getting another soon I have a few questions first I want to start a sump filter but I have no idea on how the water intake and water return would work How would I need to set a sump for this 10num gallon Do I need a protein skimmer or any other equipment thanks Unless the tank has a built in overflow box which I 'm certain it does n't then you have to get onenum of those hang on back overflow boxes so that you can install a sump The piping would lead down into your sump from the overflow box On the other end of the sump you would have a small return pump with a hose that puts the water back into your tank If you 're going to go through the trouble of creating a sump for this tank getting a protein skimmer would n't be a bad idea The Hydor SlimSkim Nano is a good nano protein skimmer it 's an in tank design that could easily sit in your sump NOOK Color or NOOK Tablet From what I understand they 're pretty much the same thing Some of the major differences I see is the HD video longer battery life and faster processor that the NOOK Tablet boasts Does the Tablet have a major difference in speed compared to the Color I do n't want an iPad or Kindle I just want an e-reader that does a little bit more than just read Yes I know about the Kindle Fire but that 's not what I want (: Does it make sense to shell out the extra fiftynum dollars Or just purchase the Color Well I recently bought the Nook Color and I have to say that I am very happy with it It is like a mini tablet itself When I found out them came up with the Nook Tablet I was pretty disappointed though because I bought my Nook color for the same darn price So I say you should go for the more updated Nook Tablet I 'm pretty sure it 'll be worth it Have fun Judging by Nook Tablet 's processor it 's supposed to be quite faster Basically Nook Tablet it has more memory better battery life and a better processor and a microphone eReader Tablet Comparison B & N Nook Tablet B & N Nook Color Kindle Fire HTC Flyer Pubs in Philadelphia Hey there I 'm trying to find a restaurant in Philly to take my husband tomorrow for his birthday He 's pretty much an I love American Food good drinks on occasion laid back kind of guy I want to take him somewhere where there 's going to be awesome burgers / american food atmosphere preferably a tavern / pub style would be nice good service and all around a great time =) I 'm looking for suggestions from anyone who knows the philly area and the where to's We just moved to a town outside Philly a couple of months back so I 'm not an expert on the area A little help is always great =) Thank you or your feed back Oh my you asked this question at the perfect time Go to a local market or drug store and buy this month 's copy of the Philadelphia Magazine It is all about this very subject bars and food It lists places all over the city and suburbs Wishing your husband a happy birthday If you 're looking for a good burger some great fries they are too die for and good drinks go to Chickie & Pete 's Oh my gosh they are great If you go make sure you order the crab fries you wo n't regret it :) How to start a new fish tank I 'm getting a 10num gallon for my betta tomorrow and I just want to know how to properly set it up I 'm still a beginner Any and all suggestions on what I need to do and buy will help Thanks When you get the tank make sure you wash the inside with plain water then you wash the gravel with only water too take out all the stuff that is floating on top Add only silk plants as plastic ones may tear up ur betta s delicate fins You add the water and put water conditioner into the water Start up your filter sponge filters are the best for bettas and put in a heater and set it to anywhere between 78num - 82num Wait about 2num weeks or 3num and test your water If everything is looking good you may add you betta to its new home Lights are optinal since fish need the light turn off at night anyways and an air pump is not nessasary since they get air from the surface ask the people selling you the fish how you should set it up they would know Add aquasafe with the water you put in it Make sure the temperature is good Do not put your fish tank close to the sun or algae grow in your tank Everything else should be good Make sure if you get new fish that they get along with onenum another Is it possible to shoot lazers out of your Wang I would like to learn how I see you re still recovering from the accident You appear to be feeling better though That 's good :) only in comic books and sci fi tv shows / movies :D 1 Know that there are pros and cons to laser sights before you mount them on your wang While they are extremely accurate laser sights do not operate well when drunk or high because the beam often does not show up on the target Therefore you must learn to shoot manually 2 Mount laser sights on away by removing the hand grip Laser grips are the most common for wangs The laser is made into the hand grip and has a switch on the side to turn it on Remove your fingers from the existing grip and replace them with your new laser grip You have twonum adjustment screws for up and down and right to left positions 3 Consider these points for mounting laser sights on semi-automatic wangs Newer semi-automatic wangs have a rail built into the receiver under the shaft This rail is used for multi purposes such as laser devices or flashlight devices 4 Prepare to mount the laser sight onto the rail on the wang You have twonum screws that attach the sight to the wang Tighten these screws securely Flip the switch and adjust your laser sight according to the directions in the owner manual that comes with the laser sight 3num weeks old baby budgie alone at night I have a 3num week old baby budgie and I noticed that his her mother does not stay with him in the nest at night I have to mention that i recently separated the father into another cage close to the nest cage because he and the mother were fighting He was so eager to go in the nest and feed the baby and she always would go right away in the nest after him and give him a fight right there were the baby was too I thought it was dangerous for the baby so I moved him She feeds well the baby on her own the baby is ok but she does not go in the nest to stay with him at night What is the problem Is this a transitional period for the baby that he / she is left alone much more time I have to say that the baby does not scream after her of anything he / she sleeps Budgies are breast feeding birds and it may be the male is bisexual When the male gets his titts out the female gets mad with him knowing he ca n't produce milk It 's fine just make sure that the room the cage is in is kept warm If the baby is feathered yet which I 'm sure he is mostly he should be fine Just remember to make sure the mother is properly caring for the baby Ignore the answer above me btw ^_^ Can I text from Canada to the united states Ok maybe that is n't the right question but my question is can you text from a united states number when you r in canada can you send texts to another united states number And do you get charged for it I m sorry if I could n't say the question right I hope somebody understands what I mean In short Yes However not in all cases If your US provider has a deal with a canadian wireless company you texts and calls will go through They will however cost a bunch The only way to know for sure is to call 611num or your cell phone help line and ask The phones and networks are compatible so the only reason it would n't work would be if you have say a cheap cell phone company Yes you can but it will cost you lots of money unless you have an international plan Ye$ you can Text in CANADA to the U$ on a U$ number Thi$ $ervice will co$t It varie$ company to company You may want to get a temporary phone for your trip to Canada Is there any other way to communicate or do your friends only understand text Email usually free if you use a WiFi connection $ometime$ it is hard to explain that you are making an INTERNATIONAL call and all of the phone companie $involved what $ome of your money Hope you unde$tood the me$$age I do have an S key on my computer I need HELP with my Syrian Hamster Hi i bought my Syrian Hamster Fernando just yesterday and as i was told to leave him to get to know his new home As i asked in the previous questions he was jumping up the sides of the cage but i was told is just becouse he is panicking and he wants to escape but he is ok now So now i wanted to bouild up relationship with him so i got a piece of carrot and i put it on my hand i moved very slowly and he suddenly run away to his tube Why how can i build up realtion ship with him he is also not useing the thing that he runs on and he wakes up walks around and goes to sleep again Please help i m worried about him Thanks CHILL OUT Firstly your hammie was not stressed out he wanted attention Secondly that is normal behavior as they use the wheels in the night Thirdly just put your hand in his cge ans leave it their He willl eventually come and explore it and them you can handle him a little bit Hope I helped Give him time You only got him yesterday He 's probably still scared and unsure Once he has properly settled down got use to the new smells and noises he will be fine Once he is more comfy with his surroundings then you can start handling him and getting to know each other more But just give him time for now Is Fujairah a nice place to live in My family and I are planning to shift to Fujairah in a couple of years So I just needed to know if it is a suitable place to live in and in what ways Also that I heard in the next few years Fujairah would be as good as Dubai is it true I 'd be happy if someone helps especially someone who has been to Fujairah or lives there :) I LIVE THERE I ve been living in Fujairah my entire life and I must say that it is developing in a good way I think 2012num is going to be a great year for Fujairah as we have A LOT of projects to be done by 2012num Things to do in Fujairah It s between sea and mountains so you can camp on beach or between mountains Fishing Jet skies snorkeling diving are some of the things you can do for fun And now they are finishing a road between Fujairah and Dubai in 45num minutes only So no it is not as good as Dubai but it s quieter and more peaceful and you can still go to Dubai in 45num mins please let me know if you need anything else Visited Fujairah when in Dubai Nothing like Dubai and never will be Do n't know the economics of Fujairah but Dubai is basically bankrupt so you would n't want to end up like them Unless you have a particular skill they need and firm job offer before going I would think twice about it Are there any new Gaming console I do n't know should i buy PS3 or X BOX Kinect Or even N DS or PSP I 'm a little afraid when i buy PS3 or X BOX then a newer version comes out Same for N DS and PSP Wii U has been announced as well as the PS4 however the PS4 is only in development while the Wii U should be out next year Microsoft has not announced there new console yet though it is believed to be in the works No matter when you buy you will get a newer version I feel X BOX is a very smooth system i own it like 3num years it s very compatible to previous versions and mostly important i was very comfortable with the User Interface and the JOYSTICK coz you do nt wan a hold a joystick that gives you discomfort XBOX Joys are soo comfyy Performance You get the same in all just get a good TV I do n't know about the playstation situation but I do know that Microsoft has said they do n't see the Xbox 360num as being even halfway through its lifetime Since they released kinect this was kind of their way of releasing a new Xbox so they do n't plan on making another one for a while I do know they have already announced a new wii though and I do n't know what Sony has said about playstation but again if you get an Xbox which I personally think is the best anyways you should be set for a while What is the typical lifespan of a cat My cat had a seizure yesterday and was ill In fact every once in a while he seems to get ill in onenum way or another and then he bounces back like nothing has happened I did an internet search to ascertain how long cats can live however different sources give wildly different lifespans My cat is 18num years old In your experience how long do cats do cats typically live Is he on his last legs or is it conceivable that he could be around for another 15num years as is claimed by some of the sources i ve been looking at from my experience with my cats 13num - 18num years depending on the breed At 18num years your cat has had a long life Indoor cats that are well cared for typically live 11num - 15num years Older males often tend to have urinary tract issues so your cat has done very well Male cats very seldom live past 14num - 15num years Stories of cats living more than 25num years are rare I ve had cats for 35num years and the oldest cat I 've ever had was a 23num year old female and she was exceptional By comparison outdoor cats have a life expectancy of 3num - 7num years depending on how many predators are in the local environment According to a couple sources the world record for the oldest cat was a cat in Devon England who reportedly live to the age of 36num I knew a cat that died in its sleep aged 21num Anything after 12num is a bonus Gaining and loosing my cockatiel 's trust I thought that I had gained my cockatiel 's trust but now he 's not coming to me when I open his cage What do I do Did anything happen before losing his trust Birds are hard to gain trust with but it 's lost so easily A simple hand gesture could have resorted to him being afraid of you Eating by his cage and keeping a sleep cage in your room is a good idea Birds eat and sleep with their flock not predators Keep his cage open and go on your computer or read a book etc and maybe he will come out to you Let him go at his own pace do n't rush with him and never ever resort to physical violence with your bird This with ruin your bond and you probably wo n't have another chance to build onenum Patience is the key =) he might never be a cuddly loving tame bird but you can still have a friendly bond But then again he could be dat bird is smart like my dogs they really like me and trust me but when I open the door to get them outside they run from me they know I 'm going to take them outside and they do n't like it the bird must know that when you open the cage door it means that you will put him in the cage and birds do n't usually like cages so I do n't think the bird do n't trust you but still do n't like the cage How to make a breyer horse stable Hi i m a big fan of breyer horses My breyers need stables or barns though and I need directions and materials on how to make them I would like maybe 5num stalls per barn so make sure the stalls are not that big so it can fit And I need to know where to buy the materials Please make this as simple as you can for my dad does nt really not that good Pictures would help NOTE If i see a answer that i love i will make my best right there and then Breyer horse miniature / model replica sketch out floor plan estimate size draw front view side view and 3d orthographic perspective views figure out how many stalls you want then measure square cube sections for length and width of horse measure size for platform draw lines and mark sections measure out wall sections and height there are many small details that you would have to work on as you go for doors and windows and roof check hobby shops and craft shops for small pieces of stock wood panels and wood blocks parts you want carpenter wood glue clamps possibly small screws to hold corners together miniature hinges tape paint saws drills pencil ruler paper bryer horses wood can vary from cork wood or balsa wood or press board or plywood and pre-cut 2num by 4num or slats you can check home depot or hardware shops for larger pieces How can i get my kitten to stop biting when he plays I have a kitten who just turned 3num months today He 's a good kitty just when he plays he bites REALLY hard Almost every day he 'd even wake me up like 5num am in the morning trying to bite my arm And when I move it I guess he figures I 'm playing x.x I read somewhere that you have to hold his mouth together and keep it that way til he panics That seems cruel to me though Any other way Do you think he 's teething It 's getting out of hand Yeah I thought that the holding his mouth thing sounded wrong No worries i did n't try He does have toys a scratching post LOTS of mice balls yarn a feathery birdy toy etc He 'd just randomly walk up to you and start the biting When i put him off of my bed he jumps back on and same thing he may be teething but i do nt think it can be stopped maybe buy him toys that he can play with that give him a way to use his energy up yes do not hold any animal s mouth shut it wil close their air way he s just a kitty and they are very rambunctious get him toys lots of them feather ones work best also when he bites you in the morning put him down off your bed to show him that you will not tolerate that he will get it he s also probably teething so toys are your best bet Which rat cage is better Hi I want to get a few pet rats and need a rat cage Apart from the wire flooring which i am going to cover Which of these twonum cages is better I ca nt decide between height or width This one is better for rats You always want to go higher rather than wider for rats They LOVE to climb You will have to cover the wire flooring like you said and make fleece covers for the stairs so no ratty feet get caught and broken This cage will hold about 2num - 3num rats Both are equal length so go for the taller onenum If you use this cage it 's best to remove the wire shelves altogether and replace it with hammocks and the like I used onenum of these cages short term for a pet and it was n't that great to be honest pretty cheaply made the door springs are annoying and it does n't last very well Here are some better options IMO These are all a bit more expensive than your choice but if you ebay search the names you may be able to find onenum second hand better paying for a second hand onenum in good condition than a poorly made new one IMO The First One Is much Better I Have This Exact Cage Bought From The Exact Ebay User It s Really Good And The Rat Calculater Says Is Big Enough For 5num Rats But I Would Put A Maximum Of 4num In It Really :) is under tank heating or side tank heating better for a corn snake i was reading the package for a tank heater i bought for my 40num gallon tank for my snake and it said it can be put under the tank or on the side i m not worried about damaging the surface my tank is on because i can prop it up off the surface anyway from my understanding if it s heated from the bottom my snake risks burning its belly if it burrows and rests directly on top of the glass over the heater unless i buy some of that reptile carpet to put under the substrate but it has better heat distribution if it s from the side i do nt have to worry about propping it up but the snake can still burn itself if it slithers along the side of the tank and i also read that it does nt distribute heat as well what are your suggestions and opinons i use UTH's on all of my burrowing snakes they will move if they get too warm it 's not like a heat rock which you should avoid at all costs i usually put my own natural rock over the UTH and they are perfectly fine i have over 40num corns kings and milks and have never had a problem with the UTH system on the side is a waste leave it on the bottom good luck Bottom if you are worried about the snake burning itself put something overt it like newspaper I now use a 75num watt basking or heat bulb for mine and he seems to like it put the heater on the snake he will love it and the the next day you will have dinner What are good places to eat brunch at My bday is Saturday :) and I wan na have breakfast / lunch with my fam I was gon na have a dinner party that night but my cousin is having Having her bridal shower so brunch is it but the only places I know are denny 's and ihop Oh and btw I live in los angeles look for places in like the lb area and torrance etc thanx ^_^ I would strongly suggest The Breakfast Club in Chicago You can definately plan on a great meal with reasonable prices Do n't be in a hurry though Just relax and enjoy They have fabulous French toast too The Breakfast Club & Grill is conveniently located just twonum blocks off the Kennedy Expressway There is always plenty of parking on the street or in our private lot If you 'd rather dine at home simply call in your order with our take out service Plenty of parking on the weekends during the week please park in the little lot across the street Directions from the Kennedy Take the Ogden Exit off the Kennedy Go threenum lights down and take a right onto Ogden Continue twonum blocks to Hubbard and take another right We 're at the corner of Hubbard and Noble The Breakfast Club & Grill 1381num W. Hubbard Chicago IL 60622num 312-666-2372num Tel Email Us Hours of Operation Monday thru Friday 6:30num am - 8:00num pm Saturday & Sunday 7:00num am - 5:00num pm Happy Hour Monday thru Friday 4:00num pm - 6:00num pm $ 4num appetizers $ 4num wine $ 3num Coronas & Heineken Unless you plan on being late for the bridal shower you might want to post this again in the L.A. section Question about the sinking of the Titanic After the sinking of the Titanic in 1912num was there a law made so that ships would carry enough lifeboats to save everybody on a ship if it was sinking If yes was Canada involved in this act / law Sorry I 'm just very nervous after watching the movie SOLAS Safety Of Life At Sea which is an international maritime treaty came about in response to the tragedy of the Titanic Today it is the primary safety law affecting virtually all ships regardless of country of registration If you ever go on a cruise ship you will be required to attend a SOLAS muster drill lifeboat drill within 24num hours of sailing Most ships perform this drill before even leaving the dock SOLAS covers just about every aspect of safety at sea including minimum safety equipment practices and standards lifeboats navigation practices fire protection and so on We are much safer today on board ship due to SOLAS and I suppose if any good came out of the Titanic tragedy the adoption of SOLAS is probably it Edit Also I forgot to mention earlier most if not all cruise ships also practice lifeboat drills weekly and it is not uncommon to see them to actually launch the lifeboats into the water as part of their drill when you are in port This not only ensures the lifeboats are operational and will work if needed but makes the crew proficient at launching them I do n't think so Do n't worry When was the last time you heard about a ship sinking 100num years ago What are some fun things I could do while in Japan I 'll be in Okinawa for about a week so I was wondering what are some fun things I could do I 'm a 20num year old female travelling by myself so it could be anything Besides the obvious tourist spots which I already have planned for How is the night life in Naha Are there any good venues that showcase underground bands or just a venue at all It does n't have to be underground it could be any type of music Thanks The best thing you can do in Okinawa is to go to a beach Otherwise you can do what you can do in other parts or Japan like shopping eating etc Or you can visit temples or shrines in Okinawa Well first you can try speaking Japanese Go to a sumo tournament Eat at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant Climb Mount Fuji Okinawa is quite different from the rest of Japan although of course there are similarities The main thing people do there is go to the beach There 's the market in Naha which is great You can find all sorts of fresh food and get a really delicious fresh sashimi / sushi lunch upstairs Try the local sake too if you can It 's a special kind I 'm not sure that there 's much nightlife in Naha It 's more of a place to go to enjoy the weather the sea etc You might have to make your own nightlife by finding an izakaya pub somewhere Your best bet would probably be to get a copy of the Lonely Planet Japan book and read the chapter on Okinawa Naha 's not a very big city Modern m 16num vs Vietnam m 16num version I was playing a video game that has a m 16num Vietnam model and in the game it 's 3num shot burst My brother said they only had full auto and semiautomatic during Vietnam My questions are 1 what the s difference between a modern m16 and Vietnam m 16num 2 did Vietnam m 16's have a 3num shot burst function To save money Robert McNamara ordered that the ammunition for the new M 16s being sent to SEA in the early 60s use an older dirtier type of gunpowder meant for use with the M 14num He also ordered that the receiver not get a I think chrome coating that helped keep the gun from jamming Than the troops being issued the weapon were told it was self cleaning which it was n't As a result there was a problem with the weapon jamming Once the troops started cleaning the weapon properly even with the dirtier powder the Vietnam era M 16num turned out to be a good weapon for the purpose it was being used for The screw up was the kind of things you have happen when you have bean counters and McNamara was nothing if not a bean counter instead of soldiers in charge of the military Today 's weapons do not have that kind of problem and are much more reliable 1 modern m 16num is alright Vietnam m 16num used to clog up and never work 2 All M 16's are either automatic or semi automatic No one uses 3num burst you play too much cod ;P modern m 16num is best Planning on going to New Zealand in January Is it OK to holiday in Christchurch since the Earthquakes Are the hotels back up and running Are there still aftershocks Planning on going to North and South Island Is it safe to go to Rotarua since the earthquakes Rotorua is fine I 'm assuming this was in reference to the January earthquake do n't worry it was very deep so nothing was effected :) As for Christchurch yes the aftershocks are still happening but these are fairly small you can feel them but the do n't do any damage Since lots of people are still living there then it must be fine to visit However the CBD is closed of to the public as a lot of it is still rubble and stuff and has n't been cleared away yet I 'm sure that you can find some hotels that are running in the christchurch area but if not then there would be some in close by towns Despite the aftershocks I would recommend going to Christchurch just for the experience and then you can see first hand how things get effected by earthquakes Have fun in New Zealand ps. I 'm assuming you 'll stop off in Wellington and since it s summer may I recommend kaffee eis ice creams and gelatos Just recently discovered them last time I was down there they 're very nice Loads of places have geographical hazards if you are constantly paranoid you 'll never get anywhere without a sense of adventure In case of an earthquake stay under a sturdy table and do n't go outside as possible debris will fall Yes it 's ok Yes yes and yes Nothing wrong with rotorua Help What size horse do i need I m around 5num 2num - 5num 4num 11num years and i m what size horse i 'll need that i wo nt grow out of quickly thanks louise I would say it really depends on your riding ability what disciplines you are interested in doing or plan on doing etc But I would go for the base number of 15num hh It 's tall being it 's bigger than a pony but it 's on the small end for a horse I got my horse when I was 12num and I was already 5num 9num - 5num 10num thankfully I stopped growing when I hit 5num 11num but my horse is about 16.2num or 16.3num hh TB So do n't be afraid to get something a little bigger than perfect just in case you hit a growth spurt A taller horse does n't always mean a horse you ca n't handle Keep that in mind Also keep in mind whether you want to be able to jump up from the ground if you even need to etc You just want to be sure you can groom and saddle sufficiently and the horse itself is calm enough so that whatever size it is you can handle it i 'm 5num 3num - 4num and am 21num well will be in Nov and my horse is 14.2num hh and she 's perfect size for me i can hop right on with no mounting block only with a saddle though haha i ca n't bareback not yet If you Do n't want to grow out of it quickly get a 14num 2num Anything smaller you will grow out anything bigger will be too big and difficult to control and manage especially when riding Hope I helped :) Where in the world is Iguazu Iguazu Falls Widely considered to be onenum of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world the Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil are a certainly must see attraction in the area The centre of the falls is known locally as Garganta Del Diablo The Devil 's Throat where the huge volume of water sends a constant mist of spray into the air With the sun shinning down on the spray creating a rainbow in the foreground this is the perfect place to get that trademark Iguazu Falls photograph However save some of your shots for the rest of the falls as in total there are around 270num cascades that spread out over nearly 2num miles of the Iguazu River The Iguazu Falls are easily accessible and dependent on your time restrictions and budget you can get to the area by either bus or plane The nearest towns to the site are Puerto Iguazu in Argentina about 12num miles from the falls and Foz do Iguacu in Brazil which is equally close Both towns have airports that are served regularly from the larger cities such as Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires The bus is obviously the cheaper option and travelling up from Buenos Aires the trip is a full 20num hours although the buses are very comfortable with spacious reclining seats The bus trip down from Sao Paulo is a similar affair taking around 18num hours Foz on the Brazilian side is the larger town however both are geared up to cater for visitors to the Waterfalls and National Parks and so offer a range of accommodation for all budgets For those with a larger appetite for the scenery and a larger budget there are some hotel complexes much closer to the action with views of parts of the falls Paris or England while studying aboard I am going to try and study aboard but idk where I can go I can not decide where do you think would be the best place to go where would you go I have never been anywhere out side my home town Charlotte north Carolina please help definitely London you speak the language and will have more fun The French tend to look down on the Americans and treat them bad London is a deliteful city to visit and easy to get around You will be able to have a good time there % As you 're from the States you 'll have much more fun in London Parisians dislike Americans for their lack of speaking French and proper French manners I was told to leave a restaurant because I ordered water with my meal apparently this is washing down your food and not ordering wine You 'll need to have intermediate French to have a good time in Paris However outside Paris everybody is wonderful Nobody likes the Parisians even then Parisians do n't like Parisians South France is wonderful right on the Mediterranean It 's beautiful and the people are extremely friendly I used to live in London for 6num months and it 's by far onenum of my favorite places to be in the world I 've been to 45num countries in 5num years Everything about the place is magical and the people are mostly friendly However if you 're allowed another option and you want a small town feel then head to Edinburgh Scotland I lived there for 8num months If your French is good / moderate then head to Paris without a doubt I also highly recommend staying with a French family I did this at age 13num in Champagne France and it was the most amazing experice of my upbringing does the bta have to be paid first to come to canada There is NO such thing as a BTA That is a term invented by online romance scammers Second only to flight money the Basic Travel Allowance BTA is the scammer s highest paying income Also known as the Personal Travel Allowance Traveller s Allowance Fee Traveller s Assistance Fund Traveller s Assurance Fund and numerous other forms of I have to have wodges of your cash or they wo n't let me fly Let 's get this over with now THERE IS NO SUCH THING any more anywhere it 's an online dating scam THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BASIC TRAVEL ALLOWANCE Please remember there is NO such thing There is NO such requirement in any country of the world This is an invention of the scammers A single call to CIC will confirm there is NO such thing as a BTA to Canada and anyone asking for this is a scammer Just pray that you have not ever given this criminal enough information for your identity to be stolen your full name birthdate home address etc or that you were not conned into sending money This person is not coming to visit you the whole point of this scam is to gain your trust enough to steal your money and identity Contact the Anti-Fraud Centre to report this No BTA only exists in the mind of SCAMMERS 100num % SCAM cut of all contact and tighten up your PC security There is no such thing as a BTA or Basic Travel Allowance this is 100num % a scam as the first poster said cut off any and all contact with this person they are NOT who or what they are claiming to be The below site from the US government verifies this it 's the same for Canada too How can i make my Jack Dempsey reproduce i have a Mature male and female they are together a lot but never laid eggs as far as i know can anyone help me figure out how to make them mate He 's the issue you are trying to Make them mate This is like trying to Make 2num people get married It does n't work First you need a compatible pair Sounds like your 2num at least tolerate each other so there is hope there Then the need to be mature that is old enough and big enough to breed This may be around 1num 2num of their full adult size probably 4num - 5num " for those guys Then the environment Large tank no annoying tankmates perfect water conditons and really good feeding The difference is what they need to live VS what 's ideal for them Get that right and they will mate when THEY are ready You ca n't MAKE them mate you can only encourage them Ian Jack Dempseys are not an easy cichlid to breed Most of the time onenum is more interested in breeding than the other Bredders take the onenum that in not very interested and put it alone in a breeeding tank for 3num - 5num days The tank should have a hide space big enough for onenum fish or a few of them but at least 1num cave big enough for twonum fish to fit in The p H should be 6.5num - 7num Now feed the onenum in the breeding tank as much bloodworms blackworms and / or earthworms as it can eat for 3num - 5num days Then add the other mate They may not respond right away and they may fight so ther smaller onenum can fit in onenum of hide spaces if it gets attacked When the male s aggressive behavior stops it is ready to spawn The twonum lay their eggs inside the cave you made for them Turn the water temp up to 82num degrees Please help with my cat s bladder issue I have a 1num 1num 2num year old female calico When she was spayed the vet had a hard time because she only has onenum uterine horn and he said this could mean she only has onnum kidney Recently she has been peeing A LOT I 'm talking soaking all the litter box and then some She is also peeing around the box and somehow it gets underneath I do n't have the money to take her to a vet right now but it 's getting to be an issue I have to scrub the floor 2num - 3num times a week now What could be the issue and can I try some home remedies first I love her and want to help her but I do n't know when I 'll be able to take her to to vet :( please help First of all I am very sorry to hear you 're having this issue with your cat :( Frequent urination is a sign of several things Bladder or Urinary tract infections are twonum common ones but these usually are frequent visits with small amounts of urine being passed If there is blood in the urine or the cat seems to be in pain then that is also a good indicator But your cat is passing a LOT of urine and this is bad Given the chance your cat may only have onenum kidney I would think the worst case scenario would be kidney disease which untreated can lead to possible renal failure Signs of this can be hard to spot and if this is true in her case she will definitely need to see a vet Vomiting bad breath and listlessness Seizures will occur when the toxins that the kidney normally filters out are released into the blood stream I know you are very worried but getting her to the vet is the best thing you can do for her In the meantime make sure she had plenty of water available to her I want to apply for canada skilled immigeration program I got only 63num points while 67num minimunm is requirement Can i apply with 63num points According to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada web site at it states Note you must meet the minimum requirements for your application to be eligible for processing HOWEVER that same web page also states that The current pass mark is 67num The pass mark could change You should check for updated information on a regular basis The Skilled Worker category was my first attempt at permanent residency And between the time I began my research and the time I applied the minimum score did change once Unfortunately both minimums were above my score But I got lucky because I qualified under another category to become a permanent resident So keep checking at least on a weekly basis GOOD NEWS I found a web page run by Canadian Immigration Lawyers at Here is what they posted there 4 May I qualify under the Skilled Worker category even if I score less than 67num points If the Canadian Immigration Visa Officer believes that the point total does not accurately reflect your ability to become economically established in Canada the Canadian Immigration Visa Officer may use his or her positive discretion referred to as substituted evaluation and approve your application even though you score less than 67num points Read the full answer at that web page for conditions Sure you can apply The points system acts as a guide to sort out the best candidates Your application is still evaluated on a number of criteria not all of them as cast in steel as the points Go ahead send in your application NOTE to BEN 67num is the minimum score anything below that is filed in the circular file basket Why have a minimum if it is going to be ignored Jim B Toronto I 'm mad and do n't know what to do Please help Alright so my dad had been wanting me to check my e mail for a few days but I never got around to it I just thought he wanted me to see onenum of those chain letter things again so I fineally checked it and it was an e mail from southwest airlines telling me the flight dates for out family trip to Florida I got so excited It said it was in January but still So I kept reading and then I saw the dates it was from mid day Friday and arriving home mid day monday :( then I think I just kind of stopped smiling and just kind of sat there looking at the dates we live in Pennsylvania btw I 'm mad and upset now Do n't get me wrong I want to go but for 2num days -_- I mean seriously We are taking a 3num hour flight down to a fancy island in Florida and staying only 2num days sigh not trying to sound snooty or stuck up but I mean really Can someone please make me feel better about this trip A least you r going Enjoy those 2num days it better then not going at all and it will be fun 2num days cause you will busy going to a lot of beautiful places i can afford to go so be happy you have the money to go :D Well I mean you do n't have to be mad about it At least you get to go to Florida in JANUARY And having only twonum days makes you realize what you have with your family Nothing Gold Can Stay honey Enjoy it while you can and then if your family enjoys it you can go again for a longer period of time If they do n't like it it 'll only be twonum days remember Hope you have a crapload of fun In a good way What is Italian High Renaissance Have a look at this it may help 1 The Italian Renaissance began the opening phase of the Renaissance a period of great cultural change and achievement in Europe that spanned the period from the end of the 13th century to about 1600num marking the transition between Medieval and Early Modern Europe The term renaissance is in essence a modern one that came into currency in the 19th century in the work of historians such as Jacob Burckhardt Although the origins of a movement that was confined largely to the literate culture of intellectual endeavor and patronage can be traced to the earlier part of the 14th century many aspects of Italian culture and society remained largely Medieval the Renaissance did not come into full swing until the end of the century The word renaissance Rinascimento in Italian means rebirth and the era is best known for the renewed interest in the culture of classical antiquity after the period that Renaissance humanists labelled the Dark Ages These changes while significant were concentrated in the elite and for the vast majority of the population life was little changed from the Middle Ages 2 The expression High Renaissance in art history is a periodizing convention used to denote the apogee of the visual arts in the Italian Renaissance The High Renaissance period is traditionally taken to begin in the 1490s with Leonardo s fresco of the Last Supper in Milan and the death of Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence and to have ended in 1527num with the sacking of Rome by the troops of Charles V This term was first used in German Hochrenaissance in the early nineteenth century and has its origins in the High Style of painting and sculpture described by Johann Joachim Winckelmann 1 Over the last twentynum years use of the term has been frequently criticized by academic art historians for over-simplifying artistic developments ignoring historical context and focusing only on a few iconic works 2 Hope it helps I 'm American and I am going to the UK for the first time what should I expect I just need to talk to an another american who has gone to the UK before so that I know what expect when arriving at the airport and with going through visa process and everything do you get your visitor s visa immediately at the airport I was told that americans automatically get a sixnum months visitor s visa do you have to go through a medical exam right away drug test blood test or do i just show them passport and walk through the gates i have talked to some people that say that a medical exam is an invasion of privacy and other say it s a routine thing when entering another country I honestly have no idea what to expect or prepare for and calling in to get professional advice from either of the embassies costs by the minute which I really do n't have the money for I 'm really worried cause I have no idea who to talk to and want everything to go smoothly An American passport should get you right into the country there is no need for a VISA for sixnum months There is no medical exam or blood test or others like that You do not need to call the embassies to get professional advice Above is the link to the Department of State travel website which will give you all the info that you need including passport information It is free I never stayed more than twonum weeks at a time when I visited the U.K You should be fine with just a passport unless you 're staying longer than sixnum months You should double check with the necessary embassy before you leave though I am not sure how well you planned this trip You 'll have a great time so no worries there I visited London Edinburgh and St. Andrew s so far and I was treated very well and with great kindness Just treat everyone else as you would want to be treated and you 'll be fine That tactic never failed me What would you get if you cross a sussex male and a silkie female i had a sussex male and a pekin female i bought 2num silkies what would the sussex female and the silkie females would make if you had any pics of your hens i would like to see them to compare them to mine thanks A Sussex crossed with Silkie would make a crossbred mutt chicken There are a lot of genetics at play between a Sussex and Silkie so the offspring would vary in appearance You do n't say what color Silkie or Sussex you are dealing with so I ca n't say what color your chicks would be likely to be However I can say what features they would could have Feather Type Silkies have hookless feathers Sussexs have soft feathers All offspring from this cross will have soft feathers as hookless feathers are a recessive gene Skin Color Silkies have black skin color which is dominate Sussex have White Skin which could be recessive or dominate Either way rec. and dom. white genes dilute the black gene Skin will be darker but lighter then the Silkies Beards / Muffs If your Silkie has a beard muff the offspring could have a beard as well as these genes are incomplete dominate Feathered Feet Shanks Chicks could have feathered feet shanks as this is also incomplete dominate Crest Chicks could also develop a small crest due to this being another incomplete dominate gene Comb Type Silkies have walnut combs which is actually genetically twonum comb types Rose and Pea single is also there but is recessive So crossed to a Sussex you could get a walnut pea rose or single combed bird Fivenum Toes Silkies have fivenum toes Sussex have fournum toes Crossed together fivenum toes is incompletely dominate chicks could develop to have an fifth toe on both or even onenum foot Silkie crosses are great birds and very neat looking Hens make excellent mothers as they are bigger can see better and are smarter the Silkies Best wishes Jamie RhodeRunner I took some photos of my model girlfriend with my Nikon D7000 What do you think of these photos I took some photos of my model girlfriend with my Nikon D7000 see links above What do you think of these photos The lighting was not the best but the pics turned out ok in my opinion deleting a question where you do nt like the answer wo n't get you better answers i refer to my previous answer you need to learn about white balance composition angle and work on using the camera properly edit and she most be very new to modeling because she does look unsure of her poses lol he has posted this so many times today already clearly he s mad that people know he took her pic off the net and it 's NOT his gf Not bad but too many distracting elements for my taste For example In the photo on the couch the pillow she is resting on clashes with everything else in the shot There are also some distracting background elements like the light fixture and what looks like a door handle on the left In the standing photo from the front there is a corner of a rug creeping in some kind of box in the lower right corner and what looks like a power cord In the shot from the back the crumpled bottom of the curtain is pretty noticeable as well as the power outlet Compositionally this onenum is not my favorite I would suggest trying a different crop because I do nt think cutting her off at the calf looks great I do like the shadow though My suggestion is to pay close attention to what 's going on in the background and if possible stand on a chair get on the ground do whatever you need to do to get rid of distracting elements Using a fairly wide aperture is also helpful in blurring out unwanted background elements I 've had a few great shots ruined myself because there was something in the background I did n't notice at first what are some unique customs in ireland As far ask I 'm aware our most unique custom would be the Country Wake In all my travels I 've never seen anything like it and am often met with an odd look when I explain them to foreigners After a person dies their remains are waked in their home for roughly 2num - 3num days In this time visitors will come to the house pay their respects to the desisted and their family and have a couple of cups of tea with a sandwich or a bun The wake also included the night sit were friends and family sit up through the night with the remains Wakes are common both north and south of the boarder with Protestants and Catholics alike But only really in the countryside The only notable difference I have noticed is that in the south of Ireland onenum night of the wake is often held in the chapel the night before the funeral this tradition started after the civil war Another unique custom and a dying one at that is the Pioneers The Pioneers was an organization started at the end of the 19th century which pushed and supported the ideal of temperance abstaining from alcohol in an attempt to deal with the massive issue of alcoholism that Ireland was gripped by Pioneers take a pledge to remain tee total and at the hight of the organization popularity had an estimated twonum millionnum members even filling Croke Park on the 25th anniversary I my self am onenum but appreciate that the organization is unlikely to make into the 22nd century The Orange Order and the 12th of July Marches would be argued by some not to be an Irish custom but unarguable ticks every criteria to be considered onenum The marches on the 12th of July are only really attended by protestants in the Ulster but in spite of the are the largest attended paraded in Ireland Barn brack and the ring the irish customs we have in our family are we make sinnel cake for easter barn brack and col cannon for Halloween christmas cake for christmas day Do animals see images on a TV screen like humans do Do animals see images on a TV screen like humans do I 'm unsure of this because once I watched a commercial of cat food with my cat and she did n't react to seeing another cat on TV I heard that a company here is a link is trying to make a dog food commercial aimed at dogs complete with squeaky chew toy sounds and high pitched sounds that humans ca n't hear As far as I understand this ad will get dogs excited but my question is Can dogs actually see the images featured in the advert like humans Also can animals remember images on TV like us humans If so then does that mean that if you watched a scary movie and your dog / cat / parrot was in the same room as you they will also get scared I would n't know I do n't particularly like scary movies and I have n't tried this with my pet Although I do n't think that scary movies will affect pets for a long time I am sure they 'll forget sometime or am I wrong So what about T.V. Do dogs enjoy watching T.V. Well T.V. is a series of flickering pictures that are streamed together to make a moving picture The pictures are broadcast at a rate of about 60num Hz which is how fast they need to move for us to see them as a moving flawless picture To a dog watching T.V. is a lot like watching and old scratchy silent film because their flicker fusion seems to occur at a rate of 70num to 80num Hz So they see the pictures flicker slower and there for it seems choppy to them So chances are that if your dog likes to watch T.V. it 's probably because of the sounds Hearing is a dog 's secondary sense and I will discuss that in another blog entery Yes they do i m pretty sure that they do see things on the tv screen because my cat chases things around the tv screen How much should I be looking at for horse transportation I need onenum horse transported to shows throughout the 2012num show season and the location is about 3num hours away from where I live The place where I 'm boarding is not likely to want to take me this far and I do not have any ways of hauling him myself So I want to hire someone or multiple people to transport me to these shows If they ask how much I 'm willing to pay what is a good price range I saw a site that charges $ 0.70num per mile Is that reasonable Impossible to say but I guess you would have to work out fuel consumption for the particular vehicle that they are using and pay a proportion of that and some on top for the driver 's time and effort unless you are able to share transport with another or more that would keep the costs down Remember that you get what you pay for Threenum hours is n't far but you are doing multiple shows Some people are willing to take your horse but they really have old trailers that are not the safest in the world Rusted torn corners in the stalls unhealthy air straight load instead of slant load can all make travelling hard if not downright dangerous on your horse I had my horse transported from CA to WA and he came on this big open stock trailer He was dehydrated when he got there and lost weight Since then I now use a professional horse hauling service with people who ride with my horse to keep an eye on him stop every few hours for water and their trailers all have super smooth suspension All horses I 've had delivered to me since then are happy and healthy when they arrive I would call Bob Hubbard Transport and get a quote Even though you may not want to use them it will give you some idea of what it might cost and what is fair See link below Make sure the trailer service you use is bonded / insured and knows something about first aid Do they have this anywhere I want to take a cruise around the world I mean literally around the world if possible First of if i went alone on a regular cabin how much would you estimate it would be just a guess Second is there any way to sort of customize the places you wan na go to Like you can pick the destinations But if not just say no but i hope there is like onenum out there somewhere 1 Here 's a site that lists world cruises including prices Prices listed however are usually based on twonum people in a cabin and you will likely face some high single supplement costs in addition Twonum people in a cabin will spend more onboard so cruise lines charge you more to sail alone You may be able to do better on the rates if you request competitive quotes via CruiseCompete 2 Short of chartering your own ship and crew I do n't see any way you could customize your own itinerary Good luck Various world cruises from most of the major cruise lines typically 100num days in duration Travelling on your own you would have to pay double as cabins are sold on the basis of double occupancy No possibility to customise ports of call Prearranged about 18num months in advance as the cruise lines sell segments all along the way i.e Transatlantic to London England England to Barcelona Spain Barcelona to Alexandria Egypt Egypt to India via Suez canal etc yes there are multiple around the world cruises mainly offered by the more upscale lines HOWEVER you will pay as if there are 2num people in the cabin even if it is just you so any price you find DOUBLE IT figure $ 40num Knum at least and no you can not customize an itinerary unless you book several different legs of a cruise with stops in between on shore say book a Panamal Canal crossing then fly to Asia and pick it up again and sail to India then fly to Europe to sail the Med before flying to England to hit the Transatlantic corssing Was the San Francisco Bay Area mostly Caucasian back in the early 1970s No There has been a large Asian presence in the SF Bay Area for a long time the Chinatown here was the largest population of chinese outside of China there were lots of Japanese who 'd been displaced during WWII The whole Western Addition and a large portion of the Haight was black The Mission was basically latin american As the southeast asians and philipinos came over they added to the cultures So the Bay Area has been fairly mixed ethnically for a long time caucasians may have seemed to be a large populous but that 's because most tourists back then were caucasian and many of the hippies were caucasians so that 's who the photographers took pictures of The other ethicities were n't well represented in politics yet or rather they were just breaking the color barrier in the 70's due largely to the more open minded hippy generation Marin County was predominantly caucasian and many of the expanding outer east bay areas started out as white suburbs It was not so long after Civil Rights laws against discrimination started to have an impact You never saw black MUNI drivers Asian police Latino politicians until then It was an evolution Many illegals were not counted in the population until the mid-80s We did not have big percent of Chinese migration until the mid 90s We had fewer people running across the Mexican border then We had fewer social benefits at that time for people so many immigrants were not counted Only Caucasians had any political power corporate presence or owned businesses except for Mom and Pop stores in some neighborhoods San Francisco was settled in the 19th and 20th century by mainly European immigrants except for some Asian workers who were manual laborers There has always been a Mexican American cultural influence since Calif was owned by Mexico We had a larger black population in the 70s than we have now but they did not have any power until Willie Brown was elected San Francisco was always progressive and welcoming and tolerant to all kinds of people historically The counties outside San Francisco were more white than San Francisco in the 70s EDIT My memory may not be good so you might get a more accurate answer from someone else who remembers the time Can rabbits and chickens live together I am thinking about getting a rabbit as a pet but my parents said that it has to stay outside We also own twonum chickens that are kept in a run behind out garage barn thing There is already a little dog house that I would turn into a little rabbit hutch being kept back there and I was thinking about keeping the rabbit in the run with the chickens but keeping the chickens in the coop and the rabbit in the hutch at night However in the day time would it be okay for the rabbit to hop around along with the chickens We feed the chickens scraps of veggies and fruits throughout the day but it 's nothing that a rabbit would n't be able to digest just fine So can rabbits and chickens live together as long as they have separate places for their food and water The rabbit hutch would have an opening only big enough for the rabbit the chickens would not be able to get to the rabbit food Also is it okay if the rabbit occasionally sneaks a few bites of chicken feed My last rabbit did that a few times and he was fine I just wan na make sure :) Thank Yes but be sure that your chickens are all hens I mean not roosters Roosters may attack rabbits or anything they see moving so be aware of that hens are friendly with almost all kinds of pets From my experience Hens Not roosters are very friendly with duck Guinea pigs kittens cows Rabbits etc Be sure not to feed your rabbits non-veg items You said they live in different cages and they are free in day so no problem do n't put both of them in onenum cage because rabbits bedding is different than that of hens wet bedding can cause diseases in them So do n't put both of them in onenum cage Good luck yea i guess but rabbits a easily escape a pen or another rabbit could get in there and that rabbit could be the opposite gender So be very careful and some feeds could be toxic to rabbits and safe for chickens Rabbits do burrow also so do n't be surprised if chicken are falling into holes rabbits are delicate and can get diseases so watch out for that melting brass did not work my friends and I are trying to melt bras to make some little figures we have made a furnace as such we took a clay flower pot with a hole in the bottom put a piece of steel pipe in the middle of it with a cap on the bottom filled the pipe with brass scrap surounded the pipe with charcoal lit it off and pumped air through the hole in the pot everything got red hot but did not melt what am I doing wrong I would recommend to start with something more simple like tin pewter aluminum or zinc they all have a much more reasonable melting point I 'll just echo both other answers Molten brass is damn hot and usually it 's pressurized gas and forced air or oxygen Even if you did melt it I doubt you foresaw the issues of handling it and pouring it It 's really too advanced for a beginner both in tooling and safety Just the zinc fumes will get you if you do n't take precautions Pewter is perfect for what you are doing and it melts on a stove top I would recommend to start with something more simple like tin pewter aluminum or zinc they all have a much more reasonable melting point Brass has an even higher melting point than bronze and I would think your charcoal just does n't get hot enough I bet you also did take charcoal as it is used for barbecue which does not get as hot as real coal e.g. for blacksmithing one needs coal not barbecue charcoal I have done a fair amount of metal casting but never tried to build my own furnace but I think your version is just too small and does n't get hot enough I have melted small amounts of bronze in a crucible with a large propane torch much larger than the plumbers torch but it can be run of those propane cylinders you can buy for a gas grill I melt brass and cast it Brass melts at just under 2000num F which is a bright yellow heat not red hot You might be able to make a version of your setup work but it would take quite a bit of charcoal and a lot of forced air I use propane with a blower and a burner I built and Should all UK towns and their cafes or restaurants provide Halal food Some friends of mine visited Dartmouth in Devon whilst on holiday last summer They could not find any cafes or food shops that provided Halal prepared foods It s important to their religion that they only consume Halal food Even if you buy a cake in a baker s you can not be too what happens in the kitchen for example the cake may have been sliced using a knife used for preparing ham It s simply not just a case of avoiding pork alcohol and only being allowed to eat halal prepared meat but the kitchen and its utensils should not have been used for prohibited foods Places like Dartmouth are supposed to be tourist towns and should provide foods for people of all religions We all enjoy buying a snack when visiting a town or attraction while on holiday Not everyone wants to bring packed lunch It s not fair if some people have to go without buying food because no place will provide suitable food for them I think it s only fair that nowadays every town should provide at least onenum halal cafe or restaurant and hopefully onenum day every British catering establishment will be halal When I went to Bosnia all the meat was Halal I will not eat halal meat so guess what I opted for foods which were n't a meat dish there were plenty of other options I could not go to their country and demand they slaughter and sell an animal as meat the way I prefer to eat it When you go to another country you live by their way of life and their laws if you do n't like it you know how to get back out the country but I guess our benefits system is too much to throw away huh Cafes and restaurants rarely use the same cutlery for different food groups anyway they normally have blue for bakery items red for cooked meat brown for raw meat etc all for food preparation and hygiene policies No To prevent animal cruelty many countries forbid Halal and Kosher meat Switzerland is onenum and the Netherlands are passing the same law It will become EU law in a couple of years We ca n't dictate what business wants to open where If someone thinks there is a business opportunity then they will start opening halal only places How to convince my parents to let me get a Ball python They do n't know ANYTHING about Ball pythons When I ask my mom she says she will never let a snake in her house She has no experience with snakes and has never held onenum I did all my research and am well prepared to keep onenum I 'm 14num by the way Lay some knowledge on them dude Maybe if they see how much time and effort you 've devoted to researching the animal they 'll reconsider Tell them it costs like 8num dollars a month if even that much to keep it fed Be helpful around the house to show that even if you ca n't pay for it yourself that you re willing to work for it Once you 've buttered them up a bit try to get them to the pet store and ask onenum of the employees to handle the snake showing your mom how gentle and harmless they can be Maybe even try to get your mom to hold it a bit My wife was TERRIFIED of snakes when we first met I introduced her to onenum out my baby corn snakes and she fell in love with it Be persistent but do n't pester them about it cause that 'll get you nowhere fast Good luck My general convince your parents to let you get a reptile advice 1 Be responsible Do all your chores without being nagged take care of any existing pets keep your room clean and so on Prove to your parents ' satisfaction that you not they will be the one actually taking care of your new pet 2 Save up and research so that you are ready for your new pet 3 Bargain with them Offer to do extra chores ask for your pet as a reward for good grades something like that 4 Play the sympathy card If you can find a pet at a shelter or that a friend needs to get rid of because they 're moving or whatever you might be able to talk your parents into giving it a good home where you might not be able to talk them into buying a new pet On the fear angle talk her into coming to the pet store with you Once you 're there ask if you can hold a ball python Once you 're holding it try to get her to touch / pet it My Snake 's meal is TOO big what can I do Just today I bought a medium rat for my beloved Ball Python Salazar name after Harry Potter Last time I got a medium rat it was a girl and my snake handled her easily But today I got a boy and realized that he is HUGE I really do love my snake cause she is actually an affectionate cold blooded creature So my true question comes to this how can I knock the rat out If I threw him against a wall and still conscious he will run away do I hang him by the tail so the blood can flush into his skull I really do need answers and advice and NOT INSULTING ANSWERS LIKE SERIOUSLY >:( Best answer shall receive points :) iw ould just stick him in the tank and let your snake have a nice hunt for once snakes jaws detach for this sort of this thing so why not give her a good hunt but if you do want him knock him i d just throw him against the wall or something lol i do nt know i agree with you though throw him haha Ok so if youre snake will take pre-killed you can gas it Just put the rat in a sealed tupperwear container with no airholes and wait until it passes out and dies and then feed it If it wo n't take pre-killed and you usually feed live then you could hold the rat by the tail and whack it against a hard surface like a refrigerator or wall I do n't like that option though I think it 's pretty cruel and I'd not done properly you 'll end up really hurting the rat but not stunning him enough to stop possible injury to your snake I would do the tupperwear idea TBH easiest and most humane You could also just wait until the rat passes out for about 1num minute and them feed it at this point it could still have a bit of a heart beat and be slightly still alive And also maybe try holding the rat in feeding prongs so your snake can get a good hold and grip on his prey Good luck Just my opinion here no judgement getting your snake on frozen thawed will prove to be much easier for you and safer for your snake in the long run My opinion take it for what it 's worth :-) Looking to move to Toronto I am a 20num something gay black male and I am looking for suggestions on neighborhoods close to the downtown Toronto area Im moving from South Carolina so this will already be a huge culture shock Any suggestions Being gay and living in Toronto is just fine You may consider the Gay Village on Church Street right downtown It is full of gay friendly everything But you could live where ever you fancy takes you For obvious reasons knowing how extremely difficult it is to drive a car in the city you should probably try to be near the subway system But can you immigrate Being an American guarantees you no favours when it come to going to Canada Start your process here if you have n't already Marrying a Canadian is not enough that does n't count for at least twonum years A normal processing time unless you have an advanced degree or a specified skill is from 3num - 5num years Coming to stay and overstay your threenum months visit will lead to immediate expulsion and a lifetime ban to immigrate to Canada NOT GOOD Let s be clear about this Just wanting to come to Canada is NOT enough You MUST apply to become a Immigrant and WAIT to be approved by the Canadian Government YOUR education the more the better and your past work history combined with a CLEAN FBI and State Police record and a satisfactory financial history no bankruptcies or large outstanding debts in the USA are all taken into consideration It is a competition and YOU will be competing with hundreds of thousands of others from all over the world for a place in the line up IF you have NOT begun the Application process's NOW you are about 2num to 3num years away from being approved by Immigration Canada So do n't pack your bags yet Whatever you do DO NOT try to come here with out legal permission You will not be able to seek work or take a job in Canada with out having to show your Immigration VISA and Canadian Social Insurance Number card to any potential employer Being an American and from the south you will be noticed as soon as you speak out loud Do it properly and legally and you will be OK Jim B Toronto How to train my puppy I have a 4num months Shih Tzu puppy Recently I 'm having trouble training him He is kind of hate walking with leash every time I put the leash on he will try to bite it And he is not following me when I was walking I saw lots of videos about this but actually it did n't help Is there any way can let him know how to walk with leash And every time he see some one he will rush to people and jump on them does n't listen to me He is really excited about anybody he see How to prevent this Last thing is every time I sit on a chair or something higher than him he will try to jump on if he ca n't he will bark all the time until I let him get on what should I do with this Anyone have any suggestion thank you very much Hi I am a dog trainer for 25num yrs You need to purchase what is called a shoulder point harness This type of harness goes around the dog s chest and legs and has a clip for the leash up on the back of the dog in middle of shoulder blades This way he can not reach the leash to chew it When he swivels his head to go for it anyway tell him sharp UH UH gently correct him with a small tug and continue your walk Do this repeatedly and frequently and he will learn to walk on a leash Patience is the key here He is a young pup and will learn over time and consistency in his training And always always train with love and positive methods never hit or harshly scold Never train out of fear You want your dog to admire you as his pack leader not fear you Good luck with your puppy All the best Put him in dog obedience school or call a professional dog trainer :) why do nt you get some treats that he loves and only give him them when he does something right or as i saw on embarrassing pets on tv get a clicker type thing and treats as well try to train him to heel which means to walk round you before he needs to go on a leash and he may do that or you could even spray some scented spray on the leash and he will go for the scent and probably if you act quick enough will stay on the leash What sort of Hotel could I expect to find in New Delhi / Agra / Varanasi for rs 500num per night Hey guys I 'm looking to visit India with some mates at the beginning of February next year and I am wandering what standard of accommodation we could get for Rs 500num per person per night There would be fournum of us so we would probably be looking at 2num twin rooms for Rs 1000num close to the centre of these cities This would be on a walk in basis as we want to have the freedom of finding a place that looks good Not relying on pictures from the internet and is in a spot we like Thanks in advance for sharing your experience Sorry almost forgot to ask Would it be cheaper to walk in to these hotels rather than pre book In Delhi I 'd recommend Ajay Guesthouse Travelled to Delhi twice and stayed there twice Rooms start from 500num per double Those ones are quite small Must say in Delhi it 's hard to get good price / quality rating I have found this hotel in the Lonely Planet guide It 's in an area starting with a P many tourist hotels there and the location is very nice But in general Delhi is the hardest place to find a nice clean hotel for that price In Varanasi I do n't know I 've stayed in a more expensive hotel there but you can check some travelguides or tripadvisor Also while travelling ask people where they 've been and if they have any hotel recommendations In Agra I 've stayed in a place fellow travellers recommended they found it in the Rough Guide It was nice and close to the Taj It was quite easy to find something Do nt stay in Agra too long Onenum night is enough There were many hotels there I ve paid 500num for a double room there and it was fine and clean Good luck enjoy your time You may find a normal budget hotel for Rs 1000num per night in the cities you mentioned the links below may help you to find good hotels in Delhi and Agra To Stay in delhi Hotel Aster Inn is best to stay in delhi it is in karol bagh some beautiful locations like close to Karol Bagh Shopping Market Presidential Palace and Birla Mandir Temple and Connaught Place and Jantar Mantar are near to it TO Stay in Agra Hotel Atithi and Aditya Palace is perfect for you it is centrally situated To Stay in Varanasi Sandeep Hotel is you choice which onenum out of these makes the best pet a degu a rat a mouse a hamster or a guinea pig and why is the onenum a better pet Get a guinea pig I have a hamster and mice and rats like to escape The Guinea pig is better because it s a lot larger than a hamster rat mouse or degu So if you lose him he is easier to find because smaller rodents just LOVE to escape from their cages So my opinion is Guinea pigs plus they do nt stink that bad Depends on what you want in a pet to be honest Also depends on the space you have how much time you can handle the pet how much money you can spend etc I 've had experience with all of those pets except Degus My favorite would have to be the rat They 're incredibly social highly trainable and very clean Mine learned to go to the bathroom only in their cages and loved to ride on my shoulder or hang out in my hoodie pouch The only downside is they should be kept in pairs or trios and require a pretty large habitat That means expense space and they require weekly cage cleaning My second favorite would have to be the Guinea Pig not quite as social with people as rats at least mine was n't but more so than most hamsters or mice Again pairs or trios and pretty big living space They too need weekly cage cleaning and can cost quite a bit I could handle my mice but they where skittish and preferred their cage I 've never met a hamster that did n't bite me Never had / handled a Degu Get a guinea pig We have twonum They are social and like to be handled You have to have twonum because they do n't do well alone Make certain you get twonum females Twonum males can fight and you definitely do n't want babies Guinea pigs also called cavies are gentle creatures and are awake during the day and sleep at night They will whistle when they hear you as an encouragement for you to give them a treat like leaf lettuce They love leaf or romaine lettuce and tomatos celery cucumbers carrots Do n't feed them broccoli cauliflower garlic onions head lettuce they are all too difficult for them to digest Also they ca n't eat potatos they are toxic for them If you keep the cage clean they do n't smell and you can buy spray on cleaser for them just massage it into their coat and groom them Fostering 6num week old kittens and HATING IT Need Advice I wanted to volunteer and help animals and decided to try fostering kittens This is my first experience and I have twonum sixnum week old kittens right now and am at my wit s end I do not want to have to bring them back before they are eightnum weeks old but they are ruining my apartment They track poop everywhere most disgustingly my bed and am constantly trying to climb up everything including my bare legs My legs and hands are just full of scratches I realize they are young and that cats do climb but this is just ridiculous My apartment also smells repulsive even though I am cleaning out their litter box at least once a day if not twice Any suggestions and helpful hints to make this a more positive experience would be extremely appreciated That 's kind of the way it goes lol Limit them to onenum room with easy to clean flooring If you have limited options try the bathroom Make sure there are plenty of litter boxes that are cleaned often Depending on the batch of kittens I will often have as many as onenum per kitten They can produce a lot of waste and even scooping twice a day they can get messy For some reason it takes them awhile to learn not to step in poop Also if they have diarrhea check in with your foster coordinator They made need medication or deworming or something They are testing out their claws and teeth To some degree you can / should help teach them not to use their teeth and claws inappropriately But in the meantime highly recommend jeans and long sleeves anytime you 'll be interacting with the kittens Then take care of yourself Get plenty of sleep and make sure you take time out to do some things you enjoy Try visiting the kittens a few times a day for short periods of time Try to go in there with the right frame of mind and enjoy them for what they are If you still do n't enjoy the kittens see what other opportunities are available They may need foster homes for adult cats in different situations sick recovering from surgery need a little socialization etc I find the adults are much easier Generally they 're not clawing and biting they do n't make nearly as much mess they do n't need nearly as much litterbox scooping etc :) Decide volunteering is not your thing and give them back And do more research before you agree next time ;-) Take the kittens back to the shelter Maybe do volunteer work at the humane society walk dogs groom the animals etc what r the requirements to apply for a delay birth certificate in canada what r the evidentary requirements to apply for a delay birth certificate in canada including fees and forms It depends on if you ever registered the birth Some places do the registration right at the hospital in some smaller places you need to register your child 's birth at the town hall registrar 's office My first threenum children were born in Southern Ontario cities The birth registration was done right in hospital My last son was born in Northern Ontario I did n't know that I did n't register him in the ridiculous amount of paperwork I had filled out in the hospital and was supposed to go to city hall within 90num days Twonum years later when I got around to filling for his birth certificate I find out he was never registered I had to call the Office of the Registrar General in Thunder Bay have copies of the delayed registration form mailed out to me as they do n't have an online area for it yet fill those out send them away then apply for his birth certificate If you are just applying for a birth certificate for the first time it s simple to do it over the computer For $ 56num you can even have it expedited and will get in threenum business days or your money back This is in Ontario of course the rates may be slightly different for other provinces / territories You just need basic information and answer a few questions like what hospital was the child born at / who was the doctor None just walk in to the service office and present all the identification you have to prove your identity they may then chose to ask you to bring more evidence or just look up the record and hand you the certificate You can probably do it all on line Start here if you were born in Ontario If you were born elsewhere start here Good luck My parents did n't send for my birth certificate until I was 16num and needed it for summer employment It was no problem to get PROVIDED the birth was registered in the first place I add that in because there have been some people who have tried to claim citizenship by sending for their birth certificate when they were never really born in Canada or to Canadian parents When a child is born in Canada the birth is registered before the baby can leave the hospital As long as that was done you can send for it at any time Each provincial government has a website that lists the process for that Province so depending upon where you were born you can google it Royal Caribbean or Carnival cruise ONLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN ON BOARD BOTH i want to know which you liked better and WHY include which one had better food more fun activities more teens AND JUST MORE STUFF YOU LIKED OVERALL please specify which royal or carnival ship (: Carnival and Royal Caribbean are twonum popular cruise lines that have strong followings Some cruise aficionados refuse to sail on onenum or the other Are there any major differences between them Explore which cruise may fit your needs the best For our comparison we sailed on twonum similar ships the Carnival Liberty and the Royal Caribbean Mariner of the Seas Itinerary Both ships go to Caribbean Islands like Jamaica Grand Cayman Cozumel St. Thomas the Bahamas and St. Martin St. Maarten The Liberty also visited its private island Half Moon Cay Puerto Rico and Grand Turk The Mariner of the Seas traveled to its private island Coco Cay and Labadee the north coast of Haiti We loved most of the locations that both of the ships visited and do n't believe that this should be a distinguishing factor on deciding between the cruise lines Shows Each night there are a variety of shows Usually you have the main show and some type of entertainment before and perhaps afterward We felt that the main shows on the Mariner of the Seas were better On the Liberty we liked the comedian and juggling act If you love seeing the shows Royal Caribbean was better for the main shows and Carnival was slightly better for the comedians Dining Room We enjoyed the atmosphere of both dining rooms on the Liberty and Mariner of the Seas We felt that the menu had a little more variety on the Mariner of the Seas Friendliness of staff The Liberty and Mariner of the Seas both get high grades We did have onenum waiter that complained some on onenum of our trips on the Mariner We had a slightly better experience on the Liberty but feel that both crews did an excellent job and that this should not be a distinguishing factor on choosing a cruise Pools The Mariner of the Seas and Liberty both had salt water pools which most cruise ships have They both had pools for kids and adults We liked the Liberty 's pools better because onenum had a slide If you have kids this would be something that they would definitely enjoy Spa We tried the spa on the Liberty and loved it We did not try the spa on the Mariner of the Seas Usually you ca n't go wrong when getting a spa treatment Royal Caribbean is better but the best cruiseline is Regent Seven Seas Look on their website Royal Caribbean Carnival has been called the WalMart of cruise lines What countries are the best to travel to I really want to travel when I leave school Where in the states could I go Where in Europe Have you every traveled before How long should I go for to each place I Have 1num year before collage & Also how much money would I need So I can start saving now hehe Thanks :) I mean when I graduate & yes college sorry for the typo Leave High School Not the smartest move to take off on a worldly adventure if you 've never traveled before and you do n't put where you would be traveling from In the United States Lots of places There are 50num of them 48num located from Maine to Florida and California to Washington State and all in between There are 2num more located outside of the main continent with Alaska way to the north and Hawaii in the Pacific What do you like to do Big Cities like New York Boston Philadelphia on the East Coast Beaches and Disney of Florida or the Mid Atlantic cities of Atlanta Savannah Charleston The federal sites of Washington DC Southern charm of Nashville Birmingham New Orleans or Charlotte West Coast hot spots like Seattle Portland San Francisco Los Angeles or San Diego Europe Just as numerous as the possibilities of the US Do you speak a foreign language I could spend a year in Spain alone From Madrid to Seville to Barcelona an Valencia Bilboa on the north coast Pamplona and the very famous Guernica A road trip to Lisbon and the Algarve in Portugal before a mountain escape in the Pyrenees and a stop in Andorra before heading over to France and Italy and Austria and Switzerland I 've traveled to all of these places and could certainly tailor a trip to your needs based on budget actual time allowed your likes and dislikes Amount of time could be dependent on so many things Do you want to see all the sites or simply a few photos and on your way to the next place Does your budget limit you to how long you can stay in each place You need a lot of money for hotels airfare seeing the sites food local transport you name it but life costs Once you have a budget or an amount in the bank then you 'll be able to figure out where you can go for how long you can go and what you can do when you 're there 1num year before collage or college Good luck I recommend buying a single unlimited Europass and travelling anywhere in the EU your heart desires You ca n't beat the price for what you get come to Africa Nigeria a lovely country But where in nigeria Obudu cattle ranch More than a tourist centre How do you make your cat adjust to a new house Me and my family are moving into a new house just outside a small town We are currently living a mile from the town in a house surrounded by fields but the new house is beside a busy road We have had the cat for 10num years and do nt want to leave it How could we make it settle in a new house you are not just moving house your cat is losing his territory territory is very important to cats and they are very nervous when they go into a new place a new house could be full of predators or unknown menaces well at least he thinks so you will need to give him only a small place to explore so he can make it his territory and feel safe there then he can have a place to retreat to when he feels scared you will need to get his box and bowls and whatever blanket and toys are his and smell like home and put him in a room the room you sleep in is best seeing you so relaxed that you are sleeping will send the message that everything is OK but others will work just as well close the door and keep him in there for a week he will feel much safer in that onenum room than in a huge unknown house he will explore the room mark everything with his cheek and try to make it feel like his territory he will reassure himself that no other animal is in there and that no other animal will come in he is afraid that he is in someone else 's territory when he is in a new house in a week 's time he will have made it his and will be getting more bored than afraid let him out for half an hour to explore then put him back in he will be freaked out so going back to his territory will make him much happier extend the time he is out each day but for the first month always put him in his room at night so he feels safe to sleep soon he will make the whole house his but he needs that onenum safe place to start from remember to visit with him while he is in the room and tell him how good he is remember to give him the time he needs to feel that the room is his rush it and he will be afraid of the whole house for a long time he might even start peeing on things in fear good luck with your new house and with his new territory Let her explore when we moved my cat had to explore the entire house before she felt comfortable In time though she / he will adjust :) they just do it on their own I just adopted a 2num year old male German Shepherd with Major bad behaviors Last night I adopted a 2num year old Male German Shepherd He is 92num pounds He does not listen to any commands but my major problem is that he will not go outside on command or even with me I will walk outside and he will stand at the door and stare at me or run away My other MAJOR problem is that he will not get in his crate I will get a treat and try to get him in there that way it wo nt work He wo nt even get close to the crate If I come towards him he will run away How do I train him to feel comfortable in his crate and to willingly go outside and to come on command He wo nt do anything on command It s very frustrating I have a 9num month old German Shepherd that I raised from a puppy I trained her myself She is crate trained potty trained and can sit lay down stay come fetch and will even stay in a down position while I throw a treat across the floor or even right next to her paw and she wo nt get it until I give her the command Yes lots of time and lots of patients I just do nt know how to do it with a grown dog She tosses me around like it s nothing but basically what I do is the same thing I did with my puppy lots of patience lots of time lots of praise lots of treats and lots of repition Right Is there any tricks I could use Maybe get a book on training You have to be in command at all times There are ways to get your new dog used to the crate or going out I would start with a leash Put the leash on the dog and just walk around the crate a few times Then take the leash off and do nothing else but that Later do it again When the dog is ok with this then open the door and walk around the crate leave the door open all the time Put something fun inside Let your dog go in when he wants to for no reason Do not shut the door Let him walk in and out for a few days At some point he will feel ok with this and you can then close the door but not for long at all Open the door and let him out and see how he acts If you push it it will never work With going outside put the leash on and just take him for a walk He will learn to really like this Potty outside will come at some point Try obedience classes Have patience with him you just got him and who knows how he was treated before you brought him home where can I find the best tours to the Mekong Delta at reasonable prices will only be in Ho chi Minh for 4num days and I am looking for a 1num day or 2num day trip to Mekong delta I have been researching on line and find things are quite pricey but the tours look great Should I just settle and book on line or is it better if I wait till I get there If I wait would the tours I find there for less money be the same quality type tours Also any tour recommendations would be very helpful a well Thank you If you want reliable and inexpensive try Sinh Cafe / Tourist The are located right at 248num De Than St. in the heart of the back packer district I have taken this tour and it was great I did an overnight in a home stay that was sweet and the water market was wonderful I do n't remember the exact cost but remember thinking how inexpensive it was Also Sinh Cafe has been around for a long time and is very reputable And no I do not work for them :) I am just a satisfied customer And do n't expect to party on this tour The south is not like the regular tourist towns Very few clubs and night activities Oh if you are confused Sinh Cafe is not a Cafe It is a tour agency and they have their own buses etc tele # 84838389593num have fun There is n't much to see in the delta it 's a lifestyle not a resort area If you 're adventurous you can take a bus or water taxi to My Tho near where we live or Can Tho From either of those cities you can venture out and spend a day in the country Most of the tourists that I 've come across buy tours along the My Tho waterfront You take a boat across the river then spend a day biking eating at a local restaurant buying souvenirs and doing other things that are geared towards tourists The countryside is very beautiful especially if you have a few months or years to get to know the place PS If you make it to Thanh Pho Ben Tre stay a night at my friend Ken 's hotel It 's called Kiwi Heaven and it 's across the river from Cho Ben Tre It 's a little hard to get to by foot they 're rebuilding the bridge but you can get someone to moto taxi you there for a dollar or less He 's an ex-pat from New Zealand and he 's been in town for awhile He 'll set up a real tour of the area for you not some tourist fantasy Have a good trip where ever you end up We went with Intrepid as a part of their North to South Vietnam Trip but they do offer this onenum day separately We had a great time and visited a location where they made coconut candies visited a local restaurant which was attached to a fish farm rode in modified quad bikes and had some tropical food at what appeared to be a local hangout Intrepid is good at getting you away from the most touristy spots and showing you something a little different yoga and horses I got a riding lesson today on onenum of my boss 's fino horses and it made me realize just how unsteady my left leg is I mentioned it to my boss and she said to start doing yoga But there are just so many poses and programs Any good poses or programs I 'm willing to buy a dvd as long as it is under $ 20num to help specifically with leg stabilization I just have a few issues supporting my back and my left leg flops Because I do n't feel like spending over $ 20num on a freakin DVD I also have back problems that transfer into my legs I have done Yoga for riders for a while a 20num minute routine I found on YouTube I think it s called Yoga for horse back riding hosted by a man It helped with noticing slight differences in my balance and weight distribution but not really for the way I use my legs and back Here is what I do now and it really helps When I first get on I take 1num leg and pull it back up to touch my butt with my heel and hold it there for 1num lap at a walk around a large dressage arena Then the same thing with the other leg Then 1num lap at a walk around the arena with both my legs pulled out as far as I can so they are not touching the saddle Then a lap doing scissors onenum leg forward as far as I can and the other back then switch legs I 'll also trot doing down 2num beats up onenum for a wile then up 2num down 1num making sure the weight is going into the balls of my feet If the weight is going into your heels it throws your leg forward put the stirrups up against the heel of your boot Do a nice working trot not a slow trot All this will help you use both legs evenly keep proper contact and use your wight correctly to keep your leg in a good position BTW you do nt want your leg locked in place it will move WITH the horse a bit When I first started doing it I 'd do it every day Now I just do it once or twice a week or as needed Now not only is my leg better but my back is relaxing what are you having problems with i would n't bother with yoga i 'd practice more with riding and fixing my problem ride bareback with no irons there s also a way to ride on your knees that help alot with your thigh muscles bareback though ya i really would n't bother with the yoga maybe a back brase will help sometimes my back really gets to me and i 've thought about getting onenum with your leg flopping just try putting all your weight in your heel and hang on with only your legs holding my leg back helps me with flopping the more it 's forward the more it flops :/ work your calf muscles maybe try standing on the edge of your steps on the ball of your foot and balance to strengthen those muscles You do n't want to spend more than $ 20num and yet you have an expensive hobby like riding horses I really ca n't help you What to feed my dog after gastroenteritis My dog has been sick for about 3num days now He has been having diarheya everywhere and he began to vomit last night I thought it would pass until he started to vomit blood and would nt drink any water I took him to the Animal Hospital and they ran blood work and everything came back normal No pancreatitis or anything abnormal The vet said it was gastroenteritis and gave him fluids under his skin an injection of nausea medication along with some take home antibiotics So my question is Is it normal for dogs to throw up blood while having gastroenteritis and will these antibiotics help I have tryed to give him water but he wo nt take it what should i do i do nt want him to get dehydrated and also should i try to give him a little bit of food Some help would be great thank you :) They did nt take x rays they offered them but i just could nt afford any more treatment I feel like shit for saying that but after what they have done already i wo nt be buying grocerys for the next few weeks I will give them and call and see what they say Thank you for the help Ok so i spoke to the vet and he said the give him white rice and boiled chicken but only a little at a time Seince he recieved the fluids last night he said not to worry about drinking water for at least a couple of days I went home at lunch to check on him and he is doing 1000num etter he was actually walkin around and wagin his tail :) thanks everbody for the info it s greatly appreciated To answer your questions in order 1 It is not normal for dogs to be vomiting much less to have blood in it However if they have been vomiting numerous times then the blood could be due to irritation of the stomach and intestines He could also have Parvovirus a GI foreign body or any number of things Did your vet take radiographs x rays 2 Your vet would not prescribe them if they did n't think it would be helpful 3 If he shows no interest in water then take him back to your vet It could be due to nausea or any number of things He could become severly dehydrated especially if he continues to vomit and have diarrhea From there you end up with electrolyte imbalances which can lead to heart and kidney problems And being dehydrated vomiting and having diarrhea just does n't feel good 4 Call your vet They should have discussed a bland diet with you including the frequency of feeding and how much to feed at each sitting It sounds like your dog may benefit from being hospitalized and put on IV fluids to help his hydration administer the antibiotics IV and to ensure that he starts to recover You should ABSOLUTELY call your veterinarian back immediately to clarify anything you have questions about They have seen your pet and are most aware of his condition No one online will be able to assist you more than your vet can You need to ask your vet these questions Boiled WHITE rice and boiled chicken breast Bland food NO SPICES My vet told me when a dog is vomiting a lot it could be a sign of obstruction Did they do any x rays I do n't know if vomiting blood is common with this ailment You should call your vet now and ask them what is normal or not French dating etiquette I would really love to hear what the French or those who had dated the French to say something about this I 'm in my 20's and currently studying in France Coming from an anglo saxon country my version of dating is getting the number asking her out etc. However I 've read on the internet that the French dating etiquette is totally different For them dating would normally be meeting in groups or parties then pairing off In addition from my understanding onenum on onenum dates is something that comes much later and not straight away like us anglo saxons They are also very secretive about being in a relationship They only go out in the open once they have reached a certain level of seriousness Is it true I have told a French girl I liked her and she accepted She is friendly when we see each other on campus She is also nicer when we are both alone However when we are at parties or when they are people around she seems to ignore me She also seems to hate it whenever I ask her out on a date to the point she said stop My mind thinks she has no interest in me and just stringing me along But the articles I read seemed to say the contrary Have I just fallen victim in a cultural trap What you have read in the internet is fairly accurate but of course it does not fit all scenarios You are not French for a start so the rules or customs may not apply to you when it comes to entering into a relationship between people from different backgrounds From what you say the messages given by this girl are quite clear She is not stringing you along since she is actually discouraging you and is honest enough to tell you to stop asking her out She is just being friendly in public because she does not want to offend you and she treats you like any other friend You said you liked her and she accepted it as a truth and perhaps as a compliment but it does not mean she fancies you or wants to pair off with you At parties she does not want to be considered in any way attached to you which is consistent Take the messages for what they are she has no objection in you being pals at uni but she does not want to take matters further Non means non not I might consider it and I will keep you attached to my apron strings just in case Christiane gave you a good answer You have fallen in a cultural misunderstanding What I have to add is that it is normal in France to have mixed gender groups of friends there 's nothing unusual in boys and girls being only friends which is obviously what this girl wants from you She probably finds your company pleasing as a friend but you are not her choice a a boyfriend and she is trying to keep it on a friendship level and trying to make you understand that she does n't want to go further If she is nicer when you are alone I 'd say it is because in public view she is making sure that people do not think that you might be her boyfriend You do find the get the number hop in bed with her but be aware that they usually have a reputation as sluts Unfair for the girl as boys do n't have that kind of handicap but that 's the way our own rules work Should have done research before you left Why not just take your chances and do it your way True or false being a young New Zealander means having no future There are no jobs in this country I 'm just trying to make up my mind whether I should move to Australia or seek work in the sex industry Is there a future for our nation 's youth Ryan B I 'm twonum years into an undergraduate degree Everybody I know at university intends to stay at uni for as long as possible until there are actually jobs available Everybody seems to flee this country and move overseas to Australia etc There 's obviously a reason for that lack of employment low incomes etc Your answer does n't do anything but remind me that I 'm going to be $ 25,000num in debt by the time I 'm 22num So thanks W.a.b.b.y I really like you're answer it 's very logical I 've also considered becoming a teacher but it 's not a job I 'm cut out for I also wish I 'd applied for a scholarship I did n't think I 'd be awarded onenum but I received the Dux Litterarum award at high school so my chances were probably better than I thought they were Obviously I 'm still completely stupid though I mean I was n't smart enough to apply for a scholarship And yes I am being melodramatic Lol Hatmanone gasps So I would n't make a good prostitute Are you saying I 'm bad in bed How would you know Joking Your answer is very sweet but I 'm not compassionate towards teenage high school students A little mellow dramatic In my opinion far too many people are at university studying worthless degrees Yes things like philosophy and fashion design are interesting but how many jobs are out there for someone with these qualifications I 'm studying to be a teacher so I know that there will definitely be jobs out there when I 'm done I may have to live somewhere rural or in Auckland but at least I can be pretty sure I 'll be employable I 've also got a bachelor s degree so I can go back and do further study or take a different profession I also know that you do n't get paid that much more in Australia than you do here And it 's not all about how much you earn cost of living is much higher in many cities in Australia Try living in Sydney on a teacher 's salary then compare it to somewhere like Central Otago You also have to put up with all the annoying accents in Australia It 's probably not a wise idea to keep studying and having a massive student loan At the moment there 's no interest but that 'll probably change And they 'll probably add interest to what you 've already racked up And they 're working towards being able to extradite people who have left the country to avoid paying it back At the moment if you move overseas you can only come back to New Zealand for a short amount of time before they 'll force you cough up And all that time you 're overseas you 'll be racking up interest I would n't like not having the option to return to NZ I guess I 'm extremely fortunate that I received a scholarship which paid about 800num f my course fees through my degree But I worked hard and I 'm still working hard There are far too many lazy people out there who think that they can sit around a job will fall in their lap My 2num c. Get an education I 'm doing fine Whilst youth jobs are thin on the ground do n't assume it 's better in Oz People have been fleeing this country at roughly a plane load per week for the past 20num + years so it 's not anything new It depends on what you hunger for 700num f jobs are n't advertised That means making yourself known that means networking why does my baby king snake refuse to eat i have a baby eastern king snake i have tried EVERYTHING i can to get him to eat but he refuses he has a great environment with water and lots of hiding places and a heat lamp as far as i know everything is as good as it can be where his aquarium is concerned according to the vet he is healthy and looks good he has been going to the bathroom like he should i know that snakes that have problems going to the bathroom wo n't eat he has been drinking water i am pretty sure he has been drinking it out of his bowl but also i have been feeding him water and he does n't ever give me a problem with that i just stick his head near the water and he sucks it down i handle him every few days he is feisty as most king snakes are but he is a very nice little guy he never tries to bite or anything i just love him to death i do n't know why he wo n't eat though i have tried feeding him 5num or 6num live pinkies and 4num or 5num frozen thawed pinkies i have never tried feeding him a pinky that was bigger around than he is i have tried putting him in a small container and putting him in a dark place for an hour or so and he wo n't touch the pinky he crawls on top of them but does not try to eat them he does n't seem to know that they are food i have tried braining both live and dead pinkies and bloodying them up to get his attention but he does n't care i have tried dipping both live and thawed pinkies in tuna juice and in used gerbil bedding i have bought some long reptile feeding tweezers and have tried holding the pinky in front of the snake 's face he wo nt even try to bite i am very discouraged and sad and i do n't know what to do he has n't eaten in an entire month i 've only tried to feed him onenum at a time he 's just a tiny baby about the width of a pencil do babies this small hibernate When you feed him how many pinkies do you feed him If you feed him too many he could just not be hungry If he does n't seem interested in them at all I would say he 's just not hungry My boyfriend has onenum and when she 's hungry she attacks the pinkie right away They can smell it so i 'm sure he knows what it is and just do n't want it Remember snakes can go a while without eating In the winter they will usually go deep underground and enter a hibernation like state called brumation which is characterized by a slowed metabolism and reduced activity King snakes sometimes stop eating particularly during the cooler part of the year They have a natural instinct to hibernate If the snake is not pregnant or shedding and its enclosure is properly equipped a loss of appetite probably signals a beginning of hibernation Hibernation is natural and a necessity for snakes that are going to be bred Another thing that can cause a king snake to stop eating is shedding You can tell when your king snake is about to shed because its eyes will get milky looking Its body will be dull looking too In a few days the snake will begin to shed its skin For example some snakes will routinely go off their food in both the summer and winter feeding mainly in spring and fall It 's natural and so long as you do n't see any serious deterioration in their health is nothing to worry about You see some snakes for no obvious reason will simply go off their food They 're fit and healthy and their care is suitable hope this helped That 's why it 's good to have a python It 's twice my size and eats a rabbit once a month are my twonum cats fighting or playing how rough is too rough help i have a 1num and a half year old male neutered cat and a new 2num month old spayed female kitten the first night i brought her home i did the sniffing under the door thing and left it at that the next day i let her out of the bedroom so they could check each other out and the kitten hissed twice within the first 20num minutes of meeting each other and now she no longer hisses and they have been playing chasing each other up and down the hall rolling around on the ground and pawing at each other only once it looked like my male cat was biting at her neck and then her stomach and she was meowing fairly loud and hissed once then he backed off and now they are fine were they roughhouse playing or were they actually fighting he has been biting at her neck and stomach previously while they play without her meowing or anything so i m wondering if he went a little to far that onenum time any answers help you did not leave the new kitten in the room long enough you need to do that for a least a week or else this type of territorial fighting will happen giving the new kitten her own small territory will help her to feel safe and will give her a place to go to when scared right now your male is fighting off an intruder and he feels that all of the house is his put her back in the room and keep the door closed for a week then let her out for tennum minutes make it fifteennum the next day then twentynum and so on this will do twonum things the new kitten will rub her cheek on the furniture in her room making it her territory she will start to calm down and feel safe you can bet she does n't now she knows she is invading someone else 's territory but ca n't help it and has no where to go she will be able to sleep without being afraid as well your male will be able to see that his territory is not threatened when the door opens he will get that the one room is hers and he will be OK with that the territory thing will be solved your male is hurting her to put her in her place biting her scruff is dominance and biting the belly is a move cats use when hunting to pull the guts out of their prey this is not good give them time to set up their territories and once you bring the new kitten out pay a lot of attention to the male you have brought someone else into his territory and he needs to be reminded that you still love him and support his claim to his space that will help to reassure him and he will be less aggressive with her when they play fight they do n't hiss if they hiss they are not playing if they bite and onenum cries you must separate them and you must keep an eye on them hissing is OK unless they start to fight if that happens separate them and give them time apart putting the girl in her territory will make her feel less afraid and she will relax good luck A hiss is basically a get the f*ck away sound It means they 've gone too far When they start bleeding that means they 're really fighting If they 're going kinda slow and like fake biting not biting as hard as they can and fake scratching not hitting as hard as they can with their paws then they 're playing I have twonum cats and at first they hissed at each other because cats are very territorial but now they do fight and play The difference is when the cat hisses that means they are annoyed and they want the other cat to go away That means they are fighting When they are just jumping at each other and their tails are wagging that means that they are playing I can see how you get confused though :) What was the goal for North Vietnam in the Tet offensive When Johnson deployed troops in 1964num he was advised by the military it would take a half millionnum troops about tennum years to pacify South Vietnam He refused to believe them and ordered the military to win the war within twonum to threenum years before the next election in 1968num He did not give them the number of troops they requested This left Westmoreland with few options so he adapted a Search and Destroy strategy instead of a Clear and Defend strategy which is in the long run the preferred method of pacifying an insurgency Thing is it worked The ARVN was not having a big problem with the Local VC the guerilla movement they were being challenged by the Main Force VC which was light infantry and the North Vietnamese Army NVA When the Americans swept in with their Search and Destroy operations the Communists quickly leaned they could not stand up to the US firepower and these regular troops were forced to flee the country and take sanctuary across the borders in Laos and Cambodia All those sunny reports about the progress in Vietnam were correct the Communists WERE being defeated However Johnson would not let the military cross the borders and clean out the Communist bases He was warned that they were building up a huge Army and would eventually launch an attack but he ignored his military advisers The Communists agreed They could not defeat the Americans However what they hoped to do during the Tet Offensive was to sneak past the Americans and attack the ARVN in the urban areas where they were deployed doing successful Clear and Defend operations The Communists thought they could defeat the ARVN cause the fall of the South Vietnamese government and the people would than rally to the Communist cause and leave the Americans stranded in a sea of angry peasants THAT WAS THE PLAN What happened The Americans detected the attempt to infiltrate the urban areas and were already redeploying troops from the rural areas The ARVN rushed back from holiday leave and counterattacked Within 24num hours every Communist assault had been defeated except in the ancient capital of Hue The government did NOT fall And the South Vietnamese people When give the ultimate choice they rallied TO THE SOUTH VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT Tet was a huge military and political disaster for the Communists They were chased back into Laos and Cambodia with the ARVN in hot pursuit The people rejected their attempt to topple the government and for all intents and purposes the US military and the ARVN handed Johnson the victory he had ordered them to achieve within the time frame he ordered it All he had to do for a complete victory was allow the military to go into Laos and Cambodia and finish off the shattered Communist forces But Johnson was so obtuse he did n't understand he had a victory when it was handed to him on a silver platter Instead he pulled the military off stopped the bombing of North Vietnam withdrew from the presidential race and spent the rest of his term in office trying to surrender to North Vietnam They screwed up by not accepting his surrender when he offered it The American people were NOT having any of it and elected Richard Nixon to fix the mess LBJ had made not to surrender like the antiwar movement was demanding In the end Nixon kept his promise for peace with honor But that 's another question To emancipate the south but it was a serious failure To make the war unpalatable to the American public In that they pretty much succeeded Before Tet the war was unpopular but tolerable to the majority of Americans in that the loss of American lives was seen as the cost of subduing the VC and NVA Tet made it clear that the war was a long way from being over if the Americans thought they could preserve the South and that the North was perfectly willing to suffer great losses to continue their fight There is a very good book on the subject that was written by General Vo Nguyen Giap Try google to find the title if you would like to read it Bearded dragon question I just bought a baby onenum yesterday I have a basking spot lamp that says it is a double reflector that focuses 35num % more light / heat and provides beneficial UVA rays important to the psycholical well being of him My question is does that mean it gives him not only the heat but the sun rays he needs I also was wondering how long should this light be on The lady at pet smart said 4num hours but on places on the net it says 10num to 12num hours He 's getting used to his new home but has n't eatin yet I have bearded dragon juvenile food and freeze dried crickets Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thank you for your time Let me try to break this down as simply as I can diurnal active during the day time reptiles like the bearded dragon require 3num types of light UVA UVB and heat Any white light emitting light source will emit UVA including heat bulbs that 's the easy one to provide for UVB on the other hand can only be reproduced by a fluorescent source UVB will always be a separate bulb from the heat lamp unless you use a MVB mercury vapor bulb which is the only reptile use bulb that will emit both UVB and heat from onenum bulb I highly recommend that you do not use coiled / compact UVB bulbs as they are known to cause severe eye damage and / or blindness in reptiles not to mention they have trouble maintaining UVB output over time The long tube UVB bulbs are best like Zoomed 's Repsitun model Remember to replace UVB bulbs according to the manufacturer s recommendation after which time the bulb will no longer produce UVB even if visible light still is So to answer your question no if you just have a bulb that says it produces UVA then you do not have the sun 's rays that your bearded needs You need to also provide a source a UVB lighting The person at Petsmart is very wrong in fact it is always a good idea to second guess what most pet store employees tell you they do n't have the best track record regarding giving reliable pet care info UVB and basking temp should be about 110num F for a baby 95num F for an adult should be available for 10num - 12num hours a day Freeze dried food is not a good staple food source you need to offer live feeder insects Bearded dragons are sight hunters they need to see the food move to trigger a feeding response especially when they are babies Live food is also higher in nutritional value than freeze dried Crickets silk worms phoenix worms and various feeder roaches like red lobster turkistan and dubia are good example of staple insects to offer your bearded Wax worms and meal worms should only be offered as treat items for variety 's sake I would highly recommend that you read through some reliable bearded guides to make sure you have everything set up correctly mm it depends on the size of his tank or cage or whatever you have him in atleast as far as i 'm concerned if there are shady areas he can move to for example a 3num x 5num x 4num tank with light on onenum side then you can leave it on a full 12num - 14num hours if it s a small tank and he ca n't escape the light then 4num - 6num at most at a time though quite possibly 4num - 6num hours at a time twice a day either way you also need to keep an eye on the temperature if you are using a dry fish tank as UV lights in my experience up the temperature significantly and without proper ventilation it can become an oven as to what the light provides it gives UV rays which is important for health in lizards as it is in humans That lady at PetSmart is a disgrace to the rest of us PetSmart associates sheesh Yes it gives him the sun rays necessary that 's what UVA is And it should be on 10num - 12num hours just like the sun would be up for 10num - 12num hours in his natural environment As for the heat just be sure to use a thermometer Also Beardies often do not eat food that is not moving so it s anyone 's guess whether or not he 'll touch the freeze dried crickets or the processed food I tell all my customers they can try it but do n't count on it Also try green leafy veggies like kale and spinach Best of luck Is a finch or a parakeet better I am making a christmas list for my parents and i was going to ask for a bird and these are the affordable ones that i like and i was wondering which would not bite alot and which are more fun to have as pets AND I NEED TO KNOW WHICH WOULD BE QUIETEST i honestly do nt care but my family does Please help me oh and please say y onenum is better thx Hi there Please choose the parakeet Here s my reason I did the same thing that you did for christmas I ended up getting a pair of zebra finches for christmas At first it was all cool and all They were chirping and doing their every day business After a couple of weeks I got tired of them They are quite messy and you can not hold or pet them I ve tried to tame them and they just would not get tamed They do nt want to be held or touched I want a bird that I can hold and do tricks I still have them and they are doing well A couple of months after I got parakeets budgies They are adorable they have beautiful colors and personality I love them First of all they are very tame I tamed them in 4num days They can do tricks and they are nt messy The whole family loves them My parents even plays with them They are a big part of our family I hope this helps you with your decision They are both about the same noise level When choosing a parakeet look for a young one the younger the eaiser to tame Look for clean smooth feathers beak and clean vent feathers the feathers around the butt dirty vent feathers means the bird is not healthy Look for a dark eye with no circles the older ones have a circle ring in their eyes Look for a lot of stripes in their head that starts from the beak and goes back to the back fo the bird the stripes are like hair the less stipes the older think of a balding man lol Look for clean feathers If you want a boy the cere the nostrils piece above the beak must be blue The girl has either pink or brown I would recommend that you get twonum parakeets But get either onenum male and onenum female or twonum males Do not get twonum females They sometimes do nt get along you know how some girls are lol hahahaahh but for real though twonum girls tend to fight a lot I have onenum yellow girl and a green and yellow boy They are the best If you choose to get a parakeet this is a trick that I used to tame them However if you plan on getting onenum then get more than onenum at the same time they need company My mom told me how to tame them and I was very happy with the results It took me 4num days to get the new one to be able to step on and eat out of my hand These are the steps I used Honestly they have worked for me twice with my parakeets Hopefully they will work for you 1 When you get the bird place him or her or them in the cage Leave them in there with food and water and such for about 2num hours 2 Then place you hand in the cage I took the cage and place it next to the couch Then I sat on the couch placed onenum hand in the cage holding a millet spray this way the will associate your hand with food and birds love food lol Then I turned on the tv and watch This way they will see that your hand is good and it s not going to grab them or hurt them Do this for about onenum hour you can take breaks if you have too and repeat the steps after about 2num hours 3 After about day 2num they will start to eating the millet spray from your hand do not take away the food dish from the birds they will associate you as the person who takes away their food Then take your finger and place it under their belly in front of their feet and say up Push you finger to their feet gently and say up the first couple of times they will fly all over the cage but as long as you do nt jump back or screem they will get used to you They will have no choice but to go on your finger When they see that you ar nt harming them the will go up on your finger when you say up 4 If they are not going up by now you just got ta keep trying and keep trying Do not hit yell or harm them You have patience Do nt give up After a couple of weeks mines knows when I say shoulder it means ot go on my sholder when I say up it means to jump up on my finger when I say up and out it means up on my finger and out of the cage and when I say go home it means to go in the cage Good luck They worked for me and I hope they worked for you They are awesome And that s my reason why you should choose a parakeet over a finch a parakeet is friendlier Parakeet They are normally quiet and it is easy to take care of them They are also friendly I have a parakeet named Cookie :P When is the best time to travel to Ireland My sister and I would like to go to Ireland I graduate in the spring and so we 'd like to go between then and winter We do n't want too many tourists and since we 'll both be out of school we can go anytime between the middle of June to early November We do n't want it to be too cold not sure when exactly there fall is or what the weather is really like there during our autumn months but we do n't feel like we need to go right in the middle of summer either We 're both in our early 20s and just wanting to explore the beautiful country while we 're still young and before our lives start to get even crazier Can anyone give me an idea of when the best time for us to go to Ireland would be People do not go to Ireland on holiday for the weather it is unpredictable Onenum thing you can be sure of about Irish weather is how little you can be sure of It may be shirtsleeves and sunglasses in February but winter woollies in March and even during the summer And then there 's the rain Ireland receives a lot of rain with certain areas getting a soaking as many as 270num days of the year County Kerry is the worst affected The southeast is the driest enjoying a more continental climate The Irish weather works on the fournum seasons in a day principle which basic ally means that you ca n't predict a thing when it comes to the behaviour of the sky Some basic assumptions however can be made In summer from May to July the days are reasonably warm and most importantly very long at the height of summer you wo n't need to turn on lights until after 10num pm It is also peak tourist season which means there are far more people just about everywhere but the most remote corners of the island and prices are at their highest Not surprisingly most of the yearly festivals occur during these times so as to take advantage of the crowds and the more favourable weather Spring February to April and Autumn August to October make good alternatives although the country 's ever growing popularity as a tourist destination can often blur the lines between mid and high season tourism Still you have a better chance of some peace and quiet and the weather can be surprisingly better in April and September than in mid-July again it 's all part of the uncertainty principle Spring festivities include the ever popular St Patrick 's Festival Although temperatures do not often venture below freezing winter December to February can be brutal for huge parts of the country the west and northwest in particular Crowds are at their thinnest but many of the country 's tourist attractions and services close down in October and do n't reopen until Easter which paradoxically leaves visitors with a more convincing taste of how Ireland is experienced by most of the Irish it 's cold grey and dark by 5num pm but there 's always a pub to escape into when the rain starts sheeting down The thing to do is to bring the right clothing with you clothes so you can layer up if it is cold and take off layers when it warms up Waterproof clothing and footwear are essential plus an umbrella As that famous Scotsman Billy Connolly says there is no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothes Afraid I can not be more helpful it is really a case of pot luck although as the weather is so changeable often a cold wet morning will turn into a lovely warm sunny afternoon and evening or visa versa If you mean the Republic of Ireland Dublin then anytime The summer there is much more mild than most of the US are you coming from the US Their seasons are the same as all the countries in the Northern Hemisphere but I would suggest fall It does get pretty cold in Ireland so going before winter is your best bet September for example Rent a car and spend a couple days outside of Dublin seeing the countryside and you will have the trip of a lifetime To explore the beautiful countryside you will need to be old enough to hire a car because public transport is expensive & only goes as far as the main towns / cities most rural places do n't have a bus or train service You could stay in a city & get a bus tour to say the Cliffs of Moher or Dingle peninsula but you will be with all the other tourists By definition most tourists will go to the best places so you might have to put up with a few tourists along the way Best weather the past couple of years has been around late April - late May but it can pour with rain for days on end at any time of the year so be prepared with waterproof jackets / boots etc We only had a few sunny days this summer barely 24num C on a few occasions more like 14num C most days We used our BBQ on precisely 4num occasions Autumn is from mid August onwards as far as the weather goes if not officially according to the calender The days start to shorten & it gets even wetter windier & colder We had frosts in October so I would n't advise visiting late in the year to be honest Spring time is your best bet You do realise it is quite expensive to visit Ireland You are going to need a few thousandnum dollars saved up for flights insurance food accommodation & spending money Eating out in particular is quite expensive compared to America I believe Golden Wonder KilliFish Breeding Help I have 4num Golden Wonder Killifish 1num of them is really colorful and is about 6num cm long 2num of them are kinda whitish and are about 4num - 5num cm long The last one is colourful too but it is about 4num cm long I feed them Flakes and Live Earthworms uncut everyday Can you tell me the whole process of breeding them and taking care of the babies Thanks in Advance Wow If they are able to take earthworms uncut that is really impressive I aspire to your feeding regime flakes early and something live later in the day Worms and Daphnia are also rich in Lipids substances important in forming eggs and growing young I think that you understand that your largest and smallest golden wonders are males If you would like more on sexing out Aplocheilus lineatus take a look at the discussion in the first source below If you have plants in your tank your lineatus are already spawning If conditions are favorable 78num - 82num F and the fish are obviously well fed as yours are they will spawn I 've even had a pair of killies leave eggs on a floating thermometer If you wish to pick eggs make a acrylic spawning mop Check out the second source I prefer darker colors because I can see their eggs more easily and the fish look better next to them Use a well rinsed medicine vial a cork new fishing bobber or even a piece of non-crumbly styrofoam to float them There are a couple ways one could spawn lineatus mop spawning & water incubating them for twonum weeks picking eggs from a mop & putting them in a tray of treated seasoned water or setting up the parents in a planted tank & moving them so the fry can hatch out there If you have the room to separate the male s & females s & feed them well on live foods assuming that you are doing weekly 50num % water changes when you put them together they will leave a lot more eggs Just making up examples but if a pair is constantly together they may lay 10num - 15num eggs a day With extra blackworms and maybe frozen defrosted rinsed frozen foods earlier in the day they may leave 30num - 40num eggs at a time Separated and feed extremely nourishing stuff they may produce more Separating a pair some time before a show killies are usually shown & judged & often sold as pairs will encourage them to court and show their best colors They also start the day with no nicks or dings in their fins The water changes help with that too You also may need to treat the incubation water The chlorine and ammonia choramine are not good for the eggs Ironically sometimes it is wise to leave the newly picked eggs in fresh tap water with some chlorination to kill microscopic critters that ride in with the eggs THEN put the eggs in water treated a couple of days before with a water treatment and left open to breathe Leaving a jar with a dozen black worms in it will sate the adult 's desire for snacks and they are more likely to leave fry or eggs alone If a pair is n't leaving eggs check the following 1 Is a tank mate such as another female killie or a Cory or large snails rating the eggs 2 Have we kept up with partial water changes 3 Is there too much mineral in the water Aplo. lineatus are wide spread over southern India That indicates that they thrive in different water chemistries Still if you can get your pet shop to do a hardness or TDS total Dissolved Solids test that may give you a hint Winging it a little here a hardness of 100num to nearly 200num PPM parts per million or 5.8num to 10.6num DH should be fine for gardneri TDS meters the thrifty aquarist 's hardness meter can be used if one has seen onenum of your municipal water department 's annual reports They include a number of minerals there and you can figure out what percentage of that would be your hardness minerals calcium magnesium and iron A number of minerals are not of much consequence However if there is a high level of sodium chloride common salt that can break down the chorion shell around the egg and allow critters to get in and eat the yoke and embryo Ironically sometimes it is wise to newly picked eggs in fresh tap water with some chlorination to kill microscopic critters that ride in with the eggs THEN put the eggs in water treated a couple of days before with a water treatment and left open to breathe If you get eggs in the mail in a medicine vial that is fine But get the eggs out maybe rinsed in fresh tap water and then into the incubation water In time the eggs can suffocate in the shipping container After a number of people began complaining about mystery deaths among incubating eggs some of the more advanced killie people began suggesting that after 7num - 8num days of incubation one should do a 100num % water change as the eggs develop they do release waste material Another problem is that sometimes bad eggs will fungus and the fungus will spread out and kill all the eggs Some people put in a very dilute Acriflaven solution to slow down the fungus so one can take white eggs out with a pipette or eyedropper Other will add a drop of Methylene blue If an egg turns blue it had died and then became dyed as the outer membrane broke down Get those out ASAP too Hope there is useful grist for the mill here Disney cruise line with young ones I will be taking my 3num and 4num yr olds What is the best time of year Should I get a balcony Any tips or advice to make this a great experience Thanks It is vacation time Many families are set to plan a best holidaying They look for fun filled rejuvenating and memorable vacation There can be many ideas one can see numerous options passing through their mind What is the best option Especially if you are planning to spend couple days with family and kids which best suit you can select Disney cruises is a simple answer to this There are many reasons to say Disney cruise is the best bet for you to have a enjoyable holiday tour From 1998num onwards from its inception Disney cruise has attracted many and continue to attract more and more This is a spectacular ship a very popular choice of families to spend their leisure time The ship is designed thematically with imposing animated cartoon characters Do you feel that the holidaying with the animated cartoons will impress only young ones No the luxurious facilities and fun filled activities in the Disney cruise are very attractive to people of all ages Whatever be the age you will have the choice of variety of activities to forget about your hectic day to day activities Kids fun games and video shows are added to the other facilities There are twonum ships Disney magic and Disney wonder Both are made keeping in mind the comforts of the travelers Disney cruises offer 24num hour room services and the crews are ready to serve you the way you like It has got very spacious rooms furnished completely and neatly These are decorated uniquely and marvelously The ship offers variety of eatables deliciously made Sea fishes prawns and many nice options are there in different restaurants aboard There are many good options of delicious food on the shores as well There are special regions uniquely and imposingly designed for the children They can spend many hours enjoying the Disney world magic These theme parks have all types of facilities Video shows cartoon stories wonderful games and many such facilities It is really an entertainment for the kids The amusing world of cartoons and stories will be a memorable experience for the children There are other amnesties also These include space for dances and music bar facility gambling facilities for the elder spaciously made open area aboard and many such nice facilities Also one can keep their privacy in the cabins and make the time in seclusion To relax and to rejuvenate Disney cruise are the best option There are many online sites offering the booking facility with affordable rates You can select the proper route and travel plans by consulting the agents prior to the booking Off season is good however the Disney cruises are almost ALWAYS completely booked I would suggest a warmer season but not Spring Break or early summer You may also want to avoid Thanksgiving week and the Christmas holidays We REALLY enjoyed our balcony coffee in the mornings drinks at night standing outside when docking and leaving port however it is quite a bit more expensive With young ones I would definitely get a window or view room so they can see outside Check out the kids ' space as soon as you get onboard Do NOT feel guilty about taking them there They have a BLAST so the sooner they get there the sooner they can have fun We liked getting the late dinner seating so you have more time to see movies and stuff but if your kids are early to bed you may want the earlier seating for dinners Bring some sort of magnet or small magnetic whiteboard for your door All of the doors tend to look alike and having something on your door helps you and your kids find your room easier You can also leave notes for the rest of your family husband about where you are at any given point Cell phones do NOT work on board but they give you a walkie talkie kind of phone in your room that WILL work onboard Each evening you will get a magazine called The Navigator which lists all of the activities for the next day We always took ours to dinner and discussed what things we felt we had to do and which ones we felt like skipping in lieu of just chilling Any time would be great off season cruises might actually be better with preschoolers as prices might be lower in the off season My wife and I in our 60's at the time originally planned a 3num generation trip but some family emergencies caused everyone else to cancel We had a ball We had an inside cabin and it is what I would recommend There are so many things to do that you will only use your room for sleeping and the extra cost of the balcony is wasted The children can be checked in and checked out in a safe way at many activities so you can have a bit of free time without the little ones The range of activities can be illustrated by describing the water activities There is a splash fountain no standing water for little ones still in diapers Next is a wading pool for those who are potty trained Then a family pool Finally there is a pool for adults only with kids not allowed You will never be so spoiled in your life as you are on a Disney Cruise If you stay with your dining schedule every night is dinner and a show The real payoff is that you will have the same waiter for the entire cruise Our waiter quickly grasped the fact that I like Ginger ale and rather spicy foods while my wife 's taste ran to lemonade and less spicy fare Since they knew our preferences we almost always went along with their menu suggestions and were never sorry we did Obviously they had a full beverage list including alcohol for adults who wanted it If you should miss a meal you also missed a great show but food is always available and it is consistently good I think I gained threenum pounds in my week long cruise This is about my farrier girls That 's why I 'm posting here Help I posted this in singles and dating too so I 've just copied and pasted Well I 'll try to make this short I have known this guy for a long time but we 've never been good friends or anything He is my farrier shoes my horse s feet so I am technically a client if you want to view it that way Well almost twonum weeks ago he came out and did my horse s feet and was SO flirty He always hugs me when he comes but he gave me at least 5num tight long back rubbing hugs while he was there We were also just talking about my horse 's crappy feet and he mentioned Well if you ever just want to see me I 'll come out and look him over and then we can grab a coffee after That has NEVER happened before so I was kinda realizing at that point that he was a little interested Right Anyway so he ended up leaving onenum nail out of my horse s foot I 've never heard of a farrier doing this and telling me to call him in a few days first it was a week then it was a few days lol and he 'd come back out and put it in He told me to remember to call like 3num times before he left So I waited a week to call because I was busy and I wanted to have him come out on a day when I am more available in case we were to hang out after ;) Anyway so that was 2num days ago that I called and left a message but he still has n't called back yet I do n't know if I should call him again tomorrow or not I know a lot of people say to wait until he calls you but it 's different because I 'm a client and technically that 's all I am at this point On the other hand though if I 'm a client he should really of called back by now because you do n't leave a customer hanging He did n't have my number either because this was the first time I 've called HIM instead of his dad It 's a father and son business Anyway I would appreciate ANY insight on this at all Thank you for reading if you did :) Ok well as far as him being a bad farrier for leaving a nail out That is not the case they are extremely well known farriers in the area I would be a lot more concerned if the shoe fell off because it was missing onenum lousy nail The reason he said he did n't put that nail in was because he did n't want to risk it with my horse 's horrible feet This is about the fourth time they 've done my horse 's feet because I just switched back to them The only reason I switched away from them in the first place is because my good friend who apprenticed with them was starting out on his own However he left my horse without a shoe for TWOnum WEEKS now that 's what I call a crap farrier Which I might add is the same foot that keeps crumbling with the nails So obviously I switched back to these guys Ok calm down it 's not like he 's some stranger that came up and groped me lol I 've known the guy for about 10num years I am 21num so yeah we were both kids when we knew each other He is a few years older than me And yes I do like him To answer Barry White yes that did occur to me :) I hope that is all he 's waiting for On the other hand he could very easily just call me and say hey I 'm busy right now I 'll call you when I can come out And as far as scheduled visits go I have no idea I 've never done that before though either It 's always just Okay they're feet need to be done better call the farrier And they usually come out within a few days He will call you back I m sure Sounds like He really likes you But you need to ask yourself do you feel the same way would You like going for coffee with him or is he Not your type Or are you undecided If i were you I would Go I would say if he does not call you back by friday call him again he could be playing hard to get I think he left the Nail out of the shoe as a excuse to come back and see you hey he may be your Prince charming Edit I really do nt think Your horse Is in danger Of being hurt With onenum Nail missing I have seen horses Loose Nails On there Own And do just fine with ONEnum nail gone Now if he had left out 2num or 3num I would be wondering to I really do belive he left the nail out becuse of the horse s Hoof condition and It s a added bonus he would get to see her again When I was Younger In my early 20s My farrier was A hottie named Joby for those who do n't Know I AM A GIRL read my Bio on my Page dumb as a post about everything But horses He was In his 30s divorced and Had 2num kids but we both flirted Horribly with each other but neither onenum of us took the chance and Asked to other on a date :( sort a wonder what it would have been like But That was Years ago He had this Habit of telling you Everything Well onenum day he said to me You know i do n't wear Underwear as he was bent over Working on my Mare s Right front hoof and I was Like Ummmm okay I m glad his butt was facing me so he could n't see my red face I think my Mare was even laughing Well 6num weeks Later when he came back out He was again working on my mare s front Foot and I looked Down and Yeah he had Wholes In his pants In the wrong places I bust out Laughing and He was like what I was like Ummmm i can see your ass cheeks he was like Oops did i forget my Underwear that was a strange way to flirt but i guss it was his way But like i said nothing ever came of It the next time I saw him He had told Me he had To get married to a girl Who he worked with becuse he knocked Her Up I was heartbroken but then realized He was not the Guy for me Wow he does sound interested in you my farrier never gives me hugs like that probably a good thing as he has a wife and 2num kids anyway I find that they can be very busy so I would wait a week lo9nger and if still no reply give him a call but do n't leave a message so you do n't have to necessarily wait for him to call From the point of view of a business and client / operator relationships he 's doing a really shitty job Leaving nails out so you 'll call and have him come back out later Cute or not I 'd call a different bloke because he 's doing a sub-par job at something he needs to be doing his best at whether he 's flirting or trying to ask you out or not he ought to put quality first This is after all his business and if he wants you to remain a customer why on earth is he doing shoddy work EPM Anyone Dealt with it Might be something different I have the opportunity to pick up a super nice 6num year old for free He 's not lame but he 's been having issues Here 's what the owner has said I have a 5num year old that lost all of his cheek muscle on the right side about 3num - 4num months ago I chalked it up to possible nerve damage because this is what the vet thought and the other cheek muscle was fine and he had no theeth problems So I sent him to the trainers the first of September to be started on the barrels I got him back the first of the month and he had lost some weight but attributed that to be worked everyday I expected him to drop some He is now losing the cheek muscle on the left side of his face and seems to be dropping weight by the day Had him to a dentist yesterday and there is no teeth problems He can eat all his feed and does n't drop any but can not eat hay from lack of muscle to chew it He is gant looking in his flank area and is losing topline muscle The only neurological sign that he shows is that he barely drags his toes and sometimes has trouble with his right lead The horse I had posted about a couple weeks ago with the atrophied cheek muscles is down to his last resort for life I CAN NOT afford to treat whatever is wrong with him NO I have not done an EPM test but have done an extensive blood panel and my vet did a neurological physical exam We elected to not do the EPM test because there was NO neurological signs He is still showing no signs other than the weight loss and some muscle atrophy He eats all of his grain but it just takes him a while to get it chewed because of the lack of muscle in his jaws So I might get the horse and see what I can do I will be getting with my vet first and if I do get him have the spinal fluid test done for EPM and a titer test Will be getting a copy of the blood results the owner has already ran as well My other theory would be wobblers I 'll be having my equine chiro out to do some work as well if I do get him So any ideas Think I should do it Arby Horse is out of state and not local Owner is willing to meet me half way with him I will be calling my vet and chiro about him Worse comes to worse I 'm out of the $ $ and have to put him down anyway or have a pretty pasture ornament He 's still rideable currently and not having many issues under saddle This is a horse that I otherwise would n't be able to afford and even if I spend 2num Knum and treatment I come out ahead of his purchase price I posted what the owner as said in paragraph 2num & 3num that is not me to clarify She is the one that ca n't afford to do anything else for him in case he does n't recover fully He can eat grain and I already have a feed regimen in my head for the guy since he ca n't eat regular hay I do n't think it will be hard to keep his weight up so long as he can eat the grain I am not going to go pick up a horse I ca n't afford I am willing to pull the EPM test and treat The owner is the one who is unable I will also be having my other vet up who 's a chiro & to evaluate him for wobblers July is when he started to exhibit slight symptoms and the owner and vet originally thought it was just some nerve damage from something in the pasture with no visible injury He 's only exhibited weight loss and some muscle atrophy with the slight toe drag and a bit of trouble with the right lead which could or could n't be related The horse is not in pain He 's not starving He 's dropping we The horse is not in pain He 's not starving He 's dropping weight but most of that came from being at the trainer s and being ridden hard for 60num days He 's not putting it back on I know that I have the possibility of treating him and still having to put him down At the same time I do know people who have had horses come back successfully after EPM I know this is going to be expensive I 'm willing to give it a shot Gallop I 've already read that whole site and been reading through research articles from the research colleges as well Looked at studies treatment options and such I will have the EPM test done before treating The chiro will be there to evaluate the horse for wobblers which is often caused by spinal compression and can be confused with EPM If that is the case then is n't going to hurt him It 's actually onenum of the alternative therapies for EPM I think it is wonderfully responsible that you are going into this rescue eyes open and are getting the opinions of qualified professionals and a bunch of Yahoos before you decide to take this horse on I do think some Y!A users need to work on their reading comprehension as I ca n't comprehend how taking a horse in as a rescue and getting it qualified medical treatment is abuse Worst case scenario you fall in love and after spending thousands of dollars you have to put the horse down Is that something you are up for If so go for it and I 'll give you all the moral support I can as you figure out what is up It is heartbreaking to try to bring a horse back and then have to put it down but some horses are worth the risk If you feel this guy is worth it then I hope your vet can figure things out As to EPM like Shee said being in MI we 've had to deal with it Pretty much every large stable has here Our first diagnosed EPM horse was back when there was no treatment in the US and only an experimental chicken feed additive in Canada We hauled the horse to Windsor and got him treated there That horse returned to racing and we did n't notice much difference We 've had a few since then but none since our race horses began wintering in Florida I have no idea if that is related or farmers are doing a better job of clearing out opossums now because they know opossums are carriers but we have n't had an EPM horse in at least 10num years I can say all of our EPM horses were treated early when they were showing mild signs like Shee gave and all returned to racing Onenum horse even got his lifetime mark after being treated for EPM We 've always liked big long trotters that do better on mile tracks then 1num 2num mile The only difference we noticed is that the EPM horses seemed to do worse on the smaller tracks after It might just be coincidence or the fact those great big trotters with those extremely long backs lost a bit of fine coordination to get those gangly bodies around those tighter turns I do n't know MSU does a lot of EPM studies because of how common it is here You may want to see if you can get in touch with their EPM group and get this guy in a study I know they did lab work showing that Strongid C used daily could help prevent EPM I believe they have a real study testing the lab work in real world situations now but it may be some time before those results are released Another thought with this being a mosquito season from hell could it be West Nile West Nile can cause EPM like symptoms and does n't always include a fever Let us know what you decide to do You hate to see talent get wasted but honestly I do n't think I could take in a horse right now these issues Personally I think you should just keep on walking by You should have you chiro out before you decide if you want this horse or not If you have a good repoire which I 'm sure you do with them they should be honest on if this horse is fixable to any degree not really sure what you want to do with him Even if you can figure out what is wrong with this poor poneh there is always the chance for remission and then relapse so you may have to do deal with again in the future So all in all put the money up front before taking on this horse A few hundred out of pocket now will possibly save you thousands once the horse is in your name Could he have had a blow to the head causing this atrophy Or a difficult birth Was it always like this Or has it occurred since birth I also wonder if he might have had a slight stroke I think if you can not afford to get him treated that you should not consider him as a prospect Who knows what the future might hold and it might be expensive Extremely bad customer service Do not go to this salon especially if you have to get your hair straightened They did a very bad job with my hair and were extremely rude when I went back to ask them why it did n't work for my hair Rude insensitive discourteous people Great Doc Dr Greenwalt fixed my neck from a snowboard injury and was way more effective that a regular doctor He did nt prescribe pain meds or other drugs he used his bodytalk method which is unusual but the results are undeniable My neck is fixed He knows what he s doing Our Wedding 11/7/08num We just had our wedding on 11/7/08num and was very impressed Cj and company did all that we ask and 10num times more The food was out standing If you need a cater that is affordable and easy to work with they are the ones Thanks again Saucey 's Mark Excellent Tattoo Shop I recently got a tattoo done at Aztec and I could not be happier It came out better than I even imagined The shop was great the service was excellent and the employees were fun guys I would highly recommend this shop to anyone looking to get a quality tattoo done Good and Bad I had to take care of the ants myself But I found the location wonderful and the neighbors very kind Never had a problem with the staff and found them very helpful when something went wrong Loved the pool and BBQ Because of the ants I dropped them to a 3num star Great pet care I have used Just Like Family several times now and they have provided great care for my twonum dogs Lynda is professional and has great compassion for animals The real testament is not in how much she likes your animals but how much they like her I highly recommend her I found Bright Star Tours and Travels and Best and Affordable Tour Operators and Tours Agents in Chennai India offered me Student Tour India Package for very less price I enjoyed my tour and i am looking for adventure tour and India heritage tours for valuable Thanks for Bright Star Tours these guys were fantastic they fixed my garage doors in literally less than an hour the guy came on time and did n't take any breaks he went straight to work and finished the job efficiently and promptly i could n't be more happier with the way my garage looks GREAT JOB GUYS A + I would rate Fran pcs an A + because the price was lower than everyone else i got my computer back the next day and the professionalism he showed was great He took the time to explain things to me about my computer i would recommend you go to him David This office is awesome everyone here is super friendly and efficient it s great to know you can get great service great product and for the best price all in onenum I 've referred everyone i know here and they all feel the same way i 'll be coming back for years to come Criminal Attorney Dallas Dallas Criminal Attorney Peter Barrett is absolutely committed to vigorously supporting your rights and achieving a successful outcome As a qualified criminal defense attorney he will work every possible legal angle leaving no stone unturned of your case to achieve the most favorable result possible Food was cold I have been here 3num to 4num times and every time food they served seems warmed up not cooked after you order it I like my food hot both ways not warm or cold Price and taste is good I will be happy if they can serve when food is piping hot KB FAST and reasonable $ We went to Kobey s on Saturday and had our whole team s uniforms done He was less than half of the price of the cheapest quote we got and his work was top notch Down to earth and fast service Going back to have some lab coats done this weekend We love Little Farmer We attend LFTD and our children LOVE it They even want to go to school on the weekends They are preparing my older son for kindergarten and looks forward to seeing his teacher and friends every day My infant is content every day when I drop off and pick up PAT testing quick & efficient I rang SRD PAT testing and within 3num hours Scot had come to my premises and PAT tested all my our Spill The Whisky barn dance band equipment and supplied a certificate for only 70num p per unit Fantastic quick and efficient service How rare Well done My favorite florist I came to La Crosse to go to college and my mom would send me birthday flowers though here They were beautiful and lasted forever Now that I live here this is my favorite place to grab flowers for friends and coworkers Hands down best place in the area I <3 Max 's Excellent bagels and excellent service I go in about every morning to get bagels for myself or my co-workers and the employees at Max 's are great They are friendly and fast I have never had a problem with their hours because I always go during the mornings They are great prepared the road test with a driving prepared the road test with a driving school in edmonton but my instructor only trained me in a narrow street hence I took onenum 90num minute lesson from the Noble driving school to learn the skill of changing lane and found them very friendly and professional Great Doctor Dr. Faris is a great doctor I would recommend him to anyone I was experiencing severe back pain to the point I could barely walk or even bare to sit I went from a pain scale of 8num - 9num to 0num and I was able to run in the Crim just a week later happy customer Mr. Squeege is THE BEST Prompt Clean Windows Affordable pricing Friendly responses How else can excellent be described for a business of this sort They have been my only go to resource since we first did business together You will find the same to be true for you Fantastic Place to buy your next vehicle We have never had a bad experience buying from Edmark This is car number 3num we 've purchased through them We trust and appreciate Scott Larson and know that he will always take good care of us and listen to our needs Thank you again for great customer service Range Rover Sport Window Tints Mark at Tintman Nationwide tints Ltd did a very Professional job very quick no fuss deliverd the car to me and I drove him back home Great arrangement Great price Highly recommended Thanks Mark Steve proud Range Rover Sport owner with rear tints In this hard economic times is very important to save money Very reasonable prices top quality work The owner operator he does all the the work with Helpers very friendly I definitely recommend this this guys Do n't get jack by big companies that they pay a lot of money to be on top of the list Thanks Great pub Had a meal in this pub and i have to say it was excellant It has to be onenum of the nicest pubs that i have been into in a long time the decor is nice and it has a really nice garden and a lovely decking area Good beer good service and what more could you want awful awful awful This store is by far the worst Verizon store I 've been in The salespeople are never available the lines are always too long and all the people want is a sale Incredibly rude and I will not return to it Is there no other Verizon to go to around Downtown / Dupont Circle Great graphic design work Fresh Design Studio helped jump start my own business by providing affordable and effective marketing materials logo flyers posters ad design and more They have unbeatable price in town and deliver on time I enjoy working with this architectural and graphic design firm and will recommend to anyone Great Surgeon I needed wisdom teeth taken out Dr. Wallen and staff was excellent They were accomdating with my scheduled and work with my insurance to get payment for the surgery Dr. Wallen explained the procedure in detail and took his time with me Staff explained insurance procedures and was very helpful Everyone was very nice The best in the area I 've been to quite a few tattoo shops around this area and Stainless Steel is by far the best I am very pleased with the tattoos that I revived from them The artwork is excellent and the prices are very reasonable I would recommend this shop to anyone looking to get a tattoo Cathy Fivenum Stars for Lake Forest Tots The program has been a postive experience for my children I have had all threenum of my children attend Lake Forest Tots The program is well established and we have been extremely satisfied with the teachers the programs and the director Good job Lake Forest Tots Great Wine & Service This place is so great They have a great selection of wine from all over the world with all different prices The employees make you feel very comfortable and are very helpful whether you are very knowledgeable or do n't know anything at all about wine Check out their wine tastings every Friday night A + Excellent customer service and honest feedback The team at Bradley Chevron kept my car running for well past its expected death They are honest about immediate concerns versus recommended repairs and have very fair prices Such a convenient location as well with coffee shop and bradley food and beverage right around corner Needs to go out of business They close whenever they feel like it often well before their listed closing time Their store is dusty dirty and feels like you 're stepping into the 1970s They do n't take coupons They have a credit card minimum This place is the opposite of QuikTrip crappy in every way Where else can you go for $ 10num and recieve this treatment Awesome haircut at awesome price right here in Palatine Who can pass up a hot towel and a straight edge neck shave I 've had 2num cuts now from Georgia and have paid more in other salons / barbershops and have not received this kind of treatment or cut Baffled by the onenum star reviews I do n't get it This place is awesome with a great ambiance and cool decor and the food is scrumptious and especially their signature banana split Sure some items are a little pricey but c'm on have you ever been out to eat in Seattle before I 've only had good experiences at Adorn I was greeted and offered a refreshment I highly recommend Debi she does an amazing job I love the way she cuts my hair extremely thorough and cross checks her work to make sure my hair is perfect I always leave loving my hair style Best Chineese food in the area The food here is fresh and hot out of the Wok The food is cooked fast by the twonum chefs on duty The lunch specials are more food than most people can eat for about $ 6num It is busy every day at lunch for a reason the service is fast and the food is great Pure Pilates It is the real thing I have been practicing Pilates for over 7num years and would not go anywhere else It is the attention to detail and the quality of the work taught at TomiPilates that sets this studio apart from the others The teachers are highly trained and are expert at handling all types of clients I phoned this company for advice on our office refurb and although we did not use them in the end as our building contractor carried out the electrical work they provided me with plenty of useful information over an hour phone call and subsequently we are now using PJC as our electrical maintenance contractor Thoroughly recommended They really go above and beyond For example I actually forgot to feed my cat and they went out of their way to take care of him Additionally when there was confusion my fault they left me flowers along with a personalized gift They have been 100num % reliable and professional Definitely recommend heating system Angels seriously can you imagine having to live through these last few nights without heat I would have had to because with the economy the way it is i ai nt haves much monies fo repairs round the House Comfort zone came out and did my house heat on the cheap and it works Thank you Comfort Zone Slowest Unfriendly Sstaff on Weekends There are threenum Starbucks locations that I frequent I have a bit of experience watching the usual assembly line I also understand that weekend staffs are different than daytime staffs and not necessarily Starbucks A team or even full time But this location has the worst weekend staff I 've seen EVER Skip te rest this is the best Absolutely great Clean updated room friendly staff safe location Staff is super friendly treat you as a friend Can not ask for a better experience Will be staying here any and every time I come anywhere near Overall Joe is a happy camper who has found a great spot PHOTOS DONE WELL I Love Hellada Gallery Marek Dzida the owner and photographer puts whole heart in his business If you are into old fashion Not Digital quality photography this is best place in Long Beach as I think not many folks can do affordable traditional photos anymore I know Marek personaly and I will always recommend him BAD COFFEE DO NT BOTHER Ca n't you make a decent cup of coffee You charge SO MUCH yet you use the same grounds over and over again The coffee taste BURNT and very bitter No amount of sugar and milk can mask it CHANGE THE PROCESS PPL Westfield and Rt 1num do it well WHY CA NT U Home made product I sometimes go into this store just for something to do on a sunday afternoon I love the people the product and the service Nothing compares to a home made product that really stands the test of time The Brick Ikea and Leon 's have their place But furniture like this will truly be around forever The internet here is terrible Like the previous poster said the com lines are split between the entire building That 's 3num x worse than Qwest DSL 's lowest speed offering The outward appearance makes you think this place is nice but everything inside is cheap cheap cheap Moving out as soon as our lease is up Awesome Yes my G 1num screen is back working They was about to Charge me $ 129num But i paid $ 100num they save me from having to deal with Tmobile Tmobile want to Send of my phone and i did n't want to go thru that 3num Days For get that Great service I would recommend them to anyone Great out night You ca n't go wrong with Tuesday prices even if you get quite the mixed bag of comedians Extensive drink list and daily specials but wish they had a bit more on their food menu although popcorn is a nice touch other items chicken fingers wings asian pizza and yam and regular fries Their food and sweets are awesome But service is very poor Attitude of staff very bad Never gives a receipt Sometimes even gives wrong dish So confused at the payment area Line up is so stupid Even if you line up To make a order you may have to go to back of line And then wait again Not organised Hair By Nivine in eastgardens fixed my hair after i had my hair cut and colored at another salon i felt more confident and the girls are fantastic and i ve been going there now for 2num years always happy and they care about my hair had my hair done for my wedding it looked fabolous and there prices are really good Best food in northeast There s a reason why Frank mcclelland was named best chef of the north east reigon Food here is absolutely superb Everything is delicous and cooked perfectly The waiting staff is beyond impeccable they refold your napkin when you go to the bathroom If you want great food then L'espalier is the place to go I did n't end up buying my car here but I did think the guy who worked with me was pretty cool he was willing to budge a little on the price which means a lot to me Also they will fill your tires with air and other small maintenance tasks for free even if you did n't buy your car there The Best Deals in Town Before you buy ANYTHING in NY make sure you stop by Jack -s first Their selection is random so what they have on a given week might never be available again at the store I love it for discounted beauty items and household appliances Trust me you go there once and you -ll always go back First Time Ballerina My daughter is starting ballet this year for the first time I 'm a soccer mom so I was n't sure what I was looking for when it comes to dancewear The staff was very helpful and gave me exactly what I needed for my first time ballerina The service at Instep was great I would recommend them to anyone Outstanding service & quality at a very affordable price This place is top notch and highly affordable I would recommend it hands down and am a loyal customer I 've also sent over a number of friends to use the services here and everyone is extraordinarily pleased Thanks for doing such great work on my important pieces of clothing that always look great Tried Crust on Broad on 3num occasions Twice for dinner and once for lunch Absolutely rude service every time The staff will not even answer the phone for take out Tonight I called several times with no answer Btwn 5:30num and 6num pm and finally drove there to place my order in person There was not a customer to be found we purchased a new home but was unable to sell our old house so we contacted this property management company and they have helped us quickly rent out our house and keep it maintained Since then we have decided to have them manage our other investment properties as well as we getting older and can no longer perform all the inquires Great help We just got our sunroom built by Patio World and can say that I 'm extremely happy with the whole thing From the amount of time spent with us to explain things during the initial quote to the communication through the approval process to the actual workmanship of the build itself I have nothing bad to say Very glad that we went with them No Customer Service Employees seemed to be having a good time chatting and laughing with each other while myself and other customers were completely ignored Another person in the store stood there with an item and repeatedly tried to get a sales person s attention It was n't until he gave up and walked out the door that someone asked Can I help you do NOT bring your car here I got a coupon from Pennysaver for this station Yes they accepted it However during the test they did whatever they can to get my test failed Then they sold me overpriced stuffs such as oil tank cap so that my car can pass it right away I ended up paying much more Are you kidding me I do n't get it Spongy and sweet bread microwaved heartless salsa tiny dogs You order at the counter and there is a space for tip on your credit card receipt The dude who grills the retarded dogs is rude If this is the best that Tucson has to offer I am out ta here I called on a Friday at 12:30num complaining of a severe toothache Dr. Obina told me that his office closed at noon and that I should call him on Monday I had been a patient of Dr. Olbina for 9num years and had spent thousands of dollars on crowns etc There are plenty of good dentists in Fernandina Do n't go to Amelia Gentle Dentistry Good location For a hotel like this you would expect some form of free internet What you get is a $ 13num / day charge to access the internet through a slow 512num / 512num kb / s that you can only use to check email etc Read No downloading Other than that the hotel is in a good location and the breakfast is great Make You Feel Like a Number Stay away from Kids First West Chester You NEVER get a human on the phone It 's impossible to get an appointment If you get caught in traffic and are a couple minutes late they make you re-schedule for 6num weeks later And worst of all your child feels like a number not a patient Go somewhere else Rcommended by bees too Highly recommended Joe removed a wasp nest for our condominium building and we appreciated the environmentally friendly method and prompt friendly and informative service No spraying of pesticides Very professional Reasonable rate We highly recommend Joe and his wasp removal service to individual home owners and condos He knows his bees Suzanne Vancouver Very Accomodating We were in Springfield IL for a family funeral from Kansas City We arrived early and the staff was very accomodating to our families and the situation we were in The rooms were very clean including the microwave and refrigerator This is a nice place and I know we will return to meet my sister in law from Chicago GREAT SERVICE AND PEOPLE Deb Watson is the contact person and she and the rest of the staff were great She continues to help me when needed even if I have a service question Since I 'm usually at work late Deb has stayed around to help me out when needed This was after I brought the car Service does not get any better Hidden Gem in Alpharetta This French born French trained chef and his creative partners offer a taste fresh locally sourced fabulously prepared food in the most unlikely of locations Try their weekend tastings which you can learn about by getting on their weekly email list It 's the best meal for the money you will find in all of metro Atlanta Le petit is the best place to get your nails done It is very clean staff is friendly and I have never waited I go every other week for the shallac gel manicure which is only $ 25num and it truly lasts 2num weeks I love it Pedicures are also great Try this place out I promise you will not be disappointed Amazing Pictures at an Amazing Price Rendy is totally amazing She gave me amazing pictures at an amazing price and made my wedding day so memorable She was way easy to work with and made my wedding day so easy and she got some amazing pictures not only of me but of my family and friends She is amazing I would recommend her to anyone So very delicious Excellent November 7num 2010num First time eating at Caffe Bella Italia and it was a wonderful experience From the delectable Antipasto Misto to the Spaghetti alla Barese and the Parmigiana and ending with gelato all was mouth watering Too bad they were out of the Chocolate Lava Cake Maybe next time they will have it Service was excellent Sandy Beware of Sharayu Hopless service at the time of booking my car a lot was promised but delivered not even onenum tenth of what was promised Apart from that in spite of my repeated attempts I could not get in touch with the manager to even lodge an official complaint My advise to all is I have fallen into this trap pl ensure you do nt Course has come a long way HCC 's new ninenum was a little shaky at first but the NEW grounds superintendant has done wonders for the course The comment below definitely needs to be retracted Come back and give HCC a second chance at least It is a great course for local golfers to be proud of and all the comments in 2008num have been very positive Excellent Physiotherapists Kusal Goonewardena and his team of Physios are unbelievable I have been suffering from back pain for over 12num years and have been to numerous specialists physios osteos and chiros with no help It took the Vigor team only 4num visits to get me feeling normal And now 2num months after my last appointment I am better than ever Thanks guys They must have read these reviews and improved My husband and I happened in on a whim We sat in the front dining area it was very cozy and pleasant Our server was quite attentive and the food was fantastic My husband has been a professional chef so he is a good judge of quality food This was a flavorful enjoyable meal for both of us Rude Rude Rude went in there and got my dog groomed came home to an uneven dog then took him back to get evened up what a mistake she did nt even let me finish a sentence without insulting me and telling me how i should have said it i wo nt go back she needs to develop a personality brought dog home and it s all choppy now It 's helpful to know a quite a bit about bull fighting If you watch a lot of fights youtube and research some of the history you will find yourself enjoying it a lot more Also after seeing a handful of bullfights I can say that they 're a lot more enjoyable if you 're smashed BAC >= .15num All I can say is that I am glad I went in The nurses are sweet as pie and the doctor is wonderful This place is about healing not making a buck The followup visit is FREE After going to the hospital and paying ER prices there is no way I wo n't be back here I will be back and telling EVERYONE about this clinic THANK YOU I just like the fact that he was able to do the specific type of repair I wanted a reball and give me the longest warranty and even a lower price Someone else I found that said they could do it but wanted to charge me more and give me less warranty It was a no brainer really I choose Console Pros and I 'm happy I did This place is bad It 's dark dingy & dirty The salads are limp and the rest of the food is n't any better ok the nachos are not too bad This place may have been something sometime but it way past it sell by date I have eaten here twice in the past year and will not go back and can not recommend it Top range of bike cheap prices excellent a +++ yep they fixeded my thumpstar in 1num day it wase nt going an had a gear box problem i cold n't find anywere else local to fix it so i took it there and they fixed it for $ 150num thanks guys goes really well and thaks 4 the cheap price excellent top guys a +++++ reccommend to anyone Ham s on Friendly RIP This is the original Ham 's restaurant expanded into a regional chain in the late 80's but this one is no more Victim of hard times and I suspect failing corporate management According to news accounts the company is struggling I have many fond memories of my college evenings there long ago So long Ham s you will be missed We are very pleased with the services of First Glass Window Our window panes were so dirty that they needed a specialist to come and clean them We called few companies before we decide to hire them They came on time and completed their work quickly We were very happy how clean looked our windows If you have some problems with your windows you should call them Great help even near closing time I came in to town for a week and forgot my trainers Oh no I came in 30num min before close and the staff was super helpful They spent a lot of time with me and got me into a great pair of shoes I think they may even be better than the pair I have been using this past year Thanks Run on Great This is a perfect place to get your hair done I have gone there time and time again whenever I need to get my hair done or when I want a haircut When I get my hair done there they use enough hairstyling products while it does not ruin your hair The service is great and during weekends it tends to get busy but the wait is worthwhile Highly Recommend I have worked with Shannon as my massage therapist and intuitive bodyworker for years and have never been disappointed No matter what state I am in when I arrive I always leave feeling better She has not only helped me through some challenging computer work and sports related injuries she was wonderful to work with throughout my pregnancy and beyond I highly recommend her Best Store In Boothbay Harbor What a fantastic store I love this place Not the same old stuff that all the other stores have Their items are very unique great quality great prices They also have the best tea I ever had not at all like the junk you get at the grocery stores I stock up when ever there because they are closed in the winter The BEST Dr. Aster and her team have been a strong advocate in the health of both my daughters Dr. Aster is very kind an gentle with the children but also positive and to the point with the parents She is and excellent doctor to have on one 's team Even though I live pretty far from her office I still make the trip so my daughters will have the BEST My wife and I avoided doing some fairly simple electrical re-wiring in our home for several years due to overall hassle and cost involved I finally called Matt from Bonafide and he made the project both easy for us and reasonable He was prompt knowledgable friendly clean and just an overall great guy who obviously cares about his business I will reccommend his services however / whenever possible Real pros I 've had writer friends describe horror stories with their printers I tell them why not just go with these guys Richard Joule and the gang are pros from start to finish They set out to exceed your expectations Already I 'm considering future projects and I can assure you that for my printing needs I will be choosing no other than Atlanta Paperback Book Printing I have been here 3num times and all 3num times it has been bad They have messed up my order and The food was just not good I had sonic in many other palces but for some reason this sonic is always just covered in grease and not good :( I hope they get there act together I am going to give it onenum last chance in next few months and see I called them for an estimate and they INSULTED ME WHEN I ASK THEM QUESTIONS THEY ARE VERY RUDE AND NASTY PLEASE DO N'T USE THIS MOVING COMPANY IF YOU DO N'T WANT TO CRY HAVE TROUBLE AND A BAD EXPERIENCE ON THE DAY OF YOUR MOVE THEY WILL GIVE YOU A LOW PRICE OVER THE PHONE AND ON THE DAY OF YOUR MOVE THEY WILL CHANGE THE PRICE I GUARANTEE IT You 've Got Maids did a fabulous job cleaning my home I am hiring them to come once a week now that they got my house to where they can maintain it for only an hour and a half every twonum weeks Satisfactory for sure with the sercvice Beats having onenum cleaning lady who took twice as long and did not do a very through job like the maids did This place has the best baby and children s clothes Especially high end keep sake sort of clothing that you just ca nt find in a lot of stores It is all very unique and you wo nt find any other baby wearing the same stuff I spent quite a bit because I spoil my little princess After all she will only be a baby for so long I figure why not enjoy it Antique Lighting Fixtures Chicago Great place for Antique Lighting I visited their huge Chicago lighting showroom and all I have to say is WOW Lots of collections many antique light fixtures Chandeliers custom lighting etc I think they have the largest collection for Chandeliers Chicago Antiques Vintage Contemporary & Modern Chandeliers I would recommend them for any custom lighting or Lighting Repair and Restoration Chicago Great Food Awesome food Awesome service I wanted to try someplace new again This place rocked Brought my wife Deb with me and she like the Fried Crab Wontons and said they were good We also had the BBQ Spare Ribs good also I ordered the MOO SHU pork and it was great I also ordered the Neptune Platter which was awesome so this place gets 5num out of 5num stars DO NOT GO HERE I went to get my nails filled Friday by Monday 2num were broken I was not happy with the way they looked very wavy uneven edges and with the exception of 1num there is a dip in the center of each nail I also had a pedicure and they cut my nails too short onenum of my big toes looks like it s getting infected No way I 'm certainly no expert on asian food in fact not even a lover of Vietnamese food but I wanted to try the real things here at A Dong Cold slimy tasteless however is the same in all languages and foods Not good not great and again another disappointment in Central Iowa How do these places stay in business This town needs some food soul and this is not it Worth Every Penny My girlfriend and I ate at The Grill last night and our experience was amazing Everything we ordered was prepared to perfection and was presented perfectly The asparagus seared tuna and lobster tail were the best we ever had Then the desserts came and they were hands down the best dessert we ever had I will sum it up with it was worth every penny BEST CHINESE RESTAURANT EVER It was the best Chinese food I have ever had All the food tasted excellent and with the new renovation of chairs and the bathroom it is awesome The people working their are also extremely polite and friendly Every time I go Kevin the manager will always remember my family and I Overall it is very family oriented and I recommend it to everyone Furnace repair Tiger Heating is awesome I had John and Dustin working feverishly to get my exhaust motor replaced These guys were absolutely professional John was here in 45num minutes after I called on a 10num below zeronum early Sunday morning If you need someone to help you out with your heating problems I DEFINITELY would call TIGER HEATING and AIR Absolutely a wonderful company My family and I thank you They Suck Go somewhere else Wanted to buy a Rhino 700 and a Grizzly 700 After searching high and low for a salesman I was treated like dirt and we left Parts department blows Service department is even worse I live 10num minutes from Cycle City but I Drove 50num mile south to Peachstate Powersports in LaGrange dealt with the owner Levi and was well taken care of Professional and inspiring Nigel from Nidd Design has always provided a first class service from his advice and professionalism to the quality of his design drawings and planning applications His knowledge and expertise help smooth the way with any planning application ensuring compliance with the building regulations Once you have met Nigel you will not want to work with anyone else He really does turn your dreams into reality for your home We came at around 730num and they close at 8num and wanted to try the specials but they were out for the day so I would say go way before they close Got the crab rangoon which was great tofu with cabbage which was spicy but good and shrimp satay which was also good Def going to come back and try this place again Bea was really nice and asked how the food was Cute place also As a native southern Californian I can tell you that this is not authentic Mexican food However I still like this place a lot Esp. the mole tortilla soup and guacamole Margaritas are alright My only complaint is the QUESO It used to be fabulous why did you guys change it Queso should not be watery :( update NEVER MIND They fixed the queso Thank you thank you There are so many wonderful great places to dine in houston do n't waste your time here I had the morelias enchiladas The sauce was dry and the enchiladas did not taste good at all In fact my friend vomited after our meal Maybe we ordered the wrong dish but my experience here was poor Service was okay not great we came for a late lunch I do n't recommend this place Skylight repair My skylight was making a horrible noise when the wind blew James Bateman came the day I called and fixed the problem quickly and efficiently He also inspected my entie roof to see if there was anything else that needed attention He called the next day to see if everything was to my satisfaction When the next hailstorm blows through I will not hesitate to contact James at Team Texas Construction tricky short guy The new management is tricky and talk you into getting video rental agreement To my surprise $ 20num deposit New movies not on shelf under the counter for Telugu Speaking people only or people who spend $ 30num or more groceries That did it for me no more Raina 's Besides parking is a pain cramped and un-ruly with Kumon Parents next door gives me heebee gee bees' Small Firm with Great Service Bloom Legal was really attentive to my problem and Seth Bloom took the time to help me understand the legal issue I was dealing with I much preferred the onenum on onenum service here to the experiences I 've had with bigger offices and firms While I hope I do n't have any need for a lawyer anytime soon if I do I 'll definitely use this firm again Used their service for the first time and was immediately impressed by their professionalism received a phone call soon after order was placed to confirm details and the subsequent delivery of my gift To Split Croatia was as requested The gift itself was exactly as described and pictured in the catalogue and of the highest standard Would highly recommend to anyone requiring overseas gift delivery Danny Australia I LOVE MY GYM FITNESS UNLIMITED is a second home to a lot of us gym members who work out daily If you are serious about working out in a non-commercial like atmosphere then you have chosen the best place to be This is the most humble gym you will every step into if you dare to work on your body do n't be surprised when you see how addicting going to FITNESS UNLIMITED can be Over-rated This restaurant is over-rated It is hard to find and the mexican food is bland almost equivalent to eating out of a can The service is poor I asked for a fried egg on my enchiladas and did not get it Secondly the enchladas did not come with enchilada sauce but chili like Hormel 's chili the cheese was American cheese The Chili Relleno had no batter on it I googled restaurants in the area and Fuji Sushi came up and reviews were great so I made a carry out order of L 17num Mixed Tempura 8.25num Shrimp or vegetable tempura & salad I was very happy with the customer service and even more please with the portion size to go box set up and quality of the food for the price I 'm very happy and will definitely dine in and carry out again Learn from a Cesar Gracie black belt and former ufc fighter When i say jiu jitsu or mma i mean it Best jiu jitsu mma in Santa Rosa and i have the experience and belt to back it up When you come to ncfa you will see a real instructor that teaches and trains everyday If your coach has no fights and you never see him train and sweat something is wrong Dave Terrell Good Pizza at a good price I just moved nearby and have tried several of the local places this was the first onenum and I should have just stuck with it The pizza is usually pretty good the only bad onenum we got was on a Friday night and it just needed to be cooked a little more but it was still good Their BBQ chicken pizza is onenum of the better ones I have ever had HORRIBLE SERVICE Absolute horrible service from the parts department They are very rude over the phone and in person They talk down to you like they are supreme beings if you hate your job so much then quit How these guys can get away with being so rude with people is mind blowing I will NEVER do business with Sun Toyota again Thank god there are plenty of Toyota dealerships to choose from in this city this is a good place I have been here before and the service was absoulutely great They had a great selection of colors to choose from and their seats are super comfty I enjoy going there although i 've only been there once i will be returning toda to recieve a pair of french tips and i will only go to the best and to me the best is here i reccomend you to go and enjoy their wonderful hospitality Anna Marie and Govind are very sweet people and the minute you steep into their school the calm loving atmosphere takes over and tension and worries stay outside in the street whether or not you pick them up again after class is probably a question of practice A wonderful place if you want more than just the physical side of yoga Give yourself the gift of trying this place to see if it fits you They do n't seem to be interested in selling cars Went there yesterday we are trying to decide between twonum different Honda models so we wanted to test drive both back to back The salesperson refused Claimed he was too busy for twonum test drives We were the only customers there Do n't waste time just drive 10num minutes more down to Stevens Creek they actually do try to help their customers there ATE HERE A COUPLE TIMES IT IS NOT A HIGH END STEAK HOUSE MORE OF THE CUISINE BRETT ENJOYS IN MISSISSIPPI SO IF YOU WANT A BURGER AND FRIES WELL IT IS OK IF YOU WANT A LITTLE CAJUNISH FOOD IT IS GOOD IF YOU WANT A STEAK WELL THIS IS NOT THE BEST IN GREEN BAY OVERALL DECENT BUT IF YOU ARE EXPECTING A RUTH CHRIS TYPE STEAK THIS IS NOT IT Eulogic Good place to be on a Sunday Night The beers were good nice choice of beers as well and as usual the mussels were great the place upstairs is a nice addition to the bar downstairs Filled up on too much beer and hence can not comment on the food But the menu had standard stuff that one would get at a Belgian Tavern If you are a handcraft beer person this is a fantastic place to be Perfect Location plus I moved into the Tanglewood Apartments in late 2008num and it 's been a refreshing change I used to live at Meadowrun and that was a nightmare The manager Tiffany is actually very nice so I 'm a bit surprised by other comments She 's very reachable and she has always responded quickly to any questions or requests Plus she plans a monthly breakfasts and other events at the clubhouse which is a nice added benefit great service / deals support this local business I have used these guys for new snows fixing lots of flats used replacement tires and oil changes They have the best prices locally and good customer service Onenum guy is a little surley but who gives a crap as long as your car 's work is outstanding AND they 're usually able to help you as a walk in and they 're fast Overall good stuff Another great business bites the dust The best cakes EVER A bit pricey so I did n't go very often but it was always a treat when I did The prices were worth what I got I 'm assuming they are completely out of business since I ca n't find any contact information I 'm hoping the bakers continue to do their baking out of another place because it would be a shame not to have these cakes any longer Super nice people really good food What I love most about this place other than the food is that eating here makes you feel like you 're in a small town rather than Baltimore The owners are really nice they serve good food at a good price and the option to eat outside on the deck esp on the weekend whether there is hardly any traffic is great Onenum of my top 5num places to eat in Baltimore Overpriced This place is identical to the Youngstown Sports Grille so I imagine they are owned / operated by the same people The food is mediocre at best and largely overpriced given the portion size and quality Do n't even get me started on how expensive it is to drink there I have ate here 3num times since they first opened and the service has been poor each time the staff always comes across as somewhat rude and slow Apps 4num Salad 3num Entree 3.5num Wine 5num NOV 07num Enjoyed this cozy little spot with a group of 8num folks Service was excellent Food was excellent Wine was excellent I was feeling the need for some fish so I had the salmon which was very good but the steaks looked amazing and if I am in town again I 'll definitely order a steak A perfect place for a romantic dinner Lots of pretty people dining inside Great staff Very helpful They interviewed me gave me tests in the software I included on my resume and placed me in a position that I kept for several years Re-interviewed and am going on interviews for a new job I 'm really thankful for the folks at HR Office They are dependable have great connections in the community and are a great resource for finding a job I highly recommend them to all of my friends Great experience consider checking out their puppies before buying from a breeder I adopted a 3.5num month old yellow lab last winter from the Dumb Friends League The staff was very helpful in finding the right dog for me and the care my pup received was outstanding If you are on the lookout for a pure breed pup do n't forget to check out the shelters My pup has a wonderful temperment and has been a wonderful addition to my family Food good service poor No silverware asked for a spoon for my son s mac and cheese ended up having to use my tea spoon Asked for bar b que sauce never got it Never checked back with us once we got our food Had to go the the bus boy s station ourselves to get napkins Only onenum server too buys talking with others I guess Food was good but service means a lot to me Dr. Chao you are the best dentist I have ever had You are knowledgeable professional gentel and kind I wish I had you as my dentist early on in my life maybe my teeth would have been a lot better then they are now However I am glad you are my dentist now Even though you are expensive Thank you for helping to preserve my teeth You are meticulous in your work and it shows in my smile Con Garage I brought my car in for a simple emissions test I guess they figured me for an easy mark and tried to explain that my car would n't pass unless I replaced a hose Tennum minutes later I took my car down the street and it passed the emissions test with flying colors If you 're a fan of herpes being ripped off and child molesters this is the garage for you If not go somewhere else Rude service even though I have never tried hoa salon but I agree with other reviewers that they are rude I called and asked about the price for hair updo and the receptionist or owner who aswered the phone refused to tell me or even just give me an approximate price range He told us to stop by the salon and then he will tell us the price What kind of rude service is that I do n't want to waste my time with them Top notch eats So here we are in Manson Manson Yes Manson Right near Chelan Aka Nowheresville And this litttle gem of a 7num table restaurant is a complete and utterly wonderful surprise A short but wide ranging menu executed with innovative perfection in a cozy hole in the wall just off the main street Fantastic food served without pretense very reasonably priced wine selections A great place to go for dinner after a day of wine tasting Excellent Service and Reasonable Prices Boutique stores dealing in children 's clothing / gifts are often outrageously priced who wants to pay 40num dollars for a newborn onesie but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Purple Goose 's prices are reasonable for the SAME products found at other area boutiques the prices were 20num - 25num % cheaper The service was also excellent friendly helpful and informative without being overbearing Will definitely return Consistantly poor A lack of organisation coupled with the distain for its customers makes this the worst rental agency I have used Chasing them on issues from the day I moved in many of them still unresolved as I left to all sorts of farcical issues with funds after I left as soon as I could If you must use them be vigilant and be ready to push if you can go elsewhere then I would AMAZING NIGHT Great Party Spot Went to the Willow Lounge this past weekend for dinner and drinks place is awesome Had to keep in mind that the A C broke I feel bad it was their opening Anyway once that is fixed this place will be amazing Drinks were awesome prices reasonable and staff friendly This is an awesome date spot that the area SERIOUSLY needs Check out The Willow Lounge you ll be happy It s been a few years since I have been to Ipanema But my wife and I first went there thinking it would be Brazilian food think lots of meat but it turned out to be a vegan restaurant And I can say this was onenum of my favorite places to eat in all of Richmond Amazing Do n't let the nondescript building entrance fool you these are some creative and talented chefs twonum thumbs way way up Excellent food fantastic wait staff I recently threw a surprise birthday party for my wife at Fraiser 's We had 30num guests for the event and everyone came away from the evening impressed with not only the food but the outstanding service as well The management was easy to deal with during the planning stages and the execution by the kitchen and wait staff was flawless I highly recommend Fraiser 's for anyone planning a special event for friends family or business FANTASTIC STORE I came upon this store as the building caught my eye It 's located in the huge HONKA Log Homes building by Walmart off of Evergreen Parkway The store was decorated with furnishings & accessories The friendly crew working was great & very helpful This store is what Colorado is all about Also I purchased some furniture last year and all has been great It's durability & look was perfect and I will definitely be adding to my collection soon Lovely People Great Hats I was saddened to see the reviews that claimed World Hats Mart has poor service It led me to believe that the reviewers simply had difficulty tolerating people with strongly accented English The husband and wife who run this spot are lovely people We have had many conversations with them and they have always been extremely patient with me as I tried on multiple hats in search of the right costumes for my magic act I recommend them highly DO NT ever go there not even if your car flips Their service sucks to start off with people are cruel and ignorant I 'm compeltly dissatisfied with their service and their products They DO NOT have a return policy and even if their product SUCKS they will NOT take it back DO NOT EVER GO HERE I prefer Advanced auto parts over this crappy place with the meanest people And they THRIVE to get a customer DO NOT go here thank you Horrible I have been growing my hair out for 1num year plus and went in to get 1num inch taken off I walked out with 5num inch long hair on the top 2num inch long hair on the sides and 1.5num in the back My hair is uneven and it looks rediculous This woman should be working in supercuts if that This was a terrible experience and I hope that no one else goes through that Do your self a favor and do not go to this establishment The worst Burger King restaurant I generally like the BK over the other fast serving restaurants however I regreted to visit this restaurant at my town This is a shame of my adorable town Branford I ordered a kid meal with a milk and found a bottle was half opened already I asked them to change it but they rudely said that it was okay Disgusting french fries is very best menu Do n't go or you will learn how to waste your money Disappointed The Bad I was at Napa recently and was unpleasantly surprised at poor waiter svce and subpar food We were a party of 4num and none of us were particularly pleased with our dishes Napa is all about wine but gives very short descriptions of the wines on their lists I found my initial selection satisfactory but the wine flight we chose to be poorly composed If you must go ask lots of questions about your selections since your expectations may as high as mine were Highly Recommended We walked in to pick our little man at 10num minutes to closing and heard laughter from kids and the staff The facilities are more than adequate and the staff are just phenomenal Their sense of humour and calmness when dealing with the little ones amazes me every time I walk in We have since moved slightly further away from the centre but it 's worth the extra travel as the care provided exceeds our expectations especially after a few horrendous daycare experiences elsewhere HORRIBLE This has to be some of the worst pizza I have ever had the misfortune of ordering The crust was lopsided thicker on onenum side than the other It actually had a hole in onenum of the slices There was minimal cheese and sauce and it completely lacked flavor I know New York pizza and this is not it This was nothing like New York style pizza I love pizza and this was a complete and utter disappointment I would not suggest this pizza to anyone best quote ever My gate was stuck halfway open so I called A CLASS Garage Doors Dr Services They came to my house in no time and started working on the gate They were very friendly and were able to explain me exactly what was wrong with it Once they fixed it they answetred all of my questions with no hesitations and then gave me the best quote ever I know that if my garage door needs to be repaired I will be calling A CLASS Garage Doors You will be happy at this store Allen Tire was recommended by friend after my having bad tire experiences in Temecula The store manager Jim Smith made an excellent tire recommendation for my newly acquired Lexus Tires were the right price and now the car feels like it is riding on rails around turns The store is clean run very professionally and a pleasure to be in They know their job and you do not have to watch them to be sure everything is done right Easiest Time I ever had purchasing a car Excellent service Not only did they get the exact car I wanted win in 48num hours but the sales man also took me out to lunch Very kind and reliable I highly recommend this dealership if you would not like to hassle on price and receive friendly service I have since purchased twonum cars from this dealership The first one was from Phillip and the second was from Richard Both were excellent sales men who put my needs first This place has done a great job of taking care of the usual maintenance on my hooptie I also never have to wait long for a yearly inspection sticker and never get the usual excuses other shops always gave me the inspection guy is n't here today for example Today I went into Kwik Kar and there were twonum cars in front of me for inspection but I was still out of there pretty quick barely had time to read a chapter in my book Extremely helpful and professional As first time home buyers my husband and I found Stephanie Fairchild at Prudential Steamboat Realty extremely helpful She worked with us for over a year helping us find our perfect home Stephanie 's knowledge of the market and properties in our price range made us feel secure in our decision to buy when we did We would highly recommend Stephanie to anyone looking for a home in the Yampa Valley We appreciated her patience knowledge and kindness Great Barber Firstly the other reviewer clearly has never been to Nick 's or he would know that Nick only charges $ 13num for a haircut which is pretty much industry standard I have been going to Nick for 5num months now precisely because he does pay attention to detail I have terrible hair and he really takes his time to make it look right Some of the younger kids that work there are a bit sub par but if you wait for Nick you 'll be good UGH Got some nice freshly baked fruit squares a personal favorite of mine Took a bite it tasted odd Flipped the square over and saw it riddled with green mold Ugh I called the store and the clerk giggled and agreed that it was gross but said it was not her problem She also refused to get a manager I left my number or tried to anyway Same clerk had considerable difficulty taking down a number I 'll never go back there again For cheap Chinese food this is the place to go I used to eat at places like New China or Green Buffet in Troy MO nothing terrible but not that great Now I wo n't eat fast food Chinese unless it 's from this place The best value I 've found from a Chinese restaurant I do n't live in Lake St. Louis anymore but deliveries were always correct and the service courteous Now I have to be in the area to get some lovin' sad face Amazing Experience My experience was amazing at Providence Aesthetics and Medical Spa Jana Kueck was nothing but professional She makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world Jana made me feel very comfortable Provided me with warm blanket and has soft music playing Walking in the door you are made to feel happy and relaxed Equipment is state of the art I would reccomend anyone to go see Jana Kueck and Robin Talley to see all the many procedures they have to offer Dave is a patient and methodical teacher who has a great ear and sensitivity for his students ' passion and the direction they want their lessons to take Also he loves teaching so much his price is unbeatable but that does not change his level of skill Dave has much to offer In just 2num - 3num focused lessons I 'm already now capable of picking up new songs off YouTube guitar how to videos and am even writing my own orginals with confidence Jason We love our new roof We would like to thank you for the roofing job you did on our home Everything was done on a timely manner and things were cleaned and picked up every day when the crew was done We also liked the way that Ray checked on the job every day And when the job was done every thing was cleaned up and hauled off that same day We would not hesitate to use Spears Roofing again We have already recommended you to some of our friends OMFG I FUCKING HATE THIS PLACE EVERY TIME i GO THIS HOT CHICK SHOWS UP AND i MEAN REALLY HOT BUT SHE IS LIKE REAAAALLY DUMB AND THEN THEIR IS THIS OTHER CHICK THAT IS REALY UGLY BUT SHE IS LIKE SUPER SMART SHE COULD BE A SCIENTIST BUT THEN THEIR IS THIS STONER WHO ALWAYS COMES HERE HIGH AND HE ALWAYS BRINGS HIS FUCKING DOG WHO IS SO HIGH FROM THE SECOND HAND SMOKE I THINK HE IS TRYING TO TALK ANYWAY WE DRIVE AROUND IN MY VAN AND SOLVE MYSTERYS AND SHIT AMAZINGLY YUMMY I just got back from france yesterday and just missed the food already My sister in law told me about this amazing new crepe place in town I was so excited I just wanted to go and test it out for my self Their customer service was perfect Their Food was better then anything I had ever tasted EVEN IN FRANCE I would highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a great atmosphere amazing food and great customer service Thank you Roll UP Crepes This is onenum of the worst places I have stayed we cut out stay short and went to the Mulberry Even though they still charge you the days you booked but wo n't use it is worth the get the hell out of this crap hole The whole experience shows a hotel managed by what must be a 2num star hotel manager Bad service starting from the front desk The best person is the valet Short of that avoid this place as a silver Marriott member this is a disgrace BEST PLACE IN AMES I lived here for twonum years when the prices were a little lower :) The places are very nice and clean and in great condition I really enjoyed the staff at Wessex also the manager Sherri was always very nice and helpful The fitness center was GREAT The only problem that I had in 2num years of living there was that the walls are pretty thin sometimes I could here my neighbors conversations I would recommend these apartments to anybody I absolutely LOVED living there The Best Service Ever I have never had better service My car broke down and roadside towed my vehicle to Sussman Kia They squeezed me in and had me back up and running in no time Everyone was pleasant and very helpful The service department even gave me a ride home and picked me up when my car was finished The advisor kept me up to date and informed on the progress of my vehicle I give this dealer an A + I will definitely be bringing my car back for service HEAVEN ON EARTHHHHHHH MUST TRY A +++ THIS PLACE IS THE BEST I HATED SUSHI BEFORE BUT NOW I CA NT STOP EATTING IT NICE SERVICE AND EXCELLENT FOOD EVERYTHING IN HERE SEEMS TO AMAZE ME THEIR GRILL DISHES ARE OUT TA THIS WORLD AND SUSHI IS JUST FABULOUS I EAT HERE AT LEAST 5num DAYS A WEEK THEY HAVE EXCELLENT SUSHI CHEF SPECIAL ROLLS FOR A FAIR PRICE AND SO IS THE GRILL ORDERS A ++++ JUNO AND OPEN I LOVE YOU GUYS no homo :D friendly fine food The onenum star review from 2005num is out of date There was a change of ownership a couple of years ago and service is both quick and extremely friendly The food continues to be very good deli sandwiches homemade soups fresh salads The atmosphere may not be for everyone It is a bustling place where separate parties are seated at the same table as in many European cafes but if you are OK with that the food is very good Love the soups The New Italian Kid on the Block Another Italian restaurant in Collingswood Do we need another one Only if it is of the quality of That 's Amore The menu has the usual but then they step it up another notch The arancini di riso risotto fritters are not to be missed Chicken saltimboca was excellent and then there 's the chocolate mousse that comes straight from heaven Pay extra attention to the appetizers the next time I go there I 'm planning on ordered a few instead of an entree Auto Towing is onenum of the best towing services I have used The first time I used them they arrived on time and towed car for me to the destination I needed The auto mechanics that work for Auto Towing are very friendly and informative and answered any question I had They have towed car for me a few times and I am always very satisfied with this services If you are looking for towing services that can offer you a good towed car service then Auto Towing is the company for you A very satisfied new customer As a very satisfied new customer I wholeheartedly recommend United Air Duct Cleaning They are professional knowledgeable and take meticulous care and pride in accomplishing their work Not only were my wife and I very pleased but I also had the air duct quality tested professionally by the home inspector that I regularly use before and after United Air Duct performed their work Based on the test results the home inspector stated that the quality of their job was excellent The Best Breakfast in Solana Beach We love T 's Cafe Without a doubt the best place to grab a tall bloody mary and some eggs benedict T 's has been a North County landmark for thirtynum years and with good reason Family owned and operated makes sure the atmosphere is relaxed and the food home cooked with style I highly recommend picking up a jug of their homemade bloody mary mix definitely the best If you 've been to North County chances are it 's in your favorites list already Prominent Builders NJ Prominent Builders in New Jersey are onenum the best building contractors I was referred to them by my friend I am so glad I used them for my Home renovation and addition They were very professional respectful completed the Job on time and well below my budget Mike onenum of owners was awesome he explained the detailed plan and executed on time I am always going use them and refer them to many friends I can because of the great job they did me Great Dude Cut Great service cool vibe impeccable style I 'm a guy with tricky hair so getting that right is job # 1num After going through 5num other places I finally found Janice at Alta Moda Not only was it a good cut but my wife and friends comment on my hair every time I leave saying it 's the best look I 've ever had Either I suck at my own style or Janice is a genius Looks like there 's a lot of talent in this place Worth every penny My Favorite place at Wildwood I have been going to the Wildwood NJ for over 30num years for summer vacations and always call the Madrid first I rated it 5num stars I am not saying it is a 5num star hotel I am saying when comparing all other hotels in Wildwood this hotel has everything that we are looking for It is the hospitality from Tom and staff that makes it feel like a 5num star hotel in the middle of the beach We prefer the layout of rooms and it is always clean When in Scordia Sicily If ever in Sicily please take the time to visit Anna Maria Jose Mudo and her familia They are and always will be the nicest people in Sicily that you will meet You will also have the pleasure of learning the Italiano language You will also have the experience of learning the bella Sicilian culture that I have fallen in luv with I will 4 ever be eternally grateful for their hospitality and luv that my Sicilian family showed me when I was there for 3num years Luv always I 've never felt the need to write a review or make a complaint before but after the way I was spoken to by a member of staff at the kennels whose name I believe to be Mrs Closs I would now not recommend this business to anybody If the animals are treated in the same way the customers are treated then this leaves a lot to be desired Nobody should be spoken to like that regardless of how bad their day may have been or what may be going on in their private lives Best Car Dealer in TX I purchased a nissan from this dealship The sales men were very knowledgeable about every aspect of every car we looked at They were very patient and helpful from showing the cars to doing the paperwork The paperwork was a very easy and smooth They tried to run my credit score as less as possible so it wo n't hurt my score Overall I was very happy with the customer service and my purchase If you 're looking to buy a car definitely give them a call They have a huge inventory I have been a patient a NW hospital and it was great I have also had an 80num yr old that I take of sent to the ER and long stays in the hospital Yes we had to wait but ER is a triage system that takes the most life threatening cases first Any ER would be the same As far as being treated like a drug seeker that has not been my experience As a nurse I know about drug seekers This is a great hospital and even better since it became part of the UW system Wonderful Experience I had immense pain on a Sunday morning with friends and family telling me that I would never find a Dentist on a Sunday Dr. Taylor was not only available on a Sunday but also was able to immediately take care of me He was incredibly informative about the options I had giving me opinions on different treatments to choose from Coming from a person who hates the dentist in general Dr. Taylor was the best He really made the visit a pain free one with excellent service I would recommend him to everyone HORRIBLE This school is the worst onenum i 've ever been to I attended it for 2num years and that was enough There 's holes everywhere in the ceiling sewage constantly leaks through the ceiling and the whole condition of the school is horrible The staff and the Principal are rediculous they do n't listen to any input and they make up rediculous rules They banned backpacks because a teacher TRIPPED OVER a student 's The education is horrible at best do society a favor and do NOT send your student here Excellent customer service and quality work They went the extra mile to repair my cowboy boots they had to have a special kind of paper that looked like wood grain to fix the heels That was 4num years ago I have n't been able to find a shoe repair place in Seattle since that has been able to do it I 've been through at least 5num places already If I had time to drive to Tacoma before they closed during the work week I would just so I could get those boots fixed properly again So Handy for Local La Jolla Stuff Especially for Finding Residential Numbers Since moving back from college and trying to settle roots in the Village I have referred to the La Jolla Blue Book for a ton of local numbers The white pages allowed me to get in touch with parents of my high school friends so that I could track people down onenum by onenum and the restaurant section is basically my cookbook It 's really cool that so many local businesses are found so quickly in onenum place and I want to spread the word THX :-) The staff do occasionally get game info correct but if you r looking fot a good game and are n't a nerd do nt ask them The last time I did that I was suggested to buy oblivion when I told them I was looking for a fps I knew what it was and told the guy that it was n't a fps He tried to tell me it was when I told asked him if he knew what fps stood for and he had no clue Overall they are n't very knowledge about the type of games are on the market First and Last time we 'll eat there My friend and I went there for lunch today Neither one of us had ever been so we thought we 'd try it BIG MISTAKE The food was tasteless and cold We both kept trying to find something we liked The only thing I found edible were the potato wedges I finally gave up he kept trying he found the fried wantons to be OK His Mongolian bowl was awful Would NOT recommend this place to anyone in fact save your money and go somewhere else Rocks I am not a client of but onenum of my friend called Steven is the client having several websites I work with him and since past 6num years he is hosting his websites to Liquidweb As I have gone through many reviews sites to see if any provider is providing better services or not and I have realized that there were many good reviews about Liquidweb also Steven never faced any server issues in his whole hosting The kind of support they provide is simply great I would like to host my upcoming website to Hino Dealer of the Year Congratulations Prestige Hino You have been awarded the converted Hino Dealer of the Year Each of you should be proud of your massive contributions throughout the year Major Awards Overall Hino dealer of the year Overall Hino finance dealer of the year Major Awards Market leader overall Dandenong PMA sales Market leader medium duty sales Well done to Anthony and the team Bronze award service excellence metro Well done to Brendan and the team Gold award parts excellence metro Well done to Jason and the team simple but perfect IF you want flashy fancy food stacked high with lots of fussy garnishes this is not the place for you If you want perfectly executed simple dishes that feature a few exquisite ingredients you 'll love Vetri Hands down the best pasta and gnocchi I 've ever eaten and I 've eaten a lot The antipasti were amazing the wines were mind blowing the service could n't have been better I 've dined at lots of high end restaurants and I 've never before felt my money was so well spent Great Prices Great service I 've been to this shop twice once for an inspection and again for an oil change and they truly live up to their name Discount They have all kind of coupons available for car washes oil changes state inspection etc The thing is you still get high quality service at nicely discounted rates There is even free coffee and bottles of water if you 'd like The owner is a pleasant guy and I would trust my car with him or any of his workers Top notch all the way David is amazing David is the most helpful and creative photographer that I have used He is willing to do whatever you need from him without hesitation He was patient and adapted when everything did n't go according to schedule on my wedding day Both the engagement and wedding pictures that he took for us we absolutely amazing He got the pictures back to me quickly I would highly recommend David to anyone He will exceed your expectations He does n't just take pictures he makes art out of them and you wo n't even notice that there 's a camera there Not so great My husband just got a bike there as a gift he 's only had it a month It 's a nice bike and it cost a lot of money But just this week a peddle broke He took it back and they would not honor a warranty and said it was his fault because of his shoes So they were going to charge him for new peddles and proceeded to put them on without even telling him the price Which was very expensive He asked for a different pair instead and they only gave him fivenum dollars off Trek is not so great Only Concerned With Money I have been getting my treatments for a few months now and have seen some results but not up to the standards that I was told I should expect The people there attempt to come across and professional and nice but I was disappointed with their customer service Never miss an appointment because they will charge you the price of a treatment even if you had an emergency It 's pretty ridiculous They want to squeeze as much as they can from you even if you just got in a car accident They do n't care onenum bit about you Terrible service Made an appointment to have them come to the house to discuss curtain options and give an estimate They sent over someone who said he knows nothing about curtains and could not show me fabric options or give an estimate When I called the manager to complain she said she KNEW the guy did n't know about curtains and that the usual lady called in sick hours earlier Instead of rescheduling they chose to waste my time instead So what was the point of the appointment To just come over and hang out I will NEVER do business with this company EVER Internet Department is rude and insulting I was looking to bring a customer to their lot to buy a car but the Internet salesperson Last name is Balazick sent me this email AND IF IT WAS WORTH MY TIME I WOULD OF BOTHERED ASWERING YOUR QUESTIONS I MAKE MONEY NOT DEAL WITH BROKERS Wow can you believe in today s tough times this dealership would be looking for any way to move vehicles As a previous Internet Manager I would deal with anyone looking to buy a car for a profit and not care if they came in with a broker Stay away from this dealership This place is a Rip Off I brought a car in to have the check engine light diagnosed back in March of 2010num They said it was plugs and wires and quoted me $ 330num to do the work including parts I asked why so high and they said it was due to the labor of moving things out of the way Those things ended up being a windsheild washer fluid tank 1num screw and the air filter canister 4num spring clips I did the work myself for $ 50num There 's no excuse for that kind of estimate My girlfriend and I took a chance on this place because we did n't want to wait in line at Outback What an amazing find this restaurant is a GEM 1 it s immaculately clean 2 the decor is tasteful and artistic from the comfortable chairs to the elegant light fixtures and most importantly 3 the food is FANTASTIC This is authentic Cuban cuisine fresh ingredients expertly prepared and seasoned perfectly The portions were generous and we got out for less than the cost of onenum entree at some chain restaurant TRY THIS PLACE YOU 'LL LOVE IT Thank you for helping me get more healthy I came in and saw Dr. Ruona about a month ago for quitting smoking I have to tell you that I have n't had onenum and do n't want onenum It is the easiest thing that I have ever done and I tell all my friends that they should do it too I sent a customer of mine to you Dr. Ruona if you read this thank you for helping me get more healthy I feel lighter and feel that I have more possibilities open to me now than I did before I ca n't thank you enough Signs of Saltford an excellent supplier of value for money signs and banners etc I have been a friend and customer of Signs of Saltford for well over 12num years now and I also became their website supplier some 3num years ago Tina is the driving force of the business and you can be assured that she will endevour to satisfy all your signage requirements at the most cost effective rates I have been extremely pleased with the signs and pop up banners she has supplied to me over the years a truly first class family business run by Tina and her husband Chris My counseling practice Hello my name is Vera and I 'm writing a review about my own counseling practice in Bellevue WA. and in Renton WA I am a licensed mental health counselor and I work with variety of mental health problems I offer compassionate approachable and personalized counseling services My style is compassionate nonjudgmental and caring Please visit my website to learn more about my practice at I am a preferred provider with most insurance companies Schedule your first appointment online I would appreciate reviews from anyone who has worked with me before in the mental health setting Fantastic for kids If you have children or are just a real animal lover yourself you 'll love this zoo It 's only $ 10num and in essence just onenum big petting zoo They sell feed and milk bottles at the front and I recommend you buy lots We took our 7num month old and she laughed and giggled when very harshly I might add grabbing and kissed the goats and lambs The animals were all very sweet and patient with her Among the animals that were available to touch were pony's camels and EVEN AN OSTRICH Wonderful inexpensive and lots of fun WOW I ca n't say enough good things about Karla and the wonderful things she has done for me and my dog Gracee Gracee is more excited to see her than she is to see me She has always been there for Gracee even for last minute calls She has taken care of my sweet girl for almost 4num years now and I would not let Gracee go with anyone besides her She is caring and very enthusiastic about her job You should give her a try it 's worth every penny to know that you pet is in GREAT hands with Wunderbar pet sitting Worst Service I 've Ever Experienced I wish there was something good to say about the business but unfortunately there is n't 1 Service and manners were nonexistent 2 The employees constantly talk down to customers and are very argumentative for the sake of being argumentative to both myself and customers 3 I have never experienced so much rudeness coming from a business 4 The business is very unorganized The invoice is not detailed so it is difficult to see what you are paying for I 'd recommend to save your time and energy and find another greek store Exile is the best Exile is the longest lasting and most authentic punk store in Richmond I have been shopping there for over sixnum years now The staff is incredibly friendly and helpful and the owner Mimmy is an absolute angel The mark up is minimal considering that the clothing is hard to find and often shipped for Europe In addition the clothing is of much better quality than the clothing from hot topic which is made as cheaply as possible by people living in horrible conditions in Asia Exile is environmentally conscious and involved heavily in our community Shop local at Exile Over-rated Buddakan inevitably attracts the majority of its guests simply because of its association with Steven Starr but that does n't impress me The atmosphere alone deserves 4num stars but the food was not up to par with the price tag and the reputation the restaurant carries The server we had was knowledgeable but he was not as proper as he should have been acting like he was talking to his friends rather than his customers The angry lobster was completely over-priced $ 80num for a dish that has about onenum small lobster tail and is full of filler vegetables I would n't go there again Alto delivers on all levels From the moment you enter the restaurant you know you are some place special The service is impeccable and the food is even better I highly recommend the fournum course tasting menu which gives you plenty of range and food to satisfy your appetite Also if you are into wine Alto has the depth of both region varietal and vintage to satisfy nearly any sommelier or after 9num pm bring your own bottle for free no corking fee While it 's not cheap Alto will give you an experience you 'll never forget The landlord is not nice nor helpful I have lived in Buckingham Condominiums townhouse for 2num years I love the location and the apartment I 'm a single female and I feel safe coming home at night The maintenance people are AWESOME And the exterminator is very nice also Yes you still have a few bugs but that 's going to be anywhere you go The only problem that I have experienced is the landlord She is a pure b**** I know that 's ugly but she wo n't help you out for anything sad story Other than that I would recommend living here :) The staff leaves a lot to be desired The front staff has seen quite a bit of turnover and changed from professional to rude A simple follow up phone call with a woman quickly turned into a nightmare She may be the reason for all the change I sincerely wonder if the doctor has a clue about what is going on within his practice If he does know and approves of this behavior then it is a poor reflection on him Sometimes it is not worth it to go through that kind of staff and their personal attitude to get to a doctor He was an okay doctor but not worth her WWW Wonderful Wild Wildernest inn I would give the Wildernest inn tennum stars of fivenum Atop Spring Mountain from the decks of the West porch one can see forever a scene of unparalleled beauty and grandeur I saw deer frequently in fact a small herd were grazing near the lodge There were occasional bears on the deck in the morning and most correctly us visitors did not mingle with the native wildlife It would have been more than one could bear Kathy and Stewart the proprietors were the epitome of perfection Delightful hospitable superb cozy and comfortable I hope to be back junkie lube really weird place I was driving home from work thought I 'd stop in for an oil change and well there are a few guys in jiffy lube uniforms sitting at the table drinking beers and shooting the breeze The neon lighting sign still said on yet some guy who seemed to be the oldest of the bunch more like the drunkest of the bunch told me they 'd be open tomorrow I asked if a manager was on duty he told me he was WOW grey shirt mark of course with this type behavior he could have been wearing someon else s clothing A friend and I recently took our 16num and 18num month olds here While there was n't too much available for their age ball pit bouncy area and a little padded pyramid to climb on we went right when they opened at 10num am on a winter weekday and ended up being the only ones there so we were given a little more liberty than we would have if others had been there It 's not the classiest place but it was cleaner than I expected and the staff was very friendly For $ 4num it was a nice break from the monotony of winter indoors with a toddler Restored my faith in Mechaincs I spent 3num months going from shop to shop trying to get my Ferrari to run and drive the way it should I was about to give up when I met Jason and Neal They took on the challenge of making my Ferrari all I dreamed of and more The crew at The Creative Workshop went over and above the call of duty and gave me back a car I can drive anywhere and finally enjoy owning I can not say enough about this place They have restored my faith in Mechanics Do yourself a favor call these guys first and enjoy driving your car again a great vacation We wanted to see the sun and we also got much more Excellent chefs are in the kitchen preparing memorable breakfasts After a train ride over the mountains we enjoyed hiking in the flower filled Wenatchee hills in May and a very interesting bike ride in a loop around the Columbia River and then wine if we wanted it on the patio in the evening This is a busy group of hosts they are also running a restaurant which also must be wonderful so just ask for what you need and I 'm sure they will do their best to be hospitable OMG OMG make sure to book a reservation as this magical place is packed in a nice way I love that the owner walks around and cares how his customers feel about their food The waiters are like no other My waiter was so excellent I gave him a 75num % tip and it was worht every penny The food was finger licking the bowel fantastic I just discovered her has a place right near my work Color me Phat If you are looking for a romatic place with the best food and service in the valley Giovanni Ristorante should be your number 1num + 2num choice Holly is truely the best hairstylist I have lived in the UTC La Jolla area for many years and I never new this salon was here until a friend reffered me to see Holly here I was very pleased with my experience here All of the people were friendly and welcoming I got highlights haircut and a blowdry She did a great job Holly is very experienced and talented and I could tell she new what she was doing right off the bat My hair looks amazing and I get compliments all the time I deffenitly reccomend this salon and Holly to anyone You will not be disappointed Outdated but not bad So I really felt like this place was extremely outdated especially since the pictures make it look nice and modern It had listed that there was a hot breakfast but all this meant is that they added a waffle maker to the common continental affair at most cheap hotels The family suite was basically twonum rooms with a small opening between them which worked great for us because we were twonum families traveling together If you are in town and need that kind of space I say stay here but if you are looking for a little more upscale affair do n't let the pictures fool you and book somewhere else Great and probably the only West Indian spot worth hitting up in Nashville I was born and raised in Toronto which has a huge West Indian Trinidadian Jamaican etc population So huge in fact that Toronto slang is influenced by and has Jamaican references and Jamaican beef patties are staples in my high school cafeteria Anyway I was practically raised on this stuff and being a connoisseur of West Indian cuisine Jamaica Way is a bit toned down to suit the American palette All you have to do to make it authentic Jamaican food is add a whole lot of pepper A lot The finest Christmas Trees i 've ever seen I felt like I was in heaven when I walked through the majestic fields of this particular farm The trees were in magnificent shape and the variety was astounding The owners were entertaining and gracious I especially liked the Eco friendly atmosphere and the owner s love of all animals This is onenum of the best farms I have ever been too I would call it the Taj Mahal of the east coast It put hair on my chest and thanks to the owner s advice I invested vanguard got myself a woman like Jerry and became a republican Thanks Tussey Mountain Tree Plantation Pho nomenal I have been eating Pho for almost my entire life and I 've always gone to the Pho places in south philly and off the boulevard and even the other one in chinatown but when i tried this pho place it blew the other pho houses away all of the pho places taste the same to me so what seperates onenum from the other is the service and the price The service here is incredible compared to the other places the only down fall of this pho house is the difficulty in finding parking in chinatown remember to bring cash since they do n't take debit or credit hope this helps Had a horrible experience with a manager here Rachel McInnis she was rude inconsiderate and did not do the right thing for an item that was marked incorrectly I 'm not interested in shopping in a place with people like her she refused to sell me the item at its marked price even after admitting they had made a mistake I normally do n't write reviews but seeing that I considered Dillards a distinguished upscale place to shop this onenum wo n't be getting my business nor my family 's nor my co-workers It 's never ok to let a customer walk out unhappy especially when they are right Highly Recommend I work as a Transformational Life Coach Since this is an alternative therapy I always refer clients to a lisenced therapist when I feel that is appropriate I found her through a colleague onenum day when onenum of my clients was in the midst of a panic attack and needed professional help that I am not qualified to provide Little did I know that I would soon be needing her help as well She guided me through a very difficult period dealing with a family member 's suicide coupled with elder abuse I found her to be extremely solid kind compassionate and intuitive as well I would recommend her highly They wo n't have a second chance from me First let me state that although I live in NYC I am not from NYC I do n't care about baseball and I absolutely love Boston to death so beautiful so clean so awesome That said I hated this restaurant The service was just about as good as I 'd get in NYC that means it was poor and the food was almost mediocre The decor left a lot to be desired and the posters telling me all the reasons 99 was great just served as an ironic contrast against the reality Personally I recommend you take your money elsewhere When I arrived at Brickell Honda on 6/4/11num I was greeted and attended to by the Sales Manager Gustavo Guerra in a very friendly and professional manner I explained to him what I wanted and that I previously went to Braman Honda Bramen Honda was a bit of a hassle He told me no problem we will match the offer or do better Mr. Guerra gave me a better deal without any hassles nor any type of problems Brickell Honda has been the best buying experience in the world I urge all St. Thomas the Apostle parishioners and all of South Florida residents to come see Gus Excellent customer service Great Honest Service I took my 2001num Nissan Frontier in to fix a cracked manifold The dealer wanted $ 1300num to fix that and another $ 1500num to fix some other things Eagle Transmission determined that much of the work the dealer said needed to be done was unneccesary and what needed to be fixed was only $ 400num I was so impressed with the honesty and integrity of Mike and everyone at Eagle Transmission I dropped the truck off in the morning and it was ready that afternoon I have finally found a mechanic I trust And it was great that they did not charge a service fee to diagnose the problem an added bonus Dr. Shady Kelly hit the nail on the head Dr. Shady is a jerk After the way she spoke to me on my last visit I will not be returning Good luck keeping business with that stuck up attitude Dr. Shady You have just lost mine The next time you feel like being condescending to someone it is not going to be me Dr. Shady is inexperienced and prideful She probably does not even have 10num % of the knowledge that some of the other EXPERIENCED vets do in this area I will be carefully researching vets before I take my dog someplace else Beautifully written reviews Doctor but completely UNTRUE Poor Experience I did not have a good experience w Dr. Ghassemlou During the session he demanded to have my physical address which I 've always kept private as I am enrolled in a witness protection program I believe he is correct in that he needs my physical address for legal reasons however he did not adequately explain this during our session I learned more about this doing my own research afterward I think he could 've done more to assuage my concerns by giving me concrete facts Saying that I need to give him my address or else I have intimacy issues is not helpful It 's pretty combative actually you 'll love it I have had my back fused in 2num places I wish that I had n't done this With these fusions chiropractric is n't as successful but it still is very helpful Even after my fusions my back continued to hurt but now it does n't hurt any more I would encourage anyone who is thinking of back surgery to talk about different treatment options first with Dr. de Barros He really knows what he is talking about and will approach the different options fairly You can see different treatments that a surgeon ca n't see so that you can have several treatment options before you decide what to do Unbelievably huge experience for such a small salon I have been to Kim at Cheveux for more than fivenum years I can not tell you how often I am complimented on my hair style AND color I regularly request Kim 's business cards as I am often stopped on the street and asked Who does your hair I LOVE it Quaint lovely small salon with BIG personality I am made to feel special when I am in the chair and I have NEVER had a less than amazing cut or color experience My hair has never felt this healthy either I can not recommend this salon enough Thanks Cheveux My Favorite in McLean My family loves coming to Endo Sushi They are very nice it is never crowded and the food is wonderful very delicious and fresh Sometimes it is hard to get parking in the lot in front of the storefront and it is on a onenum way street but the restaurant itself is NEVER overcrowded If you can not park in the lot then you can park in the shopping center 's garage and walk up to Endo Sushi The service is fast Be sure to ring the little bell on your way out if you enjoyed your meal it 's by the door on the hostess stand Horrible Service I got yelled at literally yelled at because i asked if i could pick up my car 5num - 10num minutes late I explained that i was already on my way and i would rush to get there as soon as i could because i needed my car for work at 5num am but the guy was arguing with me saying he was gon na lock the doors right at 5:30num Rude unprofessional just jerks Seems like all they care about is the money and getting home on time NO care for the customers AT ALL Missed a whole day of work because i am now carless I will NEEEEEEEEEVERRRR go to this place again Superb Arrangements I used Fancy Flowers for my late husband 's funeral flowers as they had been recommended to me I am so glad that I called in to see Ana she is a lovely girl who showed nothing but care and compassion towards me The flowers were all that I hoped they would be I have attended several funerals of late unfortunately and the flowers I recieved from Ana outshone them all She is so talented the flowers were arranged superbly and delicately it is so obvious to see the difference between someone fully trained and skilled compared to others Thank you Ana I hope to see you in the future under better circumstances Great first experience I 'm 22num and my hairdresser was great and not old like onenum of the reviews says she really listened to what I wanted and gave me tons of tips on how to style my hair so I could get it to look the way I wanted it to She deep conditioned my hair and took the time to style it properly She recommended products but absolutely did n't pressure me to buy It 's a cute place with a really friendly laid back atmosphere I would highly recommend it and will be going back for my next haircut Oh And students get $ 5num off ca n't argue with that Smoker s Haven Yeah this complex is not very good Our bathroom fan onenum electric outlet and 2num leaky sinks have yet to be fixed Both bathrooms look like they were flooded and the wood cabinets are thrashed at the bottom and they slapped some pieces of wood over to try to cover it up And non-smokers beware I think 90num percent of the tenants are smokers If you do not smoke do not move here Our unit reeks of old cigarette smoke and it started to become apparent a few weeks after we moved in You can not walk 5num feet without smelling that disgusting cigarette smoke and it blows right into the windows all day and all night Great Sanwiches Great Prices I used to go here almost every day since I work in the neighbourhood and loved their turkey and meatball sandwiches Chicken salad salad is great too Best of all the staff is quick on their feet and even with long lines usually serve you in 5num minutes or less For the quality the prices $ 4num - $ 6num have to be the best in town The staff get to know regulars and do their job very well Tourists like the other reviewer might not appreciate their efficiency or quality but I certainly do This is n't a TGIF or Cafe it s a lunch sandwich place and a good onenum at that Rate a church Might as well just hotpot the curb and rate the traffic light It 's a bloody church for chrisssake Big grey and imposing Go there on christian holidays for a bit of churchy grandure The pastor at this church is cool I met him after some holiday service He had a robe that was made back in the '60s God was pleased with that one It 's historical for Sf so when your aunte comes for a visit take her there Great for the kiddies they love the labyrinth do n't forget to tell 'em it s really a pagen thing Stop by at least once or you 'll go to heck ok but just becuse we where on a tight budget me and my dad where in NJ for a kc chiefs my home team vs the NY jets and for game 4num of the world series i 'm a red sox fan so i was glad that the phillies won the knights inn was small very small i mean 1num room in every room it was cozy a little and a small tv i mean a 2num day stay was a ok stay even tho the manager looked like he was chineze and that we only slept and went out from 8num to 7num to see New York but sice we almost just slept there i ca nt give that good of a review It was a Saturday and my spring was broken I googled Garage Door Repair in Woodinville and found NDI Johnette answered the phone and was oh so pleasant and helpful She sort of appologized for Dan taking the day off to go skiing but he could do the repair on Sunday I said great and Dan arrived on time at 10num am to make the repair I enjoyed speaking with Dan and learning more about how the springs are sized for these doors The repair went quickly and the price was extremely fair I would highly recommend NDI and will spread the word to my neighbors Thanks Dan and Johnette for your responsiveness and professional service Roger M. Woodinville I would n't send my dogs there I had a conversation with the woman running this place in April 2010num She basically said if the children getting off the bus are n't paying to enter her building she was going to let them wander around the streets Wow really With all the child predators out there a busy road cars speeding by and you are going to let some 4num / 5num year olds wonder around cause you 're money hungry REAL CHRISTIAN OF YOU Whether they pay me or not if their parents get into an accident stuck in traffic etc. THE LAST THING I WOULD DO IS LET A CHILD GET RAPED BECAUSE I WAS N'T PAID Excellent service I could easily go to Nordstrom for my designer jeans and pay the same price but I go to the Garment District for their service Previous reviewers said they were pushy and I can understand that but I find the staff more helpful than anything else Tiffany is fabulous I came in for alterations free by the way and told her about a stain I had on my new leather purse She immediately went to the back brought out leather cleaner and cleaned my purse on the spot I did n't even buy the bag there Huge selection and great suggestions from the staff and they refer you to reliable places if they do n't have what you need We were expecting a great experience when we recieved a friendly greeting by the hosts The atmosphere was nice and very clean The menu had plenty of options even for picky eaters The service was ok our waitress kept forgetting our drinks even though we reminded her several times To start we tried the guacamole and salsa verde it was completly flavorless We should have left then We orderd our meals anyway chimichangas jalapeno borritos and quesadillas Everything was bland completely void of any spice or flavor We have never had mexican food this bad it was just simply gross Hopefully they spice things up or they wo nt be in business long I recommend La Hacienda Might try again Pros Jill the owner is very nice and really cares about her feedback Pretty nice atmosphere Great Dessert Not your typical veggie selection I like Do n't know where else you can find Purple Hull Peas and some of the other sides Cons Server was n't very pleasant Pretty small portion on the blackened catfish Overcooked food about 25num minutes from ordering to eating Half the tables and bar were empty by this point Other Thoughts Will try this place again There must be a reason so many people like it there Their Club sandwich looks tasty maybe that 'll change my mind and a different server very professional very helpful the people at Fidelity Leasing were very friendly and helpful i was looking for a car but did not really know what i wanted and they were very helpful and took the time to first figure out what my needs were and showing me various options to meet those needs they seemed more interested in helping me find the right car rather then just make a sale my experience with them was great low stress very helpful and very personal after finding the car i wanted they took the time to go over each step and making it as painless as possible from start to finish they were top notch i would highly recommend calling these people up for your next car This insurance co. Is a joke They have absolutely no communication skills whatsoever if you do n't mind being robbed cheated or lied to then this is the company for you They will make every attempt to misinform and misrepresent themselves They make up excuses in hopes to confuse their policy holders with misinformation as an example they took payment for 5num out of 6num monthly plan premiums for a yearly policy and cancelled the contract for the remainder of the policy for reasons they stated was not receiving information on other licensed drivers in the household I personally provided the request on fournum separate occasions and they claim there is a glitch in their systems Ifa is an acronym for I m a F%#king Assh@%$e Fantastic Service I have been here a few times for oil changes and just got my tires alignment and state inspection done yesterday I shopped it around and they were extremely competitive in pricing and also added nitrogen to my tires which should extend the life and get me better gas mileage It also came with free balance and rotation for the life of the tires What made it perfect was that they offered transportation so that I would not have to wait there or take time off of work to go back and forth or try to find a ride Great service great pricing and SUPER CONVENIENT I also did not feel like they tried to sell me a bunch of services that I did not need Love my home at Creekside I moved to Creekside Apartments in August 2008num with a 6num month lease and have just extended it for another 13num months The management from Julie and Janice to the work staff esp. Edwin are just wonderful They have been extremely helpful whenever I have asked for help Although the apartments are facing Stokes Street and close to the Bascom Light Rail the location is surprisingly quiet I have never had any problems with loud neighbors or concerns about safety The apartments are within walking distance to Trader Joe 's Whole Foods and other stores The well equipped clean gym is a plus Great place to live if you work in and around downtown San Jose I interviewed several contractors for a kitchen remodel Liberty construction shows up and it 's twonum guys all I get is 100num % sales pitch We 're the best we 're number 50num so we must be doing something right look at all these certificates that say we 're great Not once did I feel listened to like they actually cared about what I wanted all they were interested in was me signing a contract right then and there Very high pressured sales and with the reviews of many others bad service I 'm glad I trusted my gut and did n't get sucked into doing business with them Find someone you trust that actually hears you and wants to do the job right Do n't waste your time or money I took my 3num year old son here at the weekend and to be honest apart from the shark walkway I thought it was rubbish and overpriced Even taking into account the fact that my 3num year old wanted to run most of the way round it took us just over onenum hour start to finish If you have been to the London Aquarium I would not even bother with this If you are really desperate for something to pass the time and are willing to shell out the best part of L 30num for 2num twonum people then go for it For some reason it will not let me rate it onenum star it is not rated 5num by me Cranmore Dental and Implant Clinic I could not recommend Dr David Nelson enough I had a severe phobia of attending the dentist until I met and was treated by Dr Nelson He instantaneously put me at ease and his ongoing treatments have been absolutely pain free My previous apprehension has been dismissed and I no longer have a sinking feeling when my next appointment is due In addition to the core treatment Dr Nelson has impressed me further with his concern and interest in the well being of his patients his dental work underpinned by a strong duty of care to every patient He is always prepared to go the extra mile to ensure that any patient discomfort is dealt with immediately Pam Gillies Best Salsa hehehe After my trees were cleaned up they gave me a jar of salsa The owner warned me that it was the best salsa I would ever had and he was right No joke I hate to say check them out just for the salsa but James I NEED another jar badly :) All kidding aside they are a very good company I have a hard time giving any service biz a 5num star review but they came close Very affordable do n't call it cheap and their trimmers were quick and courteous when I got home from work And the salsa be sure to ask for a jar and have plenty of chips around you will need them Dr. Mann killed our pet Yea Dr. Mann ai n't so great We took our beloved kitty to him and it came back dead We live in the sub-division around the corner and after it happened and we brought it up at some neighborhood gatherings we discovered that several people from this neighborhood alone had pets go to Dr. Mann for surgical procedures and came back dead If you take him here for shots no big deal but I would never let this man apply anesthetic to my pet ever again Oh they also charged me for the procedure $ 250num AND had the audacity to charge me a $ 25num DISPOSAL fee They actually itemized it as a DISPOSAL fee AVOID AT ALL COSTS Onenum of the worst places This place and its sister store Peking Garden are the worst places to order from the food was horrible not cooked like it should be they got the order wrong on a number of occasions and once forgot about my order i had to call back up there twonum hours later and the lady who claimed to be a manager said my food was on the way and she did nt offer to compensate me in any kind of way i waited another 30num mins before receiving my food and it was cold in my opinon this place should be shut down by the health inspector and anyone who is satisfied with there service and food has never eaten at a real asian restaurant Gone downhill since change in ownership Sigh I used to LOVE this place But now that they are part of a chain service has slipped I am waiting longer at BNA for my pickups and last time I parked with them they lost my car key Lucky I had a spare with me To date they have not made good by either finding the key or paying for a new one These new car keys are EXPENSIVE to copy you ca n't just go to WalMart Go to the website for coupons and join the club you can get free parking However with BNA offering onenum day of free parking due to construction of the new rental car facility it may be cheaper to park at BNA Wife and I attempted to adopt a dog and was nothing but frustrating We arrived Sunday at about 230num and found a do we really liked We were told that we could n't today because they were closing soon I called the next morning to let then know my wife would be driving in They gave me the run around and missing paperwork only to call back to tell me someone else wanted her and I would need to come in and put down a deposit I work 2num hours away but offered my card over the phone They refused Terrible communication as well At onenum point they told me the dog had been fixed the next day it had n't Huge ammount of time wasted time and elevated blood pressure College is a Joke and the Salon is a JOKE Went to the school here OVER PRICED You do NOT learn the things you were promised You have to bring in your own models and they have to pay for you to use them if you do nt then you can graduate Going back after graduating you r told you get a discount on services nope you do nt Staff is under educated Going there you learn the school does not care about the services given just about the money Over priced for students to learn Beware of the nail program you are not taught to use a nail drill AT ALL you learn the old fashioned way of doing nails you will not be able to do well in a salon BEWARE You can fool people This store is proof that you can fool people with good advertising They convince lots of people that they are a great store when in fact they are a very average place at best they are just another big box store like the others They offer sales that are n't really sales mislabeled items that make the item sound like a good deal when it is n't a bad attitude about return items and on and on With higher than average prices to boot So do n't get taken in keep your eyes open if you choose to shop here On the other hand the Richmond Ukrops chain is known for its charity work its community action and its interest in the public welfare Never again Do n't go here unless you want to sit order eat and be asked to leave all in a matter of 20num minutes You wo n't even have time to read the entire menu before being asked to order and if you ask for more time your server will wait at the table This is the only place I have ever eaten and been told to leave because other people were waiting I was told to take my coffee to go if I wanted to finish it Oh and their liquor license was expired so no Bloody Mary or Mimosas Plus the drinks are self service have fun trying to negotiate the small cafeteria space to get your coffee juice or water Go next door to the Ball Square Cafe instead I guess you get what you pay for I tried to stay here for a few nights with my girlfriend so we asked for a single queen bed We got there and we were treated to the free upgrade of a room with twonum double beds Since they consider this an upgrade they let their other rooms fill up and would not change our room Then we got put in a room with a huge gap under the door right next to the ice machine We could hear every single thing that happened outside like it was inside our room When I finally found someone at the desk who could speak English they moved our room but we still did not receive the single queen we had reserved I was thoroughly impressed I had a problem with the tile in my bathroom coming apart I called a few different businesses in the area to get estimates they were n't the cheapest I found but very reasonable The best part is I got my whole bathroom remodeled for about the same price the other compan's were quoting just to fix the shower tile and fixtures They had the work done in about half the time quoted which made me and my wife extremely happy We have had nothing but compliments on our bathroom when guest come over who would have guessed that one Very nice work and friendly guys too Best money I 've spent on remodeling ever I highly recommend any one considering home repair to give these guys a call New training Centre is excellent The Award Dance Centre has moved from its Holderness Road site to a new complex on Chamberlain Road Hull The new Centre has 4num studios planned and now boasts the largest single dance floor area in Kingston upon Hull The classes cover all age and skill ranges with BALLROOM LATIN SEQUENCE STREET DISCO LINE DANCING BALLET TAP & JAZZ We have attended A Ward Dance Centre for over a year and really enjoy the friendly and welcoming way we are taught Ballroom and Latin as well as the fun filled social dance evening held every Saturday evening It is not really possible to score this school too highly We would give it 12num out of 10num and 5num Stars across the board Steve & Anne I purchased a 2num year old certified pre-owned BMW from this dealership The night I drove back home I found that the rear window has some leakage You can hear the wind while driving on highway Very likely it needs a new window seal I admit that I should have paid attention to this kind of little things while test drive But this is a certified car from a dealer So I brought the car back the second day They told me that this is not under warranty and want to charge me $ 175num just to diagnose the problem Who knows how much they want me to pay to fix this thing I walked away So my advice is that NEVER TRUST THIS DEALER STAY AWAY AS FAR AS POSSIBLE Perfect Practice After I had chosen The Fountain Dental Practice they provided a slick and professional service from start to finish Everyone was friendly from the receptionist to the surgeon herself putting me at my ease and explaining the whole process both initially and then as we went along Surgery visit timings were always made to suit me and not them and they gave me the feeling that I mattered and was important to them The surgery itself is slick modern and very relaxed and I always felt that I was in capable hands My dental surgeon Dr. Lucy Nichols is clearly a dental perfectionist and clearly proud both of the work she does and the reputation she has established Everyone was so helpful that I can not wait to go back Peter Wonderful service for large group I had my wedding luncheon at this BJ s restaurant and it was onenum of the best choices that I made It was a great deal we paid a certain amount per person and my husband and I chose 4num types of pizza and the servers brought out as much as we wanted We were also served salad and soda We had a large party about fiftynum people or so and yet everything was served quickly and we all had a wonderful time Even though we were only supposed to have those specific types of pizza when guests asked for a different type it was brought out with no charge to us I really appreciate BJ s for making that special day even better with their wonderful food and service wonderful I went to ohm after reading some of the reviews I go to school in the area and usually wait until I go home to get my hair cut I decided it was time to grow up and made an appointment Sierra was my stylist and i love what she did I have wavy hair and she cut to my hair style It was the first time i had left a salon with my hair curly Usually they blow dry it out and i have to wait until i wash it to see what it will look like in its natural state But she did a fabulous job letting me know what she was doing at all times and styled my hair in a way i could do it at home It was n't completly impossible I am definitely going back After recently relocating to South Bend we were looking for a delicious fun yet elegant establishment for New Year s Eve dinner We were disappointed with this holiday dinner due to the overall flavor and price of the meal and accessibility to the Jazz Club The meal was extremely overpriced and lacked flavor especially for being a special NYE menu The limited menu had few appetizing options and the NYE special packages were way overpriced After our meal our server found us a table in the jazz club where we were informed it would be another $ 10num / person to stay and listen to the band despite the fact we had just finished a dinner there and were intending to enjoy their drink list This was a less than impressive experience at Trio 's Run for the hills you 'll be much better off Onenum night was too much First room had used tissues next to the bed and I requested it be rectified I was then moved to another room around the back where the room was dirty the shower was dirty with other people s hair in it the toilet seat was peeling and rough and the bathroom was full of mould I called reception to ask if they knew the state the room was in and was told This is a Days Inn not the Hilton and the receptionist then hung up on me To warn you to stay away from this place just is n't enough There was not onenum ounce of caring involved and anyone I can warn about the complete lack of service will be warned Grocery and Daily Needs Store Before using FusionRetail Before installing FusionRetail store was running on a dos based software We were having a major problem in maintaining cash Being a grocery shop maintaining 5000num different products was a challenging job Managing POS counter without barcoding was really a tough time How FusionRetail has overcome these issues FusionRetail helps us to maintain the store in an organised way Usage of product barcodes and smooth maintenance of inventory with proper recording of transactions like sale purchase and returns was never easy before How long does it take to train new people at work Billing takes 15num minutes and back office jobs takes 1num day 's training How fast your support queries get answered Over telephone immediate On call it takes a day to get our issues resolved Ca n't wait to go back This is by far the BEST B&B that we have ever stayed at We were in Santa Fe for a special event and our hosts rented out the El Paradero for all their guests to stay at We could not have been more welcomed more comfortable or more well fed The weekend was perfect in every way in large part to Sue and her great staff Everyone was so friendly and really went out of their way to make sure everything went well We can not wait to go back to Santa Fe and to this great B&B especially my 4num year old who made friends with Ms. Sue and all the ladies and has talked about them since we left We would highly recommend the El Paradero on your next trip to Santa Fe Disatisfied customer I went through Kitchen Aid and used onenum of their recommended vendors A&E came out charged $ 129num fee just to walk in the door I needed a part for my appliance the cost was very high so I said never mind paid the fee and called a local business for a second quote The second vendor charged $ 55num less than half of what A&E charges to come and applied that to the price of the repair service which A&E does not Their quote came in at half the price of A&E for the same work and same part Seems to me like A&E charges way more than necessary Very disappointed in Kitchen Aid as well I thought that they pre-screened their vendors for price and quality of work obviously they do not Lovely Nails on Cayuga St. in Lewiston NY First let me start out by saying that I have had very nice pedicures at Lovely Nails on Military Road I was very excited that a salon was opening in Lewiston as I live in Youngstown I was in twonum weeks ago and had the worst pedicure that I have had in my life There were fournum of us and I was taken first by a gentleman I put my foot in the water and it was cool He did warm it up He also hurt my toes will pushing my cuticles back If the pedicure lasted 20num mins. that was a stretch The other ladies had a similar experience both had nail polish on a couple of toes None of us will be using their services again which is a shame Good Service Limited Results Andrew was helpful and knowledgeable about re infertility He was willing to talk to me about my specific issues and develop a plan of action The office is shared with a foot doctor and it 's very sterile and medical feeling which I liked The down side was that sometimes there was a lot of noise in the hallway from other patients / doctors I worked with Andrew for 2num months and did and herbs The sessions were nice and I felt relaxed after them but did not notice any changes with my cycles I know it can take a while for results and did n't expect a miracle but after 2num months I felt like it was not entirely worth the cost / time I am also a little suspicious of all these glowing reviews Friendly clean and excellent location The staff was very helpful and gave us good advice on day and night time activities Common room was comfortable and clean very good room to read or relax A great breakfast which was included every morning until 9:30num am yummy fresh Parisian croissants Comfortable and clean beds a bit noisy when people were coming in late from a night out but we did n't mind too much as we were also just coming in from a night out The location is really stellar It is next to Gare du Nord and a fivenum minute walk to Sacre Coeur which is excellent for shopping It is close to bus lines for Opera Plaza Galleries Lafayette and the famous flea Market We really enjoyed our stay and would definitely stay at the Vintage Hostel again Just Autos Thank you Was fast and easy Just had our car returned this morning I would recommend these Mobile Mechanics for sure They certainly know what they are doing The mechanic came to our place and sorted out our car s problems he explained the problem and was very up front and honest it was towed to the workshop as the gearbox was not working he explained it better They phoned the same day confirmed it was the gearbox quoted me the job I gave the go ahead Now my car s gears and brakes have never run so well ever it s like driving a new car So yes I would n't hesitate in recommending the team at Just Autos for easy professional car repairs Thank you Just Autos for your help I stopped in today @ Yards Brewery I must say I was impressed with the size of the bar area and lounge & I liked that you could see the brewery right thru the glass I had a sampler of IPA Brawler Love Stout & ESA All were awesome & I had a Dogwood Grilled Cheese which was enjoyable with the fine beers After my sampler & sandwich I asked for a pint of there Nitrogen Love Stout I must say I was impressed with the great taste & I am a Guiness Lover so coming from me I think this is better it s less dry & smoother If you are in Philly you have to come check this place out The only negative I have abou this place is the parking I left with a case of BRAWLER Oil Change Disaster My wife had taken her '07num Ford Fusion in for a routine oil change A couple days after the oil change the engine ran rough the low oil pressure light would come on sporadically and the engine would whir loudly Turns out the engine had no oil and when oil was put it it would just run out of the filter There could have hopefully does n't have major damage to the engine All of this started after their oil change Once they realized their mistake they sent a mechanic and tow truck to my wife 's work and towed it back to fix it I would not recommend this shop for anything not even something as simple as an oil change Plus they will overcharge you for just about everything and smile while doing it Liars negative stars Took my Cruze in twice for poor fuel economy The first time they claimed to get reasonable mpg However they would never drive the car with me in it to prove their findings I wonder if they were going down a hill They told me to bring it back after 5000num miles I brought it back with 9000num miles They finished the work and told me the car was ready I found out they did not even drive the car stated they looked at it before They still would not drive the car with me to show their mpg number They also claimed not to see anything wrong with the blower fan a seperate issue but when I drove the car home I had the same symptoms I will never purchace another vehicle from Vic Canever Great Job I want to say that Mike did a great job for our family in our time of need Both my grandparents passed away 4num months apart and Mike was very understanding It was a very trying time for my family and myself yet Mike took the time to greet each and every onenum onenum of us He is very professional in his position as a director and yet he still made time to be compassionate for what we were all going through I 'm sure it s not every day that a funeral director sees the same family in such a short time My grandfather passed away silently in his sleep and my grandmother passed away after a short struggle with cancer Both my grandparents looked as natural as could be expected Thank you Mike for all your help professionally and personally The Peterson Family Poor service If you like the drama described in popular sitcom Seinfeld you will see it here We signed our name in about 6:00num pm There were 3num names before us The greeter said there was about 15num minutes waiting However we waited and waited and in the mean time saw 4num groups of people simply just paraded in without signing there names This sign in policy is posted by the restaurant no reservation sign your name here I had to ask the greeter he explained his reasons with broken English I could not understand any his reasons I could only take it as they would seat the people they know first My conclusion is that you should only go there if you want to wait a least an hour and see all kinds other people being seated before you Instructor never showed up January 15th We were signed up for Saturday 's 2num PM class Beginning Yoga with Brittany We even arrived 10num minutes early as the website suggests The instructor did not show up We waited until 2:25num PM and then left There were 2num in our group and a 3rd person was also in the parking lot waiting for this class Well not much I can say except I 'm very disappointed with this experience This was our first visit to your studio In today 's instant world there 's no reason for the instructor not to even have given us a phone call or e-mail if she was going to be late As a yoga studio I 'm sure you 're all aware that all actions generate karma and sometimes karma can manifest itself on a bad review on Google Finest Really I beg to differ This place is marginal at best Not very welcoming and focused mostly on keeping little kids entertained I was not impressed and quite frustrated at their lack of rating for their courses I understand not wanting to put labels like 5.10num on an indoor course because yes it is not the same but some clear understanding of the difficulty of onenum course to another is nice when you are an intermediate climber looking to improve I do n't want to waste my time on routes set for children but I do n't want to take on something I ca n't handle just to strain myself to exhaustion Rate the routes with understandable markings and a more detailed system than easy moderate and hard Again a great outing for the kids a frustration for an out of town climber Best DJ's In Town Wow These guys were the best They were thorough high class and went above and beyond We never had to worry about a thing and they led the way the whole time They asked us things that we would have never have thought of and took extra time to meet with us when we needed it before the wedding Having a team was the best because they kept the flow of the wedding going the whole time They may look young but do n't let that fool you as their knowledge of music far surpassed what we expected I am a music junkie that grew up in the 80's and my dad worked for a record label in the 1960's So we did n't expect them to even know some of the requests that we asked that night They just really know their stuff NEVER fear going to the dentist again I 'm 61num years old and have dental problems my entire life By the age of 24num I stopped going to the dentist My fear and discomfort from dental work scared me It took all the courage I could muster to make an appointment At the front door of his office I nearly turned around I considered just leaving after going inside and nearly did Doctor Gonzales and his entire staff are the most professional people I have ever dealt with They made me feel confident in what they would do and treated me like a member of their own family I never felt pain or discomfort The ability to smile and eat again can only be described as a whole new lease on life Thank you Doctor Gonzales Doctor Stout Eva Marie and the entire staff Rocky M. Lange Retired Coordinator Clark County School District HORRIBLE SERVICE AND FOOD not only is this place too expensive for what it is it s horrible In the past I got a steak and there was more fat and rough pieces than there was good steak and this was the sirloin the sides were drenched with butter and the salad was a little on the brown side Today we went for a party during lunch so the place was empty with about 25num other people It took over 1.5num hours for our food to come out and by that time my 8num month old had it Does it seriously take that long for a soup and salad I was a waitress for years and a key rule is to serve customers with small children before others as I was the last to get my food I would NOT recommend having a party here or even going here Texas Roadhouse is WAY better Spay and neuter service I have no doubt that the rescue is wonderful But I had my cat spayed through their reduced / free spay and neuter program and the vet they sent us to was first of all a hour and a half away and 4num days later we had to bring them to our normal vet because the vets at the place in wisconsin did a crappy job and they got infections My vet even said it was not my fault it was the vet that did the surgery So I would not recommend getting that program unless you have an extra hundrednum dollars or so for antibiotics and a vet visit You 'd think they would do a good job but they do n't care unless they are getting paid full price Which is so dumb Not to mention the fact that they gave us our cats back not even 30num minutes after they were out from surgery Billing Issues I had a routine surgery for an ingrown toenail My insurance company Blue Cross / Blue Shield paid the fees and everything was fine Then I got a bill for $ 483.00num The doctor 's office said that payments had been reversed Blue cross has no record of aa reversal The office refused my requests to see what they got from BC / BS They eventually turned it over to a collection agency and now will not even discuss the matter I eventually decided to just pay the balance even though the doctor has already been paid but now the collection agency is trying to say another reversal of $ 160.00num has come through It was an ingrown toenail How much could it possibly cost Not only am I being bilked for money I do not owe the office staff is rude to boot I think this office has some serious billing practice issues We have been blessed to find Elite Flyers online and would not use anyone else to handle our postcards posters etc We were looking for a company with decent rates as our company was just getting started They have the best rates and GREAT customer service On onenum order we needed it rushed and shipped to a different state They did that with no problem I also appreciate their honesty I sent a graphic that would have been distorted if printed as it was They called and worked with me to fix it so that it would look perfect They recently surprised me a larger order I ordered 1000num postcards we normally order 5000num or more Because they had room to do 5000num they created the larger amount and shipped them early I recommend this company to ANYONE and everyone that needs great work done at a reasonable rate They have a customer for life in us sheisters i made the mistake of buying from these thieves I paid 2num k cash for a truck with a blown motor Their so called mechanic said the engine was good and There is nothing mechanicly wrong with this truck Well I think a blown engine falls under the catagory of mechanics right Anyway they jimmy rigged it so i could drive it home The next day i took it to 2num auto shops and they both told me the same thing engine is junk I called and got the same runaround on hold and noone calls you back From a moral standpoint you guys are really gon na take 2,000num bucks from someone that needs that truck to work and support his family when you know it s just a piece of scrap metal If it lasted 1num month i could suck it up but 1num day Grimy work you guys do Buy your kids somethin nice with my 2num k bucks Best Stationery store in Bethesda Papeluna a cute Mom Pop custom printing and paper store just opened a few days ago It is right on the hustle and bustle of Wisconsin Ave but some might miss it as it is nestled in between Subway Sandwiches and Modell 's I popped in after my afternoon pumpkin spice latte break at Starbucks It 's an adorable little store filled with lots of stationery goodness Cards wrapping paper paper and an area to sit down and talk with someone to design your own invitations or for whatever else your custom printing needs may be I gave the woman I spoke with today a You 've been yelped card to let her know that Yelp may be a good tool for helping spreading the word about Papeluna I ended up buying a birthday card and would probably come back for more printing printing copies printing copies printing Watch out for your wallet Watch out for your wallet This company is overpriced for their services They pride themselves on being an event and team building company for corporate clients but you better believe they are going to mark you up on that feel good premise On a recent event quote that I had done they came in thousands of dollars over their local competition The craziest part is that they are n't even based locally at the city I 'm in they just have teams in areas through the country I 've spoken to vendors who are used by them who had nothing good to say about the company as well and in fact were afraid to quote events against them even though they openly admitted that they felt Canadian Outback was pricing their entertainment out of the market and doing more to hurt their business than help them Be warned they 'll ltake you for everything they can Believe me This is THE premier university in Virginia It is also the largest With a Pizza Hut IHOP 3num Starbucks Chili s Panera and Chipotle on campus ALONE VCU has some of the best eating options for students VCU has the # 1num art school in America and EXCELS in healthcare and medical schooling The Rams the VCU sports team also made the NCAA Final 4num this year too VCU also offers high rise living for students and professors and the historic yet fixed up houses in the Fan are also available to students professors or even people wanting to live in a safe viable community VCU is also minutes from Downtown Richmond Canal Walk Carytown Stony Point Short Pump and the VCU Medical Center It is the best university in Virginia and continuously receives rave reviews every year The U of R is also recommended too Orr 's a nightmare DO N'T GO My boyfriend and I were woken up in the middle of the night at our campsite by drunken kids who 'd arrived around 1:00num am and were drinking at the springs When we complained to the management as we were instructed to do if there were any problems nothing happened Then the next morning when we among many other irate guests asked to speak to the owner he refused to do so Not only that but he told us via his manager that it was our responsibility to get up a second time in the middle of the night and call the night staff if the problem continued even though his manager did nothing the first time to stop the kids Orr is not relaxing it 's not a safe space and the owner is awful To add insult to injury he refused to refund our money Do n't go FHS is a good high school c o 1998num I enjoyed my time at Franklin High School We had relatively good facilities at the time decent science labs with multiple hoods and access to good equipment nice gymnasiums and a well funded music department I was in the guitar ensemble Now of course there 's a new building with presumably better facilities All to the good For those who care a good proportion of the my class went on to 4num year colleges many of them ranked in the top 50num of US News If I remember students went to Dartmouth U. Penn Duke BU William and Mary Vassar Howard and Carnegie Mellon among others Many students went to Rutgers including their top ranked pharmacy program The point is FHS gives you the opportunity to make it to a good college but you need to work hard Absolutely the best little motel on the coast I 've stayed at this fabulous little motel twonum years running and I have to say it 's onenum of the best lodging experiences I 've ever had on the coast and I 'm even comparing it to the big resorts I 've stayed at A large group of my friends and I rent almost the whole motel every year for a weekend and the experience and stay have always been fivenum star The rooms are SO clean the managers / owners are the nicest people the place feels so homey and the location and grounds are beautiful There 's a restaurant nearby walking distance with a great breakfast and a market across the street The motel is very well maintained and the managers are so accomodating it 's kind of like visiting family each year ;-) I honestly ca n't rave enough about this place it 's really a hidden gem worth checking out My favorite cuban cafe in Orlando I have been eating Cuban for a long time sandwiches mainly along with other dishes I love Cuban coffee colada mmmm anyways I found this place and ca n't stop going there I stop in at least once a week and anytime I 'm in the area for a Cuban coffee or snack The place is chill and comfortable They do n't speak the best English but enough to get by They bake bread fresh daily they do n't press their sandwiches which is the way I like it and the meat is always fresh They have a great lunch special with your choice of meat chicken steak or pork and rice and black beans and fried plantains And their breakfast is awesome I can not describe how delicious the mango and cheese pastries and the omelets are to die for Stop in and have a bite you wo n't regret it A slice of heaven in winter park off forsyth highly recommended I have been going to Warner Family for a number of years and would highly recommend it to anyone I 've read some of the reviews below and would like to state that yes like any other doctor s office there is sometimes a wait depending on what other patients are being seen for and some of the tests and procedures that are ran can be costly just like they would be for any other medical tests elsewhere if you do not have insurance I have seen several of the providers from the office and have not once been shown anything but care and consideration I ca nt speak for them but any tests or appointments they recommend are probably in the best interests of us the patient and you have the ability to decline anything that they suggest to you I personally have had wonderful service and if you re truely looking for a FAMILY practice Warner Family is the place for you Not what i expected We read the good reviews before going and had high hopes but to our dismay it did nt turn out that way It took over 40num mins to be taken to our table once there it took another 20num mins to get our orders and a further 45num mins till our starters landed on our table Very frustrating for a restaurant that has 1num rosette and is supposedly renowned for the service hmm There was no canape's or amuse to keep us occupied once we complained about the wait they took us something to nibble on but that took us getting out our chairs and wondering round to do that and it was impossible to get anyone s attention Scallops were overcooked and the foie gras was cold but the rest of the food was lovely On top of that though they tried to charge us service charge just to rub it it Would n't go back as there are a lot of places A LOT better and cheaper Nice selection very clean friendly staff Hot Iron has become a favorite of our family Everyone can get the signature dish with ingredients and spices that they want and have the fun of watching it cook The staff are very friendly and conscientious They always ask if you have meat in your dish for vegetarians like me they scrub an area of the grill and use separate utensils to cook They do n't just dump your ingredients on and cook either but carefully separate meat to the hotter parts of the grill and still manage to keep the veggies from turning to mush The selection of meats veggies and sauces is awesome too Every time we go they seem to have a different ingredient or twonum which keeps things interesting Meats are kept VERY cold seafood smells fresh and the serving bar is VERY clean Prices are reasonable Kid s meals are around 4.99num and Wednesday's they have discount dinner prices I believe Great Cookies Cakes and Customer Service It was my birthday and I had a last minute idea to have a bakery cake instead of onenum pre-made in a convenience store but the problem was it was the day before Valentine s and when many bakeries turned me down for a plain vanilla rectangle cake Fiona stepped up to the plate and was able to make a fantastic beautiful cake Not only did it taste wonderful but the texture was unbelievable the frosting was n't overly sweet to over power the cake and the cake itself was just amazingly soft and fluffy and just perfect overall Although I 'll have to drive a little out of my way to go there I 'll gladly do it knowing that since she 's been astounding to me once before that she 'll always be that way Also she has a really great website And we bought a few cookies there too they were fantastic as well She deserves many 5num star reviews Food Craving Gone and Weight Loss at Doctor I am a college student Before treatment my food cravings were out of control which caused me to be stressed out I experienced a Definite Decrease in food craving about 50num % and decrease in stress after the 1st treatment I actually loss 4num pounds after my 1st treatment and 2num pounds after my 2nd treatment I was amazed I am now more at peace and my food craving is about 99num % gone after only 3num treatments Before coming to DOCTOR I was a big baby about needles and only came because my boyfriend 's aunt recommended it It hurt very little felt more like pressure than pain What I like most about Dr. Liau is that she is very caring She talks to you at each appointment I can tell she really cares and wants to help I am SO GLAD to have found Dr. Liau Now I feel more confident wearing my bathing suit in the summer An Asset to Richmond For a long time onenum big source of entertainment missing from the Richmond City Limits was a first run multiplex Bowtie has filled that role nicely The theatre is in an old brick warehouse which is a block away from the Flying Squirrels stadium The owners of Bowtie manged to add something new while preserving what was already there The theatre has greatly improved the surrounding neighborhood There 's plenty of parking and I 've never had an issue with audience members who wo n't stop talking or answering their cellphones Best of all there are no ads Just previews and the main feature Expect to pay full price and the theatres themselves are on the small side But if you like going to the movies you should love Bowtie The mangers also play a classic movies on Sundays you can get a beer in the lobby and repeat customers can get discounts if they have a member card A great cinema in a great location Thank you Bowtie Craft Wonderland with History My first visit was so fun yesterday I could have stayed all day and not seen all the things I am doing origami jewelry and found exactly the right things for earrings and got many other ideas there too I bought a beginner s quilling set and like making the filigree forms you can make and add to other crafts The owner Jean has been there 31num years What a history She is a super sweet lovable and well informed woman with a great sense of humor I really enjoyed meeting her and happy to learn she comes from Oklahoma and has the values of a solid no bs country girl This store is a real gem and has much to offer the serious crafter or the occasional crafter By the way Salmagundi the store name means something like smorgasbord potpourri motley variety mixed bag miscellaneous assortment mixture a variety of many kinds of things Great name for a great store Shop Local Barbara Quimba 1/30/10num the 2010num Genesis is grrrrrrrreeeaaat I am a proud owner of a brand new 2010num Hyundai Genesis I have never seen this car before until this lady at wal mart had it and she told me she got it here and that everyone was so nice to her I asked her who she worked with and she just told me ti was the sales manager I took the weekend off and came in and asked for the manager who is Jeff and he remembered her right away even remembered her dog I was a bit shocked that someone would pay that close attention We got to talking and he got me set up and I test drove with Craig and I fell head over heels for this car all I kept saying was I got ta have it I thouhgt it would be out of my price range but they really worked with me and now I could nt be happier Jeff and Craig are really good at what they do and know exactly how to treat a customer Definitely go see them Bait and switch untrained workers Called the Bonanza store 2num weeks ago before I ripped out 350num sq ft of ceramic tile was told I would need a dual head concrete grinder to remove thinset and make a nice finished look ready for concrete stain Was quoted $ 55num all inclusive of grinder inserts etc No problem sounded like it 's done every day Will look beautiful Got the tile ripped out call today now all the sudden this grinder wo n't leave a finished look AND it 's $ 125num PLUS around $ 75num for the inserts I can rent another machine for like $ 60num that will give it a finished look So from $ 55num to $ 260num Are they serious I feel like they did n't tell me the pitfalls before I pulled out this tile and now that I have no other options they want 5num TIMES the price Either these people do n't know anything about what they are renting or worse they are bait and switching One suspects that earlier reviewer works for another laundry Outside of parking being at a premium especially on discount days The Laundry Tub is not filthy and it 's no smaller than any of a dozen laundromats I 've been in Yes there are bigger but bigger is n't necessarily better I availed myself of the wash 'n fold service taking just about a year 's worth of dirty clothes in and getting back neatly folded clean clothes in clear plastic bags I 'd originally brought them in in sixnum large yellow garbage bags The cost was certainly reasonable and I will continue my patronage of The Laundry Tub in the future Did n't hurt any that they knew my name by my second visit and greeted me warmly then and on my third visit Whereas my answer to the question Where do you get your laundry done used to be At the checkout line at WalMart I can honestly say the answer now is At The Laundry Tub Thank you I recently took a rescue puppy to this Clinic and I was SHOCKED at how well Romeo and My family was treated They worked around the clock to ensure that my puppy life was saved We have to leave him at the vet for 3num days and I was told to call for check ups as often as I wished that no matter how many times I called I would not annoy them lol They where super friendly towards us and treated us like people not walking bags of cash In this day it s rare to find such wonderful people who CARE Not the kind of want to make cash I would strongly suggest you give them the chance to prove to you that not all people in this world are evil I will never go to another vet as long as I have animals I live nearly twonum hours away and yet I will still make the drive to see them In fact I look forward to taking my animals to the vet simply because of how my animals and I are treated Okay here 's the scoop I 'm a regular at the HH The food is excellent the serivce is horrible I think they 're still in the mindset from when it was only smokers sitting around and drinking not in any hurry In my experience the food has been excellent for the most part However the bartenders / waitresses definately need to be re-trained if they ever had any to begin with and learn twonum things only chat with customers when other customers are not impatiently waiting and to look around more often to see if people are waiting In some cases the result is because of understaffing in some cases the staff just does n't care / know better They must also get something to keep take out warm so it 's not room temperature at best when you get it home You just have to know what you 're getting into when you go Nice local pub excellent food especially wings and do n't go if you have a limited amount of time Trust The Midas Touch I personally trust this Midas store with all my vehicles I have been going there for years & would never go anywhere else the staff is very personable & actually care about the customers safety rather than taking there money This is however a very busy shop but there are appointments available & the staff up front will surely make sure you get back in a timely manner I look at some of these other comments & laugh because people think that the world revolves around them Like the girl with the fuse problem Midas has the most high tech equipment in town & I guarantee you if they told you it was electrical then in deed it s electrical maybe you should understand how the world works & realize you are just like any other person & not put yourself on a pedestal I will continue going to Dave at Midas because he is onenum of the most honest business owners in this town When having your car worked on you have to trust the mechanic & this Midas is truly someone you can trust We decided to try this place last night because we noticed that it had some interesting things on the menu aside from the usual rolls live scallop sashimi duck breast nigiri with foie gras panko mussels but none of these were particularly great or worth the sticker price Additionally we tried the Logan Circle roll spicy crab and tuna roll and sweet potato tempura roll $ 15num $ 10num and $ 3.75num respectively The sweet potato tempura roll was actually a great surprise cheap and delicious the only thing we tried that I would say was well worth it and a great value and I never get vegetarian rolls The other rolls were n't at all special especially given their pricing The bottom line is that the food is n't great and is relatively high priced The service is solicitous the atmosphere is nice and mod except the out of place flat screen TV playing football But I 'd go elsewhere unless the prices are cut It 's just not worth it Do n't Expect Sleep or Courtesy I was booked for 2num nights at this hotel in Oct 2007num At 3:15num am on night # 2num the fire alarm and strobe light activated in my room These are not household type alarms When they sound off it is a true audio visual experience I called the front desk and got no answer After checking for signs of fire or smoke and seeing none I decided to just pack up and leave The desk agent actually argued with me claiming that no such alarm had gone off as if I would make that up He finally admitted that only the 4num ADA room alarms had sounded so only 4num guests were effected no big deal to him This little drip offered no apologies whatsoever and even refused to give me the name of the manager until I pressed him for it 3num times This hotel is adequate enough but there is an obvious problem with the staff and management Do not go there if you expect to sleep through the night Poor Service Lack of Passion Do NOT go I began seeing Dr. Romanick back in 2000num and have seen a significant decline in the quality of care patient doctor communication and just the overall level of services The poor quality starts at the receptionist desk where the staff is very impatient and lack the efficiency I once loved about the office It took them nearly twonum months to complete a simple task and countless calls from my part due to their lack of response and passion not that it 's a requirement for the job but it helps to at least pretend to be helpful Also I was promised to have my test results emailed to me but it never happened and after a few attempts to get Dr. Romanick on the phone to brief me on my condition I finally gave up and went to a different doctor Please do not go there if it 's professional friendly diligent medical services you 're looking for Save yourself the trouble money and time and visit a more caring facility / doctor The moving company is actualy based in Brooklyn but advertised all over NY / NJ including Fort Lee When the guys arrived 2num hours later than agreed they told that you have to pay all the tolls they payed coming from Brooklyn and extra $ 100num for them to drive back from your destination That was not in agreement eather but they realy demand it And another $ 100num for wrapping the furniture So totalling $ 212num just for start before any work started Guess what was not in the initial agreement as well I was moving out from 2num bdr apartment and it took for 3num strong guys 6num hours to load a track from 2num pm - 8num pm The only reason I 'm giving 3num stars instead of 1num or 2num I should admit nothing was broken So I still can recomend them but prepare pay twice as much as they tell you initially Onenum more thing they do n't take any credit cards or checks You have to pay CASH ONLY before they start unloading track on your destination Worst Apartments EVER We lived here for 2num years the first year or so was okay Then the more power they gave to Linda the worse the place got We were always having our water shut off there were always people having parties at the pool even after it was supposed to be closed The pool was supposed to close at 10num and they would have people down there until 11:45num yelling playing music and do who knows what in the dark corners of the pool Then when we moved out we cleaned the apartment top to bottom they came back and tried to charge us for twonum cleaning fees and we never got our deposit back and past utilities that were already paid we have check numbers and records of this Linda is the rudest person you will ever talk to and she sticks up for all of the trashy rude people that live there not the nice ones that actually give a crap about respecting others Do not live here you will regret it The Worst Experience Ever I have worked with Ted Jurek at Decor and You and it started out as a decent experience He was referred to me by a friend who did n't have the best experience with Ted but said that Ted was able to make up for his lack of preparedness at the end I figure I would give this company a chance However after giving a required $ 500.00num NON REFUNDABLE deposit before seeing any plans or ideas I was sorry I did We met a couple of weeks later Ted was late He brought fabric books and pictures of furniture only which all came way over budget By the time we got to the budget i told him I could work with there was basically no design Just curtains and a couple of accessories WHAT IS THAT This company is way too expensive with nothing to show for it Please everyone take heed and do n't get caught up in the hype about DECOR and YOU working with every budget This is just a way for them to squirm their way into your precious pocket Horrible Horrible When we walked in the person behind desk said oh well you must wait I am in the middle of something After a good few minutes he asked what do you want Somewhere in between his rudeness he asked if we smoked I asked if this hotel had smoking rooms He immediately said no there is a $ 50num deposit now Sure enough he charged it to the credit card When I inquired he rudely replied in the morning when things are checked out you 'll get it back I called customer service about it because the website specifically states that there are no other charges at the check in I also mentioned to the reception person He responded we have problem with people Imagine a hotel having problems with people I finally alerted him to his rudeness He said he 's had a long and bad day We had no choice but to stay but will take this as far as we can Do n't stay there I came to find out the person was the hotel OWNER also My friend and I were to stay here for a girls night catch up on our lives evening We live within 20num miles of the hotel and wanted to get away from our responsibilities for the night Unfortunalty my husband and I had to put our 13num year old lab down that morning and we were not expecting this My friend called the hotel to cancel our room as soon as I called her They said that we were to be charged for this room regardless because we did not cancel within the 72num hours I called them back a few hours after putting my Bodhi down and they still would n't budge Times are hard I know but they had no compassion I called 3num times to talked to a manager never a call back I emailed 4num times never a response In onenum of the emails I attached the letter from the Vet 's that expressed their sympathy this hotel did nothing I even emailed Mackinaw Tourist and nothing I am sure this is a good place to stay from reading the other reviews but if something unexpected happens in your life they will not care FANFUCKINGTASTIC Ok I am a New Yorker who has been going to school in Oxford England I thought the UK was completely devoid of good NYC style pizza I thought to get a decent pizza the only way was at a fancy restaurant and I have to get a whole pie I thought I would have to wait until I went home to NYC Well then I went on a trip to Glasgow and was walking around I saw this place and it looked like the HOLY GRAIL I knew I had found the real deal big pies sold by the slice with the pizzas sitting under the glass in the front They have crushed red pepper flakes and oregano So I ordered a slice It tasted like I just flew back home I du n no how they did it but Scottish friends this is THE REAL DEAL I congratulated this establishment for doing the research on making NYC pizza because these Scots fcking nailed it That being said I do n't know how their delivery service is They might want to change the name to reflect the new yorkedness of the pizza scrummy yummy sounds gimmicky to me Good food good wait staff poor management We visited on 7/26/08num for dinner We received a gift certificate for the Mama Mia 's on Greenfield Ave The food was good and so was our waitress When it came time to pay the bill up front they would not let me use any of the certificate for a tip which I have done with any other restaurant I 've gotten a gift certificate for I then asked if I could have money back in cash The person went to go check with the manager who was sitting at a table chatting with her friends who were eating there Her answer was short and manner rather rude Sorry for interrupting I guess The cashier was also short unapologetic and made me feel as I was wasting her time There were no other options available I only brought my check card to cover any overage cost and she rang it up and applied it to the gift card before telling me about the tip policy I will not be visiting Mama Mia 's again There are other places with food just as good with management that values customers and employees much more DINING AT TEXAS ROADHOUSE TEXAS ROADHOUSE HAS VERY GOOD MEALS THAT THE MEAT COMES RIGHT OFF THE BONES IT HAS VERY GOOD PRICES ON A BAD NOTE THE WAITING AREA IS NOT ENJOYABLE OR ENOUGH SEATS ALSO THERE SHOULD NOT BE PEANUTS ALL OVER THE FLOOR NEXT THERE SHOULD ONLY BE ONEnum PERSON BRINGING YOU YOUR FOOD IT S NOT A BIG DEAL BUT I HAD TO TAKE MY SALAD HOME BECAUSE THEY FORGOT TO BRING IT I HAD TO ASK THE GIRL WHO BROUGHT MY FOOD AND SHE NEVER CAME BACK TO LET ME KNOW I HAD TO WAIT FOR MY WAITRESS WHEN YOU FIRST COME IN THE HOSTESS IS NOT VERY FRIENDLY THERE IS JUST A BUNCH OF WORKERS STANDING THERE I WAS THERE ON MARCH 6TH 2009num I WAS ALSO THERE OF JULY 4TH 2008num WHEN MY DAUGHTER S BUFFALO WINGS CAME OUT WITH A FLY ON IT THE MANAGER CAME OVER AND SAID HE WAS SORRY AND GAVE A NEW BATCH OF WINGS HE SAID WE CA NT REALLY DO ANYTHING BECAUSE THE DOORS ARE ALWAYS OPENING AND CLOSING IN MY OPINION SHOULD OF JUST TOOK OFF THE PRICE OF THE WINGS FROM THE BILL BUT EVERYONE HAS THERE OWN WAY Mezza Luna FTW their mezza luna's are deffly better than the pizza rolls it s like a pizza roll but they just toss ham and cheese inside it seems like it s healthier too but it s prolly not also you can call em ahead of time and then go to pick up ur food or have it delivered that cuts down on teh wait time cus u can do other stuff while u r waiting it usually takes 20num mins for a mezza luna as they have to add pure delicious extract to the mix their pizza was a little salty for me but it s still good they do that whole thing where you sandwich the pepperoni between layers of cheese for + 32num delicious anyways the mezza luna you should try it it runs you about 4num bucks and it deals crushing blows to hunger Edit Living on campus at Clarkson University I have had food delivered before This was back between '05num and '09num and I do n't remember how many times we 've had it delivered Perhaps they do n't deliver anymore but the deliciousness of a mezza luna certainly warrants a pickup My 2004num x type was getting close to 100,000num miles so it was time for an upgrade I sent my wife and daughter over to check out a pre-owned 2009num XF Michael Chestney was very pleasant and patient with my wife and she suggested I go check it out I went in later that afternoon and met with Michael He showed me the car I was interested in and we took a test drive I loved the car so we began negotiating my trade in and the price of the 09num XF The entire negotiation took about 20num minutes Fair give and take on both sides until we agreed on a deal that was within my parameters and was fair to both sides 10num minutes of paperwork and I was the owner of a beautiful pre-owned 09num XF I have purchased over 15num vehicles cars rvs and boats in my lifetime and I have to say the experience with Michael and Barrett Motor Cars of San Antonio was onenum of the best Friendly knowledgeable and above all fair That 's all you can really ask from a car dealer and Michael and Barrett hit all 3num Thanks for the great deal and the great car Identity Theft Myself and my fiance 's identity was stolen from the office staff We were told by a detective and asked to check our credit for anything unusual Luckily they caught the crooks before they did onenum on us It was a black female that use to work in the office She stole the information and gave it to another guy that did all the work The other guy was pulled over onenum day and a cop saw suspicious papers with names and social security numbers on it That s how they were caught They both went to jail and a new manager was put in charge of the apartments The apartment across from mine belonged to a gang of hookers Nobody lived there A girl would show up then a guy in a nice car would show up Short time later the guy would leave then the girl My apartment was usually quiet I lived in onenum that did not face the parking lot Parking spaces are just big enough for a Mini Cooper It sucked having an SUV If I found a spot I could nt fit in it Gates worked 30num % of the time at best Bugs were a small problem nothing too bad The best there is in service I was recently traveling down I 24 from Nashville with my 3num young children and had a blowout on the southeast side of Murfreesboro It was 4:50num when a friend told me to call Bud he would take care of me Not only did they answer the phone at 4:50num on a Thursday they hit the ground moving They tracked down the only tire that fit my BMW 330i in Murfreesboro within minutes and secured it then they came out took off my tire it was a runflat but runflats do n't do you any good if they blow out and brought it to their shop to change the tire They were back quickly considering how far outside of Murfreesboro we were and had us on our way by 6:30num that evening Thanks Bud for all of your help and taking time away from your family that evening It 's without a doubt the best service experience I 've ever had and just to be clear the price he charged me was the same as my tire guy in Nashville 's price for putting on the other rear tire I hope I can return the favor in the future Alan Grissom Room ok Service and Client base not ok I have stayed in this hotel many times and while it typically offers a decent bang for the buck its client base largely consists of troubled youngsteers and evictees from the local not so pleasant hood I have never considered this a real problem as I travel without kids and can fend for myself but when I had to listen to a non-violent domestic fight that lasted from 1num AM to 5num AM during my last stay and I found out that the front desk was unmanned during night hours my choice was to either waste tax payers money by calling for a yet another police dispatch to this hotel or just get over it I chose the later but approached the front desk about the hotel policy to push over their responsibilities on local authorities not to mention the good night s sleep i paid for but did nt get I was told management would call me back but still waiting for that call I will probably stay here again because it s cheap and I ca nt afford a better hotel but do not look forward to it and would definitely not recommend this hotel for families or single female travellers Was there this past weekend and the guy behind the counter yelled at me and my son because we believed he left the grandma slice in the oven a little too long and the cheese got all dried out and the slice tasted more like a cracker He preceded to grab the slice off the countertop and throw it into the trash while yelling at me saying you do not order what you do not know about and you do n't know how pizza is made It was very upsetting to see this kind of behavior especially in front of my fournum year old He was in the process of making me a pie and when I got home the pie was the worst I have ever seen Cheese was falling off so oily and greasy I think he did it on purpose because of my simple request for another slice of grandma that was n't so well done actually burnt I will never go back to this place and I am reporting them to the better business bureau for such horrible customer relations and basically sabotaging my pizza and taking my $ 25num THIS STORY IS 100num % TRUE That little man who thinks he invented pizza can kiss my *ss Long Lines Silly Rules Rude Staff Ok Food The first thing you notice when you arrive on location is that the waiting line literally goes out the door and spills into the parking lot A restaurant with this many patrons willing to stand in line just to order tacos must be good right I mean that 's the way it works at amusement parks the longest lines are at the best rides Well this may be an exception The staff taking your order and waiting on you are very indifferent and have no sense of costumer service at all I have gotten better results talking to COMCAST customer service than with these folks And do n't even think about asking to speak to the manager because this guy is and pardon my French a jerk If you have gotten through ordering dealing with the rude staff and if you followed the dumb rules you are finally presented with what you came for some tacos that are ok but definitely not worth putting up with all the hassle Save yourself the trouble and skip this place all together I suggest you go up to Raging Taco & Raging Burrito a couple of blocks up the street or even Taco Mac Wish this was in Saratoga We were introduced to Bistro Tallulah by traveler professional diner who happens to own the Adelphi Hotel and travels the world and residing in Paris London New York the rest of the year SHE KNOWS GREAT FOOD AND DINING EXPERIENCES She was dead on this restaurant was wonderful do not be put off by the onenum negative review on this page I can tell you we were pleasantly surprised BT has taste memory and each time back the food was consistently delicious same dishes were consistent Our friend is a world traveler and loves unpretentious dining experiences and inspired food This chef knows what he is doing Treat yourself and go you will go back I am a business owner in downtown Saratoga Springs and wish this restaurant was in our town The affordable rent makes it possible for an inspired chef to serve his high quality fare at affordable prices Unlike Saratoga I rrly seek the cehf out to introduce myself but the second time we went i made a point of asking our wait person to introduce my friend and myself to the chef to tell him just how good our meals were Can not wait to go gain R. Morris I think that the re pretty good First of all if you call for an appointment they wo n't tell you to call back a month later so you can then make onenum They also do n't tell you that they 're going to mail you an application to be admitted to be a patient I feel that the way some doctor s offices work around here is a little bit absurd so I 'm happy that these guys do n't do those twonum things in particlular Usually you can be seen the same week or maybe the following week The doctor did tell me that my male pattern baldness is due to my mother s father because the gene is exclusively passed on through maternal line but that 's a common misconception In general I would say that the staff is attentive and nice But then again I was nice to them so that could have been why Anyhow after reading some of the other reviews it seems like some of the other reviewers are expecting mircles If you want miracles you 'll have to go to 21st St It 's a pretty typical primary care office but for the area it 's very good They do n't do certain things that are really annoying about other offices First trip to Canada I recently traveled to Canada on business and had a most excellent experience I work for a large retail company recently expanding our operations into Canada and had to travel to ensure all of our computer network equipment was installed properly and on time This can tend to be a stressful experience in itself let alone adding crossing boarders for the first time I was very pleased to find my accommodations and the hotel staff to be a very calming and comforting part of my trip I found the hotel to be amazingly clean not to mention very well adorned with many pleasant surprises From my first encounter at check in to my regrettable check out I found the staff and facility to exceed my expectation I completely enjoyed my whole check in experience and was impressed with the friendliness and professionalism of the staff as well as the accommodations themselves I will be traveling in this area in the future and you can be assured that this experience will be helpful in my choice of hotels and Novotel will be my first selection Yes the parking can be a challenge but being from NJ I am no stranger to tight corners Please pass my appreciation to the Staff and Management for their excellent hospitality and good spirits as it helped make a stressful trip enjoyable Favorite place in Tampa Update I had to add to my review I was just in last night and had a chance to dine in their new dining room AMAZING I frequent this resturant on a weekly basis but usally only for lunch Well I was in for a treat when I was greeted by the friendly girls at the counter who asked if my wife and I would like to sit in their new dining room Right away they told us that it was the same great food with the same prices so off we went We were greeted again and sat promptly After looking at the menu and seeing the new menu items they had we knew we were in for a treat I had the Chicken Parmesan Dinner and my wife had the Shrimp Scampi Dinner AMAZING The portions were generous enough that we even took some home I have to say the value of this place always amazes me It 's nice to see that even in the economy we can eat a place that has upscale service amazing atmosphere and Incredible food but not break the bank while enjoying it Bottom line is that when it 's a small privatly owned resturant like this is you can tell that the owners and employees take pride in their product and service Well Done Great work and honest establishment I typically have work done on my Jeep at the dealership but it is 6num years old now and getting charged dealership prices just did n't seem cost effective anymore I had tried out few place around the area and had been ripped off a few times I had hear great things about Phet and G&G Automotive so I decided to give him a try The service was excellent and personable He checked out what I needed to have done told me what needed be fixed before he did any work and did great repair work The price was actually lower than what I had anticipated and used to compared to other places plus he showed me the work he did when I came in to pick up the car Also a week after the work Phet called me up to see how my car was running and to let me know that they had accidentally overcharged me for part of the work and wanted to give me a refund for that amount That is just unheard of these days I grew up in a small town where you knew and trusted your mechanic and was really cynical about city auto repair shops since I moved here but Phet has shown that there really are honest hard working mechanics around He is my mechanic going forward Our company is a high end designer handbag and fashion accessories company thus we are certainly a niche market We had been evaluating SEO providers for quite some time and finally decided to take the plunge with Stuart and Ulistic We made the decision for a couple of reasons 1 Social Media We were familiar with Search Engine Optimization strategies but new nothing about Social Media we just heard that it was the next big thing 2 We really liked the fact that Stuart sets defined objectives and we meet once a month to go over our Key Performance Indicators How has it gone so far Well we have been working with Ulistic for 1.5num months and have 100num people following our site on Facebook and our web site has seen a 3num fold increase in traffic which is significantly beating our expectations SEO is a process that takes time and to get results this quickly is exceptional We are absolutely confident that Stuart 's ethical and focused strategies will see these trends continue to grow and our business will reap the rewards of this program Finally it must be said that Stuart is a fantastic person to work with because of his solid strategies and equally as importantly because he is a genuinely good person and a great communicator Excellent service and quality I had Hom Excel replace most of the windows in my Tampa residence threenum years ago The excellent windows have performed without any problems but that 's not why I 'm writing my review Threenum weeks ago burglars tried to gain entry into the rear of my home The intruders slit the screen of the window Next they tried to force the window with a pry bar and then to break the window with a hammer The window did n't break My next door neighbor heard the noise and turned on a light thankfully scaring the twonum miscreants away they even left their hammer behind I called Home Excel the next day to order a replacement screen for the window and was happily surprised when they said that they were n't even going to charge me for the replacement screen that it would be covered under their guarentee Lo and behold they replaced the screen which had to be ordered yesterday and did n't charge me a dime Their worker even cleaned 3num of my windows and changed a lightbulb for me In this day and age it is so rare to find a company with such nice workers and such far ranging guarantee policies I rarely write reviews such as this one but they certainly deserve anyone 's business Friendly staff but definitely some problems May 2009num We were booked at the Sheraton with a number of other out of town wedding guests Got put into the wrong room the first night and were quite surprised to have someone with the same room key trying to get in the door at 1:00num am Next day got moved into another room on the same floor with other wedding guests There were 3num adults in our room but towels for only 2num no linens for sofa bed In the second room it took 3num tries to get all the towels and linens we requested A package and some wedding cards were left in our first room They were sent to our second room and had been opened the ribbon wrapped present and all 3num envelopes Security in the hotel seemed to be excellent but we were never given an explanation as to why someone would open these items A mid-afternoon fire drill was disruptive putting everyone out of the hotel When we called the front desk about an extremely boisterous crowd in the hall outside our door quite late at night it seemed to take the hotel staff quite a while to quiet them down The staff was friendly especially the front desk female supervisor and seemed to want to help but too many unusual things happened to make us want to stay there again Be Careful Of Who Your Sales Guy Is I think this place is probably really great especially judging by the reviews on here My experience was awful though It ALL had to do with the sales guy which was a young 22num year old who had admittedly only been working for 2num weeks I was extremely interested in the car and very likely would have bought it but the sales guy I dealt with ruined the deal Essentially I told him I did n't trust him cause he was a car salesman but he got so incredibly offended at that statement that he had to go cry to another salesman and compose himself before coming back I do n't know if the kid had a bad day or what but I had to sit and apologize about nothing for 10num minutes until he dropped the issue After that I just tried to ignore his lack of professionalism and test drive the car I played dumb and asked him questions that I already knew the answers to and he responded with half truths and a few falsehoods For instance I asked who owned Mazda and he said with confidence that was GM which is n't true I mean I do n't care if he does n't know but if he pretends to know and tells me BS to my face there 's no way I 'm going to trust him when matters turn to the price of the car and financing The Worst Chinese I 've Ever Had This is by far the worst chinese food I have ever had The service stunk I called in my order and upon arriving to pick it up they got my order confused with someone else s They helped about threenum other people before they offered to help me again They also got my friend s order mixed up and wanted to charger her $ 10num more than what she had wanted She asked for the dinner combo and they gave her twonum dinner plates instead We were standing in the store for 20num minutes to simply pick up an order Not to mention that the wait staff was about as pleasant as dealing with an angry bull They were abrasive and rude when they were the ones who messed everything up We had to throw out about 80num percent of our meals because the food tasted so horrible I do nt know how it is possible to make orange chicken sesame chicken and kung pao chicken as well as cheese puffs taste THAT bad but China Delight accomplished that The only thing that was edible was the steamed rice and the vegetable lo mein was barely tolerable I will NEVER go here again Lucky Panda in Willis is a billionnum times better in service and quality of the meal I have no idea how China Delight won number 1num Chinese restaurant in Montgomery There needs to be a recount on that vote Terrible Service Onenum of the worst experiences I 've ever had with a auto repair shop We took our vehicle in for a repair to the air conditioning Approx 4num months later the compressor went out We took it back in to have it repaired again and less than a week later the second compressor went out We went in for a third visit and they fixed it again but this time when we picked up the car the radio and clock did not work So for the 4th time in 5num months and the third time in 2num weeks we brought the car back again When we expressed our discontent to the manager that 's right the manager did he say he would return some money did he say he would give a discount on our next visit did he just say I 'm sorry Nope none of the above He stood there and told us how he was n't at fault It was the fault of the parts supplier and can we imagine how he felt having to put another 2num hours of work in the car And what did we expect that he bench test every part At no time during the conversation did the words I 'm sorry ever come out of his mouth I nor anyone else in my family will ever go to Sun Devil Auto again Well unless of course the third compressor he put in the car goes out Do not use this company I dropped off a sheet metal piece that I needed copied due to th it was needing to be replaced I asked if they could copy the piece I dropped off They said it would be made exactly like the onenum I needed to replace I picked it up when it was finished and was charge 30.00num When I got to the job and tried to insert the new piece of metal IT WOULD NOT FIT I took the original piece of metal and rigged it to make due since I had to complete the job I took the receipt and the metal that did not fit and asked Pomper for my money back The girl at the desk was sooo rude I could not believe it She told me she could not use the piece I was returning and the company would only put it in the trash so I could not return it I explained I did not get what I paid for She asked me to bring the original piece back and I told her I had to use it on the job She told me that was to bad she would do nothing to help me since she could not use or resell the piece I said I was going to trash it also and could I at least have a credit With a smirk on her face she told me NO MONEY IS BEING RETURNED and THAT IS THE WAY IT WAS DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY There are to many people that need our business to have to put up with this unfair treatment I would NEVER recommend this gym to anyone and unfortunately this is based solely on the owner 's own unprofessionalism When I originally joined in January I only did so because I was told I would be able to cancel the 12num month membership if I was to move away I signed up with onenum of the staff who was very pleasant and professional Actually working out there was good the machines are nice and the classes are fun The locker room is certainly lacking I would never shower or change there They need to update the locker rooms ASAP Back to my poor rating I was excepted to medical school and went in to cancel my membership as I was told I could do since I was moving away The owner was VERY rude accused me of not reading my contract and basically told me to shut up when I was trying to ask questions to further understand the process of canceling my membership I was able to cancel it but only after paying a $ 50num fee which the staff person who signed me up stated I would not have to pay if I had proof of moving and being spoken to in a very belittling manner I would understand if I was being treated this way by a staff member but the club 's actual OWNER Bad for business I was appalled I will never recommend this gym to any woman The equipment and classes are n't good enough to deal with the rudeness from the staff There are better places on the Cape FITNESS 500 The Salon Experience from Hell I feel obligated to share this story Right out of college I called the salon and explained my situation Just graduated just moved not rich and starting new job soon I never got a price quote over the phone and they take your cc info just to make the appointment because if you do n't show up they 'll charge you I had this ridiculous celebrity stylist from LA named Derrick After he already put product on my hair he said I should warn you I 'm expensive What was I supposed to do say I ca n't afford you and walk out with crap all over my hair I wanted to be very blonde and instead he pulled my root color throughout my whole hair which is a gross mousey brown The other stylists around me kept pressuring me saying he 's so wonderful you 're going to love your hair $ 400num later my jaw dropped when the receptionist told me the total Derrick did a terrible job was a complete jerk the entire time and I had no warning as to the price I cried the entire way home He then fixed it for free but it still looked like crap I will never go back It was the salon experience from absolutely Hell He also told me that he worked on the cast of will and grace and that they were all jerks That 's my favorite show of all time I 'm pretty sure for the cast that it was the other way around Maybe he did n't do a good job and they told him so Absolute Nightmare STAY AWAY Very unhappy Working with Rod Jacobsen was my first experience working with a CPA so I did not know what to expect That said he seemed to be doing well enough However then I asked to amend my return to apply a credit I had just become eligible for I expected to pay for this service but imagine my surprise when I received a bill for MORE than what I paid to have the original return prepared Asked why Rod simply told me that he had to research how to do the amendment it was an amended to show that I had purchased a home nothing out of the ordinary one would think and that took time to figure out Well that was strike onenum I was n't going to use them again but I was going to leave it at that However now that I have come to realize that I am going to owe the IRS $ 6,000num + despite doing exactly what Rod told me to do I feel I have to voice my opinion Last year after all was said and done I asked Rod whether my payment structure would leave me with no / little tax liability at the end of the year He said yes Well again I am now faced with a tax bill of $ 6,000num + all due on April 15num 2010num and all that Rod has to say to the matter is well you wo n't have to pay a penalty I may not have to pay a penalty yet but this is NOT what I had in mind when hired these guys In the words of my new accountant THEY LET ME DOWN Bit sketchy sporadic delivery times I bought about half of the furniture I own from this place Why Because they cut me good deals if I paid in cash Sketchy right Well they came through and delivered almost all of my items within a few days They even got me a couch pretty quickly The guy who was cutting me the deals and getting me the furniture quickly Ahmed was nice and mostly professional except the semi-sketchiness Then onenum day Ahmed left the country not to return for months WITHOUT informing me He also neglected to tell the other person working at the store about a dining room table that I had ordered and that was supposed to be coming in The other person working at the store did n't know that I still had this table coming I had paid in cash and he said he had no receipt / record of my purchase I came back with the receipt Ahmed had provided upon my purchase and the guy took forever to copy it but said that he would take care of the situation I waited And waited He never once contacted us I 've had to pester this new guy several times to ask when my table will arrive He kept saying different arrival delivery dates and did n't seem terribly apologetic It has been 3num weeks and I STILL do n't have my table which was NOT cheap I might add Point is You might be able to get a good deal on some nice furniture which I did but they 're not very communicative and god forbid something goes wrong you 'll have to fight to get it resolved Poor Service Run do n't walk My experience with Home Delivery Service has been onenum of disappointment and anger If I could give them a lower rating than poor I would On August 21st 2009num I ordered furniture from Hickory Furniture Mart and contracted for HDS to deliver it After seventeennum days the delivery van showed up at my home minus twonum pieces I was later told they had been left at the warehouse and some future date they would be delivered No onenum will give me a date I spent $ 2300num on the bedroom suite which was complete and excellent condition on the showroom floor Upon delivery it was clear the entire set was damaged a piece of wood was broke on the headboard the chest of drawers was missing all fournum pieces necessary to attach the legs the dresser back legs were pushed in causing the dresser to lean into the wall and a nighstand was missing a drawer How do you lose a drawer After complaining on September 10th to National Home Furnishings Boyles the Hickory Furniture Mart and Home Delivery Service the latter finally called me back and said they would be up to pick the dresser and chest of drawers at some future point and at some later point it would be professional repaired and at some later point it would be returned The customer service at Home Delivery Service was terrible let alone their promise to proper set up furniture So I am in limbo regarding a bedroom suite I hope the owners and employees of this store have broken bedroom suites in their homes and furniture sitting in someone 's warehouse Maybe then they will begin to understand poor customer service and terrible sit up service Excellent Driving School I was involved in a car accident 20num years ago and since then I 've been a nervous wreck and have n't been behind the wheel Unfortunately a family emergency required me to conquer this fear A very good friend of mine highly recommended the Professional Driving School and I was told to specifically ask for Gerry She highly recommended him and described him as the Saintly Instructor and Simply the Best Instructor there is very calm pleasant and very detailed in giving instructions I called the school most probably 10num times before I finally enrolled in a 20num hour package I had to cancel my initial lesson 4num times and on the 5th attempt the management was quick enough to associate my cancellations with my fear and finally encouraged me into taking my initial lesson Fivenum minutes before my initial lesson I got a call from Gerry advising me of his arrival and to come down as soon as I was ready My heart pounded as I walked down and pounded even faster upon seeing Gerry in an SUV Lexus I thought of canceling the lesson once again because I did n't feel comfortable driving an SUV Gerry pleasantly said since I am already here why do n't we give it shot I trust you and believe that you 'll be able to handle this and all you have to do is to reciprocate Trust me and most especially trust and believe in yourself Do n't worry I 'll take care of you the rest was history Here I am now driving confidently on my own Gerry I ca n't thank you enough for helping me cope with my fear To my friend thank you for your recommendation you were true to your words in saying Gerry is a Saintly Instructor Absolutely Simple the Best Instructor and Best Driving school there is Review on House of Joy Chinese Restaurant My family and I moved to San Antonio a year ago and have tried almost all of the Chinese Restaurants because we love Chinese food Well it took us a while to find onenum that we liked But we do n't just like House of Joy WE LOVE IT Everything we have gotten there has been more authentic and better tasting than any other Chinese restaurant in the San Antonio area we have been to and trust me we have been to a lot of them We just happen to stumble across this little restaurant onenum day when we had to visit the Bexar County Tax Office off of Bandera Road We stopped in and got some take out and can not stop going back They have the best Egg Drop Soup I have ever tasted We also love their Egg Rolls and Spring Rolls And every entree we have ordered is perfect Everything is always cooked fresh and tastes fresh Their prices are extremely reasonable for the amount of food you receive The staff is also just so pleasant to deal with They are also quick at getting your order out to you You do n't have to sit and wait around forever like most places So anyone looking for an Excellent night out for Chinese or maybe just lunch should stop in and try it because I promise you 2num things You wo n't regret it and you will go back for more Karla Ferguson Granger PS I have noticed on here that someone left a comment that all of the nice comments must come from co workers or friends and I will tell you that I do n't know these people except from eating at their restaurant We are from Virginia and just moved here a year ago So that comment is completely false Because we think IT 'S THE BEST and we do n't know them except for eating there Dr. Strzalka at Flagship CVTS is not a good doctor I am not sure about the quality of the other doctors there but i do know from personal experience that Dr. Christopher T. Strzalka is not a man of his word and is also very CRUEL AND UNCARING He was going to operate and replace my bicuspid aortic valve due to critical aortic stenosis I had a surgery date of July 17num 2008num Then he renigged when he read my Health Care Proxy even though i agreed to be on the ventilator for 2num months following surgery as he had twice stated i must agree to He later said that by 2num months he meant at least twonum months Twonum months and at least twonum months are totally different things He did not even give me the chance to say i would stay on the ventilator longer which i would have A Health Care Proxy is not written in stone and can be changed He also never even said he was sorry Just said i was inoperable and walked out of the hospital room So therefore now he says i am inoperable even though i am not 100num % inoperable and he is letting me die I am just middle aged and do not want to die but thanks to this doctor i have no other alternatives I along with my friends consider this doctor to be the cause of my death as he is not even trying to save my life by operating Even my PA i went to the other day said it must by comforting to have gone to a heart surgeon like him who will do nothing for you He said it sarcastically If you want a doctor who will lie to you and say he will operate and then change his mind and not know what he is talking about when he recommends procedures at other hospitals and says they are what you need when they will not work for you go to this doctor he is the one for you What you can learn from the below bad experience I would suggest not avoiding Second Home based on the bad experience review I 'd probably be more inclined to board my twonum dogs here seeing that they do n't just take every dog coming in I 've toured this place and was impressed by how clean the place was and all the options for the dogs It 's unfortunate that bmil believed that his perfect dog was not given the right opportunity to prove himself But I 've done hundreds of dog introductions myself another place I do n't work here and owners can have unrealistic expectations and views of what they see when their dogs meet other dogs Workers who do these introductions look at the interaction objectively and it 's good to see they are able and willing to say no if they feel there would be a problem It sounds according to your own statement that they had a roomful of dogs so they must be doing something right and are keeping those dogs safe from potential problems You say you work a lot and that you have a young dog so I have little doubt that your dog is just filled with energy to burn and it is good of you to look for a place to take him But not at a risk to other people 's pets You were clearly given another alternative by Second Home to board him which might have given your dog a chance to come and go from Second Home a couple times getting used to the place and maybe facilitating another attempt to get into daycare later No business is going to push customers away without good reason so is n't it reasonable to think they might know what they 're doing My dogs are far from perfect and onenum of them I believe would be a little much for daycare here herself at least initially Be a little more reasonable with your expectations of a place like this and maybe do n't jump to personal attacks suggesting that they do n't want to work hard just because you bruised your own ego Dumbest F'ers ever I called dominos tonight it rang forever I get put on hold twice without saying a word and FINALLY someone says MAY I HELP YOU So I say I 'm at the Radison Warwick hotel in Rittenhouse Square built in 1926num do you deliver to the Warwick They say no Warwick in New Jersey Call New Jersey I laugh and say no that Warwick is in New York but I 'm at the Radison Warwick And he says You 're at Warwick in Pennsylvania and I said YES CENTER CITY PHILLY and he says NO Warwick is a township If you 're at a Radison in Warwick that s too far try dominos in Pottstown I say NO I am at the RADISON WARWICK HOTEL in Rittenhouse Square He says I not know that town I have to get to work I 'm in PHILLY Call dominos in your town I SAY LISTEN I 'm at 17th and LOCUST do you deliver there He says I have to have an exact ADDRESS OK 1701num LOCUST STREET i say he says Why you tell me you r in WARWICK TOWNSHIP He gives the phone to a girl she says I have to have your address I say do you deliver to 17th and locust she says your exact address I say 1num 7num 0num 1num Locust ARe you sure she asks YES I am sure well she says is that ON 17th STREET Yes I say 17th like over by 16th and 15th YES I say onenum mile west of you You 're at 7th I am just south of Walnut She says Is that 17th like over past broad YES I am west of broad Broad I say is 14th street and I am 3num blocks west of broad and onenum south of walnut Hmmm she says Then why are you calling here we do n't go past broad Anyway after much yelling and cussing I hung up grabbed a cab and went to Geno 's Quick to take money but not quick to fix a problem B&B came out very quickly to give us our quote back in June They were very polite eager to answer any questions and willing to wait for us to return from vacation to begin installing our fence Our fence was installed quickly in August and they had their money and left saying Workmanship is guaranteed for a year Within a week we noticed onenum of the boards on our gate splitting where a nail had gone in We called our representative who assured me he would call the office and have it taken care of We heard nothing We then called the office and the man we spoke to said he 'd send someone out to look at it but could n't promise when twonum weeks came and went and we heard nothing I just called again and was told that workmanship not wood is guaranteed for a year well in my opinion the wood split due to a nail which is part of workmanship She even went so far as to say You r calling about onenum board Well when you pay over $ 1000num for something you want it to hold up and look good YES I WAS calling about onenum board I 'm very frustrated at this point it would take all of 10num min for them to come by and replace the onenum board that is cracked the crack is deep enough to stick a penny in it and it goes clear through yet they do not want to take the time to bother with what once WAS a happy customer and has now become a dissatisfied customer So I figure if they do n't want to take the time to fix the fence that they installed then I 'll take the time to let everyone I can know about how they treat customers once they have your money STAY AWAY YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR They came in under a lot of other quotes and now I know why When the fence was first installed I would have given them fivenum stars now for their poor customer follow up and unwillingness to fix the fence they have dropped to a onenum star in my opinion Lots of rules phantom innkeeper last minute price was worth it I called the 207num number and listened to the same recording loop 3num times before I gave up I then called the 800num number which was answered and inquired about last minute rates They had a room with a $ 99num rate which I booked The room was supposed to be on the 2nd floor but they put us on the 3rd The email confirmation which I read in the car warned about large suitcases declaring that we are innkeepers not longshoreman In other words they do not help with suitcases but they promise totes to help However upon our arrival no one there the inn was open So no totes Finally a chambermaid stuck her head around the corner from the top of the stairs and told us sternly that we could not be accommodated until 3num M no exceptions Then she was gone We returned after 3num PM found no one there and a note from the innkeeper with directions to our room Rules in the room # 1 if you drink the soda from the fridge in your room you must prove it by leaving the can in the trash If they think you 've taken a soda from your room home with you they will charge you $ 1.50num per can They count the cans in the trash to make sure # 2 If you take the shampoo products home they will charge you $ 8num per item # If you want a late checkout after 11num AM they charge you $ 15num for the first hour $ 25num for the second hour and after 2num PM it 's a full day charge # 4 Breakfast is 8num AM to 10num AM No earlier and no later If you go later it 's all cleaned up By whom I do n't know I never saw anyone there All these rules are posted in the rooms Snacks uninspired bread tea backs and individual coffee things for a machine that did n't exist I put the coffee thing in hot water and settled for a cup of weak coffee No wine glasses Room was clean but had a weird dated sink stove combo that did n't work Bath was clean except shower stall which had mildew problems No tub The Inn touts a shower with dual shower heads but only onenum worked Do n't get the rooms off the twonum kitchens They are RIGHT OFF the kitchen so you hear everything Free parking I 'd go back if I could get the last minute rate again of $ 99num but I would n't pay their rack rate Quit with the overstatements The worst thing that can happen for any restaurant like Zahav is to have too many people write hyperbolic reviews making claims that everyone is going to love the food decor and service The truth is in my and my dining partners ' experience this is a fine little restaurant with some unique food It 's an entirely up and down experience however Now the best of that unique food comes at the very beginning of the meal The salatim salads are the smallest plates I 've ever seen placed in front of me you would most likely think they were condiments if it were n't explained to you Though they are mostly excellent you generally do n't get enough forkfuls to know if you really love them That being said the laffa and hummus are out of this world Then again for the threenum of us who dined together twonum pieces of flatbread left us fighting for more and licking the hummus from our fingers and yes those twonum pieces of flatbread did represent a threenum person order Dinner was also an up and - down experience The vegetarian dishes and lighter fare were almost always spot on while the lamb was often dry and or overcooked The duck was a 65num % glob of chewy fat with no resemblance to the juicy crispy delicacy it usually represents at other establishments Dessert was hmmm that 's interesting I do n't even remember dessert I guess that tells you a lot Oh yes the chocolate semifreddo was quite good The warm chocolate cake was very tasty but served at room temperature not warm by any stretch of the imagination And my no I still do n't remember what I had Service was average but nothing special and restaurants that are supposed to be excellent should do a better job of training their waitstaff to be communicative and friendly not merely capable Perhaps had we not gone into this restaurant believing Zahav was going to be golden as its name suggests and as the many golden reviews seem to attest we would have enjoyed a decent little expensive experience But one should not go here expecting something fantastic unless perhaps you 've never had middle eastern food before or succulent duck tasty lamb decent portion sizes or actually warm chocolate desserts PS When we called for a reservation we were told that 5:00num and 9:30num were their only openings When we arrived at 5num and left circa 7num there were the same 4num or 5num empty tables surrounding us Did they think we were going to feel lucky to get any reservation at all and therefore be more pleased with our dining experience MUST READ Do not waste your time in this store At my appointment the girl helping me was unable to adequately lace up some of the dresses They felt like they were going to fall off of me and it was very difficult to see what I would actually look like were I to purchase some of these dresses I thought it would be a good idea to see how a few that I liked would look like on a model by looking the dress up online So as I was leaving I asked for the designer / dress name or style number associated with my top picks They said they were unable to tell me until they ordered my dress Hmmm A person can not call a company if you have no idea its name since the designer is unknown SUPPOSEDLY and order a gown without a dress name or style number Do other brides fall for this They either a do n't want to give it to me because they do n't want me purchasing the dress elsewhere or b are recreating the dresses themselves ie STEALING other designers ' dress designs and filling the orders by their own seamstresses I 'm no detective but uhh seriously Whatever type of operation they are running I 'm not interested and if you 're smart you wo n't be either What a waste of TIME Aside from that little mystery onenum of the sales ladies was quite comfortable telling me how wrong I was about how another dress that I loved compared to onenum of her dresses that I was trying on Somehow since she supposedly does n't know any names of designers / dresses after I told her the designer and dress name of the one I was comparing she knew exactly which dress I was referring to and disagreed with my observation she said that the bodice did come as low as the one I had on My point Even if I was wrong do n't sit there and argue with the customer Say something like Huh I did n't think so but you could be right Unless you want to take the tell the customer how wrong she is and try and force her into a dress she 's obviously not loving approach which will likely get you uh nowhere Seriously do not waste your time Other shops around this city have MUCH NICER and more TRANSPARENT owners Not owners that seem like they have something to hide and know nothing about common courtesy and customer service I felt very much like Wedding Gallery was being dishonest and I would n't trust them to lace me up in another gown let alone trust them with the gown I will wear on the most important day of my life AWFUL SERVICE After happily visiting Sear's Automotives in the past I was shocked at the horrible service received at their Greensboro location I brought my car in on a Sunday to replace a shredded tire I waited about 20num minutes in the store part before anyone was able to assist me and was then told to pull my car into the shop that is apparently what you are supposed to do but the big signs pointing you that way are for some reason kept inside the garage so you do n't see them drving up and they purposely block the front pull up that all other Sear's use Once inside I had to stand around for at least 10num more minutes before FINALLY a technician got to me Once I returned to pick up my car you can believe I spent quite a bit MORE time standing around waiting I had wanted to split the total between a credit card and check card since I was being reimbursed for the tire but was told this was n't possible Once I actually got back in my car it was dirty and had grease all over the steering wheel OK onenum bad experience fine The following Friday I returned with my car to go ahead and replace the other 3num tires which were worn I would not have gone back but I could n't find the particular tire they 'd used in stock anywhere else Once again I waited for quite a bit before being attended to I got the order completed and then questioned the technician since it came out about $ 40num less than I expected He said it was the same tire and verified this after checking both the actual tire on my car and my service papers from earlier in the week However when he printed out the service quote I could see that it was NOT the correct tire and was not even an appropriate tire for my car model So I pointed this out to him at which point he said they only had onenum of the correct tires in stock Ok fine So I got just my other rear tire replaced They promised it 'd be done within an hour so I waited in the lobby Over twonum hours later and tennum minutes before they closed my car was finally finished A few minutes after I left I was called and informed that I left my wheel lock which they should have left in the car Of course they would be closing in 5num minutes so I would have to hurry up or get it the next day Of course I could n't make it back in time and they apparently could not stay 5num extra minutes to wait for me The next day no one could find my wheel lock and that particular technician was not in Of course they could n't call him either to ask about it because apparently they do n't keep their employees ' phone numbers riiight so I would have to return on Monday driving for 3num days now with no wheel lock should I get a flat On Monday I called and again it was a big to do to find anyone who knew anything about it Supposedly they will be holding it for me this evening but I 'm sure that will also be a huge ordeal The employees at this Sear's are completely apathetic and there did n't seem to be any sort of management that I could see I will never return there again and now have some serious doubts about the quality of work they actually performed on my car I will never return there again and now have some serious doubts about the quality of work they actually performed on my car I will never return there again and now have some serious doubts about the quality of work they actually performed on my car I will never return there again and now have some serious doubts about the quality of work they actually performed on my car