if [ $# != 4 ] then echo "USAGE: $(basename $0) " 1>&2 echo "where is the path to the linguistic data to use" 1>&2 echo " is the translation direction to use" 1>&2 echo " contains a large corpus in raw format" 1>&2 echo " is the file to which the preprocessed corpus is written" 1>&2 exit 1 fi DATA_DIR=$1 TRANSLATION_DIR=$2 INFILE=$3 OUTFILE=$4 if [ ! -e $INFILE ] then echo "ERROR: '$INFILE' file not found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.automorf.bin ] then echo "ERROR: '$DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.automorf.bin' file not found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.prob ] then echo "ERROR: '$DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.prob' file not found" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cat $INFILE | $APERTIUM_PATH/apertium-destxt |\ $LTTOOLBOX_PATH/lt-proc -a $DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.automorf.bin |\ $APERTIUM_PATH/apertium-tagger -g $DATA_DIR/$TRANSLATION_DIR.prob |\ $APERTIUM_PATH/apertium-pretransfer |\ $APERTIUM_PATH/apertium-retxt |\ awk 'BEGIN{FS="\\$"} #Discards characters not belonging to apertium words { c=""; for (j=1; j<=NF; j++) { w=$j; w=substr(w,index(w,"^")); if ((length(w)>0) && (index(w,"^")>0)) { if (length(c)>0) c = c " "; c = c w "$"; } } print c; }' > $OUTFILE exit 0